Cracked But Not Broken by Nefra
Carved In Stone
Hey all, I'm back! So go ahead and read the final chapter of Cracked But Not Broken; hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Sesshoumaru but I've decided to keep them locked away in my hentai closet. I'll give them back in a few years with interest.
Warning: This chapter will contain lemon. There will be a warning when it begins and one when it ends so those of you who do not enjoy them can skip it. Thank you!
Chapter 16: Carved in Stone
Sesshoumaru and the others stood back as the wounds on Kagome's body slowly healed under the swing of Tensaiga's blade. They all breathed a sigh of relief when Sesshoumaru gently lifted her off the floor and watched one of her feet twitch in her sleep. Kagome was going to be just fine.
The span of two weeks passed after Sesshoumaru brought her home but there was still no sign of her waking up. The taiyoukai never once left her side, choosing to dine in their rooms in case she should wake up. The rest of the rescue group returned to the village to bring back the children and Sesshoumaru told them they could stay until Kagome awoke. They all had come to check on Kagome and he let them though it was with a bit of annoyance. At night he would lay beside her, pulling her close so he could get lost in her scent.
Within the first hours of bringing her home he had watched with fascination as her youkai attributes returned. Her hair slowly regained its silver streaks and red highlights which he had come to admire almost as much as the black raven it had once been. The markings slowly returned as well along with her delicate claws and ears. A little while later movement under the blankets caught his eye and he lifted he cover; watching with an amused expression as her tail twitched with her dreams. It hadn't taken him long to decipher the reason why she had turned human, having smelled the potion Kinoko had thrown into his beloved's eyes. His first order of business would be to find and 'convince' the witch that had concocted such a potion to give him the composition of it.
The second day of the third week came; Sesshoumaru was asleep beside her when she shifted and rolled into his embrace. He awoke immediately and gently shook her thinking he'd dreamed the whole experience but knew better due to her change in position. Kagome opened her eyes and smiled brightly though sleepily at him.
"Hello." She whispered.
Sesshoumaru pulled her tight against him and breathed an internal sigh of relief.
"Sesshoumaru," Kagome gasped while gently patting his back. "Breath...air."
Sesshoumaru actually looked a little apologetic when he released her.
"I feared you would never awaken." He said after a moment.
Kagome yawned and stretched. "How long was I out?"
"Almost three weeks."
Kagome sat up in shock gasping at the stiffness of her body then looked around in confusion before gingerly touching her legs. "I can feel them."
"The Tensaiga has many uses my mate." He responded while lounging back against the headboard of their bed.
Kagome smiled at him again then threw the blankets aside and tried to stand up. Sesshoumaru watched her carefully and was by her side the moment she started to fall. Reaching out for one of the posts on their bed she gingerly stepped from his embrace but frowned when he refused to leave her side.
"I have to walk Sesshoumaru." She snapped gently. "Let me try."
"Fall again and I will carry you."
Kagome blushed and forced her needs aside until she could stand on her own. There was no way in hell he was going to watch while she went to the bathroom.
'I hate it when nature calls.' She thought to herself. 'It always happens at the most embarrassing time.'
Sesshoumaru stood back as she slowly put on foot in front of the other while still holding on to the bedpost. Finally she released it and slowly made her way to their personal bathing room. He kept his distance from the door knowing she would yell loudly just to make his ears ache because of it. He dressed and smiled to himself when he heard the familiar splash of water as she washed. Finally she emerged fully dressed in a modest yukata and started walking toward the door of their chambers.
"Where are you going?" Sesshoumaru demanded.
Kagome huffed at him. "I've been asleep for almost three weeks Sesshoumaru, I have to eat."
Sesshoumaru smiled lovingly at her and offered his arm to her. Kagome grudgingly accepted it and together they headed for the kitchen where her friends and allies were waiting to see her. Sesshoumaru couldn't control the amusement that made his eyes twinkle when they saw Kagome up and around.
"I wonder when she'll wake up." Sango said wistfully while pouring herself and Miroku a cup of tea.
"I hope it's soon." Kagura said softly.
"What's wrong Kagura?" Kikyou asked.
Kagura looked across the room at Kouga. " is time for me to answer for my crimes."
Inu Yasha frowned at her. "You have a life debt to Kagome. You can't just walk away from that."
Kagura stood. "Do you think I want to? Do you think I want to answer for the acts of another? I killed Kouga's tribe; I'll speak with Kagome about releasing me from the Life Debt."
"I will do no such thing." Kagome fumed from the doorway.
Everyone was suddenly on their feet and rushing Kagome as she slowly walked in. A growl from Sesshoumaru made them all take a step back so she could sit down.
"You will not turn yourself over just to be killed." Kagome demanded.
"I will have my retribution." Kouga stated coldly. "Whether Naraku ordered her to or not she still killed my kin."
Kagome was about to argue her point when she felt Sesshoumaru's hand on her shoulder. She slumped her shoulders in defeat then turned tear filled eyes to Kouga.
"There has to be some other way Kouga. There just has to be."
Kagura placed a hand on Kagome's other shoulder. "There is no other way." She smiled down at Kagome. "Thank you for believing in me when no one else would."
Kouga watched the exchange in a new light. Kagura was scared; he could smell her fear along with her sadness. She really didn't want to leave Kagome. He started to follow the wind youkai but stopped when he saw her close her eyes and one lone tear ran down her cheek.
"I will await you in the courtyard Kouga."
Kouga sighed then looked at Kagome. Their gazes locked and in that moment Kagome knew that he wouldn't kill her. That's when she recalled what Midoriko had told her and grinned broadly.
Kouga merely winked at her, leaving the rest of the kitchen's occupants in a state of shock.
"What the hell was that about?" Inu Yasha demanded.
Kagome merely giggled and Kikyou looked at her curiously.
"Why can't I feel what you're emotions are anymore?" the miko asked.
Kagome shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't even notice until you said something."
"So we've been separated somehow." Kikyou mused. "Interesting."
"You mean to tell me that Kikyou could 'sit' me because of that weird bond you two had?" Inu Yasha asked in shock.
"It would appear so Inu Yasha." Miroku answered.
"Let's put it to the test." Kagome said with a wicked tone in her voice.
Inu Yasha backed away from her. "Now just a damn minute!"
"Sit!" Kagome exclaimed.
Inu Yasha waited but breathed a sigh of relief when nothing happened.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again bitch." He muttered.
"Sit!" a calm voice stated.
Inu Yasha fell face first on the floor and Kikyou raised her cup of tea to her lips to hide the smile while the others roared with laughter. Sesshoumaru called for Jaken to awaken the cook so Kagome could eat while the five friends continued their talk.
"I'm ready." Kagura said softly.
Kouga picked her up bridal style and took off toward his home. Kagura was very quiet and was silently wondering whether he would make her death quick and painless or slow and agonizing. They journeyed on through the night and stopped just as the sun rose. Kagura was confused but said nothing as he set her on her feet.
"There's another way to do this Kagura." Kouga stated.
Kagura remained silent; she was a prisoner after all.
"Instead of taking your life I have come to another much more...acceptable conclusion."
Kagura finally spoke up. "What conclusion did you come to?"
Kouga glared over his shoulder at her. "You're strong, strong enough to kill some of my most powerful warriors. I give you this choice Kagura; become my mate and atone for your murders by repopulating my den or you can die here and now."
"What about the rest of your tribe?" Kagura asked, thoroughly confused.
"One of the elders once brought up this solution at one of our meetings. Many of the council agreed with him and now I believe it to be the only logical choice. Killing you in atonement won't bring back my brothers but repopulating my den will make us as strong as we once were maybe stronger."
Kagura gazed at the wolf youkai and drew in a shocked breath as the sun began to rise directly behind him. He looked absolutely gorgeous against that backdrop; the sun giving him an unearthly glow. Finally she nodded her head once and extended her hand.
"I accept your terms Kouga, Prince of Wolves."
Kouga grasped her hand to seal the verbal agreement then smiled sadly. "My life wouldn't be a very happy one anyway if I did kill you. Kagome would never talk to me again."
"Did you love her that much?" Kagura asked as they turned back to watch the sunrise.
"...Yes." Kouga answered softly.
Kagura decided not to push the issue and blushed furiously when she realized that she was actually looking forward to mating with the wild wolf by her side.
'Perhaps this is what Kagome felt when she'd think about mating with Sesshoumaru.' Kagura thought to herself and quickly turned back to the sunrise. Things were definitely going to get interesting now.
The morning began as it usually had but Kagome was still upset over the fact that Kagura was no longer there. It had been almost two months before they received word that Kouga had mated the wind youkai and she was already pregnant with their first pup. Kagome had just about run to Kouga's den just to beat the living daylights out of him for not saying something sooner. This didn't upset her, the idea that they'd waited so long to send word to her.
Inu Yasha and Kikyou had set up a home on the outskirts of the village; right next door to Miroku and Sango. She'd laughed when the hanyou complained about hearing them at night. Sesshoumaru had settled in to the routine of training Shippou and Kagome with their kitsune abilities and he, along with Kagome, had officially adopted Rin.
Rin was still very much human and Sesshoumaru was curious to find out how the magic surrounding the ceremony would affect her later in life, if at all. Since it was never heard of a youkai officially adopting a human child the outcome would be not only a surprise but a study of theoretical outcomes. It was found out that many youkai had wanted to perform the act but were afraid due to these same fears. Sesshoumaru was convinced Kagome's connection to the Shikon no Tama and her inner miko had much to do with it but would have to wait for his answers.
Kagome opened the balcony doors to let in the cool morning air and sighed. Sesshoumaru was already gone indicating that he had not returned from his patrols yet. Getting dressed in a deep blue fighting kimono with slits up the sides she headed down to the dining room for a quick breakfast then went to the dojo to train. Upon opening the door she almost dropped her sword when she saw a shirtless Sesshoumaru going through a number of warm up exercises. His skin was covered with a bright sheen of sweat and his hair had been braided to keep it out of his way.
"Good morning mate." He greeted once he was done. He smirked at the expression on her face and the scent of her arousal in the air. "I see you have your mind on other matters today."
Kagome blushed and looked at the floor as though it were the most interesting thing in the world. He was suddenly behind her with his hot breath on her exposed neck.
"My mind is on other matters as well." He admitted. "So how do you propose we handle this?"
Kagome leaned back into his chest, tilting her head to the side allowing him access to his mark on her shoulder. He nipped at it gently while maneuvering her to the center of the room. Lowering himself into a sitting position he took her with him placing her in his lap.
(Warning: Lemon ahead, there will be another announcement when it's completed)
He positioned her legs so that she was straddling him with her back pressed against his chest. His hands slowly traveled up her legs beneath the kimono and ripped away the undergarment she was wearing. Kagome was about to protest until his fingers started working their magic on her body. Her hips rocked with each stroke of his fingers on her clitoris bringing her to new heights then backing off, making her whimper in need.
"S..Sesshoumaru," she breathed.
"You move so beautifully." He rasped, panting a bit.
She felt his other hand emerge from beneath the silk and remove the kimono from her shoulders without untying the obi. Her head fell back against his shoulder again and her hands gripped his thighs tightly while he teased her nipples, pinching and twisting them with just enough pressure to make her want to scream.
Sesshoumaru groaned almost silently; the moans and whimpers of his mate were such a wonderful sound to his ears, he wanted more. His hand left her breast and reached down to loosen the ties of his hakama. Maneuvering to his knees he positioned Kagome's willing body over him and quickly brought her down onto his turgid length.
Kagome's breath caught in her throat then moaned long and loud as he entered her. He let her set the pace; the two of them just enjoying the feel of one another. Kagome whimpered when he started placing opened mouthed kisses on the side of her neck. Unable to take the slow pace any longer he grasped her silken thighs to hold her in place and started pounding into her.
Kagome wrapped her tail around his waist and fell forward onto her hands, her back arching with each thrust of his cock. Lowering the upper half of her body to the floor, Kagome's volume escalated and Sesshoumaru growled in approval as he rose slightly, please his mate had chosen the better position. At this angle he could reach deeper within her body and leaned down over her back to nip at the back of her neck and her ears. She moaned his name when the first stirrings of an explosive release began to build.
"I love you." She whispered.
"You are mine Kagome!" he growled in her ear. "My life."
Kagome couldn't keep still or silent as he pushed into her one last time. Her tail tightened around his waist as her walls squeezed him just as hard bringing forth his own pleasurable liberation. It felt like hours before Kagome felt her body relax enough to nearly melt into the floor while Sesshoumaru leaned back on his own hands. Finally Kagome eased off of him enticing a hiss from the both of them. Rolling over onto her back, Kagome lay on the floor feeling the after affects for a few more minutes. Sesshoumaru readjusted his hakama and crawled over to her, kissing her cherry red lips passionately.
(A/N: End Lemon)
Sesshoumaru stood up after a few moments and helped Kagome to her feet as well. After helping her fix the fighting kimono he smiled down at her.
"I love you Kagome." He responded, telling her the words she longed to hear from him. "I believe we should concentrate on 'attacks' from behind however."
Kagome glared playfully at him before he retrieved his haori and put it on before stepping out into the comfortable afternoon. As they walked back toward the castle something caught Kagome's eye through the tall hedges and she heard giggling.
"What's that?" she asked.
Sesshoumaru lifted his head and sniffed the air. "I smell the hanyou and his companions but they have been gone for a while."
Kagome stepped around the hedge and gasped. Sesshoumaru followed immediately after and lifted an eyebrow at what had greeted them. The stone-trapped figure of Kinoko stood before them with Rin and Shippou sitting in front of it grinning like mad. Sesshoumaru saw a scroll sitting on the ground before the statue and retrieved it. Opening it up he smiled then handed it over to Kagome to read.
*Dear Kagome and Sesshoumaru,
Kikyou insisted that she prove she had a sense of humor. So we're warning you ahead of time that this was NOT our idea. She thought it would be fitting to put Kinoko in a place where she would constantly see everything she'd lost through her twisted revenge plot. Kikyou begged me to tell you to mate in front of it at least once. Sick I know but that's what she told me to write. Apparently Kinoko is not dead. When the arrows struck some of Kagome's power was somehow mixed in there as well; Kikyou seems to think it was some sort of residual power from the jewel. The arrow turned her to stone but she's completely aware of everything that's going on around her. She can see and hear yet can do nothing about it. Don't even ask how we got it but I will say that even Kikyou is full of surprises still. Miroku actually dared me to take what you called 'a leak' on her but Kikyou stopped me. Let us know what you think of the gift.
Inu Yasha*
Kagome was in stitches by the time she finished reading and fell back on the grass.
"It would appear that the miko does have a sense of humor." Sesshoumaru stated after her laughter died down. "But pray tell, what is 'a leak'?"
Shippou burst out laughing and rolled around for a moment before he motioned to the youkai lord to bend down so he could whisper the answer. The kit didn't think it would be appropriate for Rin to hear the answer. Sesshoumaru was chuckling softly when he stood back up. Kagome suddenly started laughing even harder and Sesshoumaru looked at the statue once more to see what had made her mirth rise once more. His eyebrow rose again as a bird that had been perched on Kinoko's head flew away leaving behind very profound evidence on her face.
Well, there you have it. Cracked But Not Broken is finally complete. I decided to end this story on a rather humorous note. I am currently in the process of revamping another one of my older fics. Keep your eyes open for it. Thanks again for all the great reviews, they mean the world to me. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it and I'm hoping you enjoy my other stories as well. I'll see you all again very soon. Ja ne!