
Dear Sister by yokai_slayer

Kind of Weird

Dear Sister

Chapter #1 Kind of Weird

It was a long time ago. I must have been six or seven. But I remember, and I will always remember. At the time I didn't understand. No matter how much I thought about it I couldn't make sense out of the situation. I was nothing but a small child and I didn't know anything. All I knew what that my daddy was suddenly gone, and that a woman half his age who was one of his students was to blame. I remember his promise. He told me I would always be his little girl and he would always be my daddy. No matter how much I cried, how much I pleaded, how many times I promised I'd be good, he still left.

At first I got calls every day, and then every week, then suddenly dad moved to Japan. He sent a couple of letters, but soon they stopped coming as often. Then all of the sudden, dad was gone.

Mom seemed to cope with the arrangements. Dad never stopped sending money for me I guess. The years passed quickly after that and then, mom married Jeff. He was an army man, meaning we had to move every six months or so. That was it for me. From one day to another, I went from a passive obedient child to a revel unruly teenager.

I couldn't take it anymore, and why should I have? Soon the arguments began to grow from the tiniest thing to getting suspensions for fighting at school. Everything I did, the way I dressed, the fact that I wasn't lady like as my mother liked to put it. Everything about me was wrong for this family.

And then one day out of the no where, Jeff came through the doors and announced that we'd be moving to England for three years. Now don't blame me, any other person would have snapped as well. I was sick of it, sick of them. And apparently they were sick of me too.

Soon the idea of going to England alone seemed more and more appealing. Well fine! I could stay behind, it'd be perfect. I was almost eighteen, six more months to go, that wasn't too bad. I could technically live on my own.

But then daddy stepped in. long time forgotten father of mine decided it'd be a great idea to have me for a while. Like some kind of package, or a pet. Of course mom and Jeff agreed way before they even thought to tell me. But what did my opinion matter? I was the unwanted child, who cares about me right? But of course mom more than anything was extra pleased to hear dad's offer.

Sure, let him take care of this disaster of a person, I already had her now it's your turn. I know mom never forgave dad for leaving her for another woman. Maybe I was her revenge to him. Or maybe she really didn't want me anymore. Well that was great, because if I recall, which I do, dad never even once fought for my custody.

Of course he wouldn't want me either. Maybe he felt guilty for neglecting me all this years, maybe he felt responsible. Maybe he only offered six months because that's when my eighteenths birthday would be and he wouldn't have to worry about me after that.

Whatever the reason, I guess it didn't really mattered. It would've hurt once ago...who knows, maybe a part of me was weeping on the inside. But so what if no body wanted me? We're all alone in the world.

So, that was it, and now it had been two hours of intense reflection. I felt horrible. I was hungry and sort of cold. In a country where I didn't know anybody, and didn't even master the language all that well. And to top it all, I was the only person left from my flight. Everybody else had found their family and friends and had left happily back home or for a visit.

Maybe dad forgot, maybe he thought I was to come some other day. Who knows, maybe he crashed the car on his way here. And despite myself, despite all my bitter feelings towards him...I was scared. Not enough to cry, no I don't cry, I stopped crying a long time ago. But I did have that empty feeling at the pit of my stomach. And with my over active imagination I couldn't help but play out all this worse case scenarios over and over in my head.

For all I knew he could be dead by now. Or kidnapped, or...maybe he really did forget about me. At this very moment I hated life for all it was worth, which in my book wasn't all that much. But hey, this delay was making me angry, scared, and hopelessly forgotten. What sort of father forgot to pick up their only daughter from the airport for, I looked down at my black watch, nearly three hours?! This was insane! With a big sign that no one was around to hear I slugged down on my non too comfortable chair and closed my eyes for a bit.

I needed to rest my raging thoughts, and upcoming fury. But damn! I hated this so much! How could he have forgotten? I was about to open my eyes and go wonder a bit when I heard deep stumping footsteps coming my way. Looking up suddenly I saw him. He looked a bit older then what I remembered but he was with no doubt my father. I didn't bother to smile or even stand up. Seeing him running towards me I began to think. I never met the woman he married. What if she didn't like me? Me not liking her was already a given.

And another thing; word was I had a half brother and a step one. Motoko, my dad's wife had a son from her previous marriage, he wasn't hers. Apparently the husband died leaving her with his kid, or teenager I guess. Supposedly he was my age, maybe a few months older, not eighteen yet. Maybe he was just as miserable as I was. But then he would have left wouldn't he? Oh well, not my business.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't forget, the roads are murder out there! But, oh look at you, you have grown so much, you look so much like..." "Yeah thanks, can we go now? I had no idea there's were so many perverts in Japan, I really want to change out of this clothes" I cut him off and motioned to my short black skirt. Mom, he was going to say mom. Why would he say that? He didn't love her anymore; he probably didn't even remember her. Maybe...he didn't like me because of it. I really did look like my mother.

"Sure sweetie, let me get your bags" I normally would have frowned and objected to the phony treatment. But what the heck, I was tired, let the man carry my things if he wanted to. All I wanted was to get out of here and into a soft warm bed. He stood there for a moment wondering on what to do. Of course the expected would be a hug but things were too awkward as it was, didn't need to make it worse.

We began walking in silence. He hadn't commented on my blue high lights or my pierced ears which held four earrings on each. He didn't even glance at my outfit with the distaste that Jeff and mom would. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. At least I seemed to have freedom here to dress however I wanted. Or maybe he was juts trying to be nice, again with the guilt. Whatever I didn't care or at least I tried not to.


I looked out the window as we passed through the streets. Murder my butt! I could speed ninety miles and no one would get in my way. Why you ask? Because no one was around to get in my way. The place was deserted! And it was so different. How would I ever adjust? I didn't belong here, not with him, not with my mom, not anywhere.

"And let me tell you, you'll love him, you know he can't stop talking about his new sister, he can be a handful but really Inuyasha is a very sweet child" I sighted again and nodded to my dad's rambling. That's right; he had been talking about my half brother. The kid was six years old and apparently a spoil little brat. Not to my dad though, he talked about him nonstop. He was obviously famished with the child. Of course he always wanted a son. All men want sons don't they?

I mean sure having a daughter was great, but girls meant try again until you get a boy, did I mention my mom became sterile after I was born? It didn't matter; I wasn't here to bond or to be part of their so called family. I was here to clear his guilt and then leave. That was all. No need to get attached, no need at all.

"Well here we are, pretty nice don't you think?" I felt myself shift slightly forward with the stopping of the car and suddenly snapped from my thoughts. We had arrived. Dad had been talking about who knows what the entire ride and I was just coming back to the real world. Who says teenagers are inattentive? I looked out the window and opened the car door. My gaze followed the old Japanese style of the um....ok I'm sure it wasn't a house.

Not a shrine either. I did pay attention when he pointed them out on the way here. This was some kind of...castle? And it had sliding Looking up at the all the floors and admiring the intricate designs of the many roofs I couldn't help but wonder. 'Does this place have running water?' I really hoped it did. I was looking forward to a nice traditional soak before bed. My mom had told me about those. I was half Japanese but I had never really experienced that part of myself. I did keep my last name though. At least it was something my dad had left me, and besides, Kagome McDougal? No thank you Jeff.

"This way honey watch your step, and don't forget to take off your shoes" Take off my shoes? Why would I want to take off my shoes? Did they just finish cleaning or something? Maybe it was a house rule, or maybe my skulled shoe laces were finally getting to him. No matter I was too tired to argue so I just lazily took them off and carelessly pushed them in a corner with all the other shoes. Then as soon as I looked up I found myself looking right into curious hassle eyes. A little boy stood before me. Inuyasha I presumed my half brother.

"Ano...are you Kagome? My sister?" ok so normally I don't like kids, I can't stand them. I mean, I babysat before and well...let's not bring back bad memories. But this little fragment of a person. This curious little boy was my brother. And he was so cute! He stood there gazing at me and blushing, he was adorable! But wait, this could be a trick, maybe behind those eyes filled with adoration he was plotting against me. Maybe he thought I was here to take over his family. Maybe he would cut my hair off in my sleep! Maybe...he was just a shy little boy eager to talk with his big sister for the first time. There I go with my imagination again.

"Yeah I am, nice to meet you kid" there, nice sweet and to the point. Perfect greeting, yay me. He had enough time to smile at me before a woman that couldn't have been a day older than thirty-five stepped from wherever she came from and decided to make herself known. "Is that her koi? Oh she's beautiful! Look at you Kagome, you must have gotten your good looks from you father!" "My mother actually, nice meeting you, now I'm really tired from the flight and all, if you don't mind I'd like to take a bath and then go to bed" her smile faded as fast as it came and turned into an unsure look. What could I say; it was hate at first sight. Sure she was pretty, she must have been even better looking for my dad to leave my mom for her, but looks weren't everything. This woman had torn my family apart. This woman had taken my father away. This woman...I hated this woman.

"Of course, my little Kagome must be exhausted, here sweetie I'll take you to you're room" I heard my father say and felt him taking a gentle hold of my arm. Too bad for him because at that moment I really didn't want him to touch me. So I did the one thing he did to me years ago when I cried for him to stay. I pulled away. I pulled away so forcefully I could hear Motoko's gasp and sense Inuyasha's confused stare. "Um...but I wanted to talk to Kagome some more...onegai?" Inuyasha's small voice whispered. Leave it to a kid to kill the tension in the air.

"Well I'm really tired right now kid, how about tomorrow, we can spend the whole day together, deal?" I watched as his cute little pout turned into an even cuter smile. "Honto? You promise?" did I mentioned he was cute? Because you know, he really is! "Sure thing, now dad, you were gonna take me to my room?" breaking from his daze or confusion or whatever sort of trance he had fallen into my dad gave me an uncomfortable smile and nodded, this time taking my bags instead of my arm. As we walked past Motoko I turned to her still stunt face and nodded, whispering my good nights and leaving the silent promise of upcoming agony at the tip of my tongue.


When I finally settled in my room, which was actually much bigger then I pictured, I was delighted to find out that we had a spa in the bathroom. So as the people here like to say "Sugoi!" this was heaven, or at least a small portion of it. My tired, clamped up muscles felt so relaxed submerged in the steaming hot waters. I didn't bother to wrap my hair in those silly towels the girls use in all those anime movies I've seen in the past. It always looked foolish to me; I was going to get my hair wet anyway so I saw no point in binding it.

After washing myself fully and rinsing out the soap, I finally found my happy place and allowed my mind to wonder. My first topic was Inuyasha. He seemed to be a sweet boy, sort of shy but that was cute on him. Then came my father. I didn't have the slightest idea on how to act around him. I mean, I couldn't help it, I resented the man. You don't act all nice around a person you secretly resent. No matter how good you can cover it. My dad had hurt me, whether he knew it or not, and the pain he inflicted never went away. Not really.

I shook my head in hopes of shaking the directions in which my thought were shifting. Those memories, I didn't want to touch them again. Some things are just better not to bring to the surface. Just let them drown, like the soap that had slipped from my hands and sunk to the bottom of the tub. not think about that.

I looked at the clock on the wall and gasped at the hour. Of course I was tired, time was different in Japan and now it was three in the morning. Plus being alone and relaxed, it really wasn't helping all that much. As good as this felt, it was giving me too much time to think. My body was exhausted and my head was beginning to ache. A nice long nap, hopefully around nine hours long, would cure me of it all. So rinsing myself one last time I cautiously stepped out of the slippery tub and reached for my towel. I squeezed my hair free of water and absently brushed it with my fingers before wrapping the fuzzy white towel around myself.

I guess Japanese people really were small. This sad excuse of a towel only covered me up to my things. Meaning it wouldn't be a very good idea to bend over. I know I wasn't that tall but I wasn't short either. I mean, I could tower over Motoko, the woman was tiny. Kind to think of it I bet I could step on her too. Oh the possibilities. Maybe tomorrow an accident or two could occur. But enough of that, it was sleep time. Now, I will always regret this next part of my life. I had been humiliated before but this outranked every single embarrassing moment I had lived through thus far.

But could you blame me? Everybody had gone to sleep soon after my arrival and none had bothered to explain how to lock these damn sliding doors. I was an outsider in this country; I didn't know how their things worked! Heck I could barely eat with shop sticks. And I only learned that because I thought it looked cool at the time. Just as I was about to reach over and um...slide the door, it opened on its own causing me to coil a bit. Oh what I would have given for it to be a ghost instead of who it really was. Well it's not everyday you meet the most gorgeous guy you've even seen in your entire life wrapped in a towel, wet and shivering. Embarrassed? Me? Surely not.


It had been a long tiring day, and it wouldn't be over for a long while still. Today life would become if possible, even more unbearable. Hitoro's daughter was to come from America and live with us for approximately six months.

A foolish little girl was coming to invade my space, my home, my school and perhaps even my life. Well to hell with waiting for her arrival. I had work to do, places to go and sorrows to drown, that all was equivalent to going to Kouga's Weekly party. He and I had form a steady friendship since the age of twelve. Why had that happen? I wouldn't know.

He was the completely opposite of me. Where I was antisocial and cold, he was extroverted and loud. While I was busy studying for finals he spent the night out in clubs. We did not have many things in common, but he was loyal and could pass for amusing from time to time. And so I had kept his friendship and venture to his nightly excursions rather often.

Tonight however I had to cut the so called fun off much earlier then I expected. Against all my principles and against all my reason curiosity had gotten the best of me and I left the party just so that I could meet this Kagome that Inuyasha had been talking about for the past week. Why I was interested I didn't know. Perhaps somehow I've wanted to know the feeling of having a sister, because that is what she would be, my step sister.

Kouga had one himself, her name was Ayame. They were actually fraternal twins and could not be closer then that. After sharing the womb for nine month they could not find it in themselves to stay too far away. And though I had always denied it, I had always felt a slight sting of jealousy to their connection. What would it be like to have a sister? To take care for her? To be there for her, to have someone to protect? With a frown I stepped harder on the gas.

Where had my thoughts led me to? This was absolutely absurd. I did not need any sort of connection with this American girl. One half brother was enough, and he only got the title for we shared blood. He carried my father's blood and that alone was what helped me to tolerate him.

When I was finally able to take charge of my thoughts once again I finally realized I had arrived home, parked and was now angrily stumping my way up the stairs. I hadn't had a thought black out for a while now; it was refreshing in a way. The drive had seemed much shorted. So sighting and running my fingers over my silver hair I stopped in front of the baths, the doors were closed but I paid no attention to such details. Somehow I failed to notice the movement behind the doors and the sound of dripping water.

I was not even thinking at the time, simply working on getting my mind black, on ridding myself of all this pestering thoughts. So naturally it was a shock to me to find startled deep blue eyes staring at me in surprised and embarrassment when I carelessly slid the doors open. I supposed I had drunk too much, even though it did not affect my driving, yet it did affect my gaze for I could not rip it off this girl.

Seconds turned into years as my eyes basked in her beauty. For yes, she was beautiful. Her raven locks where sparkling and wet, mingled with different shades of blue to match her perfect eyes. It ran down to her back and some strands remained plastered to her exposed shoulders. Her face was shaped like a porcelain china doll, and it seemed to have the texture of one as well. I followed the delicate perfectly curved line of her jaw to her lips which rested slightly parted.

They looked so silky yet moist at the same time, sherry pink and plump enough to make a kiss warm and soft. So inviting yet my gaze kept shamelessly wondering and soon dropped from her delicate throat to her shoulders only to wonder to her chest. That's when I noticed she wore nothing but a small thin towel, still the actual event of me walking in on her did not registered in my head just yet. Her breasts looked perfectly round and snug in her towel, showing only a bit of cleavage yet revealing her shape completely.

Beautiful shape and perfect size, not many girls in Japan were that large and yet she was not grotesquely big, I supposed she would fit in my hands quite nicely. Her stomach was nice a flat as well and I suspected she had some muscle in her for her arms were perfectly toned yet slender. Her waist was small and nicely shaped and her hips, she had very tempting hips. Then came her legs. Smooth and long, longer then most, long enough to wrap around my waist I'm sure.

She was so perfect, so beautiful, so...angry looking. Bringing my eyes back to hers I finally felt the weight of the situation. This gorgeous girl, this innocent, almost naked and still wet girl who in mere seconds had managed to fill my head with obscene thoughts had to be none other then my...sister. Perhaps it was the lingering alcohol in my system, or the drowsiness from a tired day, but the feelings she provoked were certainly no where near the feelings I should have for a relative.

So what was I to say? This was by far the most awkward situation I had ever been in. Then her voice came, like an angel, like bells in the sky, so soft, so soothing. "I'm going to walk away now, we will never speak of this again, and tomorrow when we see each other at breakfast, we will meet for the first time...yeah...that night" and with that she did as she said she would.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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