
Tired of running by Kags21

Chapter 1

Three years have passed since Kagome and Sesshoumaru moved to L.A., some things have changed while other things have not. Shippo was now ten years old, Shiori 8 and the twin's Akio and Aiko are three years old. Kagome's group Queen of Hearts had become famous, but they were on break now since Kikyo and Sango were pregnant. So Kagome spent most of her days with the twins since Shippo and Shiori were in school and Sesshoumaru at work.

Kagome's friends and Sesshoumaru's friends had eventually moved out to L.A. but not his parent's.

Kagome was in the kitchen preparing dinner, Akio her son stayed by her side practically, he was shy, where as her daughter Aiko was more independent she definitely took after Sesshoumaru.

"Mommy is daddy going to really send Shippo away?" Akio asked her as he climbed up into the kitchen chair.

"I hope not hun." Kagome said sadly thinking about her son leaving broke her heart.

Shippo had changed, he wasn't the same kit she found that day.

"Shippo is more fun than Aiko." He said as he looked at her.

"Oh well you should tell your daddy that you don't want Shippo to go." Kagome said to her son.

Akio shook his head no, "Daddy only listens to what Aiko says." He told her as he played with his hair.

Kagome wondered what was taking Shippo and Shiori so long to get home as she looked at the clock on the wall it was 2:30, school had let out by now.

"I wonder where your older brother and sister/aunt is?" Kagome said aloud, ideas swirling in her head of what could have happened.

Her thoughts were stopped when in came two kids.

"Shippo can you help me with my math?" Shiori asked. Her hair was now halfway down her back. She wore a light blue skirt and a white blouse with back shoes and knee length socks. Shippo hair was short. He had gotten use to it. He too wore a white shirt and blue pants. "Mom we're home." Shippo said as they walked in the kitchen..

"I'm glad you had me worried where were you two?" Kagome asked giving each of them fierce hugs

"Shippo was talking to Saya, you know every since she moved here with Inuyasha the two won't leave each other alone." Shiori said as she went and played with Akio's puppy ears.

"Shippo please be on your best behavior." Kagome said, tears threatening to fall."Please don't make him mad."

"Mom it's just Saya, he's not even home yet, besides Shiori wouldn't stop talking to Manten as well."

Shippo said as he took his books out. " I have a class trip coming up do I have to ask him?" Shippo asked.

"Yes and be respectful about it" Kagome said.

Shippo sighed, he went up to his room to start his homework before his father came home. Shiori as well went upstairs to do her homework. Aiko went into the kitchen to be with her mom and twin brother.

"Mommy when will daddy be home?" Aiko asked.

"Soon." Kagome said smiling at her daughter.

Aiko was the youngest of the twins, but seemed to be able to boss Akio around. She walked over to Akio and pushed him out the chair, he didn't fall, but would have fell if one of the servants hadn't caught him.

Kagome saw what Aiko did. "Aiko go to your room!" Kagome yelled.

Aiko growled, as Kagome glared at her, the chibi Sesshomaru stomped off to her room as Kagome took the crying Akio from one of the maids.

"Shh, it's ok." She assured him as she checked to see if he was hurt.

Shippo and Shiori heard the one of the bedroom doors slam. "Aiko."They both said and continued their homework.

The servants were setting the table, when Sesshoumaru came home.

"Honey I'm home" Sesshomaru joked as he entered the kitchen to find a slightly still fuming Kagome.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked her. Kagome glared at him.

"Your precious little pup just pushed Akio out his seat and would have fell if not for the maid!" she yelled.

"He's a demon he'll live" Sesshomaru said "She was only playing"

"We'll I sent her to her room, she'll be down in a few minutes, since dinner is almost ready. And Shippo has something to ask you." She told him.

Shiori was the first to come down she had changed out her uniform and into a pair of jeans and a shirt that showed a bit of her stomach. "Where did you get that?" Sesshoumaru asked her.

"Older sisters are good for a lot of things" Shiori said

"Change now." He told her. Kagome came to her rescue.

"It's just a top Sesshoumaru. She's not going to wear it outside the house."Kagome told him. Aiko stomped down the steps and stopped when she saw her daddy.

"Daddy" Aiko whined playing the innocent angel act. "Did she tell you what she did to me?" refusing to use Kagome's title.

"Yes she did, do you promise not to do it again?" he asked her.

"Sesshoumaru stop spoiling her." Kagome said as she watched Akio walk out the room with his little puppy ears flat against his head.

"Your choosing again you have more than one kid" Kagome said "Aiko cannot be the only one in this house you care about."

"Kagome he's not hurt, she said she won't do it again." He told her.

Shippo finally came down. "Mom is dinner ready cause I promised Saya that I chat with her later on Yahoo?" Shippo asked as he walked in the kitchen.

"Hey Sessho-dad" Shippo corrected himself remembering his mother's words "How was work?"

Sesshoumaru eyed him. "What is that you want?, or are you being nice so I won't send you away?" he asked him.

"I have this field trip coming up and I need you to sign the permission slip" Shippo said

"I'll look at after dinner." He told Shippo and picked Aiko up and took her out to the dinning table.

"I remember when he use to carry me." Shiori said as she walked out the kitchen to take her seat.

"I remember when he use to care for me."Shippo said knowing. His mom heard her

Kagome heard it all, it had been a while since she and Sesshoumaru had really gotten into a fight, she sighed as she and Shippo walked in the other room.

Akio was seated next to Shiori. Dinner was served Akio looked at his parents as they talked. Sesshoumaru felt his son's eyes on him. He turned around to look at him.

"What is it son?" he asked him. Akio held his head down and spoke.

"Daddy please don't send Shippo away." He said.

"You set him up for this" Sesshomaru growled "What did you do bribe him?" he glared at Shippo and Kagome

"What,! No, we didn't he told me earlier that he hoped you didn't he said Shippo is more fun than Aiko." Kagome said. "Sesshoumaru Akio loves Shippo." Kagome said. As she looked at her two sons.

"I'm going upstairs to my room." Shiori said and got up and left. Shippo was getting ready to get up when Sesshoumaru spoke.

"That's a lie" Sesshomaru said

Shippo looked at him and then Akio. "No, it's not, all Aiko does is pick on him, and if it wasn't for mom she wouldn't get any type of punishment!" Shippo yelled. Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru.

"That's it you're gone!" Sesshomaru roared

"No!" Kagome screamed. Sesshoumaru please don't send him away. He was just upset." She pleaded with him. As she looked at Shippo. "Don't take him from me." She cried.

"Don't choose now Kagome" Sesshomaru mocked "You have more than one child"

"I'll pack my bags mom." Shippo said as walked out the room

"No Shippo!." Akio cried as he ran to him. . "Don't go, please." He said as he grabbed onto his leg. Akio than ran over to his dad. "Your mean daddy." He said. Akio looked like him but had a lot of Kagome's facial expressions.

"I hate you!" Akio screamed "I want to go with Shippo."

Kagome grabbed Akio before Sesshoumaru hit him. "Go upstairs Akio." Kagome said. Akio went up the steps with Shippo. Aiko got down out her chair and went up the stairs as well.

"Sesshoumaru you can't send him away, your other son just told you he hates you. Change your mind just this once please give Shippo another chance." She said trying not to yell, although it had been a while Kagome had no doubt that if Sesshoumaru was mad enough he would hit her.

"Three strikes Kagome" He yelled "That's all you get, and he has had more than three!"

" What about you all the things you did to me?, You been used your three strikes up!" she yelled.

"That's different. We have settled those matters." Sesshoumaru said

"I won't let you just send him away. I have a say in it too." She told him. She reached for her glass Sesshoumaru watched her, the last time she reached for a glass she threw the water in his face.

"Don't throw that in my face." He growled

"I was thirsty but if you insist." Kagome said throwing the water in his face.

"Have fun sleeping with your hand for a while." She added storming away to gather her kids for a sleep over.

Sesshoumaru growled, he was angry now the house staff kept out of his way. Kagome took all her kids and put them in her bed locking Sesshoumaru out the bedroom.

Sesshoumaru went to go in his room only to find the door locked.

Kagome open this door now!" he yelled as he pounded on the door.

"Go away or I swear I'll call your father." Kagome cried out

Sesshoumaru growled and stormed off finding a place to sleep in one of the guest rooms.

"We can't stay in here forever Kagome." Shiori told her.

"Yeah that's when Grandpa comes into the picture." Kagome said

"You can't keep running." Shippo said

"Yeah and they barely get along as it is." Shiori reminded her. "Maybe you should have Naraku and Hiten talk to him."Shiori told her.

Akio and Aiko were not use to their parents acting like this and it had them scared.

Kagome looked at the twins. She got out the bed. "Lock the door behind me Shippo I'm try to talk some sense into that dogs thick head.." She said and walked out the room.

"I'm calling Grandpa if it gets too loud or too quiet." Shippo said

Kagome walked down the long hallway, she looked in some of the guest rooms, he wasn't there, she walked further down and heard growling in the bedroom. Kagome slowly opened the door to see Sesshoumaru lying on the bed growling to himself.

"What are you growling about?" Kagome asked

"Leave me alone, Kagome." He said and turned his back on her.

"Aww I'm sorry puppy but every dog knows when a bitch gets her pup taken there is hell to pay." Kagome said

"Leave." He growled. still with his back to her.

"No not until you give me MY pup back!" Kagome growled out

"And if I did agree to do this what do I get out of it?" he asked as he turned around to face her.

"Children and a mate that doesn't hate you." Kagome said

"Not good enough." He said and turned back the other way.

"What do you want?" Kagome screamed

"Figure it out, dear." he said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm not going to be your whore just so I can keep my son!" Kagome screamed, alerting Shippo.

Shippo picked up the phone next to the bed and called his grandparents.

"What is it to be calling at this hour?" Came his grandfathers voice. Shippo was in tears

"Grandpa, Sesshomaru is trying to send me away" Shippo wailed "Mommy went to talk to him and she keeps screaming saying she wont be his whore so she can keep her son"

Shiori was crying as well, the twins to young to know what a whore was, cried because the others were.

Inutashio groaned, Sesshoumaru and Kagome were fighting. "Don't tell them we'll be out there first thing in the morning." Inutashio told him.

Shippo sobbed a good bye, as the children cried themselves to sleep.

Sesshoumaru got off the bed, "You're my mate not some whore seeing as I am giving you what you want, you have something I want." He said and began kissing her down her neck. " Say yes and he won't go." He said in her ear.

Kagome sobbed a yes,for her children she would do anything even sleep with a man that she held mixed feelings for. She knew she wouldn't enjoy this. Sesshoumaru had no intention of pleasuring her. He just wanted a release.

Kagome woke up the next morning sore. Sesshoumaru had his way the mark on her back had bled over night from Sesshoumaru digging his claws in her back.

She had not returned to fetch the children, and she slowly was on her way to do so when the door bell rang frantically.

Kagome groaned there was no way she was running down those stairs.

One of the maids opened the door. Mr .and Mrs. Tashio please come in." The maid said.

Kagome heard her, why didn't they call and say they were coming. Sesshoumaru was not going to like this. She walked down the hall to get some aspirin that she knew she would need today.

"Kagome!" She heard her father yell "Kagome are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine a little tired is all." She yelled back. as she knocked on the bedroom door that the kids were in.

The kids had rid their faces of their tears before, Shippo ran to the door and unlocked it.

" Your grandparents are here take Shiori and the twins down while I get dressed." She told him and limped into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Shippo nodded and puffed out his chest as he played the big brother role.

Shippo carried Akio while Shiori carried Aiko down the stairs. "Grandma, Grandpa." The kids screamed with excitement.

Shippo and Shiori let Akio and Aiko down and the two ran to their grandparents.

Kids are you okay?" Sakura gushed

"Aiko pushed me." Akio told his grandma.

"Aww where did she push you?" Sakura cooed

"Out of a kitchen chair." Shippo said for his little brother

"That's not nice Aiko, did you apologize to your brother?" she asked her. Aiko gave her look that would make Sesshoumaru proud.

"Its not like it hurt him" Aiko said

"Daddy's on her side, grandma , so you mine as well forget it. she's not apologizing." Shiori told her.

"Well grandma will not have favorites among her grandchildren." Sakura said

After Kagome showered, she put on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. She grabbed the aspirin and came down the steps slowly.

"Did he hurt you?" Her father asked quickly

"No," she said as she looked at the kids. "We just came to an agreement late last night." Kagome told them.

"He's around somewhere." She said.

"Who called you?" Kagome asked limping over to them

"Now why do you think someone called us, maybe we just wanted to surprise you." Inutashio said

"On a Saturday, at this time?" Kagome asked, she looked at her children "Now which one of you pups squealed to the law?" she asked them

The twins and Shiori pointed to Shippo. "Traitors." He said.

"Well I heard yelling so I thought that maybe something happened to you."Shippo said.

"Well next time try 911 although I think grandparents can get here faster" Kagome joked

The three adults and four kids walked in the kitchen. Kagome hissed as she sat down in the chair.

" So how long are you guys staying?" she asked.

"As long as we sit fit" Inutashio said "Unless your throwing us out"

"Dad you know I never would." Kagome said "But a very wise person once told me that I can't keep running."

"That and Dad is going to have a fit." Shiori said.

"That to." Kagome said

"Kagome have you seen my watch?" Sesshoumaru asked as he walked in the kitchen to see his parents.

"What are they doing here?" Sesshomaru asked

"I can explain. I'm cheating on you with your parents." Kagome said dramatically

Sesshoumaru ignored her. "Why are you here, did he call you?" he asked looking at Shippo.

"No Shiori did she was crying hysterically and demanded that her brother call us for she was worried about her sister" Inutashio half lied knowing Shiori would take the rap for it

"That's different then." He said

"Shippo you'll be glad to know that you will not be going away." He told him.

"Yeah we heard about the deal and the after math" Shippo said in disgust

Shiori piped in before Shippo found himself on the floor. " Daddy why don't you take me and Aiko out today?" Shiori asked.

"Alright where do my two FAVORITE girls want to go?" Sesshomaru asked

Akio looked at his dad, Inutashio saw how the pup wanted attention from his father. "Favorite girls, I'm the one that's sore, jerk." Kagome said loud enough for Sesshoumaru to hear.

Sesshomaru left with his two daughters, never hearing or pretending not to hear the whines of his sons.

Inutashio picked Akio up. "Kagome does Akio like to go anywhere special or be around anyone special?" Inutashio asked as he rubbed Akio's head.

"Just Shippo" Kagome said "Where ever Shippo goes he will follow."

"What about your friend Inuyasha?" Sakura asked

"Oh god don't." Kagome said "That's like his idol."

"Wench" Akio said

: "Make me some ramen human." Akio continued.

"I'm going to kill Inuyasha." She said. "Akio stop repeating Inuyasha, Inuyasha has brain damage." Kagome said.

Sesshomaru and his two favorite girls were on their way to mall for they could spend their father's favorite credit card on toys, clothes, and what else they saw fit.

"Daddy why don't you spend time with Akio?" Shiori asked.

"Or Shippo." Aiko added.

"Shippo is disrespectful, and as for Akio he seems to want to be around your mom all the time." he told them.

' He didn't hear the whimpers." Aiko thought.

"He chose to ignore the whimpers" Shiori knew

"I know he's shy, Kagome probably was too when she was little, but I think he would like to be with you, unless you want him to pick up Inuyasha's manners." Shiori said.

"He calls mommy a wench like uncle Inu and demands the human to make his ramen." Aiko said giggling

Sesshoumaru growled. "I guess spending sometime with him won't hurt." he said. Shiori winked at Aiko.

"And it seems I'll be spending time with uncle Inu as well." He added

"Yeah sure, he'll like that." Shiori said. Just imaging what Inuyasha would say. "I want to see uncle Naraku and Hiten Aiko said as he parked the car.

"We will see them later along with Manten and Hijiri." he said

Sesshoumaru took the girls and went into the mall.

In the meantime Inuyasha came over to Kagome's And was currently being yelled at by Kagome.

"Inuyasha you idiot." Kagome said "You have my 3 year old son calling me a wench and bossing me around telling me to make his ramen human."

"Kagome it was joke, I didn't think he would repeat it." he told her. "Besides I'm sure Naraku, Hiten and Sesshoumaru say much worse in front of him." he said.

as if on cue he started to mimic them "Look at that ass, I wish Koharu had boobs likes that, Sesshomaru's mom is a milf_" Kagome cupped her son's mouth with her hand and growled at him

"See." Inuyasha said.

"What are you doing to my son, he was so sweet and quite , that's it when Sesshoumaru comes home we're having a long talk." she said "Matter of fact I think I'll call Koharu and Alean." Kagome said. " Can i go then?" Inuyasha asked.

Yes but your not off the hook yet" Kagome said that's when Sakura turned on him.

"Inuyasha dear what's a milf?" Sakura asked ,Inuyasha blushed and stuttered he could not tell her that so he went to Inutashio and whispered it.

"Mother I'd like to fuck" Inuyasha whispered

Inutashio growled. "Kagome get them over here now!" Inutashio bellowed

She called the girls and told them to bring their mates over asap..

"All done dad".. She said. "Well I'll be going no sense in me being killed by three demons." Inuyasha said and ran out the door.

Shiori and Aiko spent a lot of Sesshoumaru's money, now it was time to go home.

Sesshoumaru returned home giving the bags to the maids and taking a small bag and bringing it into the kitchen where Akio was playing by himself.

Kagome smiled as she saw Sesshomaru give Akio a bag, but frowned when he opened it. "You didn't." Kagome thought "He likes soccer not football" Akio smiled anyways loving the fact that his father remembered him.

Shippo tried to hide the hurt with a snort and a quick wipe of his hands.

"We're having company tonight, Fluffy." she said as she walked over to him the pain now almost gone.

"Company like who?" He asked

"Friends of yours that like calling your mom a milf." She said

"Why would my friends use those words Kagome?" he asked her.

"Ask your son he repeated it this afternoon." Kagome said

"How do you know it wasn't Inuyasha , the girls told me he taught Akio the word Wench." he told her.

"Ask your son?" Kagome said

Kagome looked at him. "The point is your friends who are dad's as well should know not to talk this way in front of a child, now excuse me I have to get the kids ready for dinner." she said.

She held Shippo close to her side as the others walked in front of her.

"Leave Akio down here with me why the rest of you get ready for dinner." Sesshoumaru said to her.

Kagome and the children stopped. "Why would I leave Akio OUT?" Kagome asked

"I would like to spend time with my son, I'm not going to hurt him." he said as Akio looked at both of his parents.

You did it again Sesshoumaru. Kagome thought, as she nodded for Akio to go with his father, as she felt the moisture of tears on her leg.

Kagome took the remaining kids up to get ready for dinner. Sesshoumaru picked Akio up and placed him on the kitchen counter. "Did you tell mommy what you heard Uncle Naraku ,Uncle Hiten, and I say?" he asked him. Akio held his head down.

Akio started to sniffle. "Demons don't cry Akio ,men don't cry now tell me the truth."

"I didn't mean to, but mommy beat Uncle Inuyasha he was the one that told on you not me, and I just repeated what I heard you say. I'm sorry daddy." Akio told him.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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