
How a piece of paper can lead to... Well you know! by ~Nikkari~

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Again don't own anything except my demented mind.

Ok to understand this you must read what I am about to say or else it won't make any sense. This is how it goes. Kagome came across a fan fiction site in her time about her and Sesshoumaru. That's it. Since this has no real plot to it I will not go into detail about anything I have just said. So there you go. Now on to the rambling that I call a story.

Oh and by the way, this is sooooo PWP!


I was running for dear life... well not for life but because that was what I always seemed to do when I would catch Inuyasha and Kikyo together. First I would gasp, stare wide eyed, the tears would begin to fall and away I would go running blindly into the forest with no weapons to speak of. Am I so emotionally mental that the sight of Inuyasha and Kikyo together only makes me cry? Wouldn't anger be a better way to handle the situation?

I could sit the hanyou into oblivion, call back MY piece of soul that Kikyo STOLE from me or any of a hundred other things that would make ME feel better; but nooooo I have to run away crying. Oh and let us not forget the stupid bushes that would tear at my far too sensitive skin. I mean really, but then again I'm so blinded by tears that I can't seem to see where I'm going. I then run into the cold bastard of the west and miraculously not spear myself on his armor. Then we banter back and forth and my mouth will cause him to put me into his infamous choke hold and I will ask him to kill me so that the hurt of seeing Inuyasha and Kikyo together will forever be gone. Jeez how pathetic can I be?

I have always wondered why Sesshoumaru is standing in the middle of a clearing doing nothing. Does he not have anything better to do than to just stand there in the middle of a clearing just standing there?

Ok so I run into him and I just lie on the ground weeping hopelessly and not acknowledge that I have run into the mighty Sesshoumaru. He then speaks to me and I ignore him because I am thoroughly distraught and can't hear a word he says to me. Eventually his patience wears and he forces me to look at him, followed by his question of my behavior which always seems to come across as a statement. Now how the hell does a question sound like a statement??? Isn't a question a question no matter how it's said?

Anyways, this is when I tell Sesshoumaru of all demons in the world that I don't care what he has to say about anything in effect insulting him and that's about the time he grabs me by the neck and threatens to kill me. Then I in all my soul wrenching sorrow tell him that death would be preferable to life after seeing Inuyasha and Kikyo together. Somehow through all Sesshoumaru's I don't give a shit about anyone or anything attitude, I manage to pique his curiosity because I want to die so it won't hurt anymore.

This then leads to one of a couple things. First he gives me some life changing advice... as if! The only advice Sesshoumaru would ever give anyone would be to stay away from him or face the consequences. Good advice if you ask me.

Secondly he begins to choke the life out of me and I either just hang there doing nothing or I have some great revelation that forces me to want to live and I then have to fight against him in the name of self preservation.

Then there's the third thing that happens and it's by far the most ridiculous thing ever. We have sex which ends in me being the new lady of the west, oh and usually pregnant. Right that's believable... although sex with Sesshoumaru would have to be the hottest thing I would ever do in my life if ever given the chance.

I can only imagine what lies hidden beneath his haori and hakama and would give my left eye just to touch that hard body. Yet it only seems that that will happen in only one place; my mind.~^~

"Hey!" Kagome yelled out as her notebook was unceremoniously ripped out of her lap.

Sesshoumaru held the book between his claws and looked hard at the girl before him. She had dared to ignore him for far too long and his patience had finally worn thin. Granted he had only been standing there for a few scant seconds but it was enough time for the girl to acknowledge his presence.

"Give that back!" Kagome hissed. "That's mine!" While she was yelling at him, her mind kept whispering that if she doesn't want him to look at it she should act nonchalant about it. That was a whisper she would soon wish her brain would have screeched at her.

"What is this thing that forces you to be so preoccupied that you have failed to sense this Sesshoumaru."

'A question that sounds like a statement. How does he do that?' Kagome questioned mentally. Her subconscious waved its little hand in the air dismissing the question and forcing her to focus on more life preserving issues rather than analyzing the demon lord's vernacular. So smiling as sweetly as possible she answered him with what she hoped was an answer that would make him give her back her notebook without looking at its contents.

"I just didn't sense you that's all?" Just at that moment she could have kicked herself. Answering a question with a question is like a having a big neon sign hanging over your head with an arrow pointing down at you and flashing 'LIAR ---- LIAR ----- LIAR'

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes slightly at the girl in front of him. "Answer"

Kagome gnawed on her bottom lip. "I guess..." She trailed off knowing that no matter what answer she gave him it would cause him to look into her notebook. So making an executive decision she snatched the notebook out of his hand and took off running, knowing full well that there was no way in hell she would be able to get away. Then an idea hit her and during her brief stint on the run, she ripped out the first and only written on page of the notebook and stuffed it down her shirt. It was at that moment that Sesshoumaru caught her by slamming into her and knocking her to the ground.

A loud growl sounded over her and she absolutely refused to turn over and face the irate demon, because nobody wants to see the killing blow coming. "Sesshoumaru leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you."

Sesshoumaru grabbed her by her shirt collar and jerked her to her feet, then spun her to face him. "Wench" He growled as he threw her up against a nearby tree.

Kagome gasped as the air left her lungs, then crumpled to the ground wrapping her arms around her midsection. She was certain she had internal bleeding and that she was definitely going to die. Slowly the burning in her lungs began to subside as her breath came back to her, but she didn't dare move, not with an angry demon standing over and especially when that demon is Sesshoumaru.

"Ningen you are not injured get up." He commanded fully expecting obedience out of the girl.

"No" That was it, her final answer, her last words, her last moment of defiance. No one told Sesshoumaru no and lived to talk about it.

Glaring hard at the girl on the ground at his feet he made another command. "Rise. Now."

Well apparently her last word wasn't going to be her last word. "I don't repeat myself Sesshoumaru." Her mind screamed at her. 'Are you mental or something?! Just get to your damn feet! AND DO NOT EVER EVER MOCK SESSHOUMARU!'

Curling his lip at the insolent girl, he reached down and yanked her to her feet. He had to seriously wonder what was wrong with the girl. This behavior of hers was completely wrong for someone like her, but then again he hadn't spent any extended time with her. His only association with her was when she would interfere and he would attempt to kill her then be thwarted by either her, her ningen companions, or the half-breed. Yet with his superior senses he could easily tell that this behavior was exactly who she was.

Kagome slapped his hand off her shirt and glared at him. "Sesshoumaru what do you want?"

Sesshoumaru looked at the girl amazed that she would have the audacity to assault him in such a manner. He dismissed her actions for the moment and brought her attention to what caused her to ignore him in the first place, the strange book that was currently lying on the ground by his feet. Reaching down to pick it up he fully expected her to panic and do something to anger him more, but realized rather quickly that she didn't care that he now had the book in his hand. Once he brought himself back to his full height, he opened the book and found that there was nothing inside except blank pages, but his sharp eyes noticed that the first page had clearly been ripped out. "Where is the rest of this book."

Without thinking and not really realizing that Sesshoumaru didn't miss a thing she quickly cut her eyes down to her chest then back up to his face. "I don't know."

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Do not lie to me."

Kagome huffed. "Fine I do know, but you can't have it." She stated with finality. "I think I'd rather die then give it to you."

"What are you hiding miko." He dropped the book and raised his claws reaching out towards her shirt.

Wrapping herself into a tight hug to protect the precious piece of paper stuffed within her shirt, she glared at the demon. "You wouldn't dare."

Sesshoumaru cocked an eyebrow at her. "You dare to challenge me. I accept."

Kagome stared in shock as his hand came closer to her. "Sesshoumaru do not do it." She said through clenched teeth.

The demon lord loving a challenge grabbed her arm and jerked it away from her chest, leaving him to curse the hanyou for removing his arm, for now he had one of her arms away from her chest while the other still covered it. However his ever cunning mind, figured out how to retrieve the paper that was clearly hidden within her shirt. He spun her around and pushed her up against the tree. Then using his claws he began to slice down the back of her shirt.

Kagome shrieked in panic as she heard the fabric of her shirt begin to tear and began twisting her body to break free. Sliding against the rough bark of the tree, she managed to get away from his assault on her shirt. "You jerk!"

"Girl you will relinquish what you are hiding, and disobey me no longer."

Brown eyes stared hard at the demon lord. "Never!" She then clutched tight at her shirt giving him a look that said she would purify him straight to hell if he ever laid a hand on her again.

As much as Sesshoumaru loved a challenge, he found that his patience with this girl was wearing far too thin and decided that it was time to end this. He grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the ground, then straddled her and sitting on her thighs.

"Sesshoumaru, what the hell are you doing!?" Kagome screamed out as she began to struggle against what felt like a ten ton weight sitting on her legs.

Instead of responding to her, he grabbed one of her arms, jerked it from her chest and locked it between her side and his knee; then repeated the process with the other arm.

Kagome laid there trapped and on the verge of a massive panic attack when his hand ripped open her shirt and withdrew the paper. Yep she was going to die for sure now after he read what she had written. She watched as his eyes began to scan the paper reading the contents. "Would you get the hell off me; now!" She yelled hoping to distract him from further reading, but found herself thoroughly disappointed when he didn't even glance at her. She gave a deep sigh and resigned herself to her impending death at the hands of the mighty Sesshoumaru.

"Girl, explain this."

Kagome locked her eyes with his and looked at him like he was the scum of the earth. "What's to explain? You can read, can you not? So just kill me and be done with it." She snapped at him.

Sesshoumaru eyed the girl; there was something undeniably wrong with the female trapped beneath him. "You will not speak to me in such a fashion as this." He growled out.

Brown eyes narrowed dangerously and Kagome began to wiggle in an attempt to remove the weight sitting on her legs, for the feeling in her legs was beginning to go. "Would you get the hell off me already?!" She snapped as she kicked her legs trying to keep what little feeling she had in them.

"You will explain this first then I will decide your fate."

"Fine." She snapped knowing full well that her verbal attitude wasn't helping her in the least, but no matter which way she went about the situation at hand she was going to die, so why not die fighting? "I saw something from my time about you and me and found it to be completely ridiculous." She nodded towards the paper in his hand. "So I decided to make a journal about it. Should have kept it in my own time, never thought you would get your dirty claws on it." She stated the last part under her breath. "There now you know. Now GET OFF ME!"

Sesshoumaru stared at the girl stuck between shock, annoyance and anger. He knew that she came from another time so that didn't phase him, what did phase him was the fact that beings from another time deemed it necessary to put him and the lowly ningen miko together in stories. He would have to bring that to an end somehow when the future came about. It would do no good for beings to think that he would have any sort of attraction, let alone indulge in said attraction with a human, especially the human Kagome. Now that he understood the first part of what she had written it was time for him to deal with the last part of what was written on the paper followed by removing her impertinent tongue.

Her fantasizing of him and his perfect body; yes he knew that his body was a perfect specimen of maleness, with no flaws except for his missing arm, but even that was only a minor flaw as far as he was concerned, for one day the appendage would grow back. "You will cease using a foul tongue against me." He held the paper up in front of her face to remind her of why she was currently in the position she was in. "You will tell this Sesshoumaru why you have written such words against me."

Kagome furrowed her eyebrows... 'Written such words against him??? What the hell was he talking about?' She stared at him. "Did I not just explain it to you?" She was half tempted to follow that up by saying something that would guarantee her death. 'What are you stupid?' But in the name of self preservation she held her tongue.

Sesshoumaru glared at her. "Do not play dumb with me miko."

"Play dumb with you? Perhaps if you didn't talk in circles I would be a little more inclined to answer you, but as it is you make no damn sense." She bit out with another kick of her legs to keep them awake.

"You know well of what it is that I speak. You find yourself thinking of this Sesshoumaru impurely." He stated with narrowed eyes, just daring her to continue to defy him.

Kagome pulled her bottom lip between her teeth trying to figure out how to answer him. Of course she knew what he was talking about but really hoped that by playing dumb he would forget about what her thoughts of him were that she so stupidly wrote down. "Fine, so I have thought about you in a rather unseemly way; so what. Look..." She started knowing full well what the consequences of what she was about to do would be, but didn't care. Sesshoumaru was going to kill her anyway so why not go out with a bang. She closed her eyes and smiled, then said. "See I'm doing it now." She tilted her head slightly to the side and smiled even bigger. "Oh Sesshoumaru.... Mmmmm..... that's it take it off baby."

Sesshoumaru glared down at her. How dare she indulge in fantasies of him; right in front of him. "Girl" He growled but was ignored as she again opened her mouth to speak.

"I didn't know you had stripes there. Nice very very nice." She then opened her eyes and gave him a cocky smirk. "See anytime I want I can do that."

"You will cease having such thoughts." He ordered with an edge to his voice.

"Humph.... I will have any thoughts I want, when I want." She closed her eyes again and smirked. "Oh Sesshoumaru that's it.... harder.... harder.... Wait... what? What the hell was that? Wow two seconds and you're done huh? Sad so very very sad. I thought you were better than that." She opened her eyes and grinned evilly at him.

Sesshoumaru had never felt so insulted in all his long years of life. Yes he knew that she was only imagining him being a terrible lover, but it didn't take the sting off the insult she had just given him. Of course he was a great lover; as far as he was concerned he was, but for this mere girl to insinuate that he was a terrible lover, imagined or otherwise, caused his pride to flare up and demand retribution. He looked down at her, shirt wide open, a white binding covering her breasts, and completely at his mercy.

"You have gone too far." He growled. "Now you will pay for your insolence." He reached down and using a single claw cut the binding exposing her breasts.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kagome yelled as she began to struggle against him in earnest.

"You have insulted this Sesshoumaru's honor." He stated like she was simple, which obviously she was. He then pulled his sash from his waist, slid it under her and tied her arms tightly to her waist. He then rose to his feet and began removing his Mokomoko-sama, followed by his armor, then finally his haori landed on the pile.

Kagome watched this with wide, fearful, yet curious eyes. He had to be joking, there was no way Sesshoumaru would actually do what he was planning on doing with her of all beings in existence... would he? She watched as he reached for the ties of his hakama, and realized that he did plan on doing what she thought he was going to do. So she decided to make another mistake that was sure to anger the demon lord even more. Rolling over onto her belly, she worked her way to her feet, and trying to ignore her modesty, took off running through the forest, bare chested and arms bound to her sides.

Sesshoumaru smirked as he watched the girl go; did she really think she could out run him? Apparently so otherwise she would still be lying on the ground at his feet where she belonged. He took a single step in her direction then vanished from sight; using his demon speed to catch her and pin her against a nearby tree. "Miko you will not escape me."

Kagome stood pinned against the tree, glaring deadly at the demon lord pressed up against her half naked. "Get off me Sesshoumaru!" She leaned against him trying to push him off her with her upper body; while trying to ignore the feel of her bared skin rubbing against his hard, sculpted chest and failing miserably.

It didn't escape Sesshoumaru's attention that the girl's body was responding to his body being pressed up against hers. He slid his hand down her side and upon reaching the waist band of her skirt he quickly relinquished her of the indecent green garment, leaving her in the strangest undergarment he had ever laid his eyes upon. It scarcely covered anything let alone what she was wearing it to cover.

"Damn it Sesshoumaru, let me go." Kagome growled between clenched teeth, while trying to keep her body from responding to the fingers of the demon lord.

"Iie" He stated as he unceremoniously ripped the white lacy garment from her lower body. He then, while still pressed up against her body, untied the strings of his hakama, letting them fall to the ground around his ankles. Now that their naked bodies were pressed up against each other, he began lightly caressing her at the apex of her thighs and almost immediately felt her pleasure upon his fingers.

"Sess...." Kagome began as a sudden rush of pleasure cut his name short upon her lips and turned into a gasp. She felt his finger slip into her, while his thumb massaged her little bud of bundled nerves causing a burning sensation to build up deep within her belly.

He began pumping his fingers deep within her until he felt that little piece of flesh indicating her innocence, to which he quickly rid her of with a quick slice of his sharp nails.

Kagome grit her teeth against the minor sensation of pain, which quickly turned back to one of pleasure as his lips descended upon her pert left nipple, sucking and nipping upon the hard little bud.

Sesshoumaru felt her body tense, ready to break from the tightness of her need to release, and halted his ministrations to her tender spots. "Now miko...." He started as he brought his face up to meet hers and grabbed her thigh, lifted it up placing her leg upon his hip and lined up his erection with her entrance. "You will see that this Sesshoumaru can last longer than two seconds." He thrust forward burying his self deep into her hot burning core.

Another gasp was tore from her throat when she felt his hard length enter her, touching deep. She tightened her leg around his waist and lifted the other locking her ankles together. "Sesshoumaru release me." She panted as he thrust deep into her slowly.

"Iie, you will be punished." He growled as he drug his fangs across her jaw line, until he reached her chin. He looked into her pleading eyes and slammed his lips to hers in a demanding kiss, issuing his command of obedience with his powerful tongue.

Kagome moaned into his mouth wanting to feel more of him as she pulled him against her with her legs. "Harder" She pleaded against his lips. "Faster"

Sesshoumaru grunted with a mocking smirk on his lips, but complied with her demands. Using his demon blood he began slamming deep into her touching a place that he knew pained her in a pleasurable way. The tightening of her muscles around his hard length practically forced his eyes to roll back into his head.

Kagome tightened her legs around his waist as tight as possible, for the burning deep within her belly was causing sweat to bead on her forehead. Something had to give so that she didn't burst in to flames while wrapped around the demon lord, and finally that something exploded, causing her to scream his name to the heavens. "SESSHOUMARU!!!"

Sesshoumaru continued to pound relentlessly into her, until the burning within his own belly became too much for him to bear, and a growl of pleasure tore from his lips as his seed spilled deep into the girl. He leaned up against her, both of them panting, trying to cool down and catch their breaths.

When he felt he could finally speak he looked into her eyes. "You will now admit that this Sesshoumaru can last longer than two seconds."

Kagome looked at him and smirked. "Very well, you can last longer than two seconds..." She trailed off leaving it at that.

Gold eyed narrowed at the girl; there was a big BUT at the end of that statement and he was sure it was an insult. "Girl" He growled demanding that she finish what she was about to say.

Brown eyes rolled at him and she finished. "I just expected a lot more pleasure out of the likes of you than that." She attempted to wave her hand in the air, but couldn't since it was still bound to her side. "I didn't take you to be the kind who would get his...." She furrowed her eyebrows trying to think of the word she wanted, and not finding it she continued with. "jollies, if you will; without the thrill of foreplay." She finished with a curt nod towards him.

Sesshoumaru curled his lip baring his fangs at her. Did her need to insult his honor know no bounds? Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak she beat him to it.

"However..." She started knowing that she had once again angered him and if she ever planned on getting away she would have to keep her tongue in check. Although having Sesshoumaru prove his abilities was almost worth the continuing insult to his man hood. Yet she did have other things in life she wanted to experience as well so it was time to bring this to an end. "Being that you were my first I will have to say my first time will be a memorable one, perhaps the next person I do this with will be as good as you." 'There that should sate the ego of the demon lord.' She thought with a small nod of agreement.

Sesshoumaru eyed her not particularly sure if he should still feel insulted or feel proud that he was her first and she would always remember him as such. He removed her from his person, setting her on her feet and looked down at her. "Girl, even though you have insulted my honor repeatedly, I have found that taking pleasure from your body was rather pleasant, even if you are a lowly ningen." He tied his hakama back around his waist, removed the sash from around her, and then turned to return to gather the rest of his clothing.

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him for the insult to what she was and for merely finding her to be 'pleasant'. Granted it was her first time, but damn she thought she was great for it being her first time. Sure she couldn't do much since her hands were bound, but who the hell did he think he was? "Bastard" She hissed; then plastered a nasty smirk on her lips. "Oh well, I suppose that when I next engage in relations you will be easily forgotten." Then she turned and began to walk away knowing full well she wouldn't get far.

He curled his lip baring his fangs at her and the newest insult to his honor, when he noticed she was walking away from him. This would not do, he would show her that he was the best at everything he did, no matter what it was, and he was someone she would remember until death took her. With a growl he snatched her up slinging her over his shoulder and took to the sky, heading for home. It was time to teach her a lesson in who was the best at what, a lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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