Kagome's New Love by Togechu09
Chapter 1:First Encounter
Kagome:" Inuyasha, you bastard" !!! *sniff sniff*
*phone rings*
Kagome:" Inuyasha !!!"
Sango:"It's me Sango,Kagome".
Kagome: "Oh it's you..."
Sango:" Let's go out and get you hooked up with another guy"!
Sango:"Oh please, get over that selfish jerk and go out."
(Kagome is now 17) ^-^v Sorry!!!
*Kagome and Sango are in a club*
Sango:"This is fun right?"
Kagome:*nodding off*
Kagome:"Kyahhh!!! Sorry."
*Kagome sees Sesshomaru afar and is now trying to make a move on him.*
Kagome:"Hey cutie!* wink wink*
Sesshomaru:"What do you want pathetic human?"
Kagome:"Just to marry you have 10 children by you, have long kisses, and let you...
(She says this very fast so Sesshomaru couldn't understand her.)
Sesshomau:"I didnn't catch that."
Kagome:*She stutters this*" W-Would you l-like t-to d-d-dance?"
Sesshomaru:"*He looks at her unamazed* "Whatever...
*They begin to dance then Sesshomaru did something unbelievable;he touched her butt and squeezed her chest firmly*
Kagome:"Sessho..."*She is being given a passion mark*"Shouldn't we get a room?"
*He grabs her and swoops her up in his arms,and runs to the nearest hotel.*
*They arrived at the hotel*
Sesshomaru:"I need one room with one bed!"
Kagome:"He means two beds,sir."
Sesshomaru:"Shut up!"
*The man hands Sesshomaru a key*
*Sesshomaru urgentley pushes Kagome down the hall and shoved her into the room and all you could hear was Kyaa and giggles*
Kagome thought she would loose her virginity but she was wrong, she tried to seduce him over and over again but her tries didn't work. He gave her his number and she was thrilled.
*The Next Day*
Kagome awoke and went home. She got fussed at for coming in late. Also she kept Sesshomaru up all night with her long story. She thanked Sesshomaru and left.
*The phone rings*
Inuyasha:"Hello Kagome. Long tim,no see.
Kagome:"You stupid,idiot,jerk,bastard-bitch leave me alone! Hang up and don't try again! Jerk!
*Kagome hung up the phone*
Kagome:*She starts to cry*"That jerk left me for Kikyo.*Sniff* Dummy Jerk."
*The phone rings again*
Kagome:"What is it Inuyasha!?"
Sesshomaru:"It's me Sesshomaru."
Kagome:"OH! Hiiii Sesshoooooo!!!^_^
Sesshomaru:"So umm, wanna go out on a date?
*Kagome gasps*
Kagome:"YES!!! Bye!
Kagome chants:"I'm going on a date with Sesshy yeah!"
I will make the second chapter very soon. Chapter 2:Fiirst Date. OO LA LA! ^_^ Please review.