
Write Sins Not Tragedies by Lavender Cake

Prologue, Death Of A Mighty Warrior...

My story is based on LadyShieru's pictures . there awesome. That they needed to be told about so most of the credit goes to her! please enjoy the story.

Prologue, Death Of A Mighty Warrior...

Kagome had to shut her eyes, the dirt and the jaki flowing through the air was burning her eyes the energy was flowing around her and the Shard Hunters as the evil jaki from the completed jewel oozed out from Naraku like smoke from a fire, it reached through Kagome and moved deep into the pours of her body. As she held onto Inuyasha who had his Tessaiga held firmly in his left hand his arm around Kagome keeping her close to her person as he tried to see through the thick smog of evil lacing the area.

"Shit..." the hanyou muttered as he felt Naraku all around them as it felt as though he his hands were on them gripping and tarring at there flesh. This is what they were waiting for... this had to be what they all had been waiting for. The final battle and yet the coward was hiding himself in the dirt. How right and fitting of him... Smirking he raised the demon fang into the air. Soon having the Tessaiga shifting pulsing and turned into the gaint blade and forming into a jagged jewel of it's own. Having Inuyasha's lips curve into a cruel smirk he gently pushed Kagome behind him and moving foreword making sure not to hit the Onna he then moved into the footing to use Tessaiga's final attack.

That was when he swung the fang having the unpure air swirl and be pulled towards the now glowing Tessaiga, "Kongousouha!" he yelled sending thousands of tiny shards in each direction. Having each diamond shard move into the smog hitting whatever needed to be hit.

Kagome watched as she saw the bits of light of the shards from Tessaiga shoot foreward crunching into trees. As she moved to cling onto Inuyasha his arm encircling around her waist once again, having the air soon warp and move. As the dust cleared, There Naraku was standing by a large oak which was split down the center by Tessaiga's attack, Glaring as it would of appeared to the shard hunter's Naraku's person covered in a dozen of Tessaiga's diamond shards.

"Inuyasha..." Naraku hissed out between clenched teeth. The fake Hanyou seemed to take notice of the pain before he lifted his left hand and clentched his fist having the shards push out and simply land limply at his feet, "Die!" he then screamed, raising his hand to his chest with the completed Shikon no Tama soon sinking and embedding it's self into his flesh. Naraku then hunching foreward as he would of soon seemed to be growing to see his clothing rip from his growing form, Till he seemed to have mutated into the form of a large spider. The gruesome sight made Kagome's stomach flip, As though it looked like the spider Naraku was grinning like he was about to win and indeed end the Sengoku-Jedai and Kagome's future as well.

Kagome then shaking in pure fear as she saw the black cloud covering the once baby pink jewel of four souls. "Inuyasha... the jewel turned black..." Inuyasha nodded as he seemed to smell it in the air. Baring his now lengthened inzeors pushed Kagome back were Kagome had spoke as if only for Inuyasha to hear. "The jewel it's embedded at least six cenemter's from his heart..." Inuyasha then smirking and nodding, "Got it..." he whispered before he moved with his own youkai speed towards Naraku, Kagome moving back to stand near Sango and Miroku.

The two who were against some of the crumbled rocks and broken trees. Sango cradling Kohaku to her chest while Miroku seemed to try his best to provide comfort. The who had taken out Kagura and Kanna were somewhat badly injured as Miroku watched Inuyasha with Wide eyes. She had then moved slowly making sure not to catch any attention from the fake hanyou as she moved beside her friends. "Inuyasha please win..." Kagome had whispered who had then gripped her bow. She might aswell protect Miroku and Sango who were not in any postion to protect themselves or a doll like Kohaku.

To Kagome it would of seemed the sky above there heads had swirled and gotten darker as the night itself, While Naraku kept his body low avaiding Inuyasha's attacks. Kagome shivered this feeling it seemed to bother her very soul as if something bad was about to happen, It was getting colder, she felt empty. IT felt as if she had lost all hope. Shutting her eyes and shaking her head she stared at the two, determined to step in she had moved a bit having the bow clutched harshly in her burned and inured hands, she glared at her now white fists she had tried to get the jewel only to have Naraku's miasma suddenly burn off the palms of her hands, still she kept on creeping foreword inching slightly ignoring Miroku's words and Sango's sobs.

Inuyasha hissed in anger as he watched it go cold and dark. He wanted to rip Naraku into shreds. "Nar-!" his words cut short by an purifying arrow. Inuyasha then turning his head as soon as the arrow had flew from the bow. "Kikyou..." he whispered her name falling from his mouth and the site of the bruised dead Miko. The purifying arrow which seemed to be encasing Naraku with white vines and it brining out a foul scream of pain from Naraku shooting a light through the Fake Hanyou to where the Shikon Jewel had been embedded and having the completed jewel roll towards some of the broken trees.

Kagome gasped at the site of Kikyou, standing there in all her glory, Kagome truly belived the undead Miko was indeed strong, as she unearthed another arrow from the quiver there was angry scowl printed upon her features Kikyou looked completely murderours. As Kikyou let another arrow fly to distract a pained Naraku as she looked at Kagome and nodded her head towards the rolling jewel. Kagome gave a quike jerk of a nod and bolted towards the black jewel her not carring about the screaming Naraku Kagome's only protection being her bow and arrows.

Inuyasha smirked pride showing on his bloody features towards Kikyou as he just watched her come through the tattered and bloody battle field. Her movements perfect as she glided towards Naraku to string her arrow along the bow only to have her scowl harden "You die today. I'm sick of this..." Kikyou snarled between her teeth, Naraku had to die as she once again shot another arrow having it burn through Naraku's spider flesh and having the limp fall to the ground and a cloud of jaki shooting at towards them and Kikyou simply waving it aside. "This started with us and it will end with us." She screamed in pure fury as Naraku screamed out again at the loss of his limp.

"Kikyou, You damned bitch... you should of stayed dead!" Naraku's monotoned screamed echoed off into the caranage as Inuyasha's menacing growl moved throughout the air. "Shut up!" yelled an now enraged Inuyasha only to fling his Kaze no Kizu towards the torn fake hanyou and Kikyou moving with fast like movements and flinging another arrow at Naraku encasing the two with youkai and dead Miko power to hopefully finish the last blast of the final battle.

Kagome let a screamed rip from her throat as she barely just grabbed the jewel before she was blown back from the force of Inuyasha and Kikyou's attack. As she landed in a pile of wood she let the breath leave her body from the connection of her body hitting something solid. As she started to pull herself up she yanked several large pieces of wood from her arms and legs. As the fresh scent of her blood seemed to catch Naraku's attention him letting go of an angry shreek and moving his monstrous tentacles towards her to get back the jewel that she held within the palm of her hand.

Kagome screamed again as she jumped out of the way the tentacle just grazed her leg the flesh ripping from her leg causing yet another trail of fresh blood. Kagome hissed between clentched teeth before she fell to the ground the jewel falling from her hand and rolling some way away from her. As Inuyasha then cursed as she looked at him and Kikyou, she darted foreword and rolled to get the jewel back into her grasp and having it glow the bright sickly pink of its natural pure yet evil power. She then smiled and looked at Naraku who growled at her. "Onna..." his tone threatening as Inuyasha once again got that prideful look for Kagome making her chest swell with affection for him. As the Hanyou had then let another Kaze no Kizu go blowing Naraku back and away from Kagome. Though unaware of the tentacles that shot out towards Kagome's unsepected Back.

"Kagome!" Hearing Inuyasha's suddenly frantic scream she whirled around Kagome looked in horror as she saw the arms of Naraku reach for her. This time she couldn't seem to move fear paralyzing her as the several mass arms came towards her with a murderous intent to see her dead and to make sure she stayed dead.

That disgusting fake of a youkai... no a hanyou was on his lands... and destroying the peaceful serene of it, Sesshoumaru would simply not stand that. He was the Lord of his land and if he let it go about to let trash wonder about on his lands his Athuority would be taken into account and was not about to be challenged by some low life Youkai who thought it would be fun to run his Father's lands. As he had seen one of the many explosions by the heart of where he lived, He had ordered several of his men to stay on guard and not let his human ward and retainer follow him. Sesshoumaru and moved out and was about to join this final battle. As he moved throughout the tall oak trees he could smell the blood burnt flesh and jaki, As the sense filled his sense Sesshoumaru made himself hurry as his body moved into a ball of light and spead him across his land to Naraku.

As Sesshoumaru had then came to a stop he moved into the battle field where from what he could see Naraku was on the virge of destruction as it would of seemed he lost the jewel as Naraku though seeing being hit back by the Tessaiga he managed to let go of several tentacles and were moving towards the Rencarnation of the dead Miko. Annoyed he let a feral growl pass his tight pressed lips enough blood was shed on his land. And the Miko's death was coming and of course all his idiot brother was doing was standing there screaming out the girl's name As he moved again he withdrew tokijin and jumped infront of the dazed and bloody girl and held the sword out in front of him, His brow's drawing down as he spoke a single words. "Ougi..." With that several blue caresses of lighting broke and riped away at the tentacles the girl would be safe for at least a while for a while during this battle, Red bleeding into his hues how dare this disguting thing violate his lands as he looked around at the broken tree's the blood splattered everywhere he could feel his anger bubling up.

Kagome had nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden arrival of Sesshoumaru and him protecting her. And now she found herself staring at the back of Sesshoumaru, His jaki surpassing that of Naraku's ten fold as she covered her mouth to prevent herself from being sick in his presense, Tokijin dripping with the Fake Hanyou's blood as he let his arm go limp at his side as he seemed to be taking in the damage of the battle as the sudden darkness seemed to engulf him, it actually scared Kagome way more then it should of as the black of his jaki was blinding and suffocating her from being so close to the Tai-Lord.

Turning his head towards her Kagome jumped as she stared into one of his golden and blood red hues his mouth open now his canines grown and the two magenta stripes on his face longer and more jagged that Kagome actually took a step back, "Get out of the way Human!" he barked the order at him, drawing her own brow's down she turned on her heel and ran back towards Sango and Miroku as the look on her face was pure annoyance well he could just forget about that thank you!

"Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha called out a snarl edging its way into his words, "Back off I'll be the one to kill this asshole!!" Sesshoumaru glared at his younger sibling, how he could be so annoying at times. As the only repliy INuyasha had gotten was an "Hn" As the two Inu-Youkai siblings were interrupted by the sight of Kikyou's several soul stealers move into the area and swarm around Naraku like insects. Inuyasha who looked stunned stared at Kikyou. Who still had the harsh glare on her face. "This ends now..." she whispered.

Kikyou who had simply held her hands out dropped her bows and when she did the Soul Stealers moved into motion and moved themselved around Naraku keeping him imoble as the purifying arrow Kikyou had shot started to contrict. Kikyou who had then looked at Inuyasha her facel expression softened, "Looks like you can live your life Inuyasha..." she whispered to him before she bolted to the Spider form of Naraku, As she did the ground seemed to be opeing up dragging her and Naraku along with her Soul Collecters into the ground to hell "Now Die!" she screamed as the wind seemed to pick up in the entire area. Causing everyone to stare at what Kikyou was doing.

Naraku screamed out in utterly pain as fire suddenly picked up and wrapped around them burning and slicing the flesh off of Naraku's bones like in his human life time, As Kikyou then had let out a pained yell causing Inuyasha to drop the Tessiaga "Kikyou!" he yelled before running straight towards the two him moving into the burning mass to hold Kikyou in his embrace. As kagome watched in utter horror at the site she shook her head and bolted towards the couple and dying enemy "No!" she cried out before she was roughly yanked to a stop a clawed hand dig into her already bruised flesh, "Stop..." his voice boomed over the harsh winds and spitting fire.

Having the colour drain from her face as she started to struggle from the sudden scream of pain coming from Inuyasha, as she placed her hand over Sesshoumaru's and tried to pry his fingers loose. "Let me go!" she croed out as the wind's moved into a spiral inwards she could barely see him and only hear his pained cries. As the Taiyoukai growled and yanked her cloaser to his person to keep her in place as the massive hole started to whistled hurting Kagome's ears as she then felt his grip loosen only to see Inuyasha's figure get pushed back and then there was an explosion.

Kagome was thrown clear from Sesshoumaru and into a tree as she felt the breath leave her body as she slugged down to pant and try to get back to the breath she so desperately needed, She let a small noise pass her throat as she looked up her vision blurry as she saw Sango and Miroku fine if not more pale then before, Kohaku in Sango's grasp him being held protectively. As Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru he had Tokijin in the ground his feet slightly spread to keep him in place. And not being pushed back from the explosion.

When the wind calmed Kagome swore she was still seeing stares as she placed her hand on the tree she had been pushed against she stood wobbly as she felt a oncoming head ache as she looked around her vision a lot better as she moved her fingers around her scalp she was sure she probably had a concussion. As Kagome then jerked her head towards the hole that Kikyou had created. She felt her stomach drop and heart sink as she started slowly towards the creature Kikyou's bones, Naraku's rotten and burnt corpse... Inuyasha! Her mind screamed as she franticly searched the ground for him. The sudden smell of rotten flesh made Kagome sick, covering her mouth she stopped and frowned as she bit her lip, her teeth shredding the flesh on her lower lip causing more of her blood to spill.

Wiping her mouth Kagome again let her eye's move and franticly search looking for Inuyasha as she started to walk again she ended up tripping over a stone as she fell to her knee's she yelped and looked up. She hadn't tripped over a rock... she tripped over Inuyasha, how had she not seen him!? She placed her hands on his chesthis silver mass of hair was tangled and blood drenched most of him was burned as Kagome started to sob, "Inuyasha!!" she called out to him shaking him slightly. "Inuyasha!!!" she screamed again she didn't want to face that reality... that he... Inuyasha... was...dead... As she though about it she placed her finger by his nose, No breath, her head on his chest. No. No loving heart beat she liked to hear when he held her close to him. "Inuyasha..." her voice cracked as she didn't bother to wipe her tears.

He was dead.

Kagome cried out in agony. "Wake up!" she had started to shake him. Inuyasha's body had been swallowed by Kikyou's purity as Kikyou had tried to push him away before she had done that... he died in the arms of his lover, He was gone, Kagome cried out in sobs as she felt the tears roll down her dirty face. She moved his hair from his bleeding face and staring down into empty yellow hues, she placed her hands over his eye's to shut them, she couldn't stare at them... or him, Covering her eye's she just sobbed shaking bloody and dirty she sobbed for him. "Inuyasha... please... wake up..." she cried softly, her words a mere whisper.

He stayed still as Kagome's words echoed into the night. She had felt all her pain wash over her heart. Her pulse was so fast it was a wonder her body didn't explode. Her body shook as she moved her finger sup to his ears and rubbed them softly praying to the God above he was about to wake up and say he was joking and made a crude comment for her crying... anything...

"Kagome-chan..." came Sango's muttered voice as she looked over at the girl, Kagome was bleeding and dirty and now crying for the death of her love. "He's dead..." Screamed Kagome as the jewel glowed. Still she wished for him to be alive. He was still dead.

"Work you stupid jewel!" she yelled as she clutched the glass ball in her fist making it glow brighter. "I hate you!" she screamed tossing it to the ground and watched it roll away. She started to cry harder now, her clenching her hands in the fire robe as she buried her face in his chest. Soaking him with her tears.

"Let's get him back to Keade's village..." Miroku said softly, as he moved to Kagome and Inuyasha slowly taking the hanyou and moving him gently over his shoulder and Miroku limped away back to the village.

Sango following him, Leaving Kagome there, Though they knew what she needed.

Kagome was mad... very mad, She had turned her head towards where Sesshoumaru was standing, he was gone. She screamed loudly and limped to the spot. "Come out here!' she cried, balling her fists, "Why did you leave? Why did you stop me!" se cried falling to her knee's, her strength deflating.

Shaking her head, and leaving her eye's wet, she had soon followed Miroku and Sango back to the village. The defeat of Naraku wasn't as satisfying as it should have been....

Seshoumaru watched the girl run to his dead brother and cry, He sat there, in the shadow's he needed to get away before he killed the girl. Though she had screamed at him, challenged him, and his inner beast wanted blood, her blood. He growled turning his back and moving home. He would deal with this once he reached his Home. Now he truly was alone.

As Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly he watched the creator Tessaiga... They took it. He could see the Onna carrying it in her nearly limp hands....

Kagome watched as Keade had the men strip Inuyasha of his clothing and place him in a white yukata. She felt the tear's again. She had been crying for the last few days and they were going to burn him. And during the same day they had put Kikyou back in her grave, Soon taking the body outside, To a hill, Kagome had followed. She had she changed her clothing but still limped from to soon inuried.

Kagome whimpered softly as Keade had to support the girl from falling, they placed Inuyasha on a wooden plat-form and Kagome moved forward taking the rosary from his neck. She leaned down and placed a feather light kiss against his cold lips. She had soon started to sniffle and buried her head against his white Yukata.

"Inuyasha..." she whispered as she moved into the pocket of her clothing, and pulled out the Jewel and tucked it in his left hand. "I want your wish to come true, So when your reborn, you can be a full demon..." she whispered softly as she moved his silver bangs from his closed eye's.

"I love you..." she mumbled as she had started to cry. She held the rosary and was pulled away as the men had lit the wooden platform a flame and Inuyasha' burned with the Shikon Jewel.

It was his like he always wanted, He would be happy in the next life, She knew that for sure. She looked at the burning wood and Inuyasha's body, burning away like paper, She cried out and reached for him. The fire reburning her bandaged hand as Keade pulled her back. Having Kagome fall to her knee's She didn't want to watch. She missed him to much already... Way to much... As she started to sob as she looked at the rosary through blurry eyes as she simply cletched it with nothing but flesh over glass.

AN: Yes!! It's done. Please tell me what you think more coming soon!!! R&R!!!!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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