Awoken Destiny by ~Incubus Dreams~
An Odd Letter
A/n: Hey thx to everyone who read my frist chappy! i hoped you liked it :D i ment to have this one up sooner but ive been at a horse show the last few days and been completly exhasted :P well enough of me talking heres my chappy tell me what you think so please REVIEW!! :D
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! Nothing I say NOT A THING!!! So leave me to my grief:P
* "A word is dead
When it is said
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day."
Emily Dickinson, "VI. A Word."*
Chapter two: Questions and Answers
Bright blue light enveloped her and she soon found herself standing, yellow bag over her shoulder, on the bottom of the well. Shifting her backpack so that it was settled over both her shoulders and preceded to climb the later up to the well house. When Kagome was about five rivets away form the top of the well she exerted some extra effort and tossed the heavy appendage over the lip of the well. When Kagome got to the top she quickly hoped over the edge, grabbed her bag and scurried over to the door.
Shutting the well house door behind her Kagome ran up to her front door, wanting to talk to her mother soon, and also didn't want to get soaked by the rain that was falling. A pone entering Kagome hollered out "okaa-san! Okaa-san, are you still here?"
"Yes Kagome I am, but what are you back here so soon?" Her mother responded from the kitchen.
"It's a long story." Kagome responded, dropping her pack onto the floor and taking off into the kitchen.
"From my experience when you say it's a long story it usually means that you either don't really feel like talking about it, its awkward, or it really is long. In this case I have a feeling that it is not the first but maybe the latter two I said. And if it is going to be a long tale then you sit down and I'll make you some tea. There go my hopes of you having just forgotten something." Hinako told her daughter as she got up, indicating to Kagome that she should take a seat and start on her story, while she prepared the tea.
"Well okaa-san it really just started with me being late coming out of the well" Kagome stated starting her recollection of her adventure.
By the time that Kagome had gotten to the part about Haru's letter and the little package that he had sent with it Hinako was sitting at the table listening intently. Just before she told her mother what the letter had said in it, Kagome thought that it would be a good time to bring up the fact that she had been told that she, Hinako, would be the best person for Kagome to talk to about the whole ordeal. "Oh, okaa-san before I continue I just want to mention something that I thought rather odd." Kagome told Hinako trying to see if her mother looked as though she had any indication of what Kagome might be talking about.
"Really, what is it?" Hinako asked her daughter. If Hinako had any idea she was keeping it well-hidden form Kagome.
"I was repeatedly being told not to open this package until I was in your presence and that you would be the best person to ask about all the things that I have said, and all that I am about to tell you." Kagome told her mother still looking for a sign that might show that her mother knew what was going on.
Hinako's only reaction was to widen her eyes and raise her eyebrows before stating, "really?" Then with a nod she waited for her daughter to continue to relay the events.
Realizing that if her mother did have any idea about what she was talking about she was about to let her know, so, Kagome continued on tell Hinako what the letter said. Hinako just sat quietly, listening to what the Northern lord had said, and pondering on the riddle. After she read the letter Kagome just watched her mother sit and think for a few minutes. When she couldn't take it anymore she finally asked, "So what do you think this all means? You have to know something! Lord Haru repeated several time that I was to ask you about this, and that I should wait until I was in your presence before I opened that package" Kagome told her mother, exasperated, and then indicated to the parcel of which she spoke that was lying on the table between the two of them.
Looking at her daughter, Hinako prepared to tell something that she didn't think she would have to tell her daughter for at least a while yet. Taking a deep breath, Hinako slowly let it out and said, "Kagome...The reason that the lord of the North, Hatsuharu, told you to ask me is because I am one of the few people left that know anything about the Youkai Mikos."
"Wait, how would he know that you would know anything, and how would you know any thing? If they don't know about it there how would you know about it here? And how would he know you would know it he lives five hundred years in the past?"
"Well the simple answer would be that we are not from this time, we are not suppose to be here. Remember how you told me that Sesshoumaru had said that Hatsuharu had a wife that had been of the dragon clan?" Kagome nodded her head and Hinako continued, "Well dear, that wife would be me, you Souta and I are the only ones left of the clan that have not gone "missing. I believe, however, that this will probably make more sense to you after you open that package. It will reveal what you need to know about your true self, so hold all your questions until after you have seen what is in that gift."
Dumbstruck by that her mother had just told her Kagome flapped her mouth at her a few times before taking the parcel into her hands. Her mind still numb form shock Kagome proceeded to unwrap the package, finding only a small wooden box. Slowly Kagome gently opened the lid and found a cerulean blue polished stone sitting in a cobalt silk lining.
Carefully picking up the stone Kagome found that it was only about twice the size of two thumbnails pushed together. Looking at it Kagome noticed that it had something engraved on it in black, taking a closer look she found it read "Destiny." glancing up from the gem Kagome gazed at her mother her eyes alight with wonder. Finding that her situation was made even more complicated by the by the beautiful and strange gift.
"What does it say Kagome?" Hinako asked her daughter, waiting in anticipation for her to say the word on the stone. Knowing full well what would happen.
"Destiny" Kagome said in exhale, her voice barley a whisper.
Then, suddenly, Kagome was engulfed in an eerie blue that encompassed half the kitchen. Hinako watched the episode form her side of the kitchen, waiting for the brilliant blue light to diminish so that she could see her child. For she knew full well just what the bright lights meant and it was immensely exciting.
Then, just as fast as it had sprouted, the beautiful light vanished leaving a very changed and dazed Kagome. Still quite shaken, Kagome regarded her mother giving her a questioning look before asking, "Okaa-san, what just happened?"
"You have been converted back to your old self back to what you are truly suppose to look like."
"What do you mean back to what I should look like?"
"You wore a heavy, ancient, magic spell. One that would hide your appearance and any other things that might give a way who you are like smell and such." Noticing her daughter's baffled expression Hinako continued. "Go look in the full length mirror it the living room."
Bolting out of the room like a spooked horse, Kagome blazed into the living room wanting to see just what her mother meant by 'revealed'. Stopping in front of the tall, gold-framed mirror Kagome was once again rendered speechless from shock. Blinking as if she were a deer Kagome stared at herself and took in her new appearance. Kagome saw a demoness starring back at her, one with hair going just past the small of her back. Kagome found that her hair started or cerulean blue at the top and faded into silver when it was just past her shoulders. Kagome had grown a couple inches, and on her face she now adorned two cobalt strips on each cheek.
Looking down at her hands Kagome saw that her nails were not longer there blue tinted claws, sharp ones from what she could tell, had replaced them. Well examining her clawed hands Kagome also noticed that on her wrists were cobalt strips matching the ones on her cheeks. Kagome then noticed that her eyes had taken on a deeper shade of blue and now matched her strips, and that her irises were no longer round but were slits like that of a reptiles. Then Kagome finally noticed something that took her by surprise, thinking that she should have seen them earlier, she was a set of folded, blue tinted silver wings. And to add to it nestled next two her feet was the tip of a blue striped silver tale. Lastly Kagome saw that on her for head was a brilliant sapphire blue spade symbolizing just what she was.
Coming up behind her daughter, Hinako watched as Kagome slowly accepted what she saw. When it looked as though she would be willing to continue were they had left off Hinako asked, "Do you wish to see what I look like? Then after I can tell how it is that we are in this predicament"
"Yes I think that is a good idea this all a little overwhelming" Kagome told her mother sitting down on the couch near the mirror that had shown her for the first time what she truly was. "So Okaa-san what do you really look like?" 'I still look relatively the same except for the hair color, claws, stripes and the new appendages, other wise I look pretty much the same' she thought moving her wings a little and twitching her tale just to make sure they actually worked.
'My its been a long time since I've been in my true form I wonder if Kagome will remember it when she sees me.' "Well here goes" Hinako whispered softly under her breath then began to chant, just a quietly, the enchantment that would reverse the effects of the concealing spell she had placed on herself so long ago. Hinako never took it off, fearing that if she did someone would come across her in her true form.
Then once Hinako had finished the incantation she was enveloped in the same brilliant blue light that her daughter had been caught in. Kagome watched in awe as she saw her mother go through what had just happened to her.
When the bright light diminished Kagome saw just what her mother looked like. Hinako still looked like the same person but with several changes made. She had long silver hair that fell well past her butt, and silver claws with silver strips on her wrists. On her face she had two matching strips on each cheek the same color as the ones on her wrists. Kagome also noticed that Hinako too had vertical slit pupils. Hinako also had wings on her back that were the same as Kagome's except that hers were all silver. Kagome noticed that her mother did not have a tale, though she did have the same sapphire spade on her for head as Kagome.
"Wow Okaa-san you are beautiful" Kagome told her mother, regarding her in awe.
"Well thank you dear, you are even more lovely as I think you should well know."
Hearing this Kagome blushed self-consciously, deciding that it would be a good time to change the subject. "Umm, Okaa-san why is that we are living in this time if we are from five hundred years past?"
"Well dear, how about I tell you in a second. First I think that it would be beneficial for you to learn to retract your wings so that they can't be seen or felt physically. That way you can sit and be comfortable." Hinako told her daughter, noting her obvious discomfort at trying to sit with her wings.
"Oh, could you please teach it to me. This is not at all comfy" Kagome asked her mother hopefully, totally disregarding the previous topic, intent on getting relaxed.
"Well, it really is incredibly simple, just think about pulling them into your body. Not just folding them up but pulling them right into your back and concealing them with a little bit of your power, you wont need much. All you have to do is think of the process the first few times after a while it will become instinct to you." Hinako told her daughter while she did it herself as a demonstration. Trying it she Kagome found that it really was immensely easy, and got it on the first try.
Now that she was sitting comfortably on the couch Kagome let her thoughts resume on the more important, original topic, which was why they were there. "So why are we living here Okaa-san?"
"Well dear, when you were five and I was pregnant with your brother, Naraku was on a frenzy, he was frantically looking for the sacred jewel. He was basically looking for the strongest Mikos, sifting through the old and the young; he tried desperately to find it. Naraku had herd of the story of the Youkai Miko he knew that they were incredibly powerful. He however knew that they had disappeared over a hundred years ago and that they would not have been able to gain possession of it. That was if Naraku even believes that they are still alive. Unfortunately he was also aware that you and I were the only known Miko believed left.
"So knowing that we were from a clan of powerful Mikos he came after us, thinking that we might have it due to out heritage. Naraku was mainly targeting you, as you hold immense power and had been showing tremendous potential at the time.
"Well your father some how got plans that Naraku was planning on abducting you so that he could some how use you to obtain the jewel. We had to do some drastic thinking, we knew of the Bone Eaters Well and how it would suck up the corpses of the dead thrown in it. We used some very ancient and dangerous magic on it so that it would take living things, ones closely tied to you, threw it. It was however a very chancy thing to do, as we did not know were it would lead.
"We found that it came to this time and that it would be safe for you here. So, your father sent you and a pregnant me until a time that you would be old enough to defend you're self."
"Wait, how did you end up living here, in a shrine?" Kagome interrupted.
"That is were your jii-chan comes in. We are not actually related to him, he is a hanyou that lived here and met us when we first came out of the well. He let us stay on the pretence that everyone thought that I was his daughter and you and Souta his grandchildren. He knows that if some day we go missing we have gone back to were we belong. For once we all go through the well we cannot come back again.
"We were going to go back in less then two months anyway, just after your eighteenth birthday, that was what had been decided when we came through. You see, we would have to regardless of whether you were ready; if we were to stay any longer people would soon notice that you had not aged since your seventeenth birthday. For because of your breeding you age like you are a human until you are around sixteen, seventeen then you virtually stop all together. Depending on how powerful one is they will age faster or slower then one another, many strong youkai can look quite young"
"So I may age really, really slowly or just average youkai speed?" Kagome asked
" You my dear, will age very slowly, you have massive amounts of untapped power you are not even aware of. Now, to continue to a very important part of the story, I was told when you were born that you would be the one to find our missing tribe. So that you may give them back what is rightfully theirs. I was told that this was a huge part of your destiny to do this; unfortunately you being the one to destroy Naraku is also tied into this. He will not stop hunting for you or for the jewel, this I'm sorry to say will undoubtedly make your task all the more difficult.
"Though it is also said that you will not be at this task alone. I was told that another of vast power would be there to aid in the release of our kin."
As her mother told her all this Kagome just sat listening to her relay the information. It slowly accrued to her that life had just been mad a whole lot harder. Seeing the pensive look on her daughters face Hinako decided that it would be a good time to go and get ready to leave for the following morning and then call it a night. ' That way Kagome can think a bit and I can tell Souta and thank Kayo for taking care of us while we were here and being so nice to the children. "Kagome why don't you start getting ready to leave for tomorrow while I tell your everything. That way you will have some time to think while you pack and then you can rest up for tomorrow."
"Okay okaa-san that sounds like a good idea, I know Souta will enjoy knowing he is a demon." Kagome told her mother, agreeing with her that leaving the next day would be a good idea. Yawning she gave her mother a suggestion, " Get grandpa to tell everyone we moved to North America."
That's a good idea, I think I will."
Just as her mother was about to walk out of the room a sudden thought came to Kagome. 'What will I tell the Shippou and the others?!' "Okaa-san what will I tell Shippou and the rest of the group?" Kagome asked her mother, worry lacing her voice.
"Don't concern your self with that right now, you have enough to think about at the moment. We will deal with it all tomorrow." Hinako reassured.
"Okay okaa-san, your right, good night." Kagome told her mother's retreating back, before going up to her room to get ready for the following day and then go to bed. Just before then just before shutting her door she heard a load "Cool" coming form down stairs, presumably from Souta. 'Well he seems happy about this.'
"Oh God what's Inuyasha going to say!" Kagome asked herself, forgetting about what he might say in her anger of what he did to her.
P.S Thx to all of thos ppl out there who are reading my story!! :D please REVIEW! Cause I wanna know were its good and bad and hell so that I can improve :P oh and sorry if some of the ppl seem a little ooc. thx