
Protector by kyasarinyume07

Merge with the Protector


Chapter One: Merge with the Protector

"Kagome, watch out!" Sango screamed at the top of her voice, as she shielded herself from Kagura's wind blades. Actually, she needn't have bothered to block anyway, Kagura wasn't really fighting. The blades dissipated into soft breezes as they hit the surface of Hiraikotsu.

Kagome ducked and rolled, coming up on her feet again as Naraku's miasma laden tentacle flew past her. Upon hearing Naraku's shriek of mindless rage, she snatched an arrow from the quiver slung over her shoulder, nocking it expertly to her bow. Kikyo had willingly given up her half of the soul, along with an apology. By doing so, Kagome now possessed all of Kikyo's skill and power added to her own, making her extremely powerful.

Kohaku, after regaining his memories, had chosen to end his life. Using his scythe, he dug out the Shikon shard that sustained his existence, and begged Sango to forgive him with his last breath. His death still pained the proud demon slayer, and she had sworn to defeat Naraku, with her death if the need arose.

Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru harried Naraku endlessly, and they guarded each other's backs, albeit unwillingly. Both acknowledged that Naraku's defeat was more important than the problems they had with each other, so for this last battle, they teamed up. "Move!" Kagome shouted at them. Sesshoumaru, after slashing at one tentacle that came too close for his comfort, retreated to the skies, levitating effortlessly. Inuyasha backed off, Tetsusaiga held in front of him. "Say your prayers, Naraku," Kagome said.

Shippo rode on Kirara's back, and lashed out with his green fox fire untiringly. The two fought the swarms of demons that were possessed by bloodlust. Miroku fought Kanna. Although he did not know why, Kanna refused to suck Miroku's soul away. Kagura knew why. Her talk of freedom had confused the white girl, and now Kanna wished to have the luxury of controlling her own life.

Naraku growled. "I am not finished, wench," he growled. Kagome smiled coldly. "Well... I believe that we will make that decision for you," she ground out. Focusing her attention on the arrow she held between finger and thumb, she looked straight down the shaft. The arrow began glowing a pure white, so bright that everyone was forced to look away – except the miko who controlled it. As she built up the power, Naraku flailed at her, but a small barrier appeared, preventing the filthy half-demon from reaching his goal. Kagome released the arrow. Everyone watched in silence as the arrow flew towards its target, all the while releasing a trail of sparkles.

Naraku screamed as the arrow hit him in his heart. Convulsing in agony, he cried out in pain before disintegrating into dust. Kagome looked at Kagura, then at Kanna.

"Go on and leave," she shrugged. Kagura and Kanna hesitated, then bowed to her as one. "If our services are ever required..." Kanna said softly. "You can come and look for us," Kagura finished for her older sister. They both turned and faded away silently, free of Naraku's clutches at long, long last.

Sesshoumaru looked about. All the demons had fled at Naraku's death, and there was no reason for him to linger. He inclined his head to the small miko who possessed awesome powers, and turned to walk away. "Thank you," Kagome said, bowing to him. A small trace of a smile quirked his lips when he heard, but no one could see it. No one would believe it anyway, who had ever heard of the great Ice Prince smiling?

Kagome walked forward and dropped to her knees. Naraku's chunk of the Shikon jewel lay in the dust. Reaching up, she took the single shard from the bottle hanging from the necklace she wore. With a soft hiss, the last shard fitted back where it belonged, and when Kagome touched the completed jewel, there was a bright flash of light, and she fell unconscious at the feet of her friends.


Kagome stirred. She ached all over, as though she had run a marathon. Her eyes opened, and her hand came up to rub them blearily. Sitting up, she yawned. Kaede hurried across to the young girl from the future whom she regarded as the daughter she'd never had. "Are you feeling better, Kagome?" the old miko asked gently. "Yes, I'm fine..." Kagome waved Kaede off.

Shippo came running in, hard on his heels were Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku, in order. "Hi, everyone..." Kagome smiled. "Kagome-chan, how are you?" Sango knelt next to her best friend, who was exactly like a younger sister to the older girl. "I'm fine, really, Sango-chan," Kagome reassured the slayer. "I'm glad," Sango hugged Kagome, then moved aside before she was forcefully removed by Inuyasha, who was tapping his foot impatiently behind her.

"Kagome..." Inuyasha said awkwardly. "Hello," she smiled in return, yawning a little. The silver-haired dog half-demon hesitated, then moved his hand up, as though wanting to touch her cheek. The instant his fingertips brushed against her skin, a jolt of pink light zapped him, and he cursed, pulling away sharply. "What the hell was that?" he swore, glaring at Kagome as though it was her fault. The small miko looked as though she was ready to cry. "I don't know! I didn't do anything!" she protested, distraught. Sango put her arm around her friend. Kaede rose to her feet and beckoned for Inuyasha and Miroku to follow her. Shippo jumped into Kagome's arms, and she was relieved when nothing happened. Kaede saw this and pursed her lips. This ruled out her main suspicion, that Kagome's miko powers were trying to purify Inuyasha's demon blood. If Shippo, a full-blooded demon, could touch his 'mother' safely, why had Inuyasha been rejected?


"Sango-chan... where's the Shikon no Tama?" Kagome asked uncertainly, her hand at her neck, where the Shikon shards usually hung. Shippo was snuggled into his mother's lap, fast asleep. "The jewel seems to have been absorbed into your body. Do you remember that bright light when you touched it? When we rushed to you, we found that the jewel had vanished, and you were glowing slightly pink. We assume that it returned to its natural host," Sango bit her lip. "Oh... then my responsibility here is finished. But I cannot go back home," Kagome sniffled a little. "Why not?" Sango asked, against her will. She wanted her friend to stay with her. "If the Shikon no Tama is in me, how can I go back and pretend to be normal? If I don't use that power, it will come out in ways that I can't handle. I can't do that to my family..." Kagome cried. She launched herself at Sango, setting Shippo on the floor beside her, and wept into the cotton of the slayer's kimono.


"Confess, old woman. Why did Kagome try to purify me?" Inuyasha growled out, still upset by his encounter with the miko's power. Miroku, standing behind him, shook his head and lifted the shakoju he wielded, bopping Inuyasha with it. The half-demon swayed for a moment, then toppled over. He was unconscious, thanks to Miroku. "So, Kaede-sama, what do you think about it?" Miroku leaned against the outer wall of the hut, drinking in the sunlight that bathed the village. "I believe that this has something to do with the Shikon no Tama," Kaede answered quietly.

"What can the jewel possibly have done?" Miroku frowned, displeased. "My best guess is that no one who wants her sexually can touch her. I believe that this is the way the Shikon no Tama has decided to protect its host. Or perhaps the jewel requires a person to be worthy of its guardian miko. Inuyasha may not be that person," Kaede sighed out. "I heard that," Inuyasha snarled. "We can try my suspicions out," the ancient miko decided.

"Well then, Miroku, when you go in, keep thinking that you want to grope Kagome again... let's see how the jewel reacts. And Inuyasha, you keep thinking that all you want to do is be Kagome's best friend," Kaede ordered. The two younger people nodded, and they all entered the hut again.


Kagome had already stopped crying, and Inuyasha could smell the scent of salt in the air. "My dearest Kagome-sama..." Miroku approached her, grinning devilishly. Sango frowned, then relaxed at Kaede's hand signal. When Miroku brushed against Kagome, a small bolt of power shocked him, and he drew back, shaking his hand in pain. Inuyasha came forward, concentrating on the fact that he wanted to be her friend only. When he reached out a finger to touch her hand gently, nothing happened. "Looks like you're right, Kaede-sama," Miroku sighed. His hand still stung a little, but he knew that all the jewel had done was to just warn him away.

"And what did Kaede-baachan say that was right?" Kagome narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Come on outside, Kagome and Sango. I'll tell you there," Kaede sighed. "I wish it wasn't so..." the old one mumbled under her breath.

Miroku and Inuyasha looked at each other, sighing. They both pricked up their ears, wanting to know the reaction of the miko from the future. Right on cue, they heard an indignant shriek. "WHAT?!?!" Kagome shouted.

"You have GOT to be kidding me," Kagome growled so soft that only Inuyasha could hear. With another piercing scream, he heard her run away from both Sango and Kaede, and sighed again as the footsteps faded away. Miroku looked at Inuyasha, who shook his head silently.

"Another thing that I didn't tell you... the jewel has probably given Kagome more than that. Among the likeliest are immortality, increased power and healing abilities. Kagome will have a hard, hard life from now on," Kaede bowed her head as she pushed aside the curtain covering the doorway.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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