
the way they met again by xthextellxtalexmassecrex

the day back

Sesshoumaru lived with his dad and brother they were always moving the longest he stayed somewhere was thirteen years because this was before his dad got this job, he did get some friends. His best friend was a girl who very proud and mean but she was nice to him and his brother. She had beaten up lots of kids that bugged her. Then one year she gave a boy a concussion and was expelled and had to move because no school would take her. So her and her family had to move the day that they were going to move, Sesshoumaru gave his best friend, Kagome a necklace that had all small skulls all the way around and in the front was a large one with diamonds in the eyes. She never took off. That day they thought they would never see each other again. In four years they would meet for four more years when they would be eighteen and almost out of high school.

It had been four years (all ready) and, Sesshoumaru had promised this was the last time he would move since he was eighteen. So much had changed with both Sesshoumaru and Kagome had become Punk and Sesshoumaru had become a Goth. They often remembered each other. Kagome had gotten a job to try and calm her down but it didn't work that good. She did hate working at a fancy Japanese kitchen that her mom owned. Sesshoumaru couldn't keep a job because he moved too much plus his dad's job paid very well it only they moved too much.

One day while Kagome was at work three men with long silver hair walked in and were all sat at one of the tables Kagome was the waitress for. Once they were all sitting Kagome came and said her usual greeting in a bored tone she said, "welcome my name is Kagome Higurashi I am daughter of the owner any comments you have I can tell my mother and, what would you like to drink?".

Inutaishou began "I would like a tea and can I get extra sugar".

Sesshoumaru was next and began "I want just tea no nothing in it".

Finally InuYasha ordered he began " I want a cherry coke".

"Okay I'll bring them right out" said Kagome still in a bored voice. She left then all of the guys began to talk.

InuTaishou began "Was that who I think it was, was that your old friend Kagome?"

"I think so, was it Sesshy?" said InuYasha. Sesshoumaru didn't say anything he just picked up the menu and began to read it. She came back with the drinks and sat them on the table and asked,

"Have thought about what you want to order?" still in a bored voice.

"No we need a few more minutes," said InuTaisho.

"Okay sounds good to me I got other tables to waitress," said Kagome leaving. After lots of debating about what to eat, Kagome came back and took their order. (I don't know what they would order so I just put this.) It had been about fifteen minutes when Kagome came back with all their food. They really did enjoy there dinner. It did taste a lot like what Kagome's mom made them before. They left a large tip for her because they loved the food (Sesshoumaru loved Kagome though and left an even bigger tip for her). When she went to go get her tip and it was one hundred dollars all together she smiled (for once).

The next day it was a school and Sesshoumaru had to get sighed up for school; he and Kagome were going to go the same school but didn't know it. That morning Sesshoumaru went to go sign in to school and was greeted by the secretary who was forcing a smile he then asked, " I need to sign in for school, do I go to you?"

"Yes you do," she said trying to sound happy handing him some papers for him to fill out. So he went to go fill them out, and was interrupted by Kagome who was being pulled by the principal, she had a very mad expression on her face like the one she had when someone stopped a fight she had gotten in. He figured that's what had happened. She stopped all the way to his office with him and she was probably only mad because he or someone had stopped her fight. He sat down and could here her screaming,

"I don't care and I didn't start it he did!" He shook his head he had heard her say that many times she had said that to him after all the fights she had been in. Even though it was true a lot of the time because people didn't know how hard she did fight and they thought she was not that tough but she was hell to fight. Even Sesshoumaru could not beat her in a fight even though he was a five inches taller than her at the time now he was a foot taller than her now. She came storming out of his office and sat down next to Sesshoumaru slouching he looked over at her and noticed she looked way different out of her work uniform, she was much prettier. Today she was wearing a tight red shirt that said, " the shirt says it all" and black cargo pants with two chains going across it was like what he was wearing only he was wearing a loose black and black shirt and it said "get the f**k away... now" and even had the star things (*) with black cargo pants and two chains on each side. It was his favorite shirt, the same went for her.

The principal came and said "Kagome come tell your mom what you did unless you want me to"

"fine you tell her I don't want to plus I doubt she cares because I don't give a-" said Kagome but was stopped by the principal before she could finish what she was saying. He called her mom while she was at work she had heard this speech billons of times before and didn't care any more as long as Kagome didn't cause someone to go into a coma, concussion, or someone to die which would be unlikely. As she sat cursing under her breath she had noticed Sesshoumaru staring at her as he did paper work she glared at him and said "what is something funny?"

he shook his head and said "no it's just isn't it a bit early to be at school?"

"Not when you've got to kick someone's ass into gear," she replied cracking her knuckles and smiled pulling on a black sweatshirt that said "My Chemical Romance" and it had a skull under that.

"You're the waitress from that restaurant I went to the other day right?" said Sesshoumaru.

"Yes, oh yeah aren't the guy who left me that big tip right?" said Kagome with a small smile that danced across her lips for a minute until the principal came out of his office and threw her bag at her thank god she had good hand-eye coronation or she probably would have gotten hit by the bag she held it until the principal called her so he could scold her so she left her bag right in the chair next to him, he read and it had different bands on it (such as My Chemical Romance, The Used and, some others.) She came back right when he finished filling out the papers and he was heading towards the secretary to hand them to her.

She put that fake smile back on and pointed a finger at Kagome and said "you have the same classes as Kagome so here is a list of classes and just fallow her... actually Kagome come here" she said louder so Kagome could hear her.

Kagome stood up and walked over and said "what now?" Kagome said this rolling her eyes.

"You are to show Mr. Sesshoumaru his classes you have the same classes as him."

"Fine do I have to though?" said Kagome getting madder.

"Yes you have to Ms. Kagome."

"Fine, then we'll more like I'll stay here until you give him his locker code and number," said Kagome in a strong voice.

"Okay you are locker 254 right next to Kagome and here's your code." Said the secretary handing Sesshoumaru a pieces of paper such as stuff you need to give to your teacher.

Then Kagome walked to a storage closet getting all the books he would need for his classes she handed him them in a strong drop making him lean forward at the weight "wow" he thought "she really is a woman now compared to the old Kagome who was strong but not this strong I think I like it better."

Then interrupting his thoughts was Kagome telling him "come on ex-lax get over here to your locker it's right here next to mine you are 254 and I am 255 right next door." He nodded and wobbled over to his locker dropping the books and opened one of the papers and opened the locker and began to put the books in. She opened her locker and grabbed the books she would need and stuffed them in her bag. She then told Sesshoumaru "you'll need science and math then we have study hall so you can get the rest of the books then got it and don't get to close or you'll pay all right Mr. hot shot" she said this with a mean tone in her voice.

Then she went back to going through her locker. While she was going through her locker he noticed she was wearing a necklace and almost immediately he knew where it was from, it was the necklace he had given to Kagome when she moved to the city. He almost smiled knowing she must have not forgotten about him. He was going to ask her who gave it to her but stopped him self because it was probably a personal question for her, asking about your childhood can be personal he thought. (Well her childhood probably would her being a bully all her life.)

He grabbed all the books he needed for the first half of the day. Then more students began to come. A boy came and stopped next to Kagome and said "how are you today my favorite Kagome?"

"Fine" she said in the bored voice she always used for most people.

He looked at her then at Sesshoumaru and said "whose this guy huh my Favorite Kagome?" "I don't know actually I do his name is Sesshoumaru right?" she said turning to Sesshoumaru he just nodded and began to talk.

"yes that's my name and yours is..."

"Oh it's Miroku, and are you trying to steal my favorite Kagome from me?" said Miroku in a replying stealing a hug from Kagome.

"No I had no intention on that" said Sesshoumaru in a cool emotion less voice.

"Good because me and Koga have dibs all right" said Miroku sounding serious still wrapping his arms around her, until a guy with long black hair in a ponytail came over with a very mad face on and began to yell,

"What are you doing to my woman?" he said this furrowing his brows.

"Koga get over it I am nobodies woman, oh and Miroku Sango coming she is going to kick your butt if she finds out you were fighting over another woman shame, shame" she said slapping his hand as he jumped out of the hug as fast as he could.

Sesshoumaru just watched thinking "she has changed so much in four years she needed me a lot longer than thirteen years".

He was in deep thought until Kagome yelled "YOU COME ON WE'LL BE LATE FOR CLASS MR. GOOGOO EYES!"

"Huh" was all he could answer before she grabbed his wrist and began to pull him with her he shook his head and began to walk behind her trying to keep up. (She walked fast) and as she walked a path cleared for her he almost laughed at this,

"she must run the school," he thought. As they finally got to their classroom, which was science, she sat down at the furthest back and got her books out.

He sat down next to her because not knowing anybody can be really hard she then looked at him and said "those papers the secretary gave you go put them on the teachers desk before she gets here which she will get here soon" she then pointed at the desk at the front of the class and said "that's her desk" she then looked down at a note book that seemed to have doodles in they were very good for doodle he thought going to the front of the classroom where a desk was and sat the papers on it and walked back to the table where Kagome was sitting doodling.

He sat there and was looking at his science book just getting a glance of he had to learn here, until a girl and the guy that was Miroku? The girl looked at her and said "so whose this Kagome? Your boyfriend?"

"Huh oh know he is just some knew kid named Sesshoumaru so big whop" was Kagome's answer.

"But I thought you had a boyfriend or friend named Sesshoumaru when you were like thirteen and you even told me he gave you that necklace you wear every day it really bugs me" was what she said.

"I should know my whole life story thanks Sango" said Kagome in an irritated voice that is when Sango dropped the subject and Miroku said

"so you going to come to my place after school so we can study?" he said this with a "I'm so smooth" tone in his voice.

Kagome rolled her eyes and said "no Miroku and have you forgotten your girlfriend is right behind you and she looks mad to me so why don't you invite her better than me I've got work today any way so forget me or you could come bring your girlfriend to the restaurant and I'll be your waitress now how about that and I'll even get you a five dollar discount" she said then went back to her doodles. They sat and talked until the bell rang and the teacher came and greeted her class she was just a bit to of a happy go lucky person for Kagome.

She looked at her desk and noticed Sesshoumaru's papers and read them and then said "class, it looks we've got a new student and his name is Sesshoumaru, so Sesshoumaru please come up here" Sesshoumaru groaned and walked up to the teacher, as he walked the girls mouths dropped to the floor all but two, Sango and Kagome they just rolled their eyes and waited for class to start. The teacher smiled and began to start class once Sesshoumaru got back to his seat next to Kagome. Class was all review for Sesshoumaru since he had gone to a better school last time he went to a school.

Once the bell rang and class was over they all got up and he almost lost Kagome but she had a path all the way to her next class so he could easily find her. The next class was math and Kagome just walked to the back of the classroom and slouched in the desk he sat down and the remembered the papers and put them on the teachers desk and went back to his seat next to Kagome.

She was doodling in that book again. He tapped her shoulder and almost met her fist but dogged it she then looked up with a mad face until she saw it was Sesshoumaru and asked, "What, do you need me to tell where the potty is or is it something else because I don't have the time I am trying to finish this picture doodle thing so I can remember my old friend that you have the same name as a that is just a mere coincidences now what?"

"Oh I just wanted to ask if any of your friends are in this class but seeing how you are drawing a picture about an old friend I would like to hear more about it-" he said but was interrupted by trying but failing to doge her fist that was very accurately in the stomach causing him severe pain and "ooff" was all he cold say.

She looked at him and said "don't ever ask me anything about personal stuff especially about him he was my best friend and we were taken away from each other end of story" she said pushing him to the ground causing a large scene he got up and sat down and didn't say a word. She was crying in her head it was the most devastating thing to happen to her in her whole life when she was younger. Even though it had already been many years it still hurt when someone asked about him she didn't say his name any more that hurt and now some guy that had that had the same name as him asking her about him hurt.

After the whole deal in math class he fallowed her to their lockers and opened hers and grabbed her language, social studies, and reading. He asked her what books she didn't say any thing she just grabbed the books and handed them to him and began to walk and motioned for him to come along.

So he fallowed her as she walked to lunch she got in line and he fallowed her then he asked, "Are you mad at me? Because I am so sorry if I made you mad I didn't know you were sensitive about 'him'" said Sesshoumaru sounding very sorry.

She turned and said "its not your fault it's just mine so don't feel bad because I am... I ... I really miss him I never got tell him how I really felt" she turned down looking at her tray with sadness in her eyes "I never got to tell him I loved him" she was about to cry "I know I was young but I did love him" a tear fell "I miss him so much" another tear fell "he always made me not want to hurt somebody" lots of tears were falling as they finally got to the end of the lunch line. Sesshoumaru saw her cry as she sat in a corner table and he fallowed her, she began to talk again "I wish he was here" more tears were falling "I hated leaving him" she began to lean toward Sesshoumaru "he was my best friend" tears falling faster "no one ever liked me as a friend" she was crying in his shoulder.

he put his hand on her back and said "Kagome I sure you are mad at me for not telling you this and you will probably punch me again but... I am your best friend the one who gave this necklace" he said wrapping the loser parts of the skulls on the necklace around his middle and index finger.

she looked up with sniffles "what, is it really you?" she said stoking his cheek

"yes it is why do you think I left that tip?" she began to cry again and hugged him.

She looked up and said, "Sesshoumaru I have always loved you and I am so sorry for punching in math and oh how I've missed you so much" she said hugging him again and this time he hugged her back. She smiled and held on to him. they felt as if nothing could break the bond they had.

the end

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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