
Just Lose It by MushaiyaRyu

The Survivor Champion

The Survivor Champion

"Kiashi-sempai's back!"


"From Survivor Fuji!"

It seemed as though the entire school had turned out to greet the returning freshman. As if on cue, a glittering silver motorcycle roared into the school parking lot. On it was the proud form of a young woman, clad in tight black leather and silver studded boots and gloves. She promptly killed the engine and looked up towards the silent crowd of students and teachers.

She lifted the black helmet from her head and shook her feather soft mane of white hair. Swinging her emerald green eyes to a certain face in the audience, she grinned and raised her hand. The group rose up in a mighty cheer, stamping their feet and waving their hands.

"Hurray for Kiashi-sempai!" They chanted in unison. Kiashi smirked and leaped off the motorcycle. The girl in the crowd smiled and shook her head in disapproval. Kiashi landed beside her and hugged her tightly. The girls laughed and the boys growled in jealousy.

Kiashi was a freshman that possessed everyone's respect, even the school bullies. She held five worldwide titles for top gunman, swordsman, archer, sprinter, and stalker. Most were unaccustomed to the title of stalker, assuming it was the top convicted assassin in the world. However, it meant the top militia pilot in the world.

Kiashi's unusual white hair and darkly flashing green eyes made her already attractive figure more mysterious. Her posture was that of a proud nobleman, and finding one who was more honor bound than she was difficult.

"Kiashi. Let's go inside." The girl murmured with a blush staining her cheeks. Kiashi laughed and released her.

"Ah, Kagome, my friend. How are you these days? Good, I hope?" Kiashi inquired, draping a friendly arm around the girl's shoulder. She smiled and led the black haired teenager through the cheering crowd and back into the school building.

"Fine, thanks. I have another date this weekend," The black haired teen replied, matching Kiashi's steady strides with her own tiny steps. Kiashi smiled and tossed her hair back.

"So, am I invited to this one?" She inquired casually, careening to the left into a darkened classroom and losing the loud crowds. Turning on the light, Kiashi sighed and stretched, glad to be free of the shouting students and teachers. Kagome smiled and rubbed her shoulders.

"Of course, Kiashi. I did promise you, didn't I?" She asked, a little hurt evident in her voice. Kiashi's shoulders drooped in shame. Kiashi knew all about Kagome Higurashi's trips between the past and the present. Of course, she had never been on any of these trips, but Kagome always made it prudent to tell the young Survivor everything.

"Sorry, Kagome. I forgot about it. With all the endurance and races, one forgets the civilization part of the present," Kiashi replied sullenly, releasing a heavy sigh. Kagome frowned and rubbed the other's sore back.

"How exactly did you survive out in the mountains, Kiashi?" She voiced the question that most likely plagued every person who watched the progress of the Survivor competitors on tape. All other Survivor participants had been carefully monitored. However, Kiashi was only seen during the challenges, appearing healthy and strong, where others were sulky and irritated.

"Well. In the beginning, we were separated into gender groups. The women were free to roam the forests while the men were restricted to the grasslands. Hunting served as the main way to achieve nourishment. Game was numerous in the forests. I became distant from the group, seeing as I was the youngest participant.

"Eventually, I was taken no notice of by the other women. I began to drift from the group and explore the mountains, especially Fuji. I learned the ways of the wolf by observing, and I easily bested my fellow players with my newly acquired skills," Kiashi recounted, her eyes taking on a dream-like quality as she gazed into space. Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"So you won using your skills. Where's the money?"

"It's in my pocket," Kiashi replied. Pulling out her wallet, Kiashi shifted through the numerous bills and checks to find a blue slip of paper. She handed it to Kagome, who stared at it wide-eyed.

"Four billion dollars?" She exclaimed incredulously. Kiashi's pale face pinked as she looked away.

"I was planning to give you about $100,000 to help out your college tuition, seeing as I won't be going to college," Kiashi replied quietly, glancing at Kagome's face. The miko's face sparkled with glee and gratefulness, and she threw herself at the Survivor champion. Catching her, Kiashi looked down in confusion.

"Thank you so much, Kiashi! I can't believe you're doing this for me!" Kagome exclaimed into Kiashi's leathered chest. Kiashi raised an eyebrow and embraced the miko.

"I'm taking over Sunset Inc. when I graduate, so it's not a problem, Kagome. Let's just leave for Sengoku Jidai," Kiashi admonished. Kagome looked up, annoyance shining in her blue eyes.

"We have a math test today, Kiashi! I can't leave now!" Kiashi waved the excuse off with swipe of her gloved hand.

"Don't worry about it. I've got it covered. Now, let's go. I've already told your mother about it. I have everything that we need." Kiashi proceeded to drag Kagome out of the school, stealing behind soda machines and doors when a crowd of students passed by.

Finally getting out of the Tokyo High, Kiashi skirted the parking lot with Kagome close behind. Kiashi leapt onto her motorcycle and inserted the diamond encrusted silver key. Glancing at Kagome, she nodded her head. Kagome shook her head slightly but climbed on the monster behind Kiashi.

"So, did you name this thing like you said you would?" Kagome inquired of the angry Kiashi who was desperately trying to turn on the engine without attraction.

"Hai. Ginryu is her name, Kagome. Now shut up for a second," She replied softly as she turned the key in the slot and started the engine. As if in understanding, the sound was oddly muffled into a whisper of its former howl. Kiashi growled softly in triumph and shot out of the school parking lot and down the road.

"So, how did you prepare everything?" Kagome yelled over the roar of the motorcycle. Kiashi turned her head and smiled.

"Yeah. I'm smarter than I look, you know," Kiashi replied, grinning widely and popping a high wheelie. Kagome shrieked as the motorcycle spun in a wide arch. Kiashi laughed and rode faster than ever in the direction of the Sunset Shrine.

"Mama! I'm going to Sengoku Jidai now!" Kagome hollered back into the house. She looked toward Kiashi, who was standing at the lip of the well, peering down doubtfully.

The Survivor was dressed in a tight leather cat suit with a ruby encrusted belt. Hanging from it were two pistols, black, loaded, and shining. Across her back was strapped a black longbow with scarlet feather tassels hanging from the black wooden tips. In the equally dark quiver were numerous black stone arrows. At her hip swung a steel blade strung with three silk strings of ruby gems. Her black gloves were studded with stainless steel thorns.

"So this is the legendary well of the past, eh?" Kiashi inquired dubiously, nudging the rotting wood with her leather boot. Kagome nodded and proceeded to climb onto the well's lip.

"Now, hold onto me Kiashi. You won't be able to pass though if you don't," stated the miko as she held out her hand. Kiashi stared at her for a moment before taking Kagome's outstretched hand and leaping with her into the dark recesses of the Bone Eater's Well.

~~In Sengoku Jidai~~

"Where the hell is Kagome? Isn't she supposed to be here today?" The silver haired hanyou snarled as he angrily paced the elderly woman's hut. Sango sighed in frustration and tried once again to make Inuyasha understand.

"Inuyasha! Kagome said that she'd be a bit late because she was going to explain our time to a friend and bring her over! She should be here any minute now!" Sango snapped, picking up her large boomerang to smack an offending hand that was creeping too close. The hanyou then raised his nose to the air and sniffed.

"Kagome and her friend are here. So is Sesshoumaru!" He growled and sped off toward the Bone Eater's Well. Sango and Mirouku looked at each other, fearful expressions corresponding on the other's faces. They, too, followed Inuyasha to the well that transports those between the past and the future.

~~With Kagome and Kiashi~~

"So this is Sengoku Jidai, huh?" Kiashi inquired curiously as she helped Kagome from the bone-littered well. Kagome smiled and rushed towards the meandering teenager, who was currently examining the younger Goshinboku tree.

"Yeah. Isn't it peaceful here?" Kagome asked as she joined Kiashi. Kiashi glanced at Kagome and fingered the butts of her two pistols at her hips.

"I don't know... It seems too quite right now," Kiashi replied, looking around stoically. Kagome gave her a funny look that clearly stated, "You are paranoid." Kiashi glared at her for a moment then returned to inspecting the Goshinboku.

"KAGOME!" A red blur careened into the clearing and snatched up the surprised miko. Kiashi spun around, brandishing her pistol, and shot in Inuyasha's general direction. The hanyou stopped dead, the tree bark directly in front of his nose bursting apart in a flurry of splinters.

"Who the hell are you?" Kiashi demanded, pulling back and readying for another shot. Inuyasha's eyes radiated fear and anger as he shifted his hold on Kagome to reach his sword.

"I should be asking you that, bitch!" He snarled, pulling out the Tessaiga. Kiashi's face drained of color as her emerald eyes flamed in hot resentment.

"I am no bitch!" She retaliated, blasting a four-inch long cut onto Inuyasha's cheek. The hanyou growled angrily, confused by both the lack of fear and the strange weapon Kiashi possessed.

"If at all, you are the bitch here, mutt!" Kiashi exclaimed, holstering her pistol and unsheathing her katana. Kagome blanched as she was dropped on the floor. Inuyasha had also released his blade and was holding it out in front of him

"Fine, wench! If you want a fight, then it's a fight you'll get!" Inuyasha barked, lifting up the Tessaiga. Kiashi smirked devilishly and raised her sword.

"I'll gladly accept the responsibility of putting you in your place," Kiashi replied arrogantly and rushed the hanyou.

"STOP! Kiashi! You should have more self control than this!" Kagome screeched furiously, throwing herself between the two fighters. Kiashi skidded to a stop and glared at the half-breed, though her eyes were filled with a touch of shame. Inuyasha, however, continued to run.

"Move it Kagome! This wench needs to be taught a lesson in manners," Inuyasha protested irritably. A whip of light slashed across the clearing and threw Inuyasha into the Goshinboku.

"If anyone shall be teaching mannerisms, it shall be I," A calm, deep voice echoed through the trees.

Kiashi swung around, snatching her pistol from its resting place just in time to come face to face with a golden-eyed wonder. Kiashi's sword was straight across the new comer's pale throat while her gun rested on his chest. Kagome froze and gasped just as Sango and Mirouku arrived into the clearing.

"Sesshoumaru!" The three exclaimed in unison. The named paid no attention, only continued to stare at Kiashi, who was beginning to peer curiously at the attractive demon lord.

Sesshoumaru was a tall handsome youkai. Handsome could not even begin to describe this glorious figure. His demonic markings detailed his face beautifully, and the youkai's grand physique was beyond perfect. White hair hung down to his knees and disappeared into his fluffy tail, which was draped over his shoulder in a dignified way.

~/Sesshoumaru's POV\\~

'Such strange attire,' I thought as I stepped away from the girl. The clothing she wore clung to her body and exploited her curves with flashing black. Rubies were encrusted all over her clothes.

'She looks like Ryujikin...' Her feathery white hair and dark green eyes certainly fit the part of the great assassin, my closest ally. The girl's stance, from what I had seen from Ryujikin, was almost identical, same for the metallic object in her right hand.

"What is your name?" I inquired coldly, glancing at the miko momentarily. I glimpsed her nod and understood. Kagome and I had been meeting spontaneously throughout her travels in Sengoku Jidai, or my time. I knew much about her world as she did mine. Now, I would learn of her companion, this Ryujikin-look-alike.

"My name is Kiashi, Sesshoumaru-sama. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Though she bowed respectfully, I noticed that she hardly inclined her back. Looking hard into her emerald eyes, I found that she was a prideful person, full of honor, dignity, and discipline.

I nodded and bowed in return, matching her own inclination. I rose in time to see her eyes sparkle with admiration.

"You are well informed about my status," I stated calmly. Kiashi nodded, her face detailed with the fine lines of respect, wariness, and laughter.

"I only spend time with those worthy, my Lord. Kagome happens to be one of the privileged, though many try." Her reply came easy and relaxed, as if talking to an old friend. Smirking slightly, I decided to reveal the real reason I had come to confront Inuyasha, other than to meet this new woman. However, I decided to find out more of this Kiashi.

"Tell this Sesshoumaru about yourself, Kiashi." She cast an uneasy glance towards Kagome, who nodded and shrugged in response. Smiling slightly, I found that Kiashi's canine teeth were a touch pointier than her fellow human comrades. Curiosity struck, and I was before her in an instant, my hand clutching her chin. When she attempted to move away, I growled softly, earning a small growl from her as well.

"Why are your canines longer than most ningen?" I inquired sternly, barely able to contain my curiosity. Kiashi arched an eyebrow. Stepping away from my grasp she cracked her neck and sighed.

"I traveled to a specific merchant who performed a surgery to sharpen them," she replied, her words effectively concealing the truth from the others. I understood, however. Kagome had told me many times about her "den-tal ap-point-ments" before, and from what I gather, these dent-ists were rather painful people.

"Indeed. Now, what is your profession?" I demanded, stepping away to catch a glimpse of her attire. I watched as she replaced the metal weapon and sheathed her sword. Kagome giggled behind me.

"I am a racer, you could say. I travel across lands in a certain time limit. Assuming that I succeed in arriving at the finish first, I receive money and a trophy. Just recently, I won a race through Mount Fuji in four days." The girl was truly astounding. To traverse the great mountain would take days, perhaps weeks for a mere ningen to accomplish. A marvel...

"How interesting," I replied, a touch of praise sweetening my tone. She bowed in thanks.

"I also teach all manners of Martial Arts, swordsmanship, and gunmanship. I specialize in Jujitsu, katana, whip, AK-47, rocket launcher, and sniping. Aside from these talents, I am a singer, choreographer, and musician." A multitude of new terms emerged from Kiashi. I stood, a puzzled look overcoming my face.

"What is a--"

"Why are you here, Sesshoumaru?" My half-brother had regained consciousness. Oh, joy. Kiashi growled softly and unsheathed her metal object. She pulled a small stick on the underside of the item. To my shock, a small explosion sounded and took off a branch of the Goshinboku. I leaped back and glared at the object with wide eyes. The branch collided with Inuyasha's head, effectively knocking the pup out again.

"What the hell is that?" the monk exclaimed wildly, fingering his prayer beads. Straightening my posture, which had gone rigid in suspicion, I gazed at the triangular metal in unshielded curiosity.

"This, my good friend, is a pistol. As you saw, this baby has enough firepower to bust through a five-foot thick wall. She's my littlest gun. Be glad I didn't bring the rocket launcher or 47 today. It would have done a lot more than take off a tree branch" Kiashi chuckled darkly and put the pistol away. I tried to imagine the girl with a larger version of the gun. To say it simply, I found in none too difficult.

"You have strange weapons, though they prove effective. However, this Sesshoumaru did not come to banter like an old friend. I wish to speak to you, Miko Kagome, you as well, Kiashi. Alone." I glared scathingly at the other four, who jumped in response to drag the prone form of my younger half brother away. Once they were out of earshot, my pose relaxed.

"Now. A powerful ally of mine is coming to my palace this week, and I am holding a ball in her honor. I came to ask you, Kagome, to accompany me to such an event. While Kiashi was explaining about herself, I found that you sing. Am I not correct?" I fixed Kiashi with a pointed stare. She shrugged and smirked.

"I'm quite famous in my time," Kiashi replied smugly, though not haughtily. I nodded in understanding and turned to a stunned Kagome. Her mouth hung open and her eyes swirled in a mixture of shock and delight. Kiashi sniggered and picked up a twig. She twirled it inside the miko's slack jaw and said,

"Gag on a fly, why don't you? Sesshoumaru-sama awaits your reply." Kagome glared at her and waited for the stick to be extracted from her mouth before speaking.

"You want me... me to be your date!?" she exclaimed. Kiashi sighed and looked to me, pity shining in her eyes.

"Not very bright, is she?"

"SHUT UP! It came as a shock!" Kagome turned to me, her fury dissipating into humbleness. She bowed and smiled.

"It would be an honor to accompany you as your date, err... whatever it is!" Kagome smiled at me, causing my icy heart to flutter. Suppressing a smile myself, I then turned to the musing Kiashi. Her face was upturned towards the sky, and her eyes were glazed over, as if contemplating something. She was mumbling random words under her breath; phrases such as "modify step 7Ba5" and "verify model 63-45X."

"Kiashi?" Kagome waved a hand in front of the girl's face. The girl snapped out of her trance and smiled.

"Just thinking up the moves for the dance." She tapped her head conceitedly. I cocked my head slightly.

"You use strange terms, Kiashi," I stated clearly, turning away and materializing my youkino beneath my feet. Kagome reached out, as if trying to stop me, but thought better and lowered her hand. I noticed this and almost smiled.

"I shall come for you two within the hour. I must ready the palace for her arrival." With that, I began my ascent into the clouds. Once a safe distance away, I descended and backtracked to where I left the two girls, stifling my amusement and masking both aura and scent.

"Oh, Kiashi! This is bad!" Kagome was saying once I came upon them. I felt a pang in my heart. Kiashi blinked at the miko.

"Why? I thought you liked him." My eyes widened with shock, and my face flushed slightly. Kagome, too, blushed furiously and swatted at her friend, who easily evaded her half-hearted strike, giggling madly.

"I didn't mean that! What the hell am I going to wear!?" I almost burst out laughing with relief. It was not I.

"Kagome! Sesshoumaru's that goddamn Taiyoukai of the West! He's bound to have something for you to wear. There's a reason why Kami gave us brains in our heads instead of rocks." Kiashi shook her head ruefully and shoved Kagome off in the direction of the human village.

"What are you doing?" The miko demanded crossly. Kiashi growled and continued to push Kagome towards the wood.

"I think that your bitch of a hanyou would like to have you back with him at the moment!"

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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