
The Huntress by Lady Kirara

Prologue: A Bedtime Story

Okay!! Let me just start by saying that this is my first attempt at a multi-chapter story so be nice. J/k, actually I want a lot of criticism so that I can make this one really really good. The idea has been in my mind for MONTHS! And I'm finally getting the chance to write it down so that it doesn't look like crap!! Anyway, I just wanted to start with the names (and titles) of most of the characters in the story so that no one gets too confused. The English names are also listed next to them because some will also play a role in the story.


King Kisho Higurashi – Knows his own mind

Queen Azumi Higurashi – Safe residence

Crown Princess Kagome Higurashi – Woven-bamboo pattern

Princess Kikyo Higurashi – Daily life


King Akiyama Neko – Autumn mountain

Queen Fumiko Neko – Treasured beauty


King Yukio Ookami – Gets what he wants

Queen Katsumi Ookami – Victorious beauty

Crown Prince Kouga Ookami -- Large river


King Inu Tashio ??

Queen Izayoi Tashio -- Sixteen-day-old moon

Crown Prince Sesshoumaru Tashio ??

Prince Inuyasha Tashio – Dog demon warrior


Lady Gina Chiyo – Silver eternity

Lady Kin Takeshi – Golden warrior

Aiko Nozomi ­– Beloved hope

Ruri Sorano – Emerald of the sky

All right. Those are the only names I'm going to give you for now. I'm sorry if the translations are a little off, but bear with me, ne? The ones that were left blank were because I didn't have an accurate translation for them. If you happen to have one, let me know!! I'm sure everyone wants to hear the story now so here ya go. Enjoy!

--Lady Kirara

Prologue: A Bedtime Story

King Higurashi was currently hunched over a large oak desk in the center of an enormous room one could scarcely call a study. In the center of his desk there was a piece of parchment, writing present on every inch of the small surface. Every few moments he would pick it up, stare at it as if seeing it for the first time, and swiftly place it back on the table. His wife, Queen Azumi had watched him repeat this process for more than an hour now, and although she was perfectly fine sitting in silence, she could clearly see that her husband was not.

"What does Lord Tashio say shall happen now?" She asked, glancing at the paper lying between them once more.

"He believes that war is inevitable now. He says Akiyama has gone mad, and is ordering his soldiers to attack his own lands. I'm at a loss of what to do."

The King handed the paper to his wife and she took it without complaint. Reading it over quickly she said,

"Why would the Eastern territory be readying its armies if it seems that the South has no interest with them? Do they really think that their actions will not cause suspicious to anyone?"

"That's exactly why Inu Tashio is asking for my alliance in case a war does ensue. However, I don't wish to become involved. The South has never been in my good graces, but that doesn't give me a reason to attack them without a motive."

"Your motive is right here Kisho," She pointed to the paper, "What more do you need? What is so wrong with become an ally to the West? They have one of the best army forces aside from the South, and if you don't do it now you may not get another chance." She was practically begging now, "What is so bad about becoming his ally?"

"I refuse to put my kingdom at risk, I will not let us go to war with the South, no matter the cost. We are still recovering from war, do you not remember what happened ten years ago. I almost-"

"I know that. Of course I remember. How could you even think I could forget? I'm just worried about our girls, I can't risk them getting hurt. Not again. No, not ever again."

"I know that you are worried about the girls. That's why I can't do this. I won't put us in any more danger."

The queen began pacing back and forth in front of the large granite doors, "Look," She stopped to face him, "All I'm asking is that you think ab--oof." Before Azumi had finished her argument a little girl had skillfully attached herself to the woman's leg. The little girl looked up at her mother with tear filled eyes.

"Mama?" She sniffed.

"What is it Kagome? Did something frighten you? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Mama Kikyo was being mean to me again and trying to make Kirara chase me." Once the girl had finished telling her mother about her fight with terror she abandoned her leg to climb onto her fathers lap.

"Don't worry about it Kagome. Kirara wouldn't chase you she loves you too much. Besides, you shouldn't always let Kikyo get to you, after all, being the oldest does give you bullying rights." The girl's eyes lit up at the thought. Her father, who was currently bouncing her on his leg saw her face and quickly added, "That doesn't mean that you are allowed to go bullying her either. You know better. Now, why don't you just get back to bed? Tomorrow is a big day."

"I'm not tired. Can you tell me a story papa? I always love your stories."

Her father stopped bouncing her on his lap and looked down at his daughter for the second time, "Not tonight dear, let's wait until tomorrow for stories."

Kagome shook her head stubbornly, "No! I want a story." She crossed her arms against her small chest and tried to regain her lost balance on her father's lap. "I won't go to bed without one!"

Her father raised an eyebrow at her forwardness and began to tickle his eldest daughter. "Papa! Papa Stop!"

"You must surrender. I won't lose to you." The man continued his assault on the girl until she was almost completely blue in the face. His wife stood on the side and watched the two in amusement.

"Okay, okay. I give up papa. You win. Stop please. No more!" Kagome began taking deep breathes when her father finally did let her our of his clutches.

"Are you sleepy yet little one?"

"Not even a little bit mama. Can you tell me a story yet papa?"

"Kagome, your father is a very busy man and has a lot of work he has to finish right now. Why don't you let me tell you a story tonight?"

"But mama. I want to hear papa's stories. The only ones I ever hear you tell Kikyo are those stupid ones that come out of books. I don't like Princess stories."

"Why not honey? After all, you are a princess, what's wrong with them?"

"Nothing is wrong with them mama. I just don't like hearing about them. I want to hear about the war! War is fun."

Kisho's face hardened at the mention of war, "Now listen hear Kagome. War is not fun! I don't ever want to hear you say that again. Am I understood?"

Slightly taken aback by her father's sudden change in tone she shook her head in compliance and faced her mother as she began to speak again.

"Alright Kagome. I'll share with you my special story. I promise that it doesn't have anything to do with Princess'."

Her face lit up, "Really? Okay, let's go mama." Kagome grabbed her mother's larger hand with her small one and tried to pull her out of the room before she changed her mind. Azumi let her daughter willingly pull her out of the room, and as she shut the door she heard her husband say,

"I'll think about it Azumi. If that is what you wish."

She smiled slightly and nodded quickly before an eager Kagome pulled her through the door completely.

Kagome seemed to get a second wind as she pulled her mother along the corridor and around another corner. Azumi allowed the child to guide her through the castle for another ten minutes before finally stopping in front of a large cherry red door. Her daughter pushed it open just enough to squeeze through and she followed silently. The little girl ran to her bed and began jumping up and down energetically waiting for the warning she knew was coming.

"Kagome, what have I told you about that? Do you wish to injure yourself?" Kagome giggled and sat down at the head of the bed, burying herself in the endless amount of pillows and blankets.

"Momma, will you tell me the story now? I promise I'll behave." The Queen smiled at her daughter and took a place next to the girl.

"This story takes place hundreds of years ago. So long ago, that the Yokai lords didn't exist and demons constantly fought for dominance over land."

"But Momma, I thought you said this was a story." A look of confusion passed her face, "Where's the storybook?"

"You won't find my story in a book little one. This is one you have to remember. It's what you would call a legend I suppose. Now do you wish me to continue?" Kagome nodded, "Then be silent. Now, how do those stories you enjoy always start? Ah yes,

"Once upon a time there lived an evil king that ruled over the Yokai world. He hated humans and decided that humans were to be captured and given to any Yokai willing to pay a fair price for them. Most Yokai agreed that humans were naught but trouble so they quickly agreed that they would abide by the King's laws. A few years after the law was passed no humans were considered slaves, and Yokai quickly became so absorbed in the buying and selling of humans that they began to lie and steal from each other. The King didn't like this, so he tried to free the humans once again. His efforts were in vain, however, and he was quickly overthrown and banished from his lands. He traveled for weeks, hiding wherever he could find shelter and trying to find any Yokai that agreed the humans should be free once again.

"Finding none in his kingdom he traveled South. Even though he didn't find any allies in his land, he had heard of a certain race of Yokai that had been secretly taking free humans from him since he had first decided to enslave them. He searched for them for three excruciatingly long years before finally finding them. It turned out that the Yokai he was searching for had lived in a vast forest that was so far West than few had ever been able to find them.

"When the demons had found him he had been badly wounded and near dead. They took him in eagerly, realizing not who he truly was. They nursed him back to health and when he was well enough they began to question him. After realizing that he was the King that had enslaved and murdered so many humans they wish to execute him immediately. However, the King had been anticipating this and quickly told his saviors of his change of heart and how he had been banished from his lands.

"The Yokai lord of the forest agreed that he would help the King regain his lands if he would grant the humans in his land instant freedom. The King readily agreed and together the lord and King decided on a plan to help save his lands."

"Momma, can I ask you a question?" Azumi looked at her daughter and smiled, "How could a Yokai and a human save the Kings land? Wouldn't they need warriors to fight for them?"

Azumi's smile widened as she answered. "That's the mystery of it little one. They never needed an army. Actually, they only needed one girl. Now, I will continue if you don't interrupt.

"The King and Lord had devised a plan they knew would be fool-proof with hundreds of skilled warriors both human and Yokai. They hadn't expected the Yokai army of the Kings former land to be so great, and they were quickly outnumbered. There 'savior' actually came to them in the form of a young woman. No one knew who she was, for none had ever seen her before. The fighters could tell that she was Yokai though. She had hair as bright and shimmering as the sun, her eyes were like pools of the deepest water. Her armor was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. It seemed too thin to protect and yet she was never injured. The girl fought vigorously alongside the forest Yokai and King. Before long the demons had diminished greatly and the King and Lord proved victorious. They both attempted to thank their newfound ally, but she was nowhere to be found. The only evidence that the woman actually existed was a leather-bound book she left. It was embroidered with a large letter H and clasped shut by an impenetrable lock.

"After the battle ended the King reclaimed his lands and imprisoned any Yokai that went against him. True to his word, he released all humans from their Yokai masters and restored their villages and homes. He was so grateful to the Forest Lord that he gave him both the Western and Southern lands to show his gratitude.

"Peace reined in the kingdom for years before another war broke out. It seemed that Yokai had been going missing for some time and no one knew whom to blame. People quickly began to accuse one another and fighting ensued. The mysterious capture, they soon found out, was none other than the ally they had encountered during the fight against the rogue Yokai. The King was enraged to find that his ally was now killing his Yokai and quickly sent troops to find the demoness and kill her. His efforts were for naught, when she sent back the head of his soldier with a small note,

Dear King,

I know that you believe I am killing the Yokai in your kingdom mercilessly, but I must assure you it is not without just cause. I hope you trust me enough to know that I would not harm an innocent Yokai. I wish for you to know that the Yokai I have killed were murderers and had been for some time. Do not fight me on this. You shall not win. I must also ask that you refrain from sending any more Yokai after me, for they shall not find me unless I wish to be found. I am curious though; did you find how to open my journal yet? You shall find the answers you seek when you do.


"After that day, The Huntress, as she was called, became a second set of eyes to the King. He trusted none but her and the Forest Lord. She helped save thousands of lives and she was revered throughout the entire kingdom. Everyone knew who she was, and no one ever dared cross her except for the few Yokai that shortly met his or her demise."

Queen Azumi looked down at Kagome whose eyes were wide in amazement. "What happened to her Momma? She sounds amazing. I wanna meet her."

"I'm afraid you cannot young one. No one knows what happened to her. Some say that she disappeared after the King died. The only people that ever saw her were the Forest Lord, her King, and her victims."

Kagome's face scrunched up in concentration. Then just as quickly she had decided. "Momma. Do you think she's still alive?"

"Oh, of course. I don't think she could possibly be dead. No one could catch her after all."

"You sure do know a lot about her Momma." Azumi smiled and poked her temple.

"All you have to do is listen my dear. Then everything will become clear to you."

"Well, I've decided."

"And what's that Kagome?"

"I've decided that I'm going to find her Momma. And when I do, I'm going to ask her to tell me all her stories. I wanna be just like her."

The older woman smiled and unclasped her necklace, "I thought you might say that. You always did like adventures. Now, turn around." As she did so, Azumi placed the chain around her neck and clasped it. Kagome gasped when she saw the pendant hanging on her neck. There was a small sapphire heart with silver wires encircling it.

"It's beautiful Momma. Why are you giving it to me?" Her mother just shrugged and told her that she would know when the time was right. The girl yawned and Azumi decided that this was enough story telling for one night.

"Alright little one. You've had your story. Bed. Now." Kagome climbed under the covers her hand quickly grasping the pendant on her neck. The Queen walked to the door and whispered a quick 'sleep well' before exiting the room and shutting the door behind her.

Queen Azumi walked down the corridor and opened a door on the opposite side of the hall. Peeking her head inside she noticed her other daughter sleeping in a bed similar to Kagome's. "Good night Kikyo" She whispered. As she was shutting the door she heard a soft "Night Momma."

With both of her children safely in bed for the night she headed back to her husbands study to see what he had decided.

As the two ten year old girls fell into the land of dreams neither noticed the loud crash above and the yelling that followed.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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