
A Month For Romance by AnitaThePapermaster

Kagome's Return

Hey! i've been meaning to write this a long time ago but never found time, so here it is!

Summary: Kagome has just returned after being missing for a month. She's become stronger and independent... or maybe that's just because she's in love? What will Inuyasha do when he hears who Kagome's future mate is? How will he react when the two tell the story of their adventure together and how this relationship bloomed.

A month for romance...

Inuyasha paced back and forth in Kaede's hut, grumbling to himself. "Where is she?" He looked at Sango who was holding the crying Shippo in her arms. Sitting next to her was Miroku, "Calm down Inuyasha, I'm sure lady Kagome is fine." he stated resting his head on a reluctant Sango's shoulder. "Calm down? Calm down!" Inu's voice raged, "She has been gone for a whole moon cycle! We have gone looking for her almost every night and nope! Notta! Zip! No Kagome! Her mother hasn't seen her since she left with me!" Inu was practically strangling Miroku by now, "How can you say she's fine? She could be out there dead now! And it's my fault," he whispered the last sentence, sinking to his knees,

Sango looked at him in pity, she knew he was punching himself in the face every day Kagome was gone, and she knew he secretly loved her. Of course Shippo was just a child, and like every other child, he let his tongue get the best of him. "Yeah! It is your fault Inuyasha! You are the one who scared her away!" Inu looked at Shippo with hurt in his eyes, that went unnoticed by Shippo, "you should be the one lost out there probably dead!" and with that, Shippo crossed his arms as Inuyasha stormed off out of the hut into the cool night air. Everyone knew he was going to the god tree, to sulk, like he has for the last 27 nights.


Sango let a small tear slip out from her eye, Shippo had long ago fallen asleep, and she thought that Miroku was also asleep, as she sobbed into her hands out loud now, she didn't know there was a set of violet eyes watching her carefully, the next thing she knew, a strong set of arms wrapped around her torso and squeezed slightly at her 'eep'. "shh, it's just me," she heard Miroku's soft voice slither in her ear, she shivered in delight, and turned crimson at their position, "like that supposed to make me feel better," she choked out on her sobs. Sango rolled her head against Miroku's shoulder and squeezed his hand, " Kagome is most likely dead, :sob: she would have come back by now, even if she was mad at Inuyasha," she cried and tightened her grip.

Miroku was able to get one of his hands loose to stroke her hair, "it's okay Sango, Kagome is a strong girl who can take care of herself, don't hurt yourself, I bet you 500 yen she will return safe and sound and nothing has changed." he said softly, trying to make a point yet, not wake Shippo. "I can't believe you still think she's okay, she is as good as dead. So I'll take on that bet." Sango said turning around into his chest and completely sobbing on him, Kagome was a sister to Sango, and now, Sango thought she would never see her again......

"you mourn so quickly don't you....." came a voice from the doorway, Sango looked up and gasped, "Kagome!" she yelled before grinning and rugby tackling her to the ground squeezing out her gut's in a death lock hug. At the sound of the scream Shippo awoke, Miroku whip lashed when he saw Kagome out of the corner of his eye, and Inuyasha came running through the door. "Kagome!" all three boys shouted when they saw her standing there, "good to see you all too," she said smiling at the greeting from her friends. Inu's look of happiness, quickly went to a sour look, "where the hell have you been Kagome!" he yelled, she backed closer into the ground trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Um, I can explain....." she whispered o they barely heard her, "Explain?" Inu said hardening his glare, "explain where you have been for the past MONTH!" and with that he stormed out the door, Miroku looked at Sango and smirked, before reaching out his hand, "pay up." he said. Sango grumbled before handing him 500 yen. Kagome stared at them for a second, "hold up, you made a bet on if I would come back?" she seemed to be getting angry; Sango and Miroku both started scratching their neck, "er....." Sango started, "Well, you see Lady Kagome we uh......" Miroku shut his mouth and knew they were in for it, because he couldn't think of any excuse. Kagome turned to Sango and looked sad, "you didn't think I would come back?" she asked sadly, before Sango once again engulfed her in a hug, "I missed you, I thought some youkai came and killed you!"

and with that Sango started crying on Kags shirt, Kagome softly patted Sango's back, "I'm okay, I'm sorry for worrying you, but I was with someone who would always protect me." she said as Sango stood up straight and wiped her tears away. "Who?" Sango asked, Kagome hesitated, what would they think of her silver haired suitor? So she thought since they were her friends, they should at least know one thing. "Sango, Miroku," they looked at her, "when I ran off from Inuyasha a month ago, a youkai came and you could say captured me, he and I, over the month grew closer," by now Kagome was blushing and her two friends were looking very confused, what was she saying?

"And well, we, uh, fell in love..." "WHAT!?" Sango yelled, she had the perfect plan to get Inu and Kags together! Miroku had a look of shock, and disturbance on his face. Kagome? In love with a youkai? "Lady Kagome, are you sure it is not nothing more than a crush, or maybe lust?" Miroku added, surely Kagome did not fall for a youkai, right? And what of Inuyasha? He was in love with the girl. Kagome looked hurt, "what does it matter if I did fall in love with a youkai? Am I not allowed to find love?" she asked looking sadder and sadder. Sango put and arm around her shoulder, "it's not that Kags, it's just, Inuyasha's not going to take this well, you know he is in love with you, lately he's been making it more obvious then usual. He going to hurt," she said with a reassuring squeeze.

"Yes, lady Kagome, Inuyasha, will not be pleased, who is this youkai you fell in love with?" Miroku asked raising an eyebrow. "Um," Kagome thought for a second. She couldn't muster enough courage to tell them. "I'm not comfortable telling anyone yet. When I feel more settled, I'll tell you two, but YOU'RE going to be the ones to tell Inuyasha." she said in a matter of fact tone, Sango and Miroku looked shocked, "is it Kouga?" Miroku asked, Kagome looked at him with an unidentifiable expression, "no it is not Kouga, but I'm sure Inuyasha will hate him more then if it were Kouga." the thought scared Miroku and Sango, who could Inuyasha possibly hate more then Kouga if he was to get with Kagome?

Kagome yawned and stretched her arms into the sky, "i'm exhausted," she said laying down on her empty sleeping bag, that had been empty for quite some time, "goodnight," and with that, she drifted of into a silent slumber, dreaming of the love of her life.


Kagome dashed through the woods, the sun was still down and she was able to sneak out of Kaede's hut, without a pursuing Inuyash. She slipped through the branches that threatened to remove her eyes and finally made it to a clearing; one that no one except her, and her beloved knew existed. She sat herself down in the moon light, it was a full moon, and the next day would be Inuyasha' human night, but that didn't matter anymore, as she heard soft footsteps making their way to the clearing, she looked at the entrance where she heard the noise and smiled lovingly.

A tall slender man came into view. His long silver locks glowing in the moonlight. His porcelain skin shined brightly, and a small smile appeared on the taiyoukai's mouth when he saw his love waiting for him. "Sesshomaru," Kagome said smiling widely, Sess looked at her and his smile completely widened as he made his way over to her, to take her into his arms. they held each other for a moment, before Sesshomaru brought his hand up and slid it through her hair, "Have you told them yet?" he asked playing with her hair.

"No, I'm not sure how to tell them, all they know is that I fell in love with a youkai, nothing about who you are, I'm worried when Inuyasha finds out, he will come after you." Kagome said burying her face in Sessh's shoulder, as he breathed in her sent of vanilla and lilacs. "Do you think this Sesshomaru could not deal with him?" he said giving her a questionable glance. Kagome smiled at him. "It's not that I'm worried about what Inuyasha will try to do to you... I'm worried about what you will do to him." she giggled and pulled back from him, staring into his golden vortex eyes.

She quickly found herself lost inside of them, as she leaned forward and was greeted by a sweet, loving kiss. Or so it started, Sesshomaru leaned in closer, deepening the kiss, he licked her lips begging for entrance. She greeted him in a battle of tongues. They eventually had to pull away, even youkai had to breath. When they did, Kagome checked her watch, and gasped. "It's 5:30, the sun will be coming up soon. I had a better get back to the hut before Inuyasha and the gang realize that I'm gone." and with that she gave him a quick kiss, before he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the village, when they were near Kaede's hut, he let her down and she waved him goodbye, before slipping into the hut, and closing the mat.


The next morning, the Inu-tachi was awoken by the sound of a large bang. Kagome shot up from her sleeping bag and Sango and Miroku were already heading out the door. after struggling out of the sleeping bag, Kagome too, made her way out of the hut and into the woods following her friends, it was a cloudy day, it would obviously rain today, "what's going on!?" she yelled to Sango who she had caught up with, Sango looked back towards her, "I'm not sure, but it looks like we are about to find out!" and with that they entered a clearing in the woods, were there was a sight that Kagome hated. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were in battle stances, ready to rip each others head off.

"No..." Kagome whispered, she didn't want her friend and the love of her life fight. She ran forward with Miroku and Sango so she was clearly seen by both youkai. "Kagome," they both said in sync, but Inu yelled it and Sess barely whispered it. Inuyasha was in front of Kagome in a split second, in a way swearing to protect her. inside Kagome laughed, she did not need protecting from Sess, he was the love of her life and would NEVER hurt her.

But outside she was frowning. "You can't even look at Kagome with your filthy eyes!" Inuyasha yelled, blocking Kagome from Sess's view. Sesshomaru smirked. Then he frowned. Was his half-breed brother trying to take his mate away from him? Of course, Sesshomaru started to attack inuyasha with his whip, but Kagome saw this and jumped in front of Inuyasha. At this, Sess quickly stopped his attack by throwing himself to the side, dragging his whip with him.

"Foolish Kagome, you could have been killed for doing something to protect the half breed! Where is your brain.?" Sess yelled at her, of course the others were looking confused at the antics, and gave her a look that was asking, "why did he care? How did he know your name? Why on earth did he give a darn about a human's life?" as if expecting an answer. Kagome sighed, then looked at Sess again, "i did that because he's my friend, and i won't let you hurt any of my friends!" they looked at each other as if reading each others mind. Sesshomaru turned his head and looked towards the woods, as if signaling something. Kagome got the hint, and nodded slightly.

"You are all safe for now Inuyasha, but never let your guard down, I already have something that'll knock you off your feet." and with that a cloud formed underneath him, and he headed towards the direction he nodded in. Kagome sighed, she was glad inu was safe, for now. "What on earth were you thinking!?" yelled inuyasha shaking her by the shoulders, she glared and removed his hands off of her. "I'm thinking I just saved your life! He could have killed you! And don't go saying you could have taken him because you couldn't!" Inuyasha quickly shut his mouth, it was like she pulled the words out of his mouth, and used them against him.

"But you could have gotten killed," he said looking downcast, "we just got you back, we, I don't want to loose you again, and with that Inuyasha pulled her into a hug. Everyone was gaping. Inuyasha was never forward with his feelings, they guessed with the fact Kagome was gone so long, Inuyasha let his feelings get the best of him. Kagome looked at Sango and Miroku and mouthed the word, "help"

They knew she was in love and engaged to a youkai, and she obviously didn't want to lead Inuyasha on, so Sango walked over and pulled Inuyasha off of Kagome, she flashed her a grin in gratitude, before turning around and running the direction they came in. "where are you going!?" yelled Inu after her retreating form, "I have to go meet........... someone." and with that, she ran off into the woods. "Kagome!" Inuyasha called out attempting to follow her, only to be stopped by Sango.

"Let go, I have to go make sure she's alright!" he said, struggling to get free but now Miroku was helping holding him back, "stop this foolishness Inuyasha, isn't it obvious she doesn't want to be followed?" asked the monk with venom in his voice. He was tired of the fact, since Kagome gave up to Kikyo a few months ago, and stopped loving Inuyasha, she has been trying to hint to him that she was not interested in him anymore. But Inuyasha was too blinded by love to see this.

Inuyasha looked at him confused, "what are you saying?" he said, not sure he wanted to hear the answer, Sango brought her hands up and messaged her temples, "Inuyasha," she started slowly, "where do you think Kagome has been for the past 27 days?", Inu could tell she was getting frustrated with him, and a frustrated Sango usually meant Hiriakotsu right in the face,

"no clue," he said honestly, that sent Sango off the edge, Miroku had to hold her back before she killed Inuyasha, "she was obviously with someone." she said calming down. Miroku took a step closer, at times Inuyasha's obliviousness was funny, but now it was just annoying the heck out of him. "So?" Inu asked. Miro sighed, he really was an idiot. "Look, Kagome was captured by a Youkai!" he said, trying to give Inyasha a hint, "a youkai!? I'm going to go kill that thing!" and again, Inu tried to run off, getting stopped by the two again,

"You are such an Idiot Inuyasha!" yelled Miroku which scared Inu and Sango at his outburst, "you must know, Kagome was captured by a youkai and fell in love with him, he loves her to and they are to be married!" Miroku suddenly regretted it when he saw the hurt, betrayal, and self loathing in Inuyasha's eyes. "So," he said softly, "she is to be mated to a full youkai?" Sango slowly nodded, "Feh, looks like she would rather have a full breed then a pathetic hanyou like me,"

he grumbled, she had always complained about him seeing Kikyo, and now, she was engaged with some youkai. Was this karma? Oh Kami why? Why? Inuyasha sulked in his stance, Then got an idea, he would tell Kagome he loved her, then she couldn't marry him, whoever he was. And with that, he was able to escape Sango and Miroku's grip, and headed off to his tree, to think about how he was going to approach the situation.

End first chapter, I hope you all liked it! Please r and r!!!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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