Trapped by sesshou_lover
My Savior
Okay, I had to make some changes to it because I had a sudden burst of inspiration. For those who still don't like the idea of a weak Sesshoumaru, tough. I'm sorry, I don't like the idea either, but it was the only way to make this particular story work. So enjoy.
My Savior
Kagome watched the young boy as he headed out of the building carrying what must have been every single last school book of his in his scrawny arms. She'd actually seen him the first day of school earlier in the week and had wondered why he seemed so sad. It didn't make any sense to her for they were in high school, the best years of their lives according to all her friends.
She shrugged lightly before turning her attention to her best friend Sango. "Hey, Sango, you want spend the weekend at my house? I bet we could stay up all night watching horror movies."
Sango giggled, "Absolutely. You know I can't turn down a good horror flick."
Just as Kagome turned to start heading home she saw that same strange boy with the silver hair now lying curled up on the ground, his books flung in all directions.
She felt so bad for the boy although her friend Sango laughed uproariously at the antics of her boyfriend Miroku and a mutual friend Inuyasha, who had both been perpetrators against the unknown boy.
Kagome just scowled at the boys and Sango before rushing over to lend a hand to a person obviously in need.
Sesshoumaru just seemed to have the worst luck of all time. He hated this school, had fought his parents about coming to this awful school where he knew absolutely no one. All the students beat on him as if he were some sort of joke.
He sighed before slowly trying to climb to his feet. It didn't matter anymore if he had no one who cared for him. What was the use anyway of trying to make friends?
He reached for the closest book, feeling his ribs ache in protest. He was going to have to hide the marks on his body from his parents once he got home, not that he expected his parents to believe that he constantly got beat up.
Just as he was about to grasp another book a small hand took hold of it, obviously feminine in design. He lifted his eyes, gold catching sight of deep blue. He turned away quickly a heavy blush on his pale cheeks.
He knew this girl. That one jerk, Inuyasha kept calling her his girlfriend. He didn't know why she'd come to help him.
"Don't mind those jerks," she said quietly. "They're just trying to show off for the seniors."
Sesshoumaru looked to the ground. "It doesn't matter anyway."
"Of course it does. They shouldn't be picking on you just because you're smaller than them. I'm Kagome by the way," she said shifting some of his books to hold out her hand. Sesshoumaru grasped her tiny hand into his slightly larger one.
"I'm Sesshoumaru," he answered quietly.
Kagome gave him a brilliant smile. "Let me guess, you're inuyoukai?" He nodded. "Well then I expect in a year or so you'll be much bigger than the rest of those jerks. Come on, I'll help you carry these books and maybe we can talk about hanging out this weekend."
Kagome didn't know why, but she wanted to spend time with this obviously lonely demon. He wasn't that much bigger than her. At only five feet three inches, that was saying a lot.
"You'd do that for me?" he asked incredulously. No one had ever offered to hang with him before at this school. He thought all the students were the same to a new kid.
"Of course, we're going to be friends. Why wouldn't I want to hang out with you?" He could only answer with a shrug. He wasn't too proud to admit that she confused him.
They hung out the whole weekend; Kagome even set aside Sango to devote time purely getting to know Sesshoumaru. She hadn't been pleased that any friend of hers laughed at someone else's pain. It was just plain cruel.
Once the weekend ended Sesshoumaru returned to school with all his books. Kagome met him at the door, grabbing a few books without asking if he needed help. They were friends now, according to Kagome. Friends did not have to ask for help from a friend.
Kagome couldn't understand it. She'd waited for Sesshoumaru to show up to school like she always did since officially becoming friends. It wasn't that she was trying to baby him or anything. He technically was much older than her, but she couldn't help but worry.
He was a cool youkai, a little sickly, but he had so much potential to work with. She certainly enjoyed hanging out with him.
"Hey Kagome," Sango said coming up the steps.
Kagome smiled slightly at Sango, having long ago forgiven Sango for laughing at Sesshoumaru. "Hey Sango. Have you seen Sesshoumaru? He hasn't shown up for school yet?"
Sango shook her head. Personally, she didn't understand Kagome's attraction to the little youkai. Inuyasha had been adamant in his desire for Kagome, but Kagome didn't seem to be interested after the Sesshoumaru incident. "I haven't seen Sesshoumaru, but I hear Inuyasha's been looking for you."
Kagome wrinkled her nose. What the hell would she want with that jerk? "So?"
"Oh come on Kagome. You know Inuyasha likes you. I thought you were into him too?"
Kagome read the message behind the words. 'Why the hell are you still hanging out with that loser youkai Sesshoumaru?' Her eyes narrowed in warning at Sango. "Just because I fucked Inuyasha does not make me into him. I don't like his attitude, and right now, I'm not sure I like yours. Why are you always putting Sesshoumaru down? What did he ever do to you?"
"Nothing," Sango said with a shrug. "It's just; he's not good for your reputation."
Kagome left before Sango could finish her statement. She'd have to catch up to Sesshoumaru later if she saw him. With any luck, she would have cooled off by then.
"Hey Kagome?" the hesitant voice of Sesshoumaru sounded on the other side of the line. Kagome smiled briefly. The voice was slightly different but she would recognize him anywhere.
Sesshoumaru hadn't been at school for the last couple of days and she hadn't heard a word from him in all that time, so she'd worried about him. "Hey you. Where have you been?"
There was a long silence, an uncomfortable silence that Kagome had never before experienced with her new best friend. Was he really sick or was something else happening to him.
Finally she heard a sigh on the other side. "I'm going through my maturity. So I can't go to school until I become stable."
"Oh no," Kagome said sympathetically. Since becoming his friend, Kagome had begun to learn more about inu youkai. She knew that he would have a major moment of change, but from what she'd heard directly from the Inu youkai, Sesshoumaru was in for a very rough time. "Did you need my help with something?"
"That's why I'm calling. One of the girls from my old school was supposed to help me with this, but she backed out at the last moment. I can't do this alone." He sounded so hesitant that Kagome had to laugh.
"Sesshou, you know I'd do anything for you. Tell me what time you want me to come over and I'll be there."
"Are you sure? It involves sex. I mean I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do." Sesshoumaru cringed as another wave of pain hit him full force. His father hadn't been lying when he said it was going to hurt.
Kagome heard Sesshoumaru painful grunt. She bit her lip to keep from cooing at him as if he were a little boy. "Look, I know what I'm doing. You'd do it for me, ne?" He didn't answer since it was obvious he'd do anything for Kagome. "Well then it's settled. Tell me when to come over."
Kagome tightened her grip on her jacket. She'd had a brilliant idea on the way over, but was just a little wary of how it would be received by Sesshoumaru. Now that he was fully maturing, there was no telling what his personality would become. She didn't doubt they'd still be friends, but she couldn't be sure of anything.
She stood at his front door, taking deep calming breaths to gain courage. She might have sounded calm on the phone, but what she was about to do for her friend would cross every boundary they ever set.
She shrugged. So what, things were bound to change anyway after Sesshoumaru's maturity. She rang the doorbell. His parents were supposed to be out of town while he struggled with his change. She didn't know how they could possibly leave their suffering son alone, but what could she say about it. She wasn't youkai.
Sesshoumaru threw the door open, causing it to slam against the wall and a crack to form on the wall behind. "Shit," he muttered under his breath. Kagome had caught her breath in a sharp gasp.
He was gorgeous. The change wasn't all that complete she could tell, but from what she saw, Sesshoumaru would most likely be the sexiest being on the face of the planet.
His body had thickened out, dense corded muscles stood out in his arms. His chest was incredibly broad, drawing her eyes down his naked torso to his abs tight enough to wash laundry for a whole nation. And good lord, his thighs were huge.
For a girl who loved a man's thighs, this was a very good thing. Of all the sights to great her, she had never expected any of this.
"Wow," she finally got out. Sesshoumaru turned his eyes toward Kagome. His height had shot up, bringing the top of her head from underneath his nose to about underneath his chin.
"I'm not finished yet," he said with a smirk. He smelled the scent of Kagome's arousal. His body shuddered with the new confusing instincts. "Get in here," he demanded.
Kagome quirked a smile at the new tone to his voice. It was so much deeper, colder than it had ever been before. It caused the wetness between her thighs to grow in strength. This was going to be fun.
Sesshoumaru slammed the door closed behind her. Before Kagome knew what happened, her back was against the door and a very large, horny demon was pressed against her front.
He took possession of her lips, forcing her mouth open to finally taste the mouth he'd been wanting to taste since the beginning of the year. She was absolutely delectable.
Kagome lifted her leg around his hip, pressing her soaked core against the bulge in his sweatpants. She didn't care if she got her juices all over the fabric, she wanted to get as close as possible.
Sesshoumaru released her lips in a moan before he attacked her neck, laying nipping kisses across her skin. He lifted her other leg around him, supporting her meager weight effortlessly. He ground his heavy erection against her sopping wet pussy, aware that she must not have been wearing panties with the way she coating his pants.
"You're so naughty," he said with a low growl that sounded oddly enough like a purr. "We might not make it to my bed."
"Fuck me here then. I don't care," she gasped.
Sesshoumaru ripped her jacket with his claws in his haste to get her undressed. Kagome's body had definitely developed earlier than a lot of the other girls in their school.
Her breasts were large enough to overspill his still growing hands. She had a tiny little waist, with hips wide enough to appeal to the beast within him. And her ass...he loved when she wore tight jeans.
"I've been waiting forever to get a hold of you," he whispered in her ear hotly. Kagome moaned loudly. She certainly couldn't wait.
She decided, as his tongue discovered that sensitive spot behind her ear, that it was time she help him along. She pushed at his pants, forcing them down until she could free his cock.
The heat of him almost scorched her. She didn't mind because he was very thick and long. She hadn't had that before. She felt herself cream further in preparation. She might not need foreplay after all.
Sesshoumaru was obviously of the same mind because without warning, he'd buried half his length inside her. Sesshoumaru felt her muscles spasm in orgasm. He gritted his teeth to keep from coming as well. He'd never felt anything so tight.
Kagome came down from her high enough to clutch at his shoulders as he tunneled his way in and out of her body. All she could say was thank God the other girl backed out.
On a particularly hard thrust, Sesshoumaru slammed his mouth on hers, swallowing her scream of pleasure. He felt his balls contract, and knew it wouldn't be long before he came.
His thrusts sped up, working Kagome into a frenzy they both couldn't deny. She came again, taking him with her. His hot seed shot from the tip of him in strong bursts, the demonic essence coating her insides, soaking in to let everyone know that he'd fucked this bitch.
His knees felt weak. His lungs contracted. He felt his body shake as his orgasm extended far longer than he'd ever remembered possible. Until finally he felt his body relax.
When he came to he realized that he was on his knees, Kagome's pelvis cradled tightly against his. He was still hard.
"That was so good," Kagome moaned in his ear.
"Yes," he growled. It was so very good.
"But you forgot to wear a condom," she said on a yawn. She felt his growl of frustration and figured he was upset with himself for forgetting. "It's okay; we were both in the moment."
He shook his head. "No condoms," he said with a growl of possession. "Nothing is to be between us. I want my seed coating you every single time I come. A good bitch always takes it."
Kagome shivered at his words. This was the first time she'd had condomless sex and she had to admit. She couldn't have latex coming between her and Sesshoumaru. She guessed she must be a good bitch then.
Sesshoumaru rose to his feet, keeping them pressed together. Kagome bit back a scream. 'Oh my God that felt so good.' "Where are we going?"
"I feel the need to fuck again. Let's take this to the bedroom."
Kagome lay in bed as Sesshoumaru continued to pound her into it. It was just so fantastic watching him continue to change before her very eyes.
His features matured, smoothing out any tiny blemishes he used to possess. His muscle mass increased, eating away at the last bit of fat on his system. He still continued to grow. His cock just seemed to continue to thicken and lengthen inside her, hitting every single right spot.
More of her juices spurted, easing his way through her tight sheath. In and out he went, nonstop fucking her. Growls vibrated through her body as they began from deep within him. Kagome couldn't remember a time when she'd had better.
"So tight," he said through gritted teeth. He ground his hips against her pelvis, adding pressure to her oversensitive clit. It was almost painful the pleasure felt so good to her.
Her voice had gone hoarse long ago from her previous screaming orgasms. Her nipples ached they were so tender from his suckling. "So good," she whispered. "Your...cock is so...gooooooooood." She drew out the last word as another orgasm struck her.
Sesshoumaru was close. He felt the string tighten within him. When he felt Kagome's muscles clamp down, he was finished.
A week, it seemed, wasn't enough for Kagome to get enough of Sesshoumaru or he her. At every opportunity he seemed to be buried inside her pounding away. She loved every moment of it.
They were every where, the bathroom, the kitchen, the closets, the living room, anywhere he could take her. They had sex while they watched TV or watched movies. He tried to work out once while she rode him into oblivion. They were relentless.
By the time Sesshoumaru's parents returned Sesshoumaru's transformation was complete. He was as Kagome had known he'd be; perfection.
School became a different matter for Sesshoumaru. No longer was he the favorite punching bag. He'd grown into the strongest youkai, the glacial king. After all, who wanted to mess with a nearly seven foot daiyoukai? And Kagome always stayed by his side, his very best friend.
Senior Year
"So what do you think?" Kagome asked Sesshoumaru at lunch. They were talking about the senior prom. It was months in advance to be talking about her dress, but that was okay. She wanted the night to be perfect.
At their lunch table sat Sango, who Kagome still hadn't quite forgiven, her boyfriend Miroku, Koga, a wolf demon, Ayame, his girl, and a spider hanyou named Naraku.
Personally, they were all leached who now wanted to hang out with Sesshoumaru just because he'd matured into the undisputed high demon of the high school. Only Kagome was his true friend, but they hadn't wanted to isolate themselves so completely. Kagome still thought Sesshoumaru needed other friends.
"I don't want to wear red," he replied with a grunt. That punk hanyou always wore red, which Sesshoumaru found to be just disgusting.
Kagome sighed as she assessed at Sesshoumaru. "You're right. I think you definitely need to be wearing black. It would go great with your skin and hair."
Sesshoumaru tilted his head to the side. "An all black tux? I have never heard of such a thing."
"That would be too weird Kagome. I think you should wear blue," Sango said with laugh, her eyes settled on Sesshoumaru's form. Miroku's lips turned down in a frown. Kagome couldn't get over the fact that Sango was now after Sesshoumaru. From the moment he walked into the school after his maturity, the girl had done everything she could to get with him.
Sesshoumaru knew she wanted him. But he'd be damn if he settled for some fake broad. He only dealt with any of the fools in school because of Kagome. Now that he protected himself she wanted him to try to get over his anger, not realizing he had no anger toward anyone.
Sesshoumaru felt indifferent. He cared about nothing except Kagome, for reasons that he refused to contemplate at the moment. His eyes shifted to watch Kagome scowl at Sango. "Black will be fine Kagome."
She gifted him with a bright smile. He couldn't say that he didn't want to see her smile again. Every time was like the first time.
"Come on Kagome," Sesshoumaru shouted up the staircase. He had promised Kagome a special night to commemorate the third year anniversary of her helping him through his maturity. It was months late, but it took him this long to come up with a proper idea of how to thank her. He doubted she realized just how much her friendship meant to him. He planned to tell her soon.
If tonight wasn't the night, then he figured he could tell her at graduation tomorrow. He was the Valedictorian after all and it was all in his speech.
Kagome came running down the stairs laughing. "Come on you big baby, it didn't take me that long to get dressed." He smirked. Considering the backless short dress she wore, the wait was well worth it.
When she spun he noticed she wasn't wearing panties. Yes, waiting was well worth the end result.
Sesshoumaru drove her to his father's cabin where they sat on the dock watching the stars in the sky. Kagome had had this really wicked idea of getting naked to swim in the lake. Sesshoumaru hadn't cared about nudity enough to feel ashamed.
They felt comfortable with the warm breeze against their naked skin, tantalizing their senses.
"I still can't believe we're graduating high school," Kagome said. "I never thought this day would come."
"I know," said Sesshoumaru.
Kagome turned her eyes toward the demon beside her, amazed once more at his beauty. She imagined him between her thighs, his incredible cock filling her with his seed.
They'd never used condoms any of the times they were together. She loved the feeling it gave her to feel his hot thick seed coating her insides. They weren't exactly dating, but they weren't seeing anyone else either, which was why he'd been her prom date. She didn't think she could ever date anyone else again.
She remembered the whole idea of virgins losing their virginity on prom night. Of course Kagome wasn't but she had thought Sesshoumaru a virgin when she agreed to help him through his maturity years before. Imagine her surprise when he confessed to having been sexually active before her.
"What are you thinking about?" he smirked. He smelled her heavy arousal. His cock began to stiffen in anticipation.
Kagome couldn't help herself. She began to touch herself, running her fingers through the crisp curls of her lower lips, finding her aroused clit. "You, and that weapon you call a cock. I've been thinking about how achy my hole's been since the last time you were inside."
She filled herself with three fingers, getting herself ready for his intrusion. His eyes lowered to half mast as he watched her fingers work over her body. "You're already so wet."
She pulled her fingers out, watching as her juices dribbled down her hand. Oh yes, she was quite wet for him. "You do this to me."
Sesshoumaru came to his knees, parting her thighs wide to observe her. He ran a single clawed digit down from her clit to her hole, pushing inside slowly, savoring the way her muscles tightened against his single finger.
"You have such a tight cunt, my little bitch," he said with a growl.
Kagome tightened her muscles purposely on his figure. "Give me more." He pulled his finger out all the way before surprising her with three fingers.
Kagome arched her back as it struck her g-spot hard enough to cause her to come. She rode his fingers, holding his wrist so that he couldn't take the fingers away.
But Sesshoumaru wasn't finished with his fingers. He wanted her so wet she soaked right through the blanket beneath her body before he went for a ride between her thighs.
He alternated between slow long thrusts of his fingers and short hard bursts against her sweet spot. Kagome couldn't seem to catch her breath at his assault. She wanted him so bad.
Sesshoumaru added a fourth finger inside her, stretching her further for him. With his palm he added the sensation of grinding against her clit. Kagome howled with pleasure, begging him to take her.
But he continued to wait, wanting her soaking wet. He felt her muscles continue to tighten on his fingers, her juices coating his hand right down to his wrist. He was so hard he felt he could break steel.
Ever since that first time, he'd known she was his, his very best friend, his lover, and although she didn't know it yet, his savior.
He felt the tightness against his fist as he finally added his thumb to join the rest of his fingers, fisting her long and slow so as not to hurt her. Kagome writhed with pleasure at the overload of sensation.
It still wasn't enough for her. It wasn't his cock pounding away. "Please," she moaned. "Fuck me."
Sesshoumaru growled lowly, pulling his fist away. She whimpered at the loss of his hand inside her until she let loose a gasp as he slammed his cock inside with one single hard thrust. She was now truly ready for him.
He didn't start with a slow pace, choosing instead to take her like the beast he was. She climaxed, squeezing him as tightly as she could. She felt every inch of him forcing her walls apart, every single vein, and every single wonderful inch of him.
Sesshoumaru had to fight for each withdrawal as her greedy little cunt sought to keep him within. If he'd had his way, he knew he'd honestly would never leave her tight little hole.
He continued thrusting, alternating grinding rolls of his hips to keep her where he wanted her on edge. By the time he took her home he was determined that the bitch wouldn't be able to walk properly.
"So fucking tight, so greedy," he said through gritted teeth. Kagome wrapped her arms around his back, her legs tight around his waist leaving him no space to leave her.
She looked down between them where she saw his pale cock glistening with her juices with every retreat. It was a beautiful sight if ever she saw one. "Fuck me," she gasped.
Sesshoumaru withdrew completely. Kagome cried out in agony, feeling bereft of the most amazing cock she'd ever experienced.
He chuckled as he flipped her over to her hands and knees, hand pressing on her lower back, forcing her torso down and her ass up. He groaned at the evidence of her arousal glistening on her thighs.
Her lips were swollen red from his cock, but he knew her to be greedy enough to want more. Her puffy, pouty lips called to his baser instincts.
He didn't deny himself the pleasure. Red seeped into his eyes the moment he thrust inside her once more, the new angle causing an even tighter fit. Kagome's scream was music to his ears.
He leaned over her, forcing her lower to tighten the fit further. He worked his thick cock slowly through her well loved hole reveling in her mewling cries of pleasure.
He was close to his own climax, but didn't want to come yet. It was much too good for him to let go. Kagome had other ideas. Her internal muscles continued their rhythmic squeezing, milking him of his demon seed.
It was with her next climax he lost all control, spewing his seed into her body as she ground back into him. All was as it should be.
They lay panting on their sides, Sesshoumaru curled against her back. His partially deflated cock remained tightly within her body, both being loathed to end the connection.
"I swear your cock get bigger every time," Kagome said with a happy sigh. She arched her back briefly, which forced him deeper within her depths. They both moaned. "That feels so good."
"Do you want to go out after graduation?" he asked suddenly. "My parents are taking me to this restaurant and I can invite one person."
Kagome smiled. "Of course I'll go silly. What else would I do other than be by your side?" He rewarded her loyalty with a deep thrust of his cock.
"Good, because afterwards, we're celebrating properly," he said.
Sesshoumaru stood facing of throng of people. This was his moment to shine, his moment to finally say what he truly wanted to say for years. "Devotion. We hear the word everyday, but do any of us really know what true devotion means? We are told that sitting here at graduation, knowing that we made it means that we are devoted to our education. But I have another theory on the word devotion," Sesshoumaru said at the podium.
He knew where his parents sat only because his father was the only one standing for his son's speech. A brief smirk touched his lips.
On the gym floor, further to the front, sat Kagome, her blue eyes as bright as her smile for him. She gave him the thumbs up sign to keep with his speech. He hadn't allowed her to read his speech when he wrote it because it was a speech for her, and it wanted it to be truly special.
"Devotion is a friendship that comes at the most perfect time and lasts a lifetime. It was my friend's devotion that carried me to graduation. I've heard it said by students that 'I can't believe we made it to graduation'. Just last night my best friend told me to the same, only she doesn't know how true it was for me." He took a deep breath. It was finally time to reveal the one secret he'd kept from everyone. He was strong enough now, to talk about it.
"I almost didn't make it to graduation. Not because I wasn't intelligent or lazy. I wouldn't be Valedictorian if I wasn't intelligent enough." He received a few chuckle from the audience. "No, it was devotion that brought me here, the devotion of a girl who befriended a scrawny nobody one day after school freshman year.
"The day we met I was carrying school books and was assaulted. It hadn't mattered at the time. What mattered was that one girl's kindness and devotion caused her to befriend me. I never told anyone this, but the day I met her I intended to kill myself." There were gasps as his words reached all ears.
Kagome's eyes widened, tears glistening. In the corner of his eyes, he saw his father suddenly fall into his seat, Sesshoumaru's mother gripping tightly to her mate. Sesshoumaru waited a moment before he proceeded.
"I felt I had nothing and no one to understand my pain. But it was her devotion that brought light to my life. That helped me realize that my life had meaning. It was worth fighting for, worth devoting the time to staying amongst the living. So that, my fellow classmates, is what devotion means. We must remember, as we walk through life that we have the devotion of our loved ones, that there is someone out there who cares whether we live or die. People may come and go in our lives, but there should always be at least one who remains. If you have no one, find someone. If you see someone has no one, be that one. We can get so much further in life if we just take the time to be devoted to a person in obvious need. What else do we have if we cannot have that?"
Sesshoumaru ended his speech to complete silence.
Kagome couldn't help herself at the end of graduation. She continued to hold Sesshoumaru close, the tears unable to stop falling. She hadn't known she meant that much to him.
On either side of her were Sesshoumaru's parents, also trying to hug him. They all cried, too distraught over what might have happened if Kagome hadn't done what her heart told her was right.
Sesshoumaru endured it all stoically. He doubted Kagome or his parents would leave him alone for a long time to come. A sudden wicked smirk appeared on his face as he held Kagome tighter. He certainly wouldn't mind Kagome not leaving him alone.