
Birthday Choas by Winter's Dreams

Chapter One

Chapter 1

Kagome climbed out of the well only to find herself watching Inuyasha and Kikyou in the middle of a make out session. She couldn't help but stare open mouthed at the scene before her. She couldn't believe that he was doing this right by the well when he knew that she was coming back today. He swore that he wouldn't do such things anywhere near her... but it seems that he just couldn't keep that promise to save his life.

She had come to the conclusion that he would never see her as Kagome. He would always see her as his lost first love, Kikyou. So she gave up on him. There was no point in trying to make him see things differently. So she told him to do what ever or who ever he wanted to as long as it wasn't in front of her or the others.

But this was going too far. She wouldn't put up with it. It made her mad that he was doing such things so close to the well. What if Shippou was to come running here and see those two fondling each other. The poor kit would be traumatized for the rest of his life. Who wouldn't be. She was amazed that she wasn't seeing as she had seen this so many times.

Kagome was now very pissed. Inuyasha knew how much she loved that kit and would do anything to keep him from harm. Inuyasha just had to go and do something like this right next to the well. He knows that most of the time Shippou came running here when he smelled her. 'What the hell is Inuyasha thinking of. Oh, never mind he isn't thinking with the head on his shoulders just the one between his legs. How sick is that?!'

Kagome took a deep breath and yelled, "Sit boy!"

Inuyasha hit the ground with a tremendous THUMP which made her feel a little bit better, though it would have made her so much better if Inuyasha had landed on Kikyou insted of the ground.

He pushed himself into a standing position, swaying dangerously. "What the fuck was that for wench?!"

Kagome glared at him and turned to jump back into the well. Before she went to her time she turned to look back at Kikyou and said, "Kikyou, I would very much like it if you would make sure that you and Inuyasha aren't near the well when you start doing things like that. It's not that I care if you two want to fuck, but I really don't want my son to see such things. So please try not to do thing like that here."

The look on Kikyou's face was one of shock. But she nodded nonetheless and said, "If that is what you wish. I will make sure that we're not close by."

Kagome gave a small smile then looked over at Inuyasha. "Oh, by the way Inuyasha, sit, sit, sit, and sit! You know better." With that she jumped back into the well. She was hoping that he wouldn't follow her, but she knew that the chances of that happening where slim next to none.

Inuyasha, being the stubborn fool that he was, waited for the spell to wear off before he went after her. When he got there he could hear her talking to someone who sounded very much like a guy. Inuyasha continued to listen, becoming more angry as the conversation continued.

~~~~~~~~~With Kagome~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome was shocked when Hojo showed up out of no where and glomped her. She was even more shocked when he told her that she wasn't going to turn him down on this date; seeing as he had gone through so much trouble to make sure that he remembered her birthday was coming up that very weekend.

Inuyasha started to growl from inside of the well house, first quietly, but soon loud enough for Kagome and Hojo to hear. The hanyou couldn't help but think that Hojo was just trying to get Kagome all to himself and that was so not going to happen.

"Is there a dog in your well house Kagome?" Hojo asked her.

'Damn he must have followed me,' She thought to herself. 'Now what do I do? I can't just tell him that I have a hanyou in there.' So thinking as fast as she could she said, "Hai, but he's not very nice and I'm trying to think of a way to get Mom to let me keep him."

"Oh I see. Well I hope that he doesn't hurt you." He blinked "So you are going with me aren't you? We could go any where you want."

At that moment Inuyasha came out of the well house fuming. "Kagome isn't going anywhere with you!"

"Hey where did you come from? Kagome, I thought you said there was a dog in there; not this weird guy--and whats up with those ears?" Hojo said, looking thoroughly confused.

"Oh him," Think, Kagome, think. "He...was watching.... Sesshoumaru... while I was out here talking with you. As for his ears they're just glued on, but for some reason he likes to wear them." She hated to lie but had no other choice in the matter.

"Oh, Okay" Hojo accepted her explanation, gullible as always. "...Well...I don't mind him coming or any of your other friends going ---as long as you come. I mean it's your birthday and I want you to be happy," Hojo said. Kagome slapped her forehead exasperatedly. 'Kuso Baka.'

"Okay Hojo, we'll go" Kagome said to him. Hojo smiled and walked away, whistling a little tune to himself, oblivious to Inuyasha in the background doing his little doggy dance, as he was pissed that Kagome excepted the date.

She turned to see what Inuyasha was doing, an anime vein appearing. It was her birthday party and he had just been with Kikyou! He had no right to be jealous! "Sit! I can't believe that you're getting mad over this. It's not like you really care about me! It's my birthday and I am going to go have fun no matter what you say! Now Inuyasha, be a good boy and go into the house and eat your ramen." She started towards the house. "And if you even think about coming into my room I swear that I'll castrate you," Kagome said with flames framing her body.

Inuyasha got up and ran into the house, his face pale as he thought of what she might do should he stay in her general area... 'Damn I must have really pissed her off this time. She has never said that before.' He thought as he walked into the kitchen to find his ramen. He was still mad as hell but the thought of what Kagome might do if he started yelling at her was enough to keep him in there till she was ready to talk with him. And people said he never thought things through...

Kagome walked up to her bed room to think about everything that had just happened. Something always seemed to go wrong on her birthday...

She walked into her room and went over to her desk, looking for something to take her mind off all the bad things that had happened. But as she looked around she found that there wasn't much to do, other then her school work.

Sitting down, she pulled out her history book and started working on it, only to give up a few minutes later. It seemed her mind was determined to bring up morbid memories today.

So she pulled out her dairy to write what she was thinking. A diary was a girl's best friend after all...

Dear diary,

Once again my birthday is coming up in just four days and I can't help but think of all the bad things that have happened on or around that day. I mean the only thing I can think about is how I was sucked into a well which put me in a place that was very much not like what I was used to.

I mean, I had to deal with things that I thought where just myth! To see that they once lived scared me so much. And then the fact that the next day I shattered the jewel even makes it worse. You know...

Father died the day before my birthday. He shouldn't have, seeing as he wouldn't have been driving the car if he didn't want to get home so quickly. He was so determined to be there for my birthday. It still hurts to think of that day.

I was so happy that Daddy was going to be home for my birthday and made sure that everything would be perfect, so that when he got home he could just relax and enjoy being home again. I even helped Mom to make dinner and had everything set up.

But he never showed up and we were starting to get worried about him when the phone rang. It was the cops saying that he had been broad-sided by a drunk driver and was in the hospital.. They said that most likely he wouldn't make it through; internal bleeding is very hard to fix. After giving their sincere apologies for our loss, they hung up.

Mama was crying by then and I was too young to really understand why she was so upset. She sat me down and told me that daddy was hurt and that they didn't think that he was going to make it.

I told her that I didn't believe her. That something like that wouldn't happen to Daddy. But deep down in my heart I knew that it was true and from that moment on I hated my birthday. I thought that it was my fault.

Mama tried so hard to tell me that it wasn't but I wouldn't listen to her.

I wish in away that I had listened. I could have saved myself from the pain of believing that it was my fault. But I know now that it wasn't. ....

I had just begun to believe that when the well opened and took away everything that I had ever known.

But in a way it wasn't all bad, seeing as I met Inuyasha and the gang. If the well hadn't taken me from here, I would never have known them, never met and come to see each and every one of them as family.

I would never want to give up Shippo, my son. He needs me and I love him with all my heart and would never want him to feel the pain of losing yet another mother. No matter how sad or upset I am he knows just want to do to make me feel better and he needs me just as much as I need him.

Miroku is so much like a brother to me and even though he is a pervert, he is also very wise. He seems to not have a care in the world even though he knows that if the curse isn't reversed that he'll die. But he keeps fighting, being as strong as he can be. I don't know what we would do without his wisdom.

Sango, the sister that I never had. What would I do without her? Without her strength I think I would have given up along time ago. She has her own pains to live with. Her family killed by that horrid hanyou Naraku.... Her brother taken from her by the same vile creature. I know that she hurts and when the time comes I'll be there for her no matter what. Just like she's there for me. She wont have to face this alone I'll make sure of that.

Inuyasha, my first love. Even though I know that he will never see me in that way, I still love him. Maybe not in the way that I used to, but at least as a friend and a brother. He seems so strong, but I know that the reason he is so standoffish with us is because he doesn't want to be hurt again. He has honor...but is a loudmouthed baka most of the time.

You know diary, now that I think of it I remember that my dad used to take me ice skating years ago.... he loved it and made sure that every year we would go. I used to love it too....

Maybe I could do that this year. I know that Hojo wasn't quite sure as to where we would go so I know that I could talk him into going ice skating. Not to mention that it would be very funny to see Inuyasha on the ice.

Hang on a sec... I could be really evil about this! I know, I'll invite Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Ayame, Kouga and if I can pull it off, Sesshoumaru and Rin. I know it sounds crazy...hmm.....I'll need some way of controlling Sesshoumaru and Kouga....maybe I can get Kaede to make two more subduing necklaces for Kouga and Sesshoumaru....? Yeah! Then of course there's the possibility of this all blowing up in my face....ah well. It IS my birthday after all...

Well I think I'll do that and hope that it turns out alright.

Anyway got things to do now that I have an idea, you understand how it is.


P.S-I just realized that I'm talking to a book....yeah....can I GET any weirder?

Kagome stood up and walked out of her room, closing the door behind her. She walked down stairs and found Inuyasha still in the kitchen eating what looked to be the third cup of ramen.

Sighing, she said, "Inuyasha I'm heading back now. I need to talk with Sango and Kaede. If you try to stop me from talking with them or spy on us you'll wish that you had never been born. Got that?"

Inuyasha looked up at her and swallowed hard at the thought of what she might do to him if he tried to intervene. Didn't think his ass!

Kagome turned around and walked out of the house to the well and went through it to find Sango. She hoped that Sango would go with her on this. Not to mention that she had to get Sango to help her find everyone and get them to the well on the day of her birthday.

After she climbed out of the well she went to the village in search of Sango.

It didn't take her long to find the demon slayer.. She was with Kaede and Miroku talking about herbs and the demons that where still in the area.

'Well...there's no time like the present...' The young miko thought as she mustered as much bravery as she could manage, walking into the hut.

"Sango, could you please go with me to the hot springs? There are some things that I would like to talk to you about and would rather not have to deal with Inuyasha should he come back before we are through."

Sango looked at her and couldn't help but feel that this was going to either be very bad or really good. So she stood and nodded that she would come with her. She really didn't mind seeing as she loved to soak in the hot springs and talk with Kagome. She felt like she had the sister that she always wanted in times like that.

Kagome saw that look on Miroku's face and turned to look at Kirara. "Kirara, could you please make sure that Miroku and Inuyasha stay away till we get back?"

The fire neko looked at her and then at Miroku then back and gave a "meow" which Kagome took as a yes. She knew that the two tail would make sure that she and Sango would not be interrupted by the hentai Houshi or the hanyou.

"Thanks Kirara. Miroku, Kaede when we get back I'll tell you everything that I can. But right now I need a nice bath and some one to talk with."

They both nodded their understanding and went about making dinner. Of course at that time Shippo came running into the hut and flew into Kagome's arms almost knocking her over in the act.

"Kagome-mama, you took so long to come back I was starting to get worried. Are you ok? Did something happen? Was Inuyasha mean to you again? If he was I'm going to bite him really hard." Shippo said all this in one breath and was panting by the end of the rant.

Kagome couldn't help but laugh at what he said. She could just see Shippo hanging off Inuyasha's ear like a piece of jewelery. But then the image of what Inuyasha would do if Shippo was to bite Inuyasha on the ear like that wasn't a nice one and would most likely end with the kit being hurt by said hanyou.

Kagome sweat dropped. She couldn't let Inuyasha hurt the poor kit because he was trying to protect her.

She looked at the little kitsune in her arms and said, "Why don't you come with me and Sango and I'll tell you everything and then you can make up your own mind as to what you'll do to Inuyasha?"

"Okay, Kagome-mama." Shippo said as he jumped out of her arms and ran to her bag, digging out the things they would need.

Once he had that done he ran back over to Kagome and the three of them walked to the hot springs. When they got there they undressed and got into the hot water. Both girls sighing in pleasure.

Sango was the first person to say anything. "Now Kagome, mind telling us why you wanted to come here? I know you where upset but I don't know why."

"Yeah Kagome-mama, I could smell that you where here but then you left and didn't tell anyone that you were going back." Shippo said.

Kagome held up her hands to quiet the oncoming questions. She looked up at them and could only hope that they would help her. She knew that they were her family here and would understand to a point but she didn't know if they would agree with this.

So she took a deep breath and said, "Well it all started when I came through the well. Inuyasha was there and so was Kikyou. They were kissing and I felt so hurt and all so I sat Inuyasha many, many times and went home. When I got there Hojo was there and he asked, well more like told me that he was taking me out Friday seeing as it is my birthday and he had already planned this all out and just had to pay for it. Of course Inuyasha came through the well at that point and started growling. Hojo heard him and asked if I had a dog in there but I couldnot tell him that it was Inuyasha so I said that I had a dog named Sesshoumaru in there."

At this point Shippo was laughing at the thought of Sesshoumaru being a normal dog and Sango was trying very hard not to laugh herself.

Kagome didn't seem to notice what was going on and just kept going. "Well Inuyasha just couldn't stay in there like a good boy and came out saying that I wasn't going out with Hojo. So after saying that Inuyasha's ears where fake and glued to the top of his head, Hojo said that I could bring as many friends as I liked as long as I was there."

At this point Sango had given up on not laughing and was holding onto a rock on the edge of the hot spring. Kagome had to save Shippo from drowning, he was laughing so hard.

Kagome looked at them and thought about what she had just said and couldn't stop the giggle that came out as well. Now that she thought about it, it was very funny. Even though it wasn't very funny at the time.

"Ok it seems funny now but at the time I was rather mad and once Hojo left I sat him seeing as he was once again being the baka that he is."

"But I got this idea and I'm really going to need you help to pull it off." Kagome added with a glance at Sango.

"Okay Kagome, spit it out. I know that you want something and if it will help you get back at Inuyasha I most likely will help." Sango said with an evil glint in her eyes.

Shippo was beside himself with wanting to help as well. So he said, "Kagome-mama I want to help as well, isn't there anything that I can do?"

"Of course Shippo. But I guess that I should tell you what I want to do. I want to get Kouga, Ayame, Sesshoumaru, and Rin to go as well. I know that I can get Kouga and Ayame to go, but I'm not so sure about how to get Sesshoumaru to go. There is also the fact that I'm going to have to put subjugation beads on at least Sesshoumaru and Kouga."

"But here is where I need your help Sango. I need help finding Kouga and Ayame. We can't do this without the use of Kirara and I know that it is up to her but I wanted to run it by you. I also want you and Shippo to come to my birthday party as well. So want do you think?" Kagome looked at Sango hoping that she would say yes.

Sango looked at her and just knew that this was going to be a disaster. But she just couldn't say no. It WAS Kagome's birthday.... "I'll do what I can. As for going to your party that is more than ok. I would love to go with you. I have always waned to see your time."

Kagome broke out in a big smile and hugged her as tightly as she could. She then turned to Shippo who was looking on with a sad face thinking that he wasn't going to be able to help after all.

"Oh Shippo I haven't forgotten about you. I'm going to need you to keep Inuyasha from going to the well while I get the others through the well and onto the other side. Do you think that you can do that?" Kagome asked looking at her adopted son.

Shippo smiled and said, "You know I can okaa-san."

"Good now all I need to do is talk with Kaede and see if she can make the subjugation beads for Sesshoumaru and Kouga. I hope that she can do it. I don't know how I'll get them onto Sesshoumaru but it will be easy with Kouga. But I think that I'll have Ayame be the one with the power to bring him down. He just might learn something for once." Kagome said with a small laugh.

Sango and Shippo were both nodding their heads. They knew that Kagome didn't like Kouga in that way but he just never took the hint. They couldn't wait to see how the wolf handled the whole thing.

Kagome looked at her hands and saw that they were wrinkled from being in the water for so long. "I think it's time to get out and go talk with Kaede. She will need some time to make the beads."

So they all got out and started to dress when Kagome thought of something and turned to Sango. "Sango I need you to tell Miroku about what we are up to and that I would like him to be at my party as well. Is that ok with you, Sango?"

"That's fine with me as long as that hentai houshi keeps his hands to himself! I swear that some day I'm gonna smack him so hard that he doesn't wake up." Sango said frowning at the fact that Miroku is an incurable lecher.

It wouldn't be that bad if he just groped her, but he did it to every female that he came across! It just made her so mad.

Once everyone was dressed they started to walk back to Kaede's hut. When they got closer they could hear Inuyasha yelling at Kirara. It was quite annoying to think that he was taking his anger out on the poor Feline.

Kagome knew that she owed Kirara big time. So she made a mental list and added cat nip to the list as well as some really nice soap for Sango... the kind that smelled like roses and lavender. She knew that Sango loved that the most.

When they got to the hut they were greeted with the sight of Kirara sitting on top of a very angry hanyou. Said hanyou swearing that he was going to beat the two tailed neko with in an inch of her life if she didn't get off him.

Sango started to see red at that statement and acted at the same time. Sango grabbed her hiraikotsu and hit Inuyasha on the head while saying, "How could you say something like that to her?! She was just doing want we asked her to do seeing as you and Miroku can't stay away when we are bathing." Stepping back Sango sensed danger wasn't far and turned to see that Kagome was deathly calm which never was a good thing.

Kagome was looking at Inuyasha thinking, 'He was going to follow me even after the warning I gave him. I can't believe that this baka would be so disrespecful as to do that. What am I thinking, this is Inuyasha we are talking about.'

At this point she was so mad that it didn't even show. Slowly she looked up and directly at the object of her anger. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Inuyasha, do you remember what I said before we came back or was it to complicated for your little mind to contemplate?"

"Kirara, please get off of him. Inuyasha if you do so much as lift a finger toward her you know what will happen. As for what we were talking about, you don't need to know and I'm not going to tell you everything that happens in my life." as she was talking her voice went from deathly quite to yelling.

"Now, I need you to do something for me seeing as you can't seem to keep yourself out of trouble. I want you to find Kikyou and invite her to my party. Even though she isn't someone I would call a friend I still want her there so she can keep tabs on you. Now can you do that or are you going to fight me on this as well?" Kagome was looking at Inuyasha like he was going to get hurt if he said anything other then yes.

Inuyasha slowly stood up and looked at her, his ears back like a severely beaten puppy. He knew that he was in trouble the minute Kirara found him trying to sneak out of the hut to find out what the girls were talking about. He just wanted to know what was going on. But that damn neko wouldn't let him go and ended up sitting on him.

So he looked up at Kagome and nodded his head before heading out of the hut to find Kikyou. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to, seeing that Kikyou could be as mean as Kagome if not worse. But if he didn't Kagome most likely would sit him till he couldn't walk for a week.

Shivering at the thought he quickly went to find Kikyou.

~~~~~~~~~~With Inuyasha~~~~~~~~~~

It had been an hour since he went looking for Kikyou and he just couldn't find her, which was strange. Normally it wasn't that hard to find her, seeing as she was here not that long ago. But this time it just seemed as if she had disappeared. So he just kept running, hoping to find her.

Inuyasha ran through the forest looking for any sign that Kikyou was near. But, like always, there was nothing to show that she had been there at any point. He couldn't smell anything as well, which was annoying the hell out of him. He stopped for a second to get his bearings and see if he could figure out what do next.

He saw a tree and, being very un-dog like, hopped up it to see if he could find Kikyou's soul-seekers that way seeng as looking for her on the ground was working against him. Leaping from branch to branch he worked his way to the top. Once he got there he looked around and not too far away was what he was looking for. One of her soul-gatherers was about a mile away.

He guessed that Kikyou wasn't too far from them, she never was. Unknown to him the very person that he was looking for was standing right under the tree that he was perched in.

Kikyou looked up at Inuyasha wondering what he was up to and why he was out here without the rest of the people that he normally traveled with. She hated and loved the hanyou up in the tree, but she wasn't sure what she really wanted to do about him. She had to much to think about with Naraku and putting the jewel back together. She just didn't have time to think about what she would do once Naraku was dead.

So looking back up at Inuyasha Kikyou sent one of her soul-stealers up to let the hanyou know that she was there. She knew that it would do something mean but didn't try to stop the snake-looking demon from doing want it wanted to do.

Inuyasha was unaware of the soul-stealer that was at the moment winding it's way around his leg and heading for his groin. But once it made it's way there it slowly started to tighten itself around his lower body. The soul-stealer went so far as to work it's way into Inuyasha's clothing. It's cold body making Inuyasha rather cold and not just a little bit uncomfortable seeing as it was very close to the family jewels, said jewels crawling up into his body.

While all this was happening Inuyasha fell out of the tree onto the ground which of course got the soul-stealer out of his pants. He jumped up and yelled at the soul-stealer, "What the fuck is wrong with you? I was just trying to find your fucking mistress. You didn't need to go and freeze my fucking balls off, now did you?"

"I now see why Kagome sits you so much. I would do the same if I had the power to do so. You really should learn how to swear less. It's not very endearing to hear such foul words coming out of anyone's mouth." Kikyou said with a look of distaste on her face.

Inuyasha gave a little yelp and spun around to face the very person that he had been looking for. He didn't know how long she had been standing there and couldn't figure out why he hadn't smelled her before she spoke to him. He knew that it was Kikyou and not Naraku, but he couldn't smell her at all.

So he just had to ask. "Oii, Kikyou why can't I smell your scent right now? I have always been able to smell it before, but I can't now. Why is that?"

Kikyou looked at him and thought to herself, 'Should I tell him? If I do it might just blow up in my face. But Kagome has given up on him so what does it matter. In fact it was Kagome that told me about this little spell that conceals scent. She thought it might help me when I fight Naraku. I don't think I'll ever understand that girl. But I must say that it has been a help and I don't hate her like I used to. I still long to be alive again but maybe I can continue till I know what I must do.'

Inuyasha was wondering if she was going to answer him when she said, "I'm not sure if I should tell you, seeing as the person that told me of it has yet to tell you. I'm not sure that they would like it if I was to tell you. But know this, I am me and no matter what I can not let my scent out right now.

"Now it is my turn. Why are you here? Did she get mad at you again so you came running here?" She said in her monotone voice.

"No and yes. Kagome did get mad at me, but she is the one that asked me to come here and ask you if you would come to her birthday party. I know that you know that she is from the future, and she wants her friends to go with her there to be with her on that day. I don't know why, so don't ask." He said with a look of unease on his face. His little puppy ears where flat to his head and his hands tucked into the sleeves of his hoari .

Kikyou was once again surprised that Kagome wanted her to go to something that meant so much to her. But to be a part of such a thing would be very nice. She always felt like she was looking in on life and never a part of it.

So with that in mind Kikyou looked to where she knew that Kagome and the rest of her friends were and started walking towards them. She didn't even look at Inuyasha or say a word. Then she thought of something and stopped and turned around to once again to look at the hanyou that was still standing in the spot that he had been when he fell out of the tree.

"Inuyasha I want you to stay here. There are some things that I need to talk to Kagome about and I'm sure that neither she nor I would want anyone to hear. If she so desires she can bring the slayer with her. But no matter what, I don't want you to listen in on this."

"But Kikyou, that's not fair. I always tell you everything and now you want to talk with just Kagome and maybe Sango. What the hell is so important that I can't be there as well? What is up with females and always having to talk with other females, but never with us guys?" Inuyasha was getting annoyed about being left out of everything that the girls did.

'What the hell was so important that males couldn't know? I mean it's not like they are going to be sitting there talking about swords or anything important. I guess we guys will never know seeing as Kikyou isn't going to answer me,' Inuyasha thought as Kikyou turned to go back to Kaede's village.


Well that's it for this chapter hope you liked it. Please review. Thanks

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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