
Samurai Sesshomaru and Kagome Hime by Sleepy Tuna Fish

Samurai Sesshoumaru and Kagome Hime

A/N - In my latest chapter of Following His Path, Rin, Shippou, Kagome and Sesshoumaru played with dolls. Or something like that. And a story they made up was "Samurai Sesshoumaru and Kagome-Hime." I thought it was a cute little story, so I decided to follow it through. And here it is!

Samurai Sesshoumaru and Kagome-Hime

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a beautiful princess by the name of Kagome. Because of her immense beauty and kindness, she naturally had many suitors. But she refused them all. No matter how strong, or intelligent, or handsome the man was, she told them, "I am waiting for my samurai, my white beauty in armor wrought of silver, and always on head, the crescent moon."

And so, this led many samurai to believe that the fair princess was waiting for one of them to whisk her away. They dressed themselves in robes of white, painted their armor with silver, and asked for her hand in marriage on the days and nights of the quarter moon. And still, she refused them all. "You are not my samurai," she would say.

Being only seventeen, she had much time left before she was expected to marry. And so, within a year, she had a pup - No, not biologically hers, but hers all the same. This kitsune pup was known as Shippou. He was fiercely loyal and protective when suitors came, always playing mischievous tricks on the unsuspecting men.

After some more time had passed, Kagome came across another child in a field of flowers.

"Are you lost, Young One?" Kagome kindly asked the small girl. She had been out collecting herbs with little Shippou for the day when they heard crying.

The little girl immediately stopped crying. A bit dirty, her tearstained face gazed up at a pretty lady. She said nothing, only stared on as the lady with a fox cub asked her something.

Shippou jumped down from Kagome's shoulder as she stooped down to the little girl's height, still remaining a good two feet away from the child. "What's your name, Young One?" She had her feet tucked under her while Shippou sat cross-legged. "My name's Kagome and this is Shippou." Kagome smiled.

The little girl continued to stare.

"Oh! You're hurt!" Kagome noticed a dark, red stain on the girl's orange kimono. The child flinched. "Please, may I see it?" The girl said nothing and Kagome took her silence as an affirmative.

The little fox demon stood off to the side as he watched his surrogate mother tend to the little human girl. She looked scared and lonely. "It's alright!" He now stood closer to her. "Kagome-kaasama is really nice! Don't worry, Nee-chan, she'll take great care of you!"

Kagome smiled at the kitsune's sincerity. "Why don't you show this little girl some of your tricks, Shippou-chan?" Kagome had lifted the bottom of the girl's kimono a bit, now inspecting a nasty bite wound on her right leg. She hissed slightly, but it went unheard as Shippou entertained the little girl by turning into various objects and animals.

"There, all done." Kagome looked up and smiled at the little girl. She had cleaned the bite with saké from her water skin and applied a thick layer of crushed herbs from her basket.

The little girl now looked at her leg. When had the lady bandaged it? She had been so fascinated when the kitsune kept changing his form. She reached down and felt the silk of the light green material. The lady must have used her own kimono. And it felt so much better now. She beamed back at the kind lady in thanks.

Kagome couldn't help herself when the child smiled so endearingly at her. So she went and held the child in a loving embrace. The little girl froze at first, but then gave way and hugged back. Shippou, not one to be left out, joined in on the hug as well.

After a few moments, Kagome pulled back, still holding the little girl in her lap. She asked again, "What is your name?"

And this time the girl replied, "Rin."

Kagome smiled even brighter as she heard the girl speak for the first time. "That's a beautiful name, Rin-chan!" And Rin smiled again. "What are you doing in the forest all alone?"

The little girl trembled a bit before replying. "Rin wasn't alone, but then Rin saw pretty flowers and got lost from Sesshou-tousama. Rin misses Sesshou-tousama"

"Don't worry, Rin-chan! We'll help you find your otou-sama!" Kagome assured the little girl.

"Arigatou, Kagome-sama!"

"Hey, stop that. "'Nee-chan' will do for now. Hmm... I'm hungry, what about you two?"

"Hai!" The two chorused.

"Let's go back to our home and then Shippou and I will help you find your otou-sama after we've all filled our bellies. How does that sound?" Kagome was now standing.

"Okay, nee-chan!" Rin chirped back.

The trio returned back to Kagome's home. The little girl hadn't gasped at its size, so Kagome guessed she was from a noble-classed family. Even though she was only staying for a little bit, Kagome had a room made for Rin anyway. She even had Rin in one of her older kimonos to replace the little girl's blood-stained one. They were all munching happily away when a servant politely interrupted.

"Kagome-hime," he address as he bowed down on his hands and knees. "A lord wishes to seek an audience with you."

Kagome frowned. Another suitor? "Where is my father?" She asked the servant.

"Away on business, Kagome-hime."

"What about my mother?"

"Playing Mar Jong with the ladies." (I think that's what it's called)

"How about Souta-kun?" Kagome was getting desperate.

"Your brother is out hunting."

"Well, tell him he can wait, I have a guest to entertain and we are eating." Kagome dismissed her servant.

"Hai, Kagome-hime."

Kagome turned back towards the children. "Sorry about that," She smiled apologetically. "Can you wait a bit after we're done eating to go look for your otou-sama, Rin-chan?"

With wide eyes, Rin nodded.

After they were done eating, Shippou took Rin to his room. They played with little clay figurines, making up a story of a lady who can travel through time to go with it.

Kagome resignedly made her way to the gardens, where the suitors were always taken to wait. His back was turned to her, his eyes gazing off into the evening sky in deep thought. Perhaps he is thinking of ways to woo her?

Like every other samurai who had come to her, he wore a white haori and a white hakama. Though, instead of being fashionably lame like the others, his had red hexagon-flower patterns adorning the neck and sleeves. Strange, he also had no armor. His silvery hair flowed gracefully in a passing breeze. Feminine-like, Kagome mused. She gasped as he turned around and caught her gawking gaze with his bright gold eyes. She saw that he was a demon, with magenta stripes high on his cheeks, his bangs covered another marking though. He's beautiful, Kagome admitted, but no matter, he surely cannot be my samurai.

They stared at each other for a while longer. Finally, Kagome was able to tear her stormy blue eyes away from his piercing gold gaze. "Can I help you?" She politely asked.

"Yes." His voice was rich and deep. Kagome found she wanted to hear more.

"And?" She encouraged.

"I think you have someone that belongs to me." His eyes were still trained on hers, but she was trying so hard to look anywhere but into his beautiful eyes. And then, his words finally clicked in her brain.

"Are you... Sesshou?" Kagome brought her eyes up. To her surprise, he smiled. His face was even more wondrous when he smiled.

"Not quite."

Such short answers. "Then, who are you?" Kagome's face showed confusion.

"I am Sesshoumaru, lord of the Western Lands. I believe you have come across my child; her name is Rin."

That was the longest sentence Kagome had heard from him. And she loved it. She could never tire of hearing his soothing voice. Unknowingly, she was becoming entranced. Too bad, he probably had a beautiful wife at home. "You're a demon, but you have a human child?" She asked

"I have adopted her," he replied back. "Will you take me to her?"

"Oh! Hai! Sorry to keep you waiting, I thought you were one of my suitors. You see, you came as we were eating. We were going to go find you after. Oh! Are you hungry?" Kagome rambled on. "Please accept my humblest of apologies..." Kagome stared wonderingly at her hand. Her right hand... was being held by Sesshoumaru.

His eyes locked with hers again. "I am fine, Kagome-hime. Where is Rin now?" His voice had lowered in volume.

"Ah... Um... She's playing with my son, Shippou." Kagome blushed heavily.

Sesshoumaru dropped her hand. "I didn't know Kagome-hime had a son." Sesshoumaru inquired.

Kagome felt strangely cold at the lost of contact. "Hai." She nodded. "He and I came to be two years ago.


"Yes, well, follow me, please." Kagome led the way to Shippou's room.

They walked through the winding halls of Kagome's home until they stopped at a door where laughter was coming through. Kagome politely knocked before entering with Sesshoumaru following behind.

"Sesshou-tousama! Rin squealed happily as she launched herself at Sesshoumaru who deftly caught her.

Sesshoumaru smiled. "Come, let us go home, Rin."

Rin looked somewhat crestfallen. "Hai," she complied a bit dejectedly. "Goodbye, Shippou-kun, goodbye, nee-chan. Thank you for everything."

Shippou also looked put out. He looked imploringly towards his mother.

"It's late out," Kagome started. "Please stay for the night. Rin shouldn't travel this late and in her condition."

Sesshoumaru looked questioningly at Rin. She faintly blushed and softly replied, "A wolf bit Rin when Rin got lost but Rin ran away and nee-chan found Rin and bandaged Rin up. Rin is okay now! But Rin is not well enough to travel so Rin will have to stay here with Shippou and Sesshou-tousama has to stay with Rin."

Sesshoumaru chuckled. "Alright," he replied.

He and Kagome then left for his guest room, a hallway up from Rin and Shippou's rooms, and a hallway down from Kagome's room. Before she left, Sesshoumaru asked, "You are human, yet you have a demon son. Why is that?"

Kagome blushed at her own question being asked to herself. "I too have adopted my Shippou, like you your Rin. She then left the demon to his own devices as she went to check on the children one last time before bed.

Sesshoumaru already had his haori off when he heard the screams coming from the children's rooms. Forgetting his haori, he raced towards the screams.

"STOP!" He yelled to the shadowed figure climbing out the window carrying Shippou and Rin. Kagome had already been taken, it seemed.

Like a good evil guy, the bad guy halted for a moment. Then remembering who he was and who he was facing, he turned and jumped with children in tow.

Sesshoumaru roared and sprinted after the shadow, soon seeing it meet up with two other shadows. One of the shadows dropped back and lunged at the demon lord, knocking him off balance for a moment before he was slaughtered. Sesshoumaru continued his pursuit of the two remaining shadows.

He ran into a thick miasma just as he was catching up to the two. The dark aura flooded his senses and he jumped upwards to get away from it. But he lost the two shadows that held captive his mate-to-be and children.

Yes, Kagome was his mate-to-be. He knew ever since he smelled her heavenly scent in the gardens. He knew, ever since he laid eyes on her fiery blue depths and heard her beautiful voice speaking to him.

But someone took her away, her and the children. He will get them back, but first, he needed his armor and swords. He swiftly flew to his castle on his cloud of youki. Retrieving his armor and swords, he took off again, taking time to sniff the air for the beautiful scent that was Kagome.

There! They were heading south. Sesshoumaru changed his direction and flew south. (hehe... sounds like a bird.).

He drew Toukjijin as he saw the offenders. Diminishing his youki cloud, he lunged at the shadow carrying Shippou and Rin. Pinning the shadowed figure to a tree, Sesshoumaru let the children safely jump out of the shadow's arm. "Children, turn around," he said. And they immediately complied as he finished the shadow off. "Rin, call Ah-Un," Sesshoumaru told the little girl before he took off to save Kagome.

He had wasted too much time with the second Shadow; this last shadow had already gotten too far. Sheathing Toukijin, Sesshoumaru shifted into his true form and ran faster for Kagome.

He caught up in no time and leapt ahead of them, blocking the shadow's path. The shadow turned and was about to run the other way when Sesshoumaru's threatening growl sounded out. The shadow looked back and saw Sesshoumaru in his human form, Toukijin unsheathed and Sesshoumaru steadily stalking towards him.

Through the whole kidnapping, he had to endure the insistent nagging of the princess. She's not as serene as she makes out to be! No! She's way more annoying. No matter, she was pretty enough. Just when he was praying for Kami to kill him, this demon lord shows up. He looked up towards the sky. Arigatou, Kami-sama, he prayed one last time. He then set Kagome down and withdrew his own sword.

Kagome dusted herself off, smacked the shadow once, and then walked over to Sesshoumaru.

"Why have you kidnapped my mate?" Sesshoumaru calmly asked once Kagome was safely behind him. He did not notice Kagome's indignant sniff.

"She is still fair game," the shadow replied evenly. What the hell, he thought, I'm going to die anyway. "I came to her, dressed in white robes with silver armor and on a night of the quarter moon. But still, she denied me and said I was not the one. So, are you her samurai? Her 'white beauty in armor wrought of silver, with the crescent moon always on head?'" He spat.

"Yes." Sesshoumaru said no more as he attacked Kagome's kidnapper, quickly finishing him off, for the human was no match for his demonic speed.

"Oh!" Kagome gasped as the bloodied body fell to the dirt. Sesshoumaru turned around and shielded her eyes with his body. Grateful for his support, she burrowed her face deeper in his chest, not yet aware of his lacking haori.

Sesshoumaru silently picked her up and flew back towards the children who were waiting on a two headed dragon. "Come, Ah-Un," Sesshoumaru commanded as he continued on towards Kagome's home. Soon, her home will be with him.

He saw to Kagome first, finding her room by smell. Then he left to tuck the children in, immediately returning to Kagome afterwards.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" Kagome asked when Sesshoumaru stepped into the room. "About me being your mate?"

Sesshoumaru looked serious as he sat down beside Kagome on her futon. "Hai," he answered, taking her hands in his own.

Kagome became indignant. "What if I don't want to become your mate?"

Sesshoumaru chuckled. "You do," he replied simply.

"You're very cocky, you know?"

"Yes." He smiled. "Now, do I get a kiss for my bravery?"

"No." Kagome smiled back.

"Come, now. That's not how the story's supposed to go," Sesshoumaru gently chastised. "I've saved the damsel in distress, now it's the lady's turn to reward the hero with a kiss for his bravery."

"Alright," Kagome relented. "But you'll have to come closer. And close your eyes."

Sesshoumaru leaned in, as he was told to, and waited patently for Kagome's sweet lips. Though, he was a bit disappointed when he felt the lightest of feathery caresses on his cheek. He opened his eyes and saw a flushed Kagome. "You call that a kiss?" He asked.

"Well, yeah! I'm kind of inexperienced, you know!" Kagome replied, indignant once again.

Sesshoumaru smirked. "Then, my darling let me teach you." Sesshoumaru leaned in once again. But this time, instead of stopping, he went in all the way and claimed Kagome's pink lips for his own. He lightly brushed his lips over hers, opening his mouth slightly to let his tongue peak out and sweep across her lips. He took her bottom lip into his mouth and gently sucked. She gasped at the new feeling and Sesshoumaru continued on into her mouth, sliding his tongue across hers and gently coaxing her to return the favor. She did not disappoint when her tongue started rubbing against his.

Slowly, Sesshoumaru pulled back, remembering she had to breathe. He smirked at her.

A/N Hehehehehe.... That was sooooooo fun! Well, I hoped you like this short story! Please take time to read my other story "Following His Path." If you liked this, then you'll surely love that!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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