Reviews for Teacher Demon by Xela
Megan Consoer- Tue 25 Mar 2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
I was just wondering if you were going to update this story or if it was a one-shot. Did you decide tp update this story at a different site? Just wanted to know b/c I really like this story. Thanks.
Ayuri- Tue 01 Jan 2008
exceptionally well written lemon, but that doesnt seem to be the end. i think u need at least one more paragraph to bring this to a close. it ends to abruptly. other than that though i loved it XD
DreamingPisces- Sat 05 May 2007
your writing needs some work, good discriptions though.
I Love Fluffy - Sama- Sat 10 Mar 2007
Yeah I'm all for a sequel to so we will be waiting oh and by the way I really liked this story so please hurry with the sequel
chris- Fri 16 Feb 2007
id love a sequal how does kagome react to wats happened? does something come of this...? its a wonderful one shot, but its also the start of a good story if the author so desired.....
chris- Fri 16 Feb 2007
id love a sequal how does kagome react to wats happened? does something come of this...? its a wonderful one shot, but its also the start of a good story if the author so desired.....
clover_babe- Sat 03 Feb 2007
one word:
kms- Tue 16 Jan 2007
holy crap, that was hot! you definately have a talent in writing. 'teacher demon' is, by far, the best fanfic i have read on this site. keep up the good work, i'll be looking for more stories from you!
Kambri_Jade- Sun 14 Jan 2007
All I can say is ' Rock'n and totally HOT'!! And also ' Keep up the sexy work!' LOL
Priah- Fri 12 Jan 2007
OMG!!!! I know this will probably sound perverted, but I really love pure smut, it's just funny, sexy and proves that I'm an extreme romantic. Sess . . . He is perfection. as was this one-shot it was awesome. I'd seriously like to see this continued into a full blown fanfic.
Heather- Thu 11 Jan 2007
Ahhh You must write more . . . Maybe what happens the next day or something like that . . . But this was an absolute masterpiece . . . ^-^
Tori- Thu 11 Jan 2007
wow that was hot indeed, I love everything about this, are you going to continue it, or end it..I'm just wondering what happen afterward
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!- Thu 11 Jan 2007
OMG! I really hope that you decide to continue this story. I loved the smut and domination and all the sexiness. Anyway I just wanted to say PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
black moon inu- Thu 11 Jan 2007
(reviewer pants sp?) thanks to you I feel like I'm in a sana. that was one hot number.WOW
gouka chibi fujo- Thu 11 Jan 2007
ok this can not just end here. i need more
jestergirl- Wed 10 Jan 2007
WOW, O.o Nice
sweetkijo- Tue 09 Jan 2007
Good God that was hot! Nice one shot!
Megan Consoer- Tue 09 Jan 2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters? Or can you write a sequel to this story please?
Kags21- Tue 09 Jan 2007
That was so good to bad it was a one-shot