
Hitoshirenu no Ren'ai by MuteShadow

Chapter One

Hidden Affections

-By MuteShadow


Disclaimer: I, MuteShadow, do not own InuYasha. Any InuYasha related items are respectfully owned by Rumiko Takahashi and her producers/lawyers.

Author's Note: This fanfiction is based on "Boy Trouble" by Kittykat69 on All respects are due to her.

Warning: Sexual Situations [Lemons, Lime etc..], Violence, Extreme Humor/Parody and Inappropiate Language.


My Corner;

Hello everyone yet again. Here is another fanfiction of mine. I know I know. I should finish all my others. But I have craved to write a fanfiction like this for a very long time. Today I had a day off of school and I thought 'Hn. I need to update my fanfictions.' I went to update Cavern Craze and Indebted Honor and had the two chapters done yet just then my computer decided to freeze and I had to restart. I was so distraught I wrote this just to make myself laugh a bit. Sad but true.

Anyways, for those of whom who rate and review, arigatou. You are aiding me and my writer's block ^-^. I love all my fans and I thank the Kami for honoring me with your generous reviews and kind words. Now onto the story;



Chapter One


Tap tap tap tap.

A pencil's end was deliberately and swiftly 'tapped' on a note pad, the eraser and metal clicking against the paper while a slim hand wiggled the writing utensil in between its fingers nervously. Sighing, a young girl continued to fidget as she sat at her kitchen table, her stunning face unable to obtain its usually beautiful smile. Lately, she had had major problems at school. Yosumo Kagura, her enemy since Kami knows when, had recently become more violent and abusive to her to the point Kikyou, her cousin, had had Kagome's mother take her out of the school.

'I know it is upsetting but I feel Kagome is in true danger. Kagura is very envious of her and will stop at anything to destroy her, Higurashi-basan. Please let me talk to some of my friends and connections at the neighbouring schools to see if we can transfer Kagome far away from Kagura and her friends. It is in her best interest.' Kikyou's explaination had been to a rather distraught Mrs. Higurashi.

Frowning, the said girl turned to stare out the kitchen window, watching her jii-chan sweep the shrine's stone steps slowly, his aged face scowling as he batted at a very annoying bird who continued to peck at his head with its yellow beak. Groaning, Kagome placed her face in her hands. 'Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve Kagura's hatred? Can't she find some one else? Or possibly see a therapist?'

Kagome sighed, cupping her chin in her palm as she watched her jii-chan now run away from the sqwauking bird whom was obviously enraged at being hit with by a wooden broom. 'I dont want to change schools. Sango, Ayame, Kikyou, Rin...all my friends attend Shagima High. Where will I be with out them?' The young girl felt tears creeping in her eyes. Despite the threat of Kagura's own dangerous intentions being directed towards them, Kagome's friends had stood firmly by the young girl's side and had shared the brunt of Kagura's cruelty all year.

Sniffling, Kagome sighed. There was no use crying. Her Oka-saan had already extracted Kagome from Shagima High to the dissapointment of her miko mentor, Kaede. Kaede was a wise old woman who trained both Kikyou and Kagome in the arts of shinto miko practices. 'Damn Kagura! I should have purified her. Not only would it have been an excuse of it being an 'accident' since I'm in training but I think every one would be happy with out her.' Kagome thought sourily, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

Kagura was a kaze-youkai. With her long black hair always tied up in a bun, her black eyes, pale skin and full red lips the wind demoness could almost be called stunning if she hadn't worn the famous 'Kagura' scowl and sneer on her face. Kagura had a rather beautiful crowd of friends who were just as cruel as she; Kaguya, Kanna, Tsubaki and Yura. Kagura had made it clear only youkai were to be in her group. That was another problem with the demoness. She hated ningens. Especailly miko ones to the unlucky fate of Kagome.

Kagome watched her jii-chan duck beneath the cloud of black feathers as the crow continued to fly after the elder man who now branished his broom as a sword, thrusting the bristled end at the demonic creature with a zeal of a maniac.

"Kagome?" A soft voice chirped happily.

Turning, Kagome saw a welcomed figure standing in her usual pink apron and fluffy white slippers. "Momma?...Kikyou?" She questioned as she saw noticed a beautiful girl standing behind her, her brown eyes excited.

Kikyou smiled slightly at her cousin and stepped forward while Kagome's mother followed behind her with a bright smile. "Kagome, I think I have found a solution to your problem." The elder miko announced while she took a bunch of papers from Kagome's mother.

Kagome blinked in surprise and straightened up as she listened intently. "Really? How?"

Kikyou sat in the chair, flipping her hip length black hair behind her. Taking the thick package, the older girl pushed the Nihongo text document towards the younger miko. "I spoke with a friend of mine whose Father works at a prestigious and distant school. I later spoke with my friend's Father who turned out to be the Head-Master of the school and we discussed you."

Kagome stared at the huge booklet and gaped in stunned silence as she read the kanjii title. "Uk-Ukashima Hi-High?!" She shouted in surprise, her large blue eyes widening to the size of saucers.

Kikyou glanced at Kagome's mother, worry evident on her cousin's beautiful face. "I know it is a bit surprising-"

"Kikyou that is an all boys school!" Kagome interrupted quickly, her disbelief evident.

Kikyou nodded, her features calm. "Yes, Kagome. And thats exactly why myself and your Oka-saan have decided to enroll you in that school."


Kikyou sighed, her patience faltering. "Kagome, please understand this. You are an excellent student yet with your past with Kagura, none of the other schools that were female-based as Shagima High would accept you. Your Oka-saan is against a public school because not only are their academics bellow a private school's but they are usually subjected to the worst of societes people." The miko explained firmly, her brown eyes narrowing. "When I knew an all girls school was off limits and there being no co-ed private schools anywhere in Tokyo for that matter, I decided to confront my friend's Father and request an exception for you. I allowed him to see your school records and he was impressed with your punctuality, intelligence and growing skills in the arts of purification and archery."

Kikyou stopped, inhaling and ehaling slowly to calm herself and retrieve her serenity. "Kagome, you have been accepted but there are certain conditions you must abide by." Seeing her cousin's horrorified look, Kikyou sighed. "Kagome, the terms are that no one except for Ichagamo-sensei is to know you are a female. If it is found out you are in fact a girl, you will be dismissed. Immediately." Smiling a bit at the humor in the situation, Kikyou shrugged her delicate shoulders. "This may seem a bit odd Kagome but I did it in your best interest. Kagura and her friends do not attend the school nor do they hang out with any one there because girl's are not allowed on the school premises."

Kagome listened quietly, her blue eyes down cast. Gulping, the young girl took in all the information. 'An all boys school? Me? A boy?' Glancing up, Kagome stared at her Oka-saan and Kikyou wide-eyed. "B-But citizenship says I'm a female and how am I to enroll in a school with my Nihon documents and birth certificate saying I'm a girl?" Her eyes widening further, Kagome gasped. "What about me bathing? And changing for gym? What about sharing a dorm room with how many other guys?! Kikyou I can't do it! I'll be found out for sure!" Kagome shook at the notion.

It was bad enough Kagome was shy and extremely klutzy when it came to meeting strangers. But a room full of guys? Kagome had never had a boyfriend in her life! It wasn't like she hadn't been approached its just Kagome was frankly to afraid of boys and their 'needs'. The girl shuddered at the thought of being trapped in a school with nothing more then a whole population of ningen and youkai boys under the influence of their hormones.

Kikyou smiled at this while Kagome's mother giggled. Scowling, Kagome crossed her arms angrily. "I'm happy both of you find this very amusing but I don't think it's that funny! I do not want to have to tie down my breasts, put up with raging hormoned jerks and-"

"Kagome we've taken care of all of that." A new voice stated amusedly.

Turning, Kagome was met with the sight of a very old woman with only one eye and gray hair with a hunched back.

"Kaede?" The girl gaped.

Her old mentor stepped forward, her red hakama floating behind the tiny woman. The elder nodded. "I have come to tell ye that all is fine. I have created ye a new citizenship with the aid of an old student of mine who also turns out to be a very influential woman." The old miko's eye sparkled with mischief. "I have also come to help ye with your 'problem' with the male appearance ye have."

Kagome listened to her old teacher, staring at her family. "You guys really have figured this out, haven't you?" She pointed out, smiling for the first time all week.

Kikyou smiled and nodded. "We love you, Kagome. We were more then willing to help you finish school and lead a stress free life as best we could."

Kagome stared at her cousin, her fear dissolving. "You really think I can do this?" She asked softly.

KIkyou nodded, her flawless face gentle. "Of course I do, Kagome-neesan. Do you truly think I would place you in danger or in any sort of situation I did not know you couldn't handle?" The elder miko asked slightly offended.

Kagome smile spread across her face causing it to transform back into its gorgeous brillance. "Iie. I believe you, Kikyou-neesan." Laughing excitedly, Kagome ran over and quickly hugged and kissed each of her accomplices. Clapping her hands together, the miko smiled enthusiactically and turned to the oldest miko in the house. "So what is the plan, Kaede-sama?"

Kaede smiled, her wrinkles doubling and folding over each other. "I have come to teach ye a very simple spell that will alter your appearance for as long as necessary. You will not grow a..." Kaede paused. "You will not suddenly have all the assets of a male." The teacher's one eye grew serious, making Kagome blush.

"So I can still sit down" Kagome asked innocently.

Kaede sighed. "Hai, Kagome. As for your breasts, I can not do anything about those females graces as well."

Kagome sighed. "So I will have to bind them?" The girl frowned. 'Thats going to hurt and be rather annoying.'

Kikyou nudged her cousin, her smile twitching at the afronted look on the girl's face. "It is better then us changing you into a boy permanently, isn't it? For that is the only other option." She stated firmly, her serious tone back.

Kagome shuddered. "No thanks. I'll prefer being a cross dresser for now." She said quickly.

Kaede sighed, closing her one eye thoughtfully. "Kagome, ye will need to not stress thyself during the spell. If your emotions run high or ye are distressed, the spell will wear off and ye will have to activate it once again which will leave thyself open to your male peers." That one eye opened sharply, its black pupil steely.

Staring forcefully into the girl's face, Kaede continued. "Kagome, this will be a test. Not only will your powers be tested but so will your ability to control yourself. This is no easy task especailly with the strain of such a powerful spell upon your untrained body. So I will warn ye; what ever ye deem to do please ensure that your safety and emotions will be secure. Understood?" The elder watched the young girl's beautiful face, intent with her stare.

The young girl listened, quiet at the suddenly serious precautions of her situation. 'So this is really going to happen. I'm going to finally be free from Kagura but at what price?' Looking up, her head held high, the girl nodded. "Hai, Kaede-sensei. I understand."

Kaede smiled. "Then let us begin your training. I do beleive you have three days before your required presence at Ukashima High?"


Two Days Later...

"Well?" Kagome demanded as she stood before her quiet audience, her new face scowling at their silence. 'The one time I dont want them to shut up and their as silent as death.' She sighed with in.

Kikyou clapped her hands together, her flawless face radiant in its pride for her sister figure. "Kagome-neesan, I am very proud. You have activated the spell perfectly! You appear to be a very young, attractive boy! If I were not your cousin and did not know what lay beneath those clothes, I admit I would be blushing as of now." The miko stated gently as her eyes shinned with pride.

Kagome blushed despite herself and glanced at the grinning Kaede. "So I look good?" She asked shyly to her mentor.

Kaede cackled in response. "I would bet my very soul that not even Kagura would deny thee."

Kagome's Oka-saan hurried forward with a mirror. "Here you go Kagome. Look at yourself." The older woman ushered her excitedly.

Picking up the mirror, Kagome looked down into the reflection. The sight that met her was almost almost to surreal to believe. Her large blue eyes were a bit smaller and narrowed at the edges. Her full lips had slimmed down and paled. Her long eye lashes had shorted and her small, heart-shaped face had become more angular. Brushing her bangs out of the way, Kagome frowned. "My hair...I wont have to cut it, will I?"

Kaede shook her head. "You may tie it in a braid. Many boys wear their hair long; both ningen and youkai. It is popular to have your hair in a high pony tail or a low braid when you are a boy." The mentor stated, trying to sooth the girl's fears.

Nodding, Kagome touched her new face in awe. She was stuningly beautiful for a boy. Her female and male looks blended together perfectly to make one very attractive guy. 'Well here we go Kagome. We're off to a different high school and whole new life as a brand-new person to go with it.' Looking up to her smiling family, Kagome sighed and looked into the mirror once again.

'Ja ne, Higurashi Kagome. Konochi wa Hisumo Kisho.'


"Kisho! Kisho!" Kagome's mother yelled from the stairs.

Groaning, the new 'Kisho' opened her eyes reluctantly. "Nani?" She mumbled as she rubbed her hand on her forehead tiredly.

A little boy ran into the room, his large brown eyes curious. "Kagome! Is that you? Wow...chikuso you really are my brother now!" Souta, Kagome's littler and only brother, exclaimed as he pointed to his sister turned 'brother.

Kagome sighed, closing her eyes in exhaustion. She had had hardly any sleep with all her training with the spell and learning about houshi [she was supposed to be going to school to become a houshi now], shopping and studying. She deserved a break. Period. Thinking about it, Kagomerolled to her side in a defiant move. "Souta leave me alone. Just let me sleep." She groaned as she flipped onto her stomach, wiggling in between her bed sheets to find her warm spot again.

Souta shook his head. "No, Kagome-neesan. Oka-saan told me to get you up! You have to get ready to go to school, onee-san!" He explained excitedly as he began pulling the large blanket off of his sister/brother.

Kagome stiffened. Kamikuso, how could she forget? Today was the day...

Jumping from her bed, startling poor Souta to the point he tripped and fell to the floor, Kagome ran to stare into the mirror. A young, almost too beautiful young boy stared at her with nervous creculan eyes. 'Mou! I still have to much girl in me...'

"Kagome...I mean Kisho...get ready!" Mrs.Higurashi sighed from the doorway.

Turning, Kagome saw her mother standing in the hall outside her bedroom, her car keys held in her hand in a gesture of 'I'm-ready-and-waiting'. Blushing, Kagome dragged her three trunks of new boy clothes (Kikyou had recently taken Kagome shopping for clothes for her new 'look'. Kikyou sure had a great sense of boy's fashion) and her school bag full of her new books to the car. Seeing her jii-chan, she smiled nervously at his glare.

"You use your Kami given gifts for...this!" He demanded shrilly as he pointed to her flat chest.

Kagome sighed. "Jii-chan.."

"Why it is upsurd! Why can you not just purify the demoness? You will not run away from your problems, Higurashi Kagome! Yes! I said it! You are not 'Kisho', you are my little Kagome!" The old man snapped, his beady black eyes narrowing with every spat word.

Kagome winced at her granfather's on slaught. Souta stood in the kitchen door, watching the scene unfold as he chewed on his sushi thoughtfully. "I think Kisho is much cooler then Kagome...Oi, Kisho can we play games when you come back for the holidays?" Souta asked enthusiastically, obviously excited about having a new 'brother'.

The young girl sweat dropped. "Ano..sure...Souta. But I would like to be Kagome when I come home..."

"Ah, come on Kagome! I've always wanted a brother...not that you were a bad sister but, onegai?" The little boy pleaded, his large brown eyes hopeful.

Mumbling to herself, Kagome groaned. "Fine. But only on some days, understood Souta?"

The boy nodded and smiled. "Hai!" And quickly ran to hug her around her now trim, muscled waist.

Patting her brother's head, Kagome picked up her stuff with more strength. It seems she had enhanced her muscles during the spell. 'Thats a good thing since I have all this stuff. Kikyou really did put a dent in my credit card...'

"Kisho, come on!" Kagome's mom called happily, her brown eyes sparkling.

Turning and waving good bye to her little brother and scowling granfather who continued to mutter about 'wasted powers on youth', the girl turned boy climbed into the front of her car and sat beside her mother. Watching her family's shrine fade from view as they drove down the main street leading through Tokyo, Kagome sighed and watched the tall buildings, people and cars go by.

"How far is it to Ukashima High?" She asked her singing Mother

Mrs.Higurashi paused her singing to turn and smile radiantly at her new 'son'. "We will be there in half an hour, 'Kisho'." She giggled over the name and turned up the music louder, singing to the song again.

Closing her eyes tiredly, Kagome rubbed her face. Today was the day she left behind beaten up, harassed and scared Higurashi Kagome. Today embarked the journey of he, Hisumo Kisho. Turning to see her Oka-saan's cheerful face, Kagome blinked. Usually, most mothers would have been hysterical by now. But her Oka-saan...

"O oshikami moshi moshi ha e!" Higurashi-san sang off key.

Kagome winced. Her mother decided to sing instead. 'I think I would have preferred her being hysterical.'

Leaning against the window, Kagome watched the buildings fade away and the scenic views of rice fields and farms appear. Grimacing, the girl sighed. 'Yes lucky me. I get to sit in a huge school in the middle of the mountains. Yay?'

"Kisho, we're almost there. Get into your school outfit!" Kagome's mother announced gaily.

Rolling her eyes, Kagome threw off her top and stared down at her completely flat chest due to the tight binds around it. Frowning at the sight, the girl quickly placed the blue t-shirt and pulled on a pair of matching blue shorts. Placing the silver badge on her right chest, Kagome quickly braided her long hair and put on casual white running shoes. Looking at her legs, the miko smiled a bit. 'I will definately have the smoothest legs out of all the guys. I guess I'll just say I'm gay or a swimmer or-'

"We're here!" Higurashi-san interrupted the confused girl's thoughts with her exclamation.

Gasping, Kagome looked up at stared at the huge school in the shape of a Sengoku Jidai castle. Watching herself coming closer and closer to the main entrance, she felt her throat tighten and herself beginning to sweat as she noticed all the guys sitting here and there or smoking in the shade of the trees. Glancing to see her Oka-saan's unfaltering smile, Kagome straightened her shoulders. There was no turning back now.



Kisho: A male name meaning; one who knows his own mind.

Ningen: Human

Youkai: Demon

Kaze-youkai: Wind demon

Jii-chan: Grandfather

Oka-saan: Mother

Miko: Priestess

-sensei: Teacher

-sama: Title of respect

Nani: What

Onegai: Please

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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