
Midsummers eve by Nova Alexandria

Midsummers Eve

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, or it's plot, characters, etc. etc. However, this storyline in mine, so no stealing or I'll set Karma Strike and Censor Fish on you.

This is my first fan fiction and my friends demanded I post it so I did. The story starts dark in the first few chapters, but does get a lot more brighter in latter chapters. Thanks to everyone on Fanfiction who demanded I post it here as well. Hopefully, I fixed most errors.

New Japanese terms used this chapter:

Youkai = Demon Inuyoukai = Dog Demon

Baka = Stupid, idiot, etc. Kitsune = fox demon

Oswari = Sit Hanyou = half demon

Youki = Demonic spirit or energy Miko= Priestess

Houshi= Monk Taijiya= Exterminator

Shikon no Tama= Jewel of four souls Taiyoukai = great demon

-baba= affix rude term for grandmother -sama= affix for lord or lady

Kami= God Gomen= Sorry

Neko= Cat -chan = Affix for female friend

Warning: In the later part of this chapter is a scene of rape. This scene will be clearly marked. For those of you wishing to skip it, just skip to chapter two.

Chapter 1

Midsummer's eve.

"Kagome." Inuyasha hesitated.

"What is it?" She asked when he didn't finish his sentence.

She turned her attention from Shippo up to him. He looked like he was fighting with himself, clearly wanting to tell her something important, but either not sure how to say it or too embarrasses to say it.

"What?" She asked again.

"In a few days it is going to be midsummer's eve." Sango guessed.

"What does that mean?" Kagome asked confused.

"It means that youkai have a hard time fighting their instincts. On such an occasion when the barriers between the spiritual world and the mortal world are weakened, those with power, such as youkai and Miko's, gain an extreme power boost. However, youkai have a hard time controlling themselves when this happens. Midsummer's eve is the time when most Youkai breed, unable to control their youkai blood." Miroku answered in that worldly voice of his.

"However, this midsummer night is going to be a dangerous one for all unattached females of any race. It is going to be a full moon. Even the stronger youkai are going to have a hard time fighting off their instincts to mate." Miroku continued.

"That is why many villagers have a celebration at night, burning incense and candles. There scent covers the smell of the females in the village. At such a time, youkai do not care what race they bred with if they lose themselves." Sango added.

"Oh." Kagome said.

"You are going home tomorrow night for four days." Inuyasha said from the lead, silently glad Miroku and Sango were handling a subject he felt uncomfortable talking about.

"A wise idea." Miroku agreed. "Kagome, in the next four days your own power is going to spike. Youkai looking for a mate are going to be drawn by your power. Greater youkai may be able to hold their instincts at bay, but lesser youkai well be after you. Unlike other women, who's scent can be hidden by other scents, your power can not be hidden. It is too dangerous for you to remain here."

"That and your in heat." Inuyasha grumbled.

"What? Oswarii." She shouted, blushing in embarrassment.


"If that is so, then you must return home. It is too dangerous for you to remain here." Miroku continued.

By this time, Keade's village came into sight, the villagers busy at work getting ready for the midsummer festival. They started down the hill, catching up to and passing a twitching Inuyasha.

"Is there anything else I should know about this. Next time we might not be able to get to the well?" Kagome asked. "And why have I never been told of this before?"

"I'll let you handle the rest Sango." Miroku said, walking off ahead, clearly uncomfortable with the subject.

Sango and Kagome continued on to Keade's hut as Miroku wandered off. Kirara followed them as Shippo went with Miroku, also uncomfortable with the topic.

"The last few midsummer eves were with normal moon phases. Inuyasha is only a hanyou so the pull is not as strong on him. He was also able to protect you. It is very rare for a full moon to occur on Midsummer eve. So rare in fact, that I can't think of a single instant it has happened in the past. The full moon makes it worse. If Inuyasha is right, and you are in heat, every youkai within twenty miles will be after you. Even a Taiyoukai may not be able to resist your power, their blood, and your scent in the next couple of days."

"What about you?"

"I have no power so the midsummer rituals should cover my scent enough that only Lesser youkai will be after me. Inuyasha is right. You should be safer in your own time. I doubt it is a full moon there and clearly there are very few youkai."

"I see."

"However, just in case you do come across a problem, please remember this." Sango looked into her eyes, clearly stating how important this next batch of information was. "Kagome. If you ever find yourself face to face with a youkai, do not run. It only instigates their instants to chase there prey down. Do not argue with them, or do anything to anger them. It helps them lose even more control and they will hurt you, maybe even kill you." Sango hesitated.

"Kagome. If you are ever caught by one, do not fight, nor try to escape. Youkai have very sharp senses and it would only anger them. If any youkai who catches you still has enough control to talk, do not disobey. It will anger them and they will lose what little control they do have. Do anything to appease them. Do you understand?"

Kagome numbly nodded her head.


"Eat." Everyone shouted as they tore into dinner.

"Hay, Inuyasha, that was mine." Shippo shouted.

"Keh, first come first serve."

"Inuyasha share."

"No, it's mine."

"Inuyasha, Oswarii."



Keade sighed as she watched the antics of her visitors.

"Kagome." Keade started, uncertain if the others warned her.

"I'm going home for a few days." She said, gracing Keade with a grin.

"I see. Then you were warned of the oncoming danger."

"Yes. Sango filled me in."

"Hay, Keade-baba. Can I stay here for a few days? I want you and Miroku to put up a barrier around the house." Inuyasha asked seriously.

"Yes. But if Kagome is going home, I see no reason to."

"Keh. The barrier isn't for her it's for me." He shouted. "I can get through the well and I don't want to lose control and go after her. I am having a hard enough time as it is." He admitted quietly.

Everyone stopped eating and looked at him.

"What?" He demanded angrily.

"Inuyasha," Miroku put a hand on his shoulder, "It is good to see you are showing concern for Kagome."

Shippo and Sango nodded there heads.

"What." Inuyasha shouted, jumping up. "I am not worried about her, I just don't want to be mated to her because I lost control."

"Oh really." Kagome asked. "Am not good enough for you, is that it?" She demanded, standing up.

"No, that's not what I meant." He protested. "I mean I don't want to be tied to you due to a mistake."

"Oh. So being your mate would be a mistake?"

"What? That's not...."



Kagome stormed out. Sango sighed, before following her. Miroku and Shippo looked at Inuyasha, shaking their heads.

"What did I do?" He demanded. "Don't look at me like that."

"Inuyasha, go apologise to Kagome." Shippo shouted at him.

"What! Why? I didn't do anything. It's not my fault she took things the wrong way."

"Inuyasha, baka." Keade sighed.

"Keh." He snorted.


"Kagome." Sango called as she caught up to her friend.

"I can't believe him."

"Kagome, you know he didn't mean it that way. He is truly concerned that he may lose control and hurt you." Sango said.

Kagome sighed. She hated it when she realized she got mad at Inuyasha for no reason. Sango was right. She took a deep breath and marched back into Keade's hut.

"Inuyasha. Gomen."

He looked at her stunned, then responded in his usual way.


Her temper rose again, but Sango rested a hand on her shoulder and she settled down. The rest of dinner went by in relative silence.


"Done." Miroku said proudly as he put up the last seal.

"Good." Inuyasha said coldly as he sat down in the centre of Keade's hut.

"I'll be back in four days." Kagome promised.

Inuyasha just nodded his head. Shippo and Kirara sat next to him to keep him company, a store of food packed up against the wall to last for four days and three nights.

Already Kagome could feel her power pulling at her. Her power never felt stronger. It was evening by the time she set out for the well, wanting to wait until Inuyasha was sealed.

"The night before, Midsummer eve, and the night after are the three most dangerous nights." Kagome thought to herself as she walked through the darkening gloom, the sun almost setting and a near full moon in the sky.

Her miko powers were so high by this point that she was glowing slightly, though it was very faint and only a youkai would notice it. She stopped to watch the rest of the sun set before continuing on, though this time a little faster.

Finally, the clearing came into sight. She stopped, feeling a powerful youki approaching, one that was familiar. She ran towards the well, but stopped halfway across the clearing when the youkai in question appeared.

"Sesshomaru?" She gasped silently, wandering what he was doing so close to the village. "Damn. My power must have drawn him. Of course he would hunt down anything that might be a threat to him." She thought slightly with panic.

His eyes were alternating between red and gold and she could tell he was fighting to keep control. She inched towards the well slowly, never once taking her eyes off of her target.

The eyes followed her, his mouth caught in a silent snarl. She whimpered, but continued to inch towards her goal. She had but to make it to the well to be safe. He would be unable to follow her.

His youki was overpowering, so overpowering it was almost making her blind. He was so powerful right now she was not even sure she could hurt him despite her own astounding power boost.

"Almost there." She thought desperately.

Five feet, four feet, three feet, two feet, one foot.

He lunged at her. She epped as she jumped, hoping to make it. A strong hand grabbed her wrist and threw her several feet away from the well, to land behind him. She looked up just in time to see him rip apart another youkai she hadn't been able to sense, his own youki having covered its.

She whimpered from the bruises her landing gave her before forcing herself to be quite and froze, not daring to move as he finished with the other youkai. She hoped he would leave, and forget about her, but he didn't. The moment the other youkai was dead, he turned to face her, his eyes now a deep red with no sign of intelligence. He had lost the fight to control his blood.

He walked up to her. She whimpered as he grabbed her, dragged her to her feet by the scruff of her neck, and took a strong whiff of her scent.

"Please." She whimpered. "Let me go. You don't want to do this." She pleaded quietly and as calmly as she could.

He growled low and feral. She whimpered again in fear as he threw her over is shoulder and took off. The world was a blur and she screamed in fright as the landscape rushed past them.

The speed lasted for a while, how long she wasn't sure. The next thing she knew she was tossed to the ground to land on something dusty, but soft. She dared to open her eyes as she looked around.

They were in a cave and she was laying on what appeared to be animal skins of some sort, though it was too dark to see very well. Judging by the dust, it had been a while since this cave had been used.

She looked up at her captor, his eyes still glowing red as he approached her. She wanted to run, but was paralysed in fear.

"Please don't." She whimpered. "You don't want to do this. I know you don't."

If he heard her, he made no indication. She tried to move away from him, but he caught her and pinned her beneath him. Fear turned to panic and it took all of her power not to fight him.

Warning: Alright, here it is. Those of you who do not care to read scenes of un-consensual sex, please skip right to chapter two.

"Please." She whimpered again.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as his claws shredded her clothing. She started crying by this point, her eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to block out what was happening to her. She could here the rustle of cloth, though it barely registered.

He turned her over, then seemed to leave her for a second. Before she could begin to hope he had changed his mind, his touch returned, only this time thers were no clothes between them.

He forced her on to her hands and knees and now she truly did sob out loud, whimpering for him to stop. She wanted to fight, but Sango's words came back to her. If she fought, it would be worse.

It hurt. Oh god it hurt when he thrust into her brutally. The first stroke was one of many that followed right after it. He was violent as his clawed hand held her steady beneath him.

She cried in pain and loss as he took her harder and harder, blood flowing from her hips from where his claws dug into her flesh. She cried in pain as it continued to flare in her hips and between her thighs.

"Kami." She whimpered to herself. "Kami, make him stop. Please. This wasn't how it was suppose to be." She thought through her pain.

Finally, he released himself into her, and bit her at the same time. She screamed in pain as his fangs bit down on the base of her neck, blood welling out of the wound that he eagerly lapped up.

"He marked me." She realized in shock as he finally released her and she fell to her chest, instantly curling up, ignoring the blood running down her thighs from the claw marks on her hip and the intense pain coming from her violated area. "He marked me." She whimpered again.

She knew what that was. Sango had explained it to her that many youkai marked their mates, including Inuyoukai. Her friend felt it important to tell her just encase if Inuyasha ever developed a brain and asked her to mate.

She curled up tighter and cried. She stiffened as a hand wrapped around her and pulled her into his warm chest. She tried to pull away, but a growl stopped her. He nuzzled her and continued to lick the mark on her neck until it stopped bleeding.

She cried herself to sleep and didn't wake again until midnight, when he stirred and forced her back onto her hands and knees. She whimpered as he took her again, not stopping until he poured his seed into her before letting her go. It hadn't hurt as much this time, her body and mind too numb from shock to truly notice what was happening to her.

He curled up against her again, his own body heat being the only thing keeping her warm in the cold cave, his arm wrapped possessively around her. This time she fell asleep almost instantly, her body too tired to stay awake. He woke her at dawn, once again forcing her up.

She didn't fight. She had no strength left to fight. When he finished with her, he stood, dressed, and left without a word. She continued to remain curled up for an hour before finally moving to check her wounds. She was in agony and moving around hurt her. Tears of pain, loss and fear streamed down her face.

The sun was shinning into the cave a little later and she could tell that it was not very big. She was, indeed, laying on dust covered animal skins that appeared to be quite old. A fire pit was in the centre of the cave and there was some wood stacked against the far wall with a flint and steel set right next to it.

"An old trappers cave." She figured silently and numbly as she stood up shakily.

Her body was sore and she whimpered as she looked for her clothing. It was torn to shreds and there was nothing left of it to even look at. She shook the dust out of the furs before wrapping one around her.

Her body was covered in blood, sweet, dirt, and the sticky residue left from his mating. She walked to the entrance of the cave and looked down to see a step incline. It was climbable, if you were a youkai. For a human, it would be impossible.

She returned to the centre of the cave and cried, half hopping he would never return and half hopping he would and get her out of there. As the day went on, she sat in numbed silence, broken by the occasional sob as she forced herself to remember everything Sango and Miroku had told her.

She was marked. That ment no other youkai with half a brain would dare touch her. It also ment she was mated to him for life or until one of them died. She had no doubt as to who the first one to die would be. She was, essentially, his. Females were subservient to the males.

The sun started to set and she finally stirred, starting a small fire after much difficulty. She relieved herself outside of the cave in the corner of the small plateau. She curled up in the now mostly dust free skins, trying to keep warm and praying for rescue.

The feel of a powerful youki approaching broke her out of her trance. Her back was to the entrance, but she knew who it was without looking. He had come back, and his youki was higher then ever.

She whimpered as he approached her, his shadow falling over her. She tried to hide further under the hides, hopping he would ignore her. The sound of rustling cloth destroyed that hope.

"Turn over." A snarled voice commanded.

She whimpered as she complied, looking up to see his naked body before he straddled her. His eyes were still red, though not as darkly as they had been the night before. Somehow he had managed to gain some control back, though it was not enough to stop him.

His skin was hot against her chilled flesh. She turned her head to the side, unable to look at him. A pool of white hair cut her vision off just before his mouth found her neck and gently began to nibble on it.

The feel of it sent a tingle up her body and she got Goosebumps as he continued.

"Do not fight." He whispered into her ear. "I will loose all control if you do."

She nodded her head to let him know she understood as his mouth continued to explore her. His hand started to explore one of her breast. She felt her body respond to the strange touch and she couldn't help but to moan pleasantly, slightly horrified with herself, though her mind was too numb to really care.

He toyed with her a while longer before his knee forced her legs apart. She didn't fight, just continued to stare at the fire, letting the dancing flames set her into a type of trance that helped rescue her mind from what was happening to her.

He took her slowly at first, but picked up speed as he came closer and closer to his release. She whimpered a little, until he finally released himself into her. She felt tears streaming down her face as he rested, until he rolled off of her and pulled her against his chest. She didn't fight.

She didn't sleep and wasn't at all surprised when he stirred around midnight. The moment she felt him stir she obedient rolled onto her back, most certainly not wanting to go through it the way they had the night before.

His hand and mouth messaged her body until she relaxed slightly. She couldn't help but moan in pleasure as he found sensitive spots. It sickened her that her body could betray her so easily.

He was gentle this time, and the time at dawn. This time he did not leave, but rather fell asleep again. Curled up against him, she also finally fell asleep, her body and mind too exhausted to stay awake. The fire had long since burned down to coals before going out.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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