
By the Light of the Moon by mewl neko

Midnight Meeting

**A/N: Nothing to say, besides to apologize for such a long disappearance.

'Blah blah' = Signing, or silent tongue

That may not make sense as of now, but its referring to Raikrin.**

Silent Machinations

Kagome kneeled silently, sipping her herbal tea from the ornate ceramic cup. The glaze painted maples and falling fire-colored leaves warmed against the rose sunset as it blushed in the background. The hot clay made her fingers tingle soothingly. Curious sapphire eyes glanced across the swirling gold colored liquid and the table's surface littered with a tea pot and small treats to meet the face of her midnight companion. His long hair was loose and pulled around to rest over one shoulder. The luminescent locks shimmered in the candle lighting as they tumbled down into his lab and below the verge of the table. Incense burned around the room on several surfaces to splurge of the tastes of her guest.

After working herself with her archery, Kagome had resigned herself to meditation in order to improve her innate skills. Hours flew by in short moments filled with slow breaths and empty thoughts as visions, teachings rather, showed Kagome how to work her own power. The most important thing was to assess the situation carefully and use just enough energy to defeat your opponent. There were many precautions to keep her secret within a tight circle of people, two of which she already knew were the taiyoukai and his eldest son. However, after breaking her trance, Kagome found herself quite refreshed. It was unusual because normally she would have to literally drag herself to her room for recuperation. This realization brightened Kagome's busy mind with the truth that it was possible she was improving.

Kagome had then found a silent watcher in the back corner of the room. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against on the pillars supporting the ceiling of the covered walkway. His hand raised and spoke to her. It was his wish to discuss elfin matters and sort out their situation. Raikrin knew what she was and simply wanted to know how it was she ended up here. In return, he would tell his story as well. Kagome was only minutely surprised to find her hand lift and speak her acquiescence. After the short conversation, he turned and left without a word. Kaekei then told her to pick certain flower blossoms and make incense. An elfin tradition that was extremely polite and respectful. One would fill their home or shelter with their guest's scent, or favorite scent, as a sign of peace and trust of a non-violent affair. So, Kagome set about doing so. He hadn't given a time, but Yukila spoke up that all private matters in their culture were spoken only under the moon's high guidance.

Kagome had had about five or six hours, and to tell the truth, she wasn't sure she would have the incense finished. She quickly ran in and grabbed her supposed guard, Sango. Kagome had to leave the castle's walls to the neighboring fields and was 'forbidden' to do so without a guide, or in Kagome's opinion- chaperone. Then she proceeded to gather the herbs and place them inside an apron she stuck on to protect her clothes from the heavily pollinated flowers of the lush watery spring. Sango had stood there, her arms crossed, and sighing often. She would occasionally blow at her bangs watching them flutter in the air before resting back to gather at the square center of her forehead.

Kagome had taken her time. You couldn't rush herb collection or you'd wind up with the wrong root, stem, or flower. Kagome was quite efficient despite having a lack of memory, but perhaps it was because herbs took all of her stored memory, so there was nothing left for anything else? Kagome was actually only a half hour, much shorter than her usual time. Retreating back into the castle and into her room, Kagome washed, dried, and hung up the flowers for about two hours. Normally she would leave them for a few days...but... You always create the incense for your guest inside the room you will be sitting in. It gives a deeper, more natural undercurrent of the scent flowing in the area. Then it was refreshed with the incense was burned.

Of course, the aroma, though pleasant, was strong and somewhat overwhelming while drying. So, a certain irate hanyou, still disastrously worried about his lady fair, stormed into her chambers without knocking. Kagome had been taking a short nap after her afternoon tea that somehow always made her drowsy. She was in for a harsh awakening and yellow irises glaring down at her. Inuyasha had his hand over his face making his speech blurred and would have been hard to make out in her sleep-boggled mind, if he hadn't be practically screaming 'what the hell is that smell?!'

Kagome glanced down at her tea inwardly chuckling. He had thrown a childish fit, to which she responded with a slap to his cheek. He had stared wide-eyed at her before they jumped into a rather...rambunctious argument. Sango had to silence them when she jogged into the room pushing them apart, one hand on each of their shoulders. A young man was standing in the doorway behind her with a bemused, but charming smile on his features. It was then that she was to be introduced to Miroku, descendant from a long line of Buddhist Monks and first advisor to Inutaisho. Only seconds after introducing herself under her alias 'Raiven' was Kagome to find her backside the home of an unwelcome visitor. A slap echoed followed by a swift punch from Sango. Kagome saw Sango in a new light at that moment. Her face was flushed and growling like a demon as she reprimanded the houshi as if she did it everyday. Or if Kagome's impression of Miroku was correct than Sango was blessed with this chore dozens of times a day.

A hand fell on hers startling her into dropping her cup. It was almost in slow motion. Kagome's eyes widening and a gasp falling from her mouth. Her small hand reached out to try and grab...the cup that was already caught? Kagome sat up straighter and tilted her head to the side. A pale hand held her cup a few inches above the table. Curious blue eyes followed the white hand to a revealed wrist, then the long ice blue sleeve of a kosode, up to the gently smiling face of her companion. His eyes were warm and humorous, but the smile made the elf so much more beautiful. He didn't look like one of the kami's earthly creatures, but of one belonging to that high court in the heavens.

Kagome reclaimed her cup, afterwards signing a thank you. After making her incense and a visit from Rin who had taken a short break from her morning lessons, she spent the majority of time learning the rest of the complicated symbols. Her hand was still a little sore and sometimes she felt she wasn't doing it right. Actually, to her sheer embarrassment, Raikrin had to correct her a few times during their short conversations so far. Kagome found she could understand very clearly, but the act of transferring her knowledge into the swift motions of hand was quite difficult and it was often that she had to slow down to make sure they movements were correct. Raikrin, though, didn't seem to mind, only nodding in encouragement to finish and hold up his hand in an effort to tell her to take her time.

Kagome smiled, placing her cup back on the table, she then stood from her sitting position on the floor pillows. She knew what he came for, not just a conversation. All elves needed compassion, to be touched, in order to survive and overcome the harsh bloodlust the power of their souls gives them. Kagome knew that this man had been sent into the taiyoukai's army to survey and tackle any mystical complications if there were any elves, especially if there were elfin half-breeds. Now, demons would sometimes mate with a human producing a half-breed. The child would usually be killed out of their belief that the offspring would blemish their bloodline and a disgrace to their lineage. However, elves were much different in that respect.

All half-breed elves would be killed directly from the womb. It wasn't a matter of disgrace or such reasons, but of safety. Elves are normally life-givers and the protectors of it, no matter what the species or breed. Of course, like it all societies there are those that kill and others that heal, but this is chosen at birth. Elves that are to kill are called hitogoroshi and those to heal are iyasu. The difference is in their abilities. Hitogoroshi have blood thirsty spirits that would only strike out at those they were healing. Even if they wanted to heal, their spirit wouldn't be satisfied. The smell of blood affected them too strongly.

Iyasu would not be able to undergo the strain of the murderous undertakings of the hitos. Simply- they would wither away because their spirit would be too overwhelmed and guilty. Unfortunately, it wasn't the individual's choice either. Once born and your aura observed, a few minutes later the babe would be sectored among its 'own kind'. Then a few times a day, one iyasu would be added to every future warrior. The soothing aura would calm the dangerous soul inside the child, even at such a young age.

The only problem with half-breeds was that their spirits didn't have just one role, life or death, but both. This caused a grave confliction inside their own body where their bloods struggled for dominance. Usually almost every one that was allowed to live in the beginning, died anyway, but in extreme pain. It was sheer torture for a pup that didn't understand its own sufferings, so they are always killed. It is the only justice the council could surmise, except for one. One elfin half-breed couldn't be destroyed. All attempts were healed within minutes. The soul coordinated and worked together instead of skirmishing. This soul was that of Taeku, the supposed single half-breed of the elfin line.

All elves were connected to each other by a mental link, but Yukila had said that it was impossible for them, the spirits of Taeku, to do so because of being a half-breed. However, that wasn't true anymore. Kaekei had discovered a link and connected, but was only met with tortured howls and pulsing aches. When Kagome was grinding her herbs for future ills, while waiting for her guest to arrive, she was told this rather worrisome news. Naraku was breeding half-blood elves, even though he knew, somehow, that most would die. Half-breeds were much stronger that pure bloods only because their limits could be stretched. In battle, when transformed into their true state, their minds were controlled only by survival instincts. They are completely focused on their targets and not those around them. They would slaughter anything that lived, anything that didn't share their special link. That meant pure elves as well as humans and demons, even plants for that matter. Kagome scowled.

-He's using them, their just a tool, to kill...-

Kagome wasn't exactly against killing because some people were just not worthy to live in this world of the Kami-sama. Their only purpose was to manipulate others for their own amusement, like Naraku, and not so unlike Sesshoumaru. However, even he has some moral limit. Naraku was a waste of flesh and of life.

Kagome then felt a hand cup her cheek. Somewhere in her dazed thoughts, she had moved around the low-sitting table to kneel next to Raikrin and who knows how long ago that was. Yukila had spoken to Kagome about a favor that this hito elf might ask of her and that was for the comfort of an iyasu. Raikrin no doubt knew she was an elf and most likely exactly who she was. The miko had immediately feared he would speak her secret, but that was hushed by an aggravated yell from Kaekei that she was an idiot.


" elf won't disrupt the trust of another, especially to a demon, unless it is necessary."

"What do you mean necessary, Yuki-san?"

"Like if you were to lose control of your own powers. Only then in cases where it would be his duty to alert others of the danger they would be in."

"Am I really that dangerous?"


"Kei- don't interrupt."

Yukila's voice was motherly reprimanded and a tone that shut the shadow up rather quickly. That is if you don't count the incessant grumblings and mutters. Yukila continued as though Kaekei never put in her two cents.

" Hai, regrettably, but only if you lose yourself to your true form. Unfortunately, you are human; I don't know what that would be. I know what ours was, as Taeku, but...Gomen ne."

"Don't be, we'll just make sure we don't ever find out!"

Kagome smiled enthusiastically and both spirits, iyasu and hito shook their head at the miko girl.

~End Flashback~

Kagome smiled softly at Raikrin as she removed the hand that had removed her from the trance of her thoughts. She kneeled slightly away from him, bowing her head. Her entire frame relaxed, her muscles loosening, and slid off of her knees, pushing them to rest beside her at an angle, allowing Kagome to rest more comfortably on the floor. Raikrin watched silently, his narrow eyes wider than usual as he blinked curiously. His head tilted to the side, causing his long hair to jostle off his shoulder. The pale blonde strands swayed with the movement, the ends piling on the floor partly behind and beside their owner.

Kagome called upon the iyasu influence, that of Yukila, into her soul. She embraced it with loving arms as emotions swelled around her. They were nearly tangible in warm pinks, blues, and pale yellows swirling in the abyss of her soul. Kagome opened paled eyes, nearly translucent with their slightest grayish blue tinge. The pupil was thinner and her eyes were thinned with a kindness not of this earth.

A soft hand reached out to gently trace Raikrin's jaw line, making sure to stay clear of his neck. His natural defenses were lowered, but still on alert. Entering such a sacred area, one reserved for mates and masters would be dangerous for both. Raikrin was a hitogoroshi and therefore his transformation into his 'true beast' would be more painful. Iyasu, because they are influenced heavily by emotions, revert to their darker side much easier, but have little to no control. They would search and destroy, once their reason and sanity was truly lost, by locating body heat, vibrations movement sent out into the surroundings, and electric impulses the brain sends to make the body function. In contrast, a hito would use a weapon such as a sword or staff, the Iyasu always killed with only by their body's means, like claws, etc. It wasn't known why Iyasu never used weapons, but the only ones on their person were usually a small dagger to cut herbs or trim bandages. An iyasu would wither and die after killing anything at all. Most were vegetarians, eating vegetables, berries, and various starches. Iyasu could never be sent into battle, not even to guard. Even just witnessing could be deadly; their existence was hard in such a blood soiled world.

Hito were much more efficient and were both with a natural control, but that had to be developed over time. This training had to start right after birth by challenging and attacking the spirit of the new born babe. Then the child could slowly become accustomed to their own soul, the good and bad. However there were the rare few labeled 'natabe'. These elves had natural skills in learning and memorizing katas, magic, etc. They were often the only ones to have complete control of their fully transformed being. Iyasu Natabe were much rarer, but still there were rumors of a few existing, not that they were ever bring such unnecessary attention to themselves. Being an Iyasu Natabe was quite redundant and their status as such a treasured being was wasted because their skills could never be measured in battle.

Raikrin closed his eyes savoring the caressing hands. A fingertip drew along the bottom edge of his ear round the pointy tip. Then a soothing massage behind said ear made his stiff posture slump and his ever attentive focus to falter. She wasn't going to cause him harm; this little one had accepted her iyasu and her ever present hito would remain on guard despite being pushed into the background. Her hands were warm, more so that before as they cupped both of his cheeks. A thumb ran over his lips before she kissed him lightly there. She didn't kiss Raikrin at the center; no instead she left it near one outside corner. It was gentle and sweet, and when Raikrin only smiled slightly with his eyes still shut, it denoted this encounter was honestly platonic. Even though they both knew that from the start, this made sure there was no misconception on either part.

Kagome ever so carefully scooted closer as his arms moved aside to allow her sit in his lap. Kagome encircled his lithe body with her arms pulling him close to her heart. The emotions were overflowing and practically called for release. They were begging to heal and comfort this tortured soul, so long without a proper iyasu touch. Kagome probably wouldn't be his first choice or the best since she was, but a human and even her elfin side was a half-breed. However, several months killing without care did not make one choosey. His hands greedily held her, scrunching the fabric at her back. His head ducked down resting his forehead on her shoulder breathing in deeply.

The little one's scent was virtually overpowered by that of the pure spirit's now dominating influence. Where there was once a human miko was now only an iyasu with a slight darkening twinge of her other hito half. His eyelids fluttered in true bliss, the warmth of the light entering his cavernous soul was finally allowing peace to settle in his raging spirit. Perhaps now he could rest for a full eve without an ever restless soul tensed for attack. He could trust this child to watch over him instead. He would trust Taeku, the lost child of the Misa-sama.

A being banished from her own people for a crime she didn't commit and punished with the most severe penalty. Taeku's soul was extracted from her body in hopes to be purified of her darker demons leaving only an iyasu in its wake. The council...was foolish back then to think that a half-breed could be mutilated and removed of one half of their soul. It was their wish to 'save' half-breeds by choosing one destiny, one purpose for them. The members learned the hard way that neither the iyasu nor the hitogoroshi auras could be taken. The council should never have let such a creature like Taeku escape.

She was the one recorded half-breed to survive their birth and that was only because her hito awakened protecting herself on instinct. Taeku was allowed to live for study purposes, the council would never have believed that her spirit would actually coincide together. One of the reasons their plan to extract only one part of soul failed. The council has caused entirely too much unnecessary pain and not only to this woman-child, but most of the elves left in existence. Hitos forced into battles that they would never recover from, whether it is like his restless spirit or a longing for bloody carnage. Then the iyasu who were made to heal until layered in blood and shifted passed the brink of insanity.

Kagome ran her hands through his hair, stringing it behind his back. Her motions were almost like petting and even more so when a deep rumble stirred in his chest. His head turned sideways nuzzling her shoulder, but he always strayed from her neck. They were allies as of now, but not close enough to be so informal with one another. Kin and mates were obviously allowed and so were those who were confidants, but Kagome had just met this elf today. Also those who belonged to a master, that master was given the privilege. Elves did not have masters like humans or demons. A master could be a teacher or elder, but in this time of war, one's master would most likely be the captain or leader of the unit you were fighting with.

Raikrin tugged on her sleeve glancing at the piled floor pillows surrounding her low table. Kagome gave a languid smile; her liquid eyes shimmered with heavenly warmth. Kagome slithered to lay on the floor pulling her companion down with her. Each lay on their side with one hand clasped between them. The top layer Kagome's yukata fell open in the front down to the binding sash. It had been loosely tied to allow free, easy movement. The top layer was a pale sea green and the under kimono was another full layer that was a light cream. Normally she would have worn a pair of thin cotton pants that stopped just below her ankle and a plain long sleeved shirt. Along the bottom hemline was a curling, curving snake outline only in white. Her sash was white and blended nicely with her bottom layer. Her slippers fell off of her feet leaving them bare. Her legs curled upwards at the knees as she moved to fit to his form exactly.

Raikrin's kosode fell loose as well and fell over one shoulder. Across the front of his chest were three deep scars, another elfin tradition. Certain markings were given or rather craved into the skin to show status and skill. Kagome's were of ink because her status was marked by spiritual capacity where Raikrin's would be physical strength, endurance, etc. There was one long horizontal cut from shoulder to shoulder as well as a thinner one just below it that was about two inches shorter on each end. Then one vertical cut sliced through the second smaller marking and ran down the center of his chest until his sternum ended. After the markings are engraved, the true test comes to pass. A lethal poison is poured over the wounds; it is quite painful in Kaekei's words. Its purpose was to make the markings prominent and permanent.

Kagome placed an open palm against those scars. Tears began to sluggishly pour down her cheeks at the aura of pain still surrounding the wounds. She bit her lip, the emotions swelling inside her heart all turned dark. Violent reds, dark blues nearly black, and a burning orange swirled, meshed into one ugly hued brown. Her eyes narrowed and her heavy lashes just barely brushing cheeks. Her hands ran along those carved lines until reaching his kosode hanging on his shoulders. She pulled the elf hard against her. He felt so much pain, yet never uttered a sound. She could see the whole ritual playing over and over in her mind. It was a maze of shadowed clouds of numbness, whispered trails of blood, and electric shocks of pain.

"How could you never said a word. They did such horrible things to you and you just sat there! Why?! T-tell me why?!"

Kagome stiffened and lifted her teary-eyed face to look at his. She could feel Kaekei's sigh as she removed one hand from Raikrin's kosode sleeve. She about to sign that she was sorry, but before she could make the first symbol, Raikrin's larger hand encased hers. Raikrin offered a small smile before wiping her tears from her cheeks. He smiled softly at her sniffles.

-It would show weakness to scream or even flinch. Those marks are an honor and he took them with pride. It was not as harsh as you may think. The iyasu inside you is quite perceptive to emotions and sensitive to pain.-


-Hush little one. You made no offense.-

Kagome settled down in his arms as they rested entangled against the pillows. It was so ironic. She was supposed to be the one to heal him, yet here he was holding her instead. She plunged a hand into his hair knowing that the strands were overly sensitive. It was an elf's pride, weakness, and pleasure. A comfort topped by very few things. She dragged her fingers through his long bangs curling the thin, petal soft strands around her finger tips. She frowned, her eyebrows knitted as a pout formed on her lips.

'Your hair is softer than mine!'

Kagome's small hand hesitated in its movement to fall just below his collarbone. A warm, low chuckle was her response. A peek upwards revealed his eyes were closed. Kagome smiled at the sheer contentment on those soft, masculine features. His skin was warm, except moistened where he mouth had rested against his chest. A few droplets of saliva fell against his pectorals, yet he said nothing. Kagome frowned wiping it away with the sleeve of her kimono and made a note to breathe through her nose. Remarkably though she was strangely at ease, Raikrin's smooth breathing and steady heart beat forming a lulling calm to fall over her. Still, Kagome's hip was killing her, resting against a hole between the pillows on the wood planks covered by tatami mats. She was resting mainly on her new male companion and though the position was comfortable, the contrast between her softly muscular body and his steely one was a little weird.

Kagome lifted herself up over Raikrin, tugging her lips to one side in a strange frown trying to decide if she should wake him. Before she could move or even make a decision, the male sat up bringing her with him. Raikrin took hold of her hand pulling the woman gently into his arms. Kagome smiled slightly, the spilling emotion was slowly disappearing from her eyes. She walked to the bed careful not to trip on any of the pillows she had set up for them to sit upon. Kagome felt like she was in a daze. The once powerful strength, nearly uncontrollable build up of feelings from Yukila's influence was now draining. Somewhere in the back of her mind, where unimportant or ignored information was stored, she knew that the reason was because it all had emptied into Raikrin's soul as comfort.

What she needed right now was sleep and just the sight of her bed made her steps seem heavy. Like each step was weighted by lead. Kagome's head lolled forward as her body released all consciousness. Yukila's presence faded; usually the Hito would leave the iyasu somewhere safe and continue on the way alone. No relationship or bond was formed, but Raikrin instead lay beside the young maiden. He pulled the girl against himself and held her as she slept. This one seemed almost too innocent to survive in this world, yet she wasn't that way at all. Her flickering eyes were always on the look out and her nimble mind at work. Kagome had overcome much before she was brought into the western citadel.

Kagome was surrounded by the aura of the man their western armies were about to fight. The southern lord hung heavily around her. Whatever encounter the guardian could have had with the hanyou was unknown, but was conceivably complex. For his scent was barely recognizable on the female's skin, but his aura still clung to her with a death grip.

--Was she a slave at one time? How did she break the spell? Did she break it at all?--

The questions would remain unanswered for now, if not forever. He forbade himself the luxury of speech and he didn't need to be a psychic to know that it was painful for the girl. This little one who so easily gave part of her heart to him. Even if under the influence of her purer side, Kagome had accepted the iyasu actions with a hitogoroshi. Others, not of their direct culture, would have found such harmless acts odd. However, she did not, but follow through with a smile and open arms. The tremendous pressures did little, but make her faint. At times, the effects would be near death.

--Though...knowing which spirit she bonded with I shouldn't be so surprised.--

**You know...all of this just keeps coming to me. I hope no one's confused. If you have any questions at all, please email me. This is a Sess/Kag pairing. Kagome and Raikrin are purely platonic.

Words to know:

Hitogoroshi- murderer

Iyasu- heal, cure


Natabe- nah-tah-bay

Kaekei- kai-ah-kei (that may be a little overdone)

**I didn't plagiarize. I know it and I would hope my readers do also. So this fic should continue without delay, though I may start another fic *woot* with a similar time frame, but more around the original plotline I had in mind for this fic. Kagome was always going to be part elfin...but this is a little farther in depth than I'd plan to go. Oh well- right?**

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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