
Heal Me by Deadly Teardrops

Chapter One

Title: Heal Me

Chapter: 1

Author: Deadly Teardrops

Genre: Romance

Raiting: NC-17

Warning(s): Language, OCC:ness, blood, lime... [maybe lemon on the later chapters!!!]

Pairings: Sess/Kag

Disclamer: I don't own Inu & co. They belongs to the great Rumiko Takahashi-sama!!! ^___^ If I would own them, Sesshomaru and Kagome would fall in love, Sango and Miroku too... They would not have killed Yura of The Hair, Kikyo would be stayed dead, Koga would love Ayumi and Naraku would be MINE!!! ^_____^ But I own the servant, Nabiki, so dontcha steal it!!! It's mine!! MINE!!! MINE!!! MINE!!!

Summary; Sesshomaru got himself sick. But how? Rin and jaken both are worried over their loved-but somewhat subborn-Lord after almost every healer have come and gone only to tell that there's nothing to do to make their Lord feel better. But then Rin get an idea. And that's where Kagome comes in!!! (I suck with summaries! Sorry!)


DT: Konnichi wa Minna-san! Watashi wa DeadlyTeardrops. ^___^

Chibi Sesshomaru: What kind of fic are you NOW writing about, ne?

DT: I'm TRYING to write something nice... Hmmm.... A romantic!!!^___^

Chibi Sesshomaru: And the pairings are....? Hopefully not me and some annoying female

DT: Well... ano... Gomen nasai Sesshomaru-sama, but I'm going to write Sess/Kag fic.

Chibi Sesshomaru: Nooo! This Sesshomaru does NOT like Inuyasha's wench!... Can I kill her?

DT: No, you can't kill her, and anyway... You two make a perfect couple!!! ^_____^

Chibi Sesshomaru: I refuse to be on the same fic with that human bitch, unless it's about killing her! -_-

DT: Sesshomaru-sama.... I know that you don't like her that much, but give her a change, although she is

a human, please?

Chibi Sesshomaru: Feh! I don't care! -__-

DT: *mumbles* Stubborn... *sighs* on the fic...;


Heal Me

Chapter One; Jaken, find me a healer!

Sesshomaru coughed and felt dizzy as he tried to stand up from his bed but failed badly as he fell back down coughing even more, feeling cold and tired.

"Damned! *cough, cough* " He cursed coughing. ' Chi'kuso! I've never been sick before. Not after that chicken pox when I was eleven. Why and when did I caughts this illness? Last night I felt just fine!?!' The youkai lord thought and coughed several times.

"JAK-- *cough, cough* ---EEEN!!!!*cough, cough*" Sesshomaru yelled coughing even more than

before, feeling like his lungs were on fire.

A light knock was heard from the door.

"*cough, cough* come *cough* in," He coughed and sighed deep.

The wooden door of his bedroom opened and two people came in; Jaken and Rin.

"Hai Sesshomaru-sama? What this lowly servant can do for you?" Jaken asked bowing deep.

"Get a healer for me.*cough* I don't feel *cough* really good," Sesshomaru told the servant.

"Hai Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken bowed and quickly ran out of the room, to get a healer for his lord, leaving Rin standing on the doorway, looking at Sesshomaru.

They youkai lord looked at the human child for awhile before saying, "Rin, I think you should stay away from me, so you don't get yourself sick too," He told and coughed feeling tired and dizzy.

"But Rin don't want to stay away from Sesshomaru-sama!" The girl pouted.

"Rin. If you get sick, you can't go outside to pick flowers for a week," He tried to tell her.

The girl's brown eyes grew wild, "Rin got an idea! Rin will go outside to pick flowers for Sesshomaru-sama, so he will get better!" She smiled.

Sesshomaru only nodded and the girl walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, telling the youkai lord to rest...


Sesshomaru smiled weakly one of his small secret smiles, tugging himself under the warm covers of his bed, driffing of to a deep sleep....


Jaken sat on the chair in his room trying to think what he should do. It've been three days since the first healer had came and gone, telling him that there was nothing to do to get his lord feeling better.

Jaken sighed. There wasn't probably anyone in this whole wide world to get Sesshomaru-sama feel any better.

He sighed again.

"Jaken-sama! Jaken-sama! Is Sesshomaru-sama going to get better?!?"A seven year old human child asked,

as she stood on a open doorway of Jaken's room.

"For a once human, this Jaken is not sure," The toad answered sighing again.

"Why haven't Kagome-oneesan tried to heal Sesshomaru-sama? She is a miko and Rin knows oneesan has

powers to heal! She once healed Rin's leg when she hurt it!" The human girl asked smiling.

"Who's this "Kagome- oneesan" you're talking about?" The toad youkai asked rising his eyebrown in a question.

"Kagome -oneesan is the half-bre...breeds...umm.... we...wench...Hai! wench! But oneesan doesn't like to be called that! She told Rin so. Yup!" Rin smiled nodding her head, giggling.

"Is she that hanyou Inuyasha's wench, ne?" Jaken asked, getting up from the chair.

"Hai!" The girl nodded.

Jaken thought for awhile, if this halfing's wench was able to heal people with her miko powers, she could be useful.

"Hmmm.... She might be the only change....Hmmm...." Jaken thought out aloud and looked at the human girl.

"Rin," He started.

"Hai Jaken-sama?" She smiled.

"Go to sleep. We are going to leave early at tomorrow morning to get this miko to heal Sesshomaru-sama,"

"Hai Jaken-sama!!!" Rin smiled happily and gave the toad a big hug, saying good night, before running into

her own room to get some sleep...

Jaken sighed yet again. I was going to be a looooong day tomorrow.

The toad youkai went to find few servants to get stuffs and the dragon Ah-Un ready for tomorrow morning...


Kagome climped out of the bone eaters well smiling. It was so beautiful at the past. No cars, no elecronic,

no annoying noices and best of all; no school and homeworks!!! Kagome sighed, yes, it was perfect.

"Kagomeeeee! I missed you sooo muuuch!" A lilttle kitsune cried and launched himself into Kagome's

arms, hugging the girl tightly.

"I missed you too Shippo-chan!" The girl laughed, hugging the kitsune warmly and looked around her.

"Where are the others?" She asked.

"They went after a rumor of Shikon no Kakera yesterday! Sango told me to tell you they'll be back by this

evening!!!" Shippo told her.

The miko nodded her head and started to walk over to the Kaede's village with Shippo in her arms.


Kagome sat outside old miko's, Kaede's hut, eating lunch with Shippo and talking about what had happened

in the three days she's been in her time era.

"... Then a huge monster came and tried to attack the village, but Inuyasha killed it! Kagome you should have see it!!! It was soooo huuuuge!!!" Shippo told her with his eyes wild.

"I can imagine Shippo-chan," She nodded.

"Kagome-oneesan!!!!" A little girl cried nearby, making miko and the kitsune stop talking and turn their gazes over to the forest where a little human girl dressed in a orange kimono came running towards the miko and the kitsune her brown eyes filled with tears.

"Rin-chan! What are you doing here all alone? Why are you crying?!?" Kagome asked getting up around a fire place and walking towards the crying girl, taking her into her arms hugging the girl tightly.

"Rin wants oneesan to come with her!!!" The girl cried.

"Rin why are you crying? What had happened?!?" Kagome repeat.

"Rin need oneesan to follow her! You must hurry! You must heal Sesshomaru-sama before he dies!! He is

the only family Rin has!!!" Rin told her jumping down from her arms and taking a hold on her hand trying to drag her to a clearing nearby where Jaken was awaiting them with some servants and the dragon; Ah-Un.

"Wait Rin, I leave message to the others, so they know where I am," Kagome told to the girl and asked,

"Are you hungry? You could eat, while I write the message,"

Rin looked over to a place where Shippo was sitting and eating ramen then she looked at Kagome and nodded, "Hai. Rin haven't eat lunch yet,"

Kagome smiled and told Shippo to give Rin ramen.

"Hai Kagome!" The kitsune smiled giving a bowl of ramen to Rin who sat next to him starting to eat.

The young miko smiled and walked inside the hut where Kaede was making some tea.

"Kaede-sama, I'm going with Rin-chan to the western lands. I don't know how long I'll be gone but tell the other do not to worry about me. I'll be fine," Kagome told to the older miko who nodded,

"I shall tell them. But tell me child, why are ye going there?"

"Rin told me Sesshomaru is going to die if I'm not going to heal him. I'm not sure what had happened to him but it must be something bad or otherwise she would not came to get me," Kagome told her.

"Aye, but be careful,"

"I will Kaede-sama," Kagome nodded and hugged the old miko, taking her back pack and walking out of the hut to see the kids talking about something.

"Okey Rin-chan, let's go!" Kagome smiled walking over to the kids.

"Hai!" Rin smiled happily, taking a hold on Kagome's hand.

"Kagomeee!!! I wanna come with you!!! Don't leave me alone with that dog-breath!!!" The kitsune cried and

jumped right into the young miko's arms.

"I don't know if you can---" Kagome tried to told him but she was cut by a Rin's happy cry.

"Yay!!! Can Shippo-kun come with you Kagome-oneesan? Please? Please? If Shippo-kun is coming then Rin gets a new playmate!!! Please, please, please, please oneesan?!?" Rin begged.

The young miko sighed and nodded her head in agreedment, "Sure Rin-chan,"

"Yay!!!" Both kids smiled happily as they walked over to the clearing -both of them holding on Kagome's hands- where Jaken was waiting for them...

The "fly" to the Western lands was short as they flew on a dragon's back. Jaken murmured something about noicy kids when Rin and Shippo decided to tell a jokes to each others. Both of them where laughing and giggling like there was no tomorrow.

Kagome talked quietly with a servant that had been ordered to go to with Jaken and Rin, to keep a eye on them, mostly Rin. The servants name was Nabiki, she was a half cat and half wolf youkai. She had a sharp sky blue eyes and green hair, that was over her shoulders.

Nabiki told Kagome how her lord had suddenly got himself sick almost four or five days ago. He had

looked so weak, and hardly ate anything. The miko nodded in understandment as she saw her worried eyes.

"Don't worry Nabiki-san what I have heard you telling me it's nothing serious, although it may look like it is. He just needs to rest and drink lots of water," Kagome told the youkai girl who nodded her head.


Sesshomaru laid a half sleeping on his bed. His golden eyes were closed, but they opened soon as he coughed few times, feeling like his head was going to exblow in anytime soon.

He licked his dry lips feeling thirsty. A drops of a cold sweat fell down from his forehead as he closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep, although he knew it was useless since everytime he coughed he was up

again, with the same head hurting pain.

A soft knock came from his bedroom door and it opened.

Sesshomaru half opened his eyes to see three persons standing on the doorway, one of them walked over to his bed and placed a warm hand on his forehead.

He couldn't see the persons clearly nor even smell their scents and it bothered him greatly.

"Is Sesshomaru-sama going to get any better?" A small child voice asked which he knew was Rin.

"Hai. He just has a fever and cough. I need a cold water and towel plus fresh water for him to drink so his fever will go down," A familiar female voice told. He knew the voice from somewhere, but couldn't put his clawed finger on it, who she was.

"Rin will go to tell servants to bring oneesan what she needs!" Rin said and ran out of the room, leaving the two other persons alone with him...


"Is there anything you need, m'lady?" Nabiki asked from Kagome who was digging her back pack.

"No, I don't need anything," Kagome answered pulling her first aid-pack from her back pack, taking a

bottle of something pink out of it.

"What's that, m'lady?" The youkai girl asked curiously.

"This is a medicine, it will ease Sesshomaru-sama's coughing," The miko told her smiling.

Nabiki nodded, "I'll leave you now. I have some works to do, m'lady. If you need anything just tell me or

some other servants,"

"Hai, I will Nabiki-san," Kagome smiled warmly as the youkai girl bowed and walked out of the room.

"Who...?" Came a hoarse whisper from the bed.

Kagome walked over to the bed, taking a glass of water to her another hand and the bottle of the pink liqure

to the other.

"Shhh... Don't try to talk, just drink some water, here," Kagome whispered helping the youkai lord to sitting position on his bed. She helped him drink the water on the glass what after she put the glass on the nightstand pouring a little bit a medicine from the bottle into the glass and giving then it to Sesshomaru.

"Drink this, it'll ease your coughing a bit," She told him. He drank the medicine and blinked.

"W-what was it? Who are you anyway and why can't I see anything, but fog?" He asked sounding a little bit angry.

"It was a medicine for the cough you have. It will ease the coughing and let you sleep and eat better.

The reason why you don't see anything is because the fever you have," Kagome told as Sesshomaru blinked and rubbed his golden eyes.

'So much a like, but still different from each other,' She thought as she looked his eyes.


Sesshomaru blinked and rubbed his eyes. He could see a girl sitting on his bed and looking at him. But still, he couldn't see the girl's face. All what he could see was the dark, almost black hair and a strange kimono she was wearning. A late sun light flashed through the open window of his room, making the girl look like an angel.

'Am I going to die?' He asked in astonishment as he looked at the shining figure of a female, sitting next to him.

"Are you an angel?" He asked letting his curiously out.

A gentle giggle escaped from the girl's lips that sounded like a music to his sensitive ears. The girl shook his head, " No, I'm not,"

Small, but quiet 'oh' escaped from his lips.

"You should sleep now, so the fever can come down. And when you wake up you can eat something,"

The girl told him. He nodded and closed his eyes, going back to lay down on his soft and warm bed.


Kagome smiled as she saw the youkai lord nodding his head and going to sleep. 'Me? An angel? *giggle* What would he have done if he knew who I really was? Would he have killed me? Maybe..' She thought and shook her head as she walked out of the room where Rin was sitting against the hall her brown eyes looking at her.

"Is Sesshomaru-sama going to die?" The child asked giving a small sobbing like sound.

"No Rin-chan. He isn't going to die," Kagome told her as Rin got up from the floor.

"Can Kagome-oneesan come to play with Rin outside? Shippo-kun got tired for playing tag and went to your room to sleep," Rin told her 'big sister', taking a hold on her hand.

"Sure Rin-chan," She nodded.

Rin made a small happy cry as she ran through the hallway, dragging Kagome with her towards the garden...


DT: well, that was the first chapter and the longest one what I have ever write before.

Chibi Sesshomaru: *snorts* Hah! I've seen longer chapters than this one.

DT: I'm sure you have. *mutters under her breath* baka.

Chibi Sesshomaru: So... How far have you been thought to continue this pointless fic? AND for kick some seness to your small brains; Youkai don't get sick! They are not as weak as humans and oni's are! *snorts*

DT: I think you're stuuupid! Are just hopeless moran! Youkai's do get sick, althought they might have higher immune system to virus like cold, fever, chicken pox etc, and smaller risk to get themselves sick, and if they get themselves sick, it's because they haven't lived healthy life. And to be true, that all goes with oni's AND humans!

Chibi Sesshomaru: Just shut up and start to write a new chap... -__-* v

DT: Okey, okey...*cough* Ahem! Please people, review and tell me if this is wort to continue. Arigato!

Chibi Sesshomaru: Shut up...


Author's note from Deadly Teardrops;

Okay readers, you may have read this fic at before. I decided that I will not use because I got this fic removed and I can't now use the account because one fucking idiot bratty kid reported my author's note. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!! WHEN I SEE YOU I WILL KILL YOU!!!

anyway, you can blame that one bastard mother fucking son of a bitch that I will no longer update at and I will remove all my R-rated fanfictions at Single Spark, and

At Single Spark and I can be found under a pen name; Deadly Teardrops

and at I'm under a pen-names; Yura and Lady Mayu(I don't use this one anymore, but I have few inu/kag fics under that pen-name and one sess/kag fic)

anyways and anyhows, I hope you enjoyed this fic so far. Please review. I won't put on a next chap until I get atlast 3 reviewes!!


*hugs, kisses and chocolate cookie*

Deadly Teardrops (ex-yura of the hair at

Question of the day for pondering;

Has Sesshomaru visited other countries outside of the Japan?

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