
The Book (redone) by lily1121

Chapter 1


"What are you doing here my dear".Asked a old man as he came around the concern of the library of the castle.

" You do know this is the royal library and you just can't come in here." He said when he didn't get a answer.

A young person turned around she could be more the 9 years old. She had a veil that covered her face.

" Lady Kagome what are you doing do here." He asked now knew it was his princess.

The old man thought back to the day she was locked away.


Oh you see Kagome wasn't some monster that had to have her face covered she was the middle child of triplets. So her parents looked her away to give the older sister a chance at life. Well it was her mother who locked her away. Something happened to her to change her from the nice women the king fell in love with. But that is going to far for right now. Kagome had lived a normal life with her sister Kikyo and Souta until one day someone told her mother that Kagome was the most breath taking child he has ever seen. Her oval shaped face. Her crystal blue eyes. The milky white skin. All the way to the kindness. She was so kind to everyone. But what made her mother turn was when the man did not say anything at all about Kikyo. She was older. But only by minutes. And that was the last day Kagome has seen the outside world. Her mother told her she was to monster like to have anyone see her. So she locked her away. The king thought that his wife was just scared for their child so he let it slide. Oh how wrong he was. That was one year ago so far.

End flashback

"Oh I'm sorry sir I just came down to fine something to read." She said in a sweet tone.

"You know my granddaughter has missed you so much." He said to her.

"Oh I miss Sango also but mother said that I am not allowed to talk to people for I would scare them" She said her tone seemed sadder.

"You know child that you are not a monster Sango has seen your face, did she scream and run away?" He asked turning to change her mood.

But he got no answer.

" You know what I can do once a week I'll have her come her to clean up and you to can play." He said.

"Oh really that you so much sir." and with that she walked to look for the book that she been dreaming about for weeks.

She spend hours until she found it.

"Yes, I have found you" She said in a joyful tone.

"Well I see you have found what you are looking for. Enjoy it sweetheart." The old man said.

Once Kagome was gone a shadow come into view.

"Oh my king if you don't want me to do it I'll shall not bring my grandchild." The old man asked while he stilled bowed.

"Djin I do not want you to stop. I thank you for allowing her to be happy. I just hope my wife comes around soon.

Oh in a few months I want Kagome to have a hand maid. I asked for her to be Sango. Is that ok with you" The king said with a smile.

" Oh yes she can do that" With that Michael said his good bye to the king and went to tell Sango.

'Why do you haunt my dreams book' Kagome said to the book as she sat on her bed.

As she opened the book she noticed it was empty.

'Now what to do with you. I guess I could write in you.' and with that she opened the book and started to write. But nothing could surprised her more then what happened next.

Hello my name is Kagome.

Hi Kagome.

'What the hell is going on.'She yelled to noone and look back to the book and took the next step.

What is your name?

My name is Sesshoumaru.

Ok it's nice to meet you Sesshoumaru. How old are you? Where are you from? What do you like to do?

Hold on a blasted second. I'm 11 years old. The western lands is where I'm from. I don't know what I like to do. Why do you ask so many question it's like you don't talk to people much.

I don't talk to people much am not allowed to or anything else.


This is the reason or the story that everyone at the castle knows. I had lived a normal life with my sister Kikyo and Souta until one day someone told my mother that I was the most breath taking child he has ever seen. But what made her mother turn was when the man did not say anything at all about Kikyo. She was older. But only by minutes. And that was the last day Kagome has seen the outside world. Her mother told her she was to monster and noone would like see her. So she locked her away. And I'm to wear a veil whenever I go into the castle outside of my wing. That was one year ago.


A 11 year old demon boy walked though the hall oh his fathers castle. His father has called him to his office.

'What the hell did I do now I bet that Inuyasha said something to him' He held his head high. And walked into his fathers office.

" You wanted to see me father" He asked.

" Oh yes Sesshoumaru I have something for you. I know with all your studying and lessons you have not had time to make friends beside that perverted monk Miroku. So here this book with help you find a friend." And with that his father handed him the book and left the room.

" How would a book help me fine a friend. He opened the book it was empty nothing at all. But the something happened.

Hello my name is Kagome.

He stopped what he was doing the book was talking to him. Then he remembered what his father said. 'this book with help you find a friend.' 'Ok so I guess I can write back.'

Hi Kagome.

What is your name?

My name is Sesshoumaru.

Ok it's nice to meet you Sesshoumaru. How old are you? Where are you from? What do you like to do?

'Damn she asked to many questions but if I'm to fine a friend then here goes nothing.'

Hold on a blasted second. I'm 11 years old. The western lands is where I'm from. I don't know what I like to do. Why do you ask so many question it's like you don't talk to people much.

I don't talk to people much am not allowed to or anything else.


This is the reason or the story that everyone at the castle knows. I had lived a normal life with my sister Kikyo and Souta until one day someone told my mother that I was the most breath taking child he has ever seen. But what made her mother turn was when the man did not say anything at all about Kikyo. She was older. But only by minutes. And that was the last day Kagome has seen the outside world. Her mother told her she was to monster and noone would like see her. So she locked her away. And I'm to wear a veil whenever I go into the castle outside of my wing. That was one year ago.

'What kind of people would do that to there child'

So how old are you Kagome?

I'm 9 years old.

What do you like to do?

I read and go to the library I'm not allowed to go outside. So I play in my room.

'That has to be sad she needs a friend more then I do. I don't what I'm thinking but here goes'

Kagome will you be my friend?

Oh yes I'll be your friend Sesshoumaru. And next to that she draw a smiley face.


Was the only thing that he wrote.

Ha ha we have a funny man on our hands. She draw a face with it tongue sticking out.

Well I try t o be at least.

So tell me about your self.

Ok Kagome. Well I told you my age, I have a friend named Miroku who is studying to be a monk. But I don't know how, he tells everyone his hand is cursed. Because he grabs any females

backsides and tell them it cursed. I have a half brother. That's going to be a long story.

That's funny he's really like that? Go on tell me more. I don't leave my room much unless one of the demon lords.

You meet demon lords. Which ones?

I've meet the south and east lords. My mother is looking for someone to marry me to when I'm old enough. So she can pass Kikyo off to a king.

That's mean, so have they found one?

"Why I'm I asking her that. I just met her and I'm hoping she never leaves me"

No, my father turns them down. He'll tell them he will not sell me off she they could have more power. And they live. But they we go again about me. What about you?

Oh yes, my brother well his a year younger than me. My father cheated on my mother with a human and that thing had Inuyasha. But she didn't want him because of him being a half breed. So my father bagged my mother to take him back and the baby. I took a while but he won her over and I have him.

Sesshoumaru do you hate humans?

"Oh no I never thought that she could be human"

No, I'm just mad at the women, did I tell you that I'm a demon. My father is lord of the western lands.

Oh my mi lord I didn't know what to say

Kagome you are my friend pleases don't change that.

Ok sorry. But it's getting later and I'm tried so I must say Goodnight.

Goodnight Kagome write soon, I well if I have any questions to ask.

Ok bye


"Kagome are you awake" Came the voice from the other side.

Shit it my father where's my veil. Kagome started to run around her room.

"Hold on father" She said.

"Kagome you do not need your veil. So open the door I want to see my little girl." Oh hell I pissed him off. Kagome opened the door.

Their stood her father with a smile on his face.

" There's my angel. I have something to tell you. I have decided that you are allowed out of the tower, also I could not change your mothers mind on the veil to cover your face. But you can go out. Oh yes before I forget you well be given a handmaid on your birthday."

"Father my birthday is in two weeks"

" I know sweetheart but would you like to meet her?"

"Yes father"

Kagome saw her father move to the side she saw her best friend Sango.

" Sango father?" Kagome said with hope in her eyes.

"Yes sweetheart she is to be you handmaid until you tell her otherwise."

"Can I do it now sir" Sango asked.

"Yes you can Sango" With that said.

Sango ran over to Kagome giving her a hug. As the king watched he was glad he changed his mind about waiting a month after her birthday to give her this. But know he is happy to see his angel happy.

"I well leave you to only for an hour but after that Sango need to help her grandfather" With that said he turned around leaving them to themselfs.

"Oh have I missed you Kagome." Sango said with a tear going down her face.

" Oh I've missed you to."

They both started to laugh and started talking.

"Sango you would never have guess but I found this book that lets me talk to the person that has the other copy."

"Oh the courting book."

"What are you talking about?" Kagome asked confused.

"Well you see there was once a great and powerful miko named Midoriko she was a warrior and was always alone. So she put a spell on two books. Then she walked into a town and left one of the books behind. So she waited which was a few years until the book was found. The amazing part was the book travel all over japan until it was found. The man was a demon but she did care and they talked. And soon became friends. The day they were to met Midoriko was killed and the jewel of four souls was made. It was said that the jewel well be born in the body of a miko. And she well be the only one with the power to keep it safe. Hey Kagome did you know that you related to Midoriko she's like your great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother on your father side.

"With that said Sango said it was time to go to work and she would talk to her more about her new friend. With that Kagome walk over to her desk a grad her book wanting to talk to her. When she opened the book she notice that he already wrote to her.

Dear Kagome,

I could not sleep so I decide I had a few question to ask. So I could get to know you better.



1. Color

2. Number

3. Place to spend time at

4. Food

yes and no questions:

1. Do you have a boyfriend?

2. Like to talk to me

just plain questions:

1. How tall are you

2. What color is your hair

3. What color are your eyes

ok so that's all I have for now. Hope to here from you soon. I have lessons till noon.

"So he's at lessons, so it gives me time to write him back."

Dear Sesshoumaru,

I guess I'll answer your questions before I tell you about my day.



at the lake behind I sit by the large tree and read.





black but in some light blue

crystal blue. (Believe me or not)

I want you to answer the same but change the boy to girl ok. But now I'll tell you about my day.

First my father came buy told my I am allowed outside and I get a handmaid on my birthday. Which is only in a week from today. Who just happened to be my friend Sango. Oh I haven't told you about her. She a year older than me. Her and her brother and grandfather are last of her people. But anyway she told me about the book. It's called a courting book and it came about being like this. Well you see there was once a great and powerful miko named Midoriko she was a warrior and was always alone. So she put a spell on two books. Then she walked into a town and left one of the books behind. So she waited which was a few years until the book was found. The amazing part was the book travel all over japan until it was found. The man was a demon but she did care and they talked. And soon became friends. The day they were to met Midoriko was killed and the jewel of four souls was made. It was said that the jewel well be born in the body of a miko. And she well be the only one with the power to keep it safe. Oh I'm her like 5 great grandchild. Which explains why Kikyo is starting her training. I have a few book on the subject and been teaching my self something. I can have my hands start to glow pink and I can move things with my mind. I hope that doesn't scare you away. Well good bye for now.

-With Sesshoumaru.

Well done with his lesson he started to walk back to his room to see she if she wrote. It was driving him crazy. He know her for a whole day and he fells this close to her. He walked over a graded the book the look of hope in his eyes. He slowly opened the book. And saw she wrote.

As he sat on his bed he started to read. Oh her birthday is in a week. That's good to know. She a miko but untrained. She training herself. I most speak to my father. This is not right the way she treated by her mother. Her father sound like he cares. She's her grand child. I have to speak to father. With that. Sesshoumaru walked to his fathers office.

"May I speak to you father"

"Yes Sesshoumaru you may. Is this about your friend from the book?" Sesshoumaru looked at his father with unsaid question's in his eye's.

"Come son I should have told you about that book when I saw that you found it." Sesshoumaru just nodded his head and sat.

"You see before I met your mother. I traveled the country. Until one day I found this book. I look throw and notice it was empty. So I decided that it would be a good log to put my thoughts into. As I started to write my name. The book said hi back to me. Soon Midoriko told me about herself and we became friends. We talked for years and then I decided to meet her to tell her I was in love with her. But when I got to the meeting place she was in stone a whole in her heart. I soon found out that she die in battle and a jewel with some much power was born from the one I loved. It took me years to get over her. Then I met your mother and the pain became less. She once asked me why I was so sad. I told her about it. What amazed me was I found out from your mother that Midoriko died save her from kid napped who wanted her fathers power. So I have my first love to thank for saving my second. The thing that happened with Inuyasha mother was I was mourning her death it was years after her death on the date. I saw someone standing by her grave site. When I looked at her and thought she looked like my lost love. After that night I know she wasn't but I did not change what happened. So I told your mother she kicked me out of the bedroom. Then when I went back a year later to pay my respect she was there. With Inuyasha telling she did not want so freak for a child. So I took him with me and begged your mother. She finally forgave me and took inuyasha in as her own."

"So son that is my tale"

"Thank you father for sharing your tale. But I have some questions?"

"Go on ask son."

"Kagome has told me that the family is allowing her sister to have miko training. But she is not. She is training herself. And told me that she can have her hands glow and move things with her mind. Is that normal things for a 9 year old miko?"

"That is a good question. I shall look into it." With that Sesshoumaru walked to his room and notice the book glowing for the first time. So he opened it.

She had wrote to him.

Good afternoon Sesshoumaru.

Have you been waiting long for me to write you back.

It only took a few minutes for her to answer

I just walked back into the room to see the book glow. Do you know that it only glows when you write back.

"She is pretty smart."

Yes I found out always. Oh to answer my own questions



my room

oden too



5'6 and growing



oh and yes I believe you about your eyes. Oh I have something to tell you word for word that my father told me.

So Sesshoumaru told her everything that his father told him.

Thank you for telling me that. She draw a smiley face for him to see.

As the days past until her birthday and when she open the book to see that Sesshoumaru draw her a birthday picture. They spoke all night. This went on for years. Next week was Sesshoumaru 17 birthday.

So Shessy how does it feel to be almost 17?

The same as it did when I turned 12,13,14

Ok I get it. So if you could have one wish for your birthday what would it be?

"To see you and tell you I'm in love with you. But that not going to happen."

I would like to see what you look like.

Ok that can be done only for you.

They talk for the rest of the night until

Sesshoumaru's father came into talk to him.

Kagome I have to go for now talk to you later.

With that he closed the book and looked to his father.

"You wanted to speak to me father."

" We got a letter inviting you and your brother to see a possible mate."

"No father I will not met anyone. I'm in love with Kagome and I'm going to find her and win her heart."

Sesshoumaru saw his father starting to laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"I have found out the king has three children triples I believe two girls and a boy. One female wears a veil." Sesshoumaru was so shocked he jumped up not knowing what to do.

"I'll go father and thank you" With that said he walked out of the room.

He saw that the book was glowing. So he opened it. What he saw was the most amazing face he has ever seen it was her. She even gave it color. She was breath taking.

Under her pictures said happy birthday I love you. All the color in his face paled. She love me.

Oh Sesshy my mother told there are two demons coming and my father can not stop me from marry on of them. But I don't want to I'm in love with you.

Sesshoumaru could see the tears on the paper. Hell the paper was even wet.

Fear not This Sesshoumaru is in love with you also.

Sesshoumaru I have to go they are calling for me.

With out thinking he ran to tell his father everything.

"Father she loves me and she breath taking. Look."

With that he show his father the picture. But what concerned him was the shocked face on his father face.

"What is it father"

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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