"you know, im the only one in this family who has no problems," zooey said. "and you know why? because anytime im feeling blue, or puzzeled, what i do, i just invite a few people to come visit me in the bathroom, and- well, we iron things out together, that's all." ~'franny & zooey'
the best book on earth is the above. read and love it.
so rate review, email about any questions you have.
me muse is mewl neko and my hubby and editor from afar is my dear friend brian.
rustynail321: hola.
im terribly inexplicably sorry for not updating the recent 'prodigy' for your bored hours of reading somewhat suiteable fanfics, but my friends, this girl has way too much on her plate at the time being. now it has calmed down to a degree, although SATs are this saturaday, and remarkably im not freaking out whatsoever... i think ive reached the point in my life where im burnt out, or i just dont care about my education anymore. its chemistry's fault- Mrs. Manicini is to blame.
anyways, after finals next week and all these damn parties for my graduating cousins, i will resume this neglected piece AND finish it before the end of summer.
i promise.
but if i dont make your expectations, dont be pissed off (there's always that underlying "...but..." isnt there?).
so thank you, and read me other ramblin's on my page:
enjoi and dont grow up.