
Finally Together by The Safia-Ryu

Finally Together

::Finally Together::

Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippou, and surprisingly Sesshomaru and Rin were sitting down around afire. Kagome had been forced to go back to her time, for she did not belong in theirs. They stared at the jewel. Kikyou was no longer a miko, nor was she allowed to touch the jewel. Every time she tried to, it would zap her. Inuyahsa thought himself in lover with the miko, but as soon as Kagome's presence disappeared he knew that it was just lust.

The jewel was with them on this night, they all were wondering what was going on with the miko. "You know, maybe if she had a sufficient mate, she would have been able to stay." Sesshomaru glared at his brother as he made the remark. Hating the hanyou for all he was worth, which wasn't much.

"I agree, maybe she could have been able, who knows." the monk inquired. Sango said nothing as she too stared at the hanyou, wishing to bring him pain. But she could not the exertion would harm her and Miroku's third child, that she was still carrying. The baby kicked at that moment, Sango closed her eyes tight. "Itai.... Calm down little one, didn't mean to upset you." she cooed to her child rubbing her hand across her enormous belly in soothing circles.

Then a flash. And the jewel was brought back to life. It spun and hovered above their heads. Then it flashed again, showing the one person they all wanted to see. Kagome.

"Do you need anything, how about some water, or maybe something to eat?" a timid man asked as a very pregnant Kagome sat knitting something.

"No I'm fine, there is nothing to worry about. I'm not hungry and I'm not thirsty, and if I do I'll say, okay?" she replied not taking her eyes off the knitting.

"Yes, we we're just concerned about , well about the baby." a woman coming up to her and handing her a glass of water.

"She's fine, and everything is going as it's suppose to." Kagome paid no mind to the water the woman set down beside her.

"How many times have you done this?" the man asked.

"This is my fourth time. Don't worry, in a few weeks she'll be out and then you probably won't need me anymore." Kagome finally looked up, and gave them an encouraging smile.

"What about her feeding?" the woman asked taking the water and moving it closer to Kagome.

"You'll only need me for another six weeks, then I'll be going back to my apartment." she replied.

"We don't know how to say this, but thank you. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity." the man bowed his head, Kagome smiled again and set the knitting down.

"You're good people, you'll take fine care of you're daughter. Oh... well looks like it's time." both the man and woman went white. Kagome got up took her knitting with her, and got into the car. Both the man and woman were rushing out of the house. Kagome just shook her head a small smile slip along her lips.

"She's... she's... she's...!"

"Pregnant baka." Sesshomaru said icily as the events replayed in his head. Oh... if he ever lived to be in that time, he would kill that man and woman. Especially the man.

"Sesshomaru-sama, Rin does not understand. Why did Kagome-chan have a big tummy, like Sango-chan?" Sesshomaru took a deep breath and was about to explain when Sango interjected. "Well Ruin that is because Kagome is having a baby, just like me."

"Oh...! But who is the baby's otou-san?"

"Ano...." Sango began, but Miroku interjected. "We don't know Rin. She lives there now, not here."

"That is true. Rin go find Jaken."

"Hai Sesshomaru-sama." And the preteen hurriedly got up in search for her favorite person to annoy.

"What the Hell?!?!?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Hush baka, it's starting again." Sesshomaru hissed, his control slipping, and anger welling up in him.

"Alright class, do you have any questions for Ms. Higurashi?" someone raised their hand. "Hai." Kagome said pointing at a young girl about sixteen.

"Ano... How do get you're figure back after you give birth?"

Kagome gave a giggle at the girl's question, "That's a secret, but while I'm pregnant I exercise a lot."

"What's it like, being a surrogate mother?"

"Ano.... Well it's like this. Well they put the already fertilized egg in me and from there the baby grows. For us surrogate mothers we depend on the family. They take care of all our needs, while we carry the baby. After the baby is born we stay for six weeks more or less, depends on the baby." Kagome answered.

"Why do you stay for more or less six weeks?" a boy asked.

"To feed the baby. When the baby begins to take the formula then I'm no longer needed."

"Couldn't you have a miscarriage?" a girl student asked.

"I could, but because I'm so young there is less probability that I will. That and the environment around the baby and me must be stable, and calm. "

"Why?" the same student asked.

"So I don't put any stress on me or the baby."

"Why do you do it?" a boy in the front inquired."

"Not every woman can have a child. I make this a possibility. I help them make the miracle they're asking for. I help these couples that want children, and would make beautiful parents, achieve this opportunity."

"What made you decide to do this?"

"Ano.... I had a friend; her and her husband had been married for about two years when they started trying. After two months of trying and not getting any results, they went to the doctor. She took a test and the test results said she was unable to have a child. When my friend came to me with this I said I would be the surrogate mother. I wanted to help my friend."

"Why did you keep doing it?"

"When I saw my friends happy face, I wanted to make other women's face light up the way hers did."

"What emotions do you have towards the baby?"

"Ano... throughout the whole process we know the baby is not ours. But it feels like you're giving them a piece of yourself. I won't lie to you. It's a saddening process. I know some woman who decided she didn't want to do it anymore after her second time. It was because even though she knew the baby was not hers, she got emotionally attached to that baby she was carrying and once she gave birth, when they didn't hand the baby to her she was very depressed. She went into a deep depression and I don't think she's gotten batter. We don't see her that much anymore."

"So you're saying is that you women get emotionally attached to the babies you carry for other married couples."

"Most of us do, and that's why it's such a hard job. Because we sometimes forget, even I do, that the baby is not ours. When we give birth we usually don't watch and we keep our eyes closed. Or we fall asleep on purpose, or we turn our heads. Because we carried this little being in our bodies we have an attachment to it. It will always be that way. We carried this baby in our body for nine months we feed it, it breathes because of us, it lives inside us. Whether we want to or not, we do get attached. No matter how hard we try we still cry when we have memories of carrying this tine baby in us and how we're no longer part of its life. It's hard, but it's worth it."

"What do you mean by you will no longer be apart of the babies life?"

"After the baby is born and when the baby no longer needs our milk we leave. I'm no longer apart of that baby's life. I gave birth to it, but I didn't create it, all I did was carry it. Nothing more."

"So what you're saying is, after the baby is born you leave, what do you do after the baby is born, after you're no longer needed?"

"We wait till our body's go back to normal and then go back. We have another."

They all were at a loss for words. They blinked as Kagome sat there and smiled at them. "How many times have you done this?"

"The last time was my fifth. Doctors tell me I'm made for having a baby." She had made a joke but they didn't get it. "Well it looks like our students are at a loss for words, thank you so much for you're information Ms. Higurashi."

"Wait! What do the men in you're family thing of this?" a boy student got up and asked.

"My little brother didn't get it at first, but once I explained it thoroughly he did."

"What about you're father, you're mother?" same boy asked.

"My mother had no problem about it, she said she was proud of me. My father died when I was little, but I know he would have been proud as well."

"Gomen." He said as he sat back down.

"It's fine." Kagome stepped outside the classroom. She took a deep breath, and started down the hall towards the exit. She got outside and went towards the parking lot. She walked over towards her motorcycle.

"Hey babe, miss me?" Kagome giggled as she ran a finger over her seat before she threw a leg over and put the keys in starting the ignition and revving up and peeling out. Her hair blowing in the wind, and a smile lighting her face.

Kagome walked into her apartment. She put her keys down and went over to her answering machine the red light was on, she pressed the button and the messages started.

The last one came on "Ano... Kagome about what happened last time. Well I just wanted to ask you if you would like to meet me for dinner tonight around seven-thirty. Call me back as soon as you get this." A smile spread across her face as she picked the phone up and dialed the guy's number.

Inuyasha was growling at that last part. Sango and Shippou had fallen asleep, Miroku and Sesshomaru was comprehending all that had happened. The jewel calmed down and finally was at peace. "So she has pups for women who can't have pups of their own."

"Seems like it."

"She really is a kindred spirit."

"She's always been that way."

"When did she start to grow out her hair? "

They both looked at him as if he had grown a second head, "When she was still traveling with us, baka." Sango growled out as she grabbed Miroku "I'm tired we're going home."

"Hai." Was his only response.

"Who got her pregnant?!?!?!"

"Inuyasha shut up." Sesshomaru said as he grabbed the jewel and left, going to find his ward and idiot adviser.


Kagome got out of the shower. She had started to put her hair up, when she thought of curling it. Then decided she was just going to keep it down. It had grown down past her backside ending at her lower thigh. A memory came to her, 'You're a baka Inuyasha. You do not deserve such friends, especially the miko. So shut up and let her do as she pleases, at least she doesn't betray you like you betray her every night.' Which had been a tiny lie. Her and Sesshomaru had started a relationship. But it was more of a friendship the first year.

It had ended up really serious by the time they had killed Naraku, she wanted to be with him, and no one else. She loved the way he held her, the way he stuck up for her when Inuyasha would scream at her. She loved him.

She was wearing a black mini skirt and dark navy camisole wearing a strapless bra under it. After being a surrogate mother and having four kids, her breasts had gotten surprisingly bigger and it showed with the cami she was wearing. She put on matching navy heels and a black jacket then left locking her apartment behind her.


He sat there and waited, it was past seven-thirty and he was getting anxious. That was until a motorcycle stopped in front of him. Displaying a lot of leg and luscious curves of a woman. "Kagome." He said as she looked at the man in front of her. His long black hair going far past his waist, but he still had those eyes she loved so much.

"Sesshomaru." She smiled the way she always had. They got a table in the far back. Some of the women staring at him, some of the men staring at her. Both ignored the stares and walked to the table. "So why did you call. You said it was about last time."

"This Sesshomaru would like to give his deepest apologies for what I said last time, and is asking for you're forgiveness."

She giggled, "Maybe if This Sesshomaru asked like a normal person he may get what he wants."

Sesshomaru took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Kagome, I didn't mean what I said, I wasn't comprehending it at all, I jumped to conclusions. What you're doing is something only some women can do, and for that I'm glad. Will you please forgive me for what I said."

"Of Course, just as long as you can handle me having children for couples that can't."

"I'm not comfortable, but I can handle it, I'll try to at least."

"I'm thinking of stopping anyway. It's really hard to just give the baby to them."

"Hn... with you're last one what number were you on?"

"She was my fifth, she was beautiful, utterly gorgeous. And she has wonderful parents."

"Will she ever find out?"

"That I carried her, probably not."

"Is that all right with you?"

"It's better this way, if I kept seeing her. I would want her as my own."

"I see. Ano... did you ever think...."

"Did I ever think of you when I simply left. I did, a lot, I missed my welcoming youkai, especially the late at night youkai. Who would take me in his arms kiss me passionately and then whisper sweet nothings in my ear, as he made love to me." She answered as she held his chin in her palm.

"I missed my feisty little miko, who would take what she wanted from me when I wouldn't give it too her. And I loved the little mewlings that came from her during the hours of the night."

"I missed being laid on Mokomoko-sama and being cradled like I was special, like I was loved."

"Koishii you still are." He answered as he gave her a sweet kiss. Too long had it been since he last saw her. Too long had it been since he had last taken her sweet welcoming form to his bed. Too long had it been since he had last tasted her. Too long had it been to see her sweet smile and the way her eyes would light up when he would whisper things only she could get out of him. Too long had it been since he had heard 'I love you.' come form her lips. And he had waited for so long to have all these things back and he was going to get them back.

He pulled back and saw her once delicious cerulean orbs now sapphire and clouded with passion. "It has been too long my love."

"Hai, it has, and I want my youkai back."

"And I want my miko back." He never had gotten the chance to mark her, but this time no one would interfere. There was no Inuyasha to yell at her, there were no reproaching glances to stop him from taking her as his mate. The slayer and monk had not minded, nor had the kit, but he had always known Inuyasha would try to kill him or his beloved Kagome. There were always reproaching glances from other lords as they saw her as his intended. Now there was nothing and no one to stop him.


"Take me home, Sesshomaru, take me home with you."

"I wasn't intending on letting you get away again."

"Good, cause I don't want to be a surrogate mother anymore, I want to have you're children. I want a baby of my own."

"Then you know I'll give it to you."

"You better." Sesshomaru had stood up and put the money on the table. He grabbed Kagome's hand and they briskly walked out of the restaurant.


Sesshomaru hopped on the back of her bike and she raced in the directions he was telling her to go to. He picked her up as soon as they got to his home. He went up the front steps and entered the house. He ran into his bedroom. He plopped her on the bed, and ravished her lips and the depths of her mouth.

She mewled in response when he nipped her lower lip with his fangs. Her hands went to the buttons on the black shirt he wore. A growl came from him, as her hands touched bare skin. She let him release himself from the kiss.

He trailed kisses along her jaw line, her neck and the junction where her shoulder and neck met. Then fluttered kisses all over her face. On her cheeks, on her nose, on her brow, on her eyelids, and gave her another searing kiss when his lips met hers again.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as her arms went around his neck. One hand playing with the pulse in his neck while the other held him to her in handfuls of silvery white hair. For he had transformed back into her lovely youkai on the road. She bucked and moaned when his fangs nipped her pulse.

He shuddered when she bucked. To feel that heat wrapped around him again, oh that would definitely be Nirvana. His hands went under the camisole and he ran his claws up and down her back, her mewling in response.

She withered beneath him, as soon as he touched her. He pulled away from her neck and went to pull the annoying stretchy shirt she was wearing. 'Fuck it.' he thought as he ran his claws through the fabric. The cami split open to show a lovely white lace strapless bra. He saw that instead of it unhooking in the back that it was the front.

As he ripped her camisole she went to undo the belt. She slid it off then unbuttoned and unzipped him. Seeing him in plain navy boxers and a black shirt chest open to her gaze heat pooled in the pit of her stomach. She cupped him in her hand, boxers still on, a feral growl came out and he bit her shoulder. She cried out at the attention that she hadn't gotten in years.

He lapped at the wound on her shoulder. Then losing his patience and unhooked the bra hiding the mounds he had so longed to have again. His eyes widened they weren't this big last time. But she had birthed five pups since then. He cupped the mounds, and a whimpered came out of his lovely miko.

She pulled the boxers off wanting to touch him again making sure this was not a dream. She cupped him again. His fangs dug into her right breast, a whimper of pain and ecstasy mixed came out. She ended up squeezing him her nails digging into his flesh. His fangs dug in deeper and a buck of her hips a load moan came from her. She let go of him then went to his shaft. She pulled the skin forward then pulled back.

Sesshomaru stopped his ministrations he threw his head back a howled thrusting his hips forward. He looked down at his little bitch, eyes glowing red fangs elongated and his once perfect markings ragged. She gripped him tighter a growl mixed with a moan came from him. She picked up the pace according to his thrusts.

His attention went back to the woman underneath him, the one giving him pleasure that he hadn't felt in five hundred years. His hand went to her centre he could feel the heat and knew she was wet, but never dreamed she was this ready. A strangled moan came from his little bitch, when his claw ran over the lace of her underwear, over her centre. She gasped and tightened her grip on him, she went faster, and his eyes closed and rolled into the back of his head.

She smirked when she saw him close his eyes, she knew he was going to cum soon so she picked up the pace. A growl came out as he got past her underwear and really felt her. She tightened her hold on him, went faster and then placed her other hand on his tip.

He entered her painfully slow and a low long moan came from his feisty mate. She bucked her hips, and he felt her nail run along his tip and he exploded. Growling and bucking his hips as she pumped a few more times, "Miss me Fluffy?"

"Kami, I have, dear Gods I have," he whispered into her skin where her pulse was. His hands went to her shoulders, and he sat her up, peeling off her cami. "Kami Kagome, what size are you know?" he asked holding both mounds again once the cami and jacket were off. "Double D." she answered he whined, "You were what, a double C, then."

"H... hai...." She was struggling again once he flicked a claw across her nipple. He smirked, he went to lay her back down, but stopped himself. He liked this position too. Besides she was already wrapped around his waist. He went to nibble her earlobe, "Take the skirt off, or would you like me to do it?"

"I... Kami.... Dammit Sesshomaru you know I can't!" she was practically sobbing maybe it was because while he was nibbling her ear he was playing with the most precious part of her anatomy, that he couldn't wait to be in again. All this pain was worth it. He inserted a finger and she let a soft mewling sound out. "That's my good little miko." He murmured as his lips mat her pulse again.

"Sesshomaru... iei.... I... want...." She was sobbing uncontrollably especially when he entered a second and third finger. Her cries were so sweet, and she was so tight. He only plunged into her three times, then stopped. If she could growl she would have and he knew it. He pried her legs from his waist and went to the skirt, he pulled it down, and threw to the floor.

She was at his shoulders making the black shirt fall to the ground next to her skirt. He stepped out of his pants and boxers, and went to take her annoying underwear off. "What's this...? My dear Kagome when did you start wearing these?" holding up a matching white lace thong. She smirked, "The night before Naraku died, the night you were suppose to mark me."

"Gomen, my love, but I thought it was too soon, and now I have realized my mistake. But this time I will have you." She moaned in response, when he gathered her in his arms again and laid her below him. She wrapped her legs around him and bucked. His tip ran along her centre and both of their eyes closed and a whine came from Sesshomaru.

Her legs gripped him tighter pulling him towards her. He smirked she had done this numerous times back when she was still being mistreated by the hanyou. He felt his tip at her entrance and she let out a whimper. His eyes met hers, damn those eyes of hers. He gave in as he always did.

He entered her slowly but she did not want that. She thrashed against him, moving her hips trying to make him bend to her will. "Sesshomaru Please!" he grunted and thrust into her hard. She gave a sigh, she was finally where she wanted to be, she was finally once again completed.

Yes, this was what he wanted. He had waited for her he had not touched another woman, and by the Gods she felt wonderful as she always had. His mind reeled at how tight she was. He plunged into her fast and hard. She moaned below him. He smirked, how long had it been since she had had him? She had left when she was around eighteen, she was at least twenty-four or five now.

She rose her hips to meet him, a growl came from him. A sheen sweat had broken out on both of them, and Kagome was shrieking with pleasure. Oh he had missed her beautiful music when they were together. He had missed all of her. "Sesshy...." He smirked, so she wanted it her way huh, well he'd give it to her.

His thrusts were harder, faster, deeper. She moaned in happiness. He had always thought she was a slow lover, not wanting it fast, but slow and sweet. Not hard, fast and far past passionate. But he had been wrong, she loved it hard, she loved it fast, and she absolutely loved the new positions he had showed her.

His pace quickened and she withered beneath him. He was no longer plunging into her, he wasn't thrusting into her; he was driving himself into her as hard as he could, and she loved it. She mewled with pleasure, and she knew she was almost at her end.

He could easily feel her tighten, and he dove into her harder. She threw her head back exposing her beautiful neck to him. His lips went to work, trailing the voluptuous curve to where his mark should have been, and that's exactly where it was going. She screamed her release and he dove in once more as hard as he could and struck her like a snake. Diving his fangs into her as she milked him. He lapped at the mark, she was his now. All his. "Kami, I've missed you so much." She whispered from underneath him.

"Me too, Koishii, me too." He wrapped his arms around her and rolled over. She giggled as he grunted. She gave him little nipples and kisses on his neck, while running her hands down his chest. He gave an appreciative growl and she nuzzled into him under his chin.

He ran his claws through her long sapphire hair. Her eyes back to the satisfied state of cerulean. "How many women did you have after I left?" she asked wanting to know. "None, I knew no one could satisfy me the way you could, can."



"Good because I would have killed you're ass."

"I know you would have." She gave him another kiss before she fell asleep, into her youkai's arms. The one she had longed to be with.


Kagome was looking around the living room, watching and waiting for any signs. Sesshomaru had married her a month later after his repossession of her. They were happily married and she had already had the baby. He was ecstatic and she was thrilled. She was actually going to get to keep the child this time. This one was hers and Sesshomaru's beautiful miracle. Kagome had opened a boutique, selling beautiful gowns to everyday wear. Even though Sesshomaru had more then enough money to not have her work, she still wanted to. It had always been her dream to make clothes for others, that and everyone loved her gowns and Kimono.

She was sitting down knitting two new outfits. She heard a whine and put the knitting down. She got up and went into the nursery Sesshomaru had paid to build for her and their pups to come.

She walked over towards the crib, glancing down she saw her beautiful baby boy was awake, she gently picked him up, sitting down in the rocking chair. She slowly rocked her little boy back to sleep. That was until his twin sister woke up.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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