Reviews for The Once and Future Taiyoukai by RosieB
sakurachan_1- Tue 08 Jul 2008
hey like the last chapter
it was really good...
i love the
its good to know that
you'll keep writing more
i'm just wondering
on what
web site are u
going to upload
the new stories
now that single spark is
it was really good...
i love the
its good to know that
you'll keep writing more
i'm just wondering
on what
web site are u
going to upload
the new stories
now that single spark is
Lady Sianna- Wed 02 Jul 2008
YEY! It's done! The ending was wonderful. I look forward to your next work!
Jill- Sun 29 Jun 2008
I loved this story so much! And the ending was wonderful! Will you be posting your new stories on dokuga?
night flame miko- Sun 29 Jun 2008
Wow. This story is just amazing, i enjoyed it thoroughly. Your plot was incredible, your characters very believable. I started it a while ago and it just stuck with me, so when I saw the final chapter on the fanfiction page I very nearly had a heart attack! :D I was set on sleeping but your story would not allow it. Thank you so much for writing though I'm a little sad to see it end, but who isn't for a good story? Anyway thank you so much and good luck with other stories. :D
Shear- Sun 29 Jun 2008
Beautiful, wonderful, amazing, breath-taking. In all honesty I've never read a fanfiction that is this story's equal. The dialogue, the plot. The way you describe the characters as very real, very flawed beings. It's all so... refreshing.
Anyways I understand that you won't be making a sequel and I think that is the right thing to do. Sometimes you need to know when to end thing before they drag on and you did it perfectly.
But... I do think that one of the most interesting stories you could write would be about the witch and Taro. I don't know why, but out of all of the personalities, theirs stood out to me. Called to me if you will, and sung of great tales and ideas. For you my dear, to write about.
Anyways, this review has gone on long enough. So I look foreword to you're next story, and I know it will probably be just as amazing as this one. Beautifully done, and I wish you luck on all your other fanfiction endeavours.
Anyways I understand that you won't be making a sequel and I think that is the right thing to do. Sometimes you need to know when to end thing before they drag on and you did it perfectly.
But... I do think that one of the most interesting stories you could write would be about the witch and Taro. I don't know why, but out of all of the personalities, theirs stood out to me. Called to me if you will, and sung of great tales and ideas. For you my dear, to write about.
Anyways, this review has gone on long enough. So I look foreword to you're next story, and I know it will probably be just as amazing as this one. Beautifully done, and I wish you luck on all your other fanfiction endeavours.
itachiiyoubastard- Sun 29 Jun 2008
Simply divine.
BlueFire101- Sat 31 May 2008
This was a great story though I have one question for you, do you intend on writing a sequel to this story ?
AkiRen- Thu 29 May 2008
I rarely write reviews as I feel my own writing skills are too weak for me to actually dare criticize any one elses work as I know how difficult it is but this time I simply could not resist writing atleast something. ^_^
I am currently reading ch 21 and must confess that when I previously read about the solution to Sesshys memoryloss. I was almost a little disappointed. Being one of the key elements it seemed too simple in contrast to the rest of the story.
I should've known better though and realised that was not to be the case. ^_^ So I shall take this opportunity and apologise for my lack of faith in your writing skills.
*Bows her head in shame* "I shall not again, during my read of this fiction doubt you ms RosieB and I am sorry"
The twist to the 'curse' is more than satisfactory. It's simply brilliant and brings depth to an already amazing plot. I truly truly envy your ability to create magic with words.
Thank you for bringing this story, and hopefully many more equally superlicious ones, to life.
Ps, I did not find your explaination of the time twist at all confusing. It was in my opinion very interesting and well thought through. Fret not about your teaching skills they are equally good. ^__^
I rarely write reviews as I feel my own writing skills are too weak for me to actually dare criticize any one elses work as I know how difficult it is but this time I simply could not resist writing atleast something. ^_^
I am currently reading ch 21 and must confess that when I previously read about the solution to Sesshys memoryloss. I was almost a little disappointed. Being one of the key elements it seemed too simple in contrast to the rest of the story.
I should've known better though and realised that was not to be the case. ^_^ So I shall take this opportunity and apologise for my lack of faith in your writing skills.
*Bows her head in shame* "I shall not again, during my read of this fiction doubt you ms RosieB and I am sorry"
The twist to the 'curse' is more than satisfactory. It's simply brilliant and brings depth to an already amazing plot. I truly truly envy your ability to create magic with words.
Thank you for bringing this story, and hopefully many more equally superlicious ones, to life.
Ps, I did not find your explaination of the time twist at all confusing. It was in my opinion very interesting and well thought through. Fret not about your teaching skills they are equally good. ^__^
hinomoto- Wed 28 May 2008
You are wonderful!3! I found your story today and spent the whole day reading it. It was so captivating I disregarded any and all obligations of today! You're great and I appreciate your existence^_^
Julie- Tue 27 May 2008
hI, i was wondering i i could get an alert for when you update?
Thanks for all the great work! Congrats!
Thanks for all the great work! Congrats!
Kagome-Chan- Tue 27 May 2008
OMG!!!! I LOVE the Comment About Ears Like InuYasha's!! That Was SO CUTE! I Can't Wait 4 the Epiloge!!!! Please Update As Soon As U Can!!
sakurachan_1- Tue 27 May 2008
i think that the ending is quite good...
i enjoy it a lot...
its good that the story is finish...
i wonder what you'll add in the
be creative
i enjoy it a lot...
its good that the story is finish...
i wonder what you'll add in the
be creative
Kya77- Tue 27 May 2008
Most excellent story. I don't know what the note about the ranting was all about don't care much except that I hope you do not view all of us badlly. I commend you for your pride in your heritage I too am proud of my heritage even if it is only as a Cherokee Indian. Keep up the great story writing. I look forward to the epiloge.
inumaru_rapture- Tue 27 May 2008
AHH! Sooooo good! I want to hug you, but I can't, cuz I'm in China. YAY! I loved it! Write epilogue soon! I wantsa read it! ^__^ 3
Miko53- Tue 27 May 2008
I have been reading this story since you started it and have loved it. Still do. Grammer and spelling difficulties aside I think it's great! Can't wait for Epiloge.
See Ya Soon.
I have been reading this story since you started it and have loved it. Still do. Grammer and spelling difficulties aside I think it's great! Can't wait for Epiloge.
See Ya Soon.
purp1ebabe- Tue 27 May 2008
haha liked the end of the chapter i can just imagine sessh's reaction. anyways im really looking forward to the epilogue!
Violetcarson- Mon 26 May 2008
*grinning inanely* Oh my. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so going to have to go back and re-read the chapter again. And then, I'm re-reading the whole thing. And THEN (as soon as the epilogue comes out), I'm going to print the entire frikkin thing out (my mother will shoot me for using so much ink and paper) hole punch it, put it in a binder with a cover that says "Best Fanfiction in the World,' and make every single one of my friends (especially the ones who don't like SessKag) read it!!!! Seriously, this is the kind of story, that life would be incomplete without reading. Thank you!! Thank you for having the brilliant idea to write this, and for actually writing it, and for making the story beautiful. You, absolutely, rule. 'nuff said.
missyDee- Mon 26 May 2008
I really love the story, its just perfect.
BlueMoonOrchid- Mon 26 May 2008
Ok this is absolutely one of my most favorite stories ever. And just to prove that, that means some thing I will let you know that about 5 years ago I took it upon myself to read every Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic writen, and I have stayed true to that mission. So needless to say in five years I have read a lot of Sess/Kag fanfiction. I adore this story!!!!!!!!!
Lin- Thu 22 May 2008
PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE! i love your story. i really want them to be together. it breaks my hear that they're going through so much pain.
Melissa- Sat 17 May 2008
OMG!!! I am in love with this fanfiction! It has kept me on the edge of my seat for the last two days! I love how you portray each character. They all seem so very realistic! I give you huge compliments on that. Please, continue this story. I really really REALLY want to know what happens to everybody! Please update soon for my sake please!
jen- Wed 14 May 2008
dude, i heard that ss has to close down- you gotta post the fic on another site man!! please!
alot of the others are posting here
maybe you can to?
alot of the others are posting here
maybe you can to?
Kya77- Fri 09 May 2008
That is a most excellent and awsome story!! I am sorry to hear about this web site going down. I hope you continue this story because I would really like to know what happens. If you continue will you please send me a link to where you are going to post new chapters. Thanks so much. Kepp up the great work and I hope to see you update this story.
kitt- Mon 05 May 2008
OMG! U HAVE TO UPDATE LIKE....TODAY! this fic is so friggin amazing dont you know that ive been looking for a decent fic thats being kept up with? major kudos rosie...major kudos
Becca- Thu 01 May 2008
I just read your story today and went to see the annual awards. Congrats on sweeping the biggest catagories and as I read most of the nominees, you truly deserved it! Great job and I can't wait for the next update!
kawaiisanosuke- Thu 01 May 2008
Omedetou!!!! I'm so happy for you, your fanfic won like no ones business!!! I'm such a fan and I look forward to seeing the future chapters! 33
marry_me_fluffy- Tue 22 Apr 2008
you are really the only fic author i have reviewed and i have read over 700 Sess/kag fics.. OMGDSS please keep writing i need closure...i cant take laughing and crying at my desk at work anymore...GIVE MEEEEEE LOOOVEEEE
steaiii- Sat 19 Apr 2008
you know what I love about your stories? they aren't all about sex. you actually have a really good plot with a realistic romance (( as realistic as InuYasha can be)). a lesser writer would just make them kiss and make up after she left you actually made it about what cannon Sesshoumaru would do. ^_^ I 3 you~!
Lady Sianna- Mon 14 Apr 2008
Damn it RosieB! Quit jerking us all around already! You're doing a great job with this story, but I'm ready for closure!!!! ^_^
amanda- Mon 14 Apr 2008
Sicilia- Sun 13 Apr 2008
great chapter update soon
sakurachan_1- Thu 10 Apr 2008
ohh!!! i love cliffies
whatz up with kagome and
her super cherry mood...
and where is the witch???
and is that seshoumaru
or another illusion of the witch?
anywayz i like the chapter
and its good that you keep updating
update soon
c( =
whatz up with kagome and
her super cherry mood...
and where is the witch???
and is that seshoumaru
or another illusion of the witch?
anywayz i like the chapter
and its good that you keep updating
update soon
c( =
inufan625- Thu 10 Apr 2008
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the March 2008 term!
Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.
Our official website can be found here:
Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here:
Links to all of the awards for 2008 can be found here:
First place awards will be on permanent display here:
Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!
Please pick up your award here:
~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625
Owners of the Feudal Association
Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.
Our official website can be found here:
Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here:
Links to all of the awards for 2008 can be found here:
First place awards will be on permanent display here:
Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!
Please pick up your award here:
~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625
Owners of the Feudal Association
Houkakyou- Wed 09 Apr 2008
You are amazing! I cannot wait too see what happens next!!!
inumaru_rapture- Wed 09 Apr 2008
-hyperventalates- I found this story yesterday, and I am kicking myself for not reading it when I first noticed it months ago! I should have been worshiping your brilliance far longer than I have just started! Imagine my panic when I've been reaching all day yesterday and all morning, only to come to a terrible, TERRIBLE cliffhanger.... you are a brilliantly, torturous writer, and I love every minute of it. Please write when you can, and If I had one wish, I'd wish you more time, just so that you could write!! ^^ 3 Inumaru_Rapture
sleepy tuna fish- Tue 08 Apr 2008
omg omg omg!!! So good >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE PLEASE?!?!?!?
K,T,M- Tue 08 Apr 2008
nooooo again wit da evil cliffies :.. y must all good fics have clifies dere evil. please update soon
Jeshika- Mon 07 Apr 2008
dude i've been reading this off my cell phone, my mom turned my internet off and its finally back on... i love this story! I havent been able to send a review but it sucks thats its almost over! lol i'm like this when a story is about to end... well thanks for updating!
Kagome-Chan- Mon 07 Apr 2008
AHHHH!!!! Who Would the Claws Belong 2? I Can Think of At Least 3 Demons They Could Belong 2, the Best of Which Happens 2 Adorn Several Peices of Merchendice 4 the Town At the Bottom of the Mountain Along w. Our Favorite Miko. :D Please Update As Soon As U Can!!
Kirara Grey- Mon 07 Apr 2008
just read your new chapter. Very well written. I am just waiting for the next chapter. love this story.
kawaiisanosuke- Mon 07 Apr 2008
omg, please, i need to know what happens!! I luv u, ur a fanfic genius33333
Princess Dani- Mon 07 Apr 2008
That was great! truly worth the wait. Very well written. I eagerly await the next chapter.
Starwindess- Mon 07 Apr 2008
Oh, that is so mean! I can't wait for the next chapter though!! ; )
Holysinner- Tue 25 Mar 2008
WOW. do you realize that you are the only author that i have ever loved and hated at the same time? also this is the only fic that has ever made me cry. i mean really cry. i thought that this last chapter may have been the end and trust me i would have had some very choice words for you. can you please tell me in the next chapter whether this will be a happy ending or not? a yes or no will do. i just really want them to be together. A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!! please dont make me go emo by making them stay appart. *puppy eyes*
your fan,
your fan,
Kagome-Chan- Thu 20 Mar 2008
GRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! That's the Noise I Want 2 Make!!!! I've Nvr Made a Noise Like That, But It Is Now Mandatory!! THIS IS SO FRUSTATING! They KILLED NARAKU 4 Gods Sake!!!! And They STILL Can't B 2gether?!?! (Sobs) I CALL 4 RETRIBUTION!! Ok, But YOUR the Author, So Do As U Like. I Still LUV the Story, But I Hope Another Chapter Comes Qucikly, b.c I Can Barley Take It!
julia- Wed 19 Mar 2008
WHAT IS HAPPENING! OH MY GOSH! That's too sad! No no no, kagome and sess are supposed to end up together. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
Haley- Wed 19 Mar 2008
I love this story
And this last chapter is disappointing in the way that you made it a cliffhanger!
I loved it, really, though. And if you don't update by this coming Sunday, I'll do something terrible. I mean it.
And this last chapter is disappointing in the way that you made it a cliffhanger!
I loved it, really, though. And if you don't update by this coming Sunday, I'll do something terrible. I mean it.
Sicilia- Wed 19 Mar 2008
great as always my lady :P
Sicilia- Wed 19 Mar 2008
great as always my lady :P
winggoddess916- Tue 18 Mar 2008
The fight scene was flawless! You did a great job at that. Why does Sesshomaru have to be such a jerk? Well, I'm sure he'll realize his mistake.
n8tivegurl- Tue 18 Mar 2008
Wow, amazing chapter! So much action and suspense. I liked it very much =). The end of the chapter was so sad. I'm glad Naraku is dead, Kohaku safe and Miroku's hand is whole but Kagome and Sesshoumaru...T_T. I do understand why Kagome did what she had to and it wasn't being afraid to die but stopping Naraku from over-taking her weakened friends. I hope Sesshoumaru realizes this...and if you weren't going for that explanation sorry for the confusion. Anyways nice job!
inufan625- Tue 18 Mar 2008
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!
Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.
Our official website can be found here:
The current nominations pages are here: (Fiction) (Fanart)
Your story has been nominated in the Best Drama category.
Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here:
Voting is open from March 20th 2008 through April 4th 2008 (at midnight).
Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!
~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625
Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association
***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.
Our official website can be found here:
The current nominations pages are here: (Fiction) (Fanart)
Your story has been nominated in the Best Drama category.
Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here:
Voting is open from March 20th 2008 through April 4th 2008 (at midnight).
Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!
~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625
Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association
***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
reina- Tue 18 Mar 2008
what. the freaking hell???? you're damn skippy that wasn't the end of the story!!! jesus h. christ!!! arrrggg.
uggg even though i am disgusted with this plot twist, this is still a favorite story. fabulous job.
uggg even though i am disgusted with this plot twist, this is still a favorite story. fabulous job.
snowbird- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Argh! Why did Sesshoumaru reject her? I don't understand his reasoning for it. Is he still holding a stubborn grudge against her as opposed to his love for her? Or is he too chicken-shit to take her as his mate? Sorry but he made me mad with his attitude. I'm still a little peeved with the way he treated her when their memories returned. Please bring them back together.
Heather- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Oh my gosh!! I was on the edge of my seat the whole chapter and about fell on the floor at the end! My heart broke for them both! Wonderful chapter......update soon. I'm dying to see what happens next!
kitsune_bot- Mon 17 Mar 2008
This chapter truly broke my heart but I wouldn't have wanted it to go any other way. Despite the fact we're all looking for a happy ending sometimes there isn't one right away.
There were some lines in there that just took my breath away: "and although he didn’t smile, his eyes were wide and happy. " Soooo good.
I'm very glad this isn't the last chapter. I almost expect to see him after Kagome has gone back to her own time - bring things full circle. Regardless, this fic is a joy to read and we'll all be looking forward to more.
There were some lines in there that just took my breath away: "and although he didn’t smile, his eyes were wide and happy. " Soooo good.
I'm very glad this isn't the last chapter. I almost expect to see him after Kagome has gone back to her own time - bring things full circle. Regardless, this fic is a joy to read and we'll all be looking forward to more.
sabrina-star- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....I DID NOOOT see that ending coming!!!!!!!!!! When I thought..."kiss kiss kissssss" you took it away!!!
I hope u give me my kiss scene next chapter....AND PLEAAAAASEEEE dont take too looong!!!! :glares:
I hope u give me my kiss scene next chapter....AND PLEAAAAASEEEE dont take too looong!!!! :glares:
Sesshoumaru&KagomeX- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Dude! this was awesome! :O i carnt believe kagome revoked sesshoumaru!, but i know there gonna end up together again =) they have to =( well its awsome m8! plz add another soon =) (btw where do u right them plz? ure fanfics wat program or wat site?)
mysticangeldust- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Another wonderful chapter... I really hope the two of them can have a happily ever after. I wonder if they will be able to repair their relationship in the past.... or if perhaps Kagome will be forced to her time again, and Sesshoumaru...after being forced to live another five hundred years without her comes looking for her to correct his mistake? Maybe?
Can't wait to see another update!
Can't wait to see another update!
trihn- Mon 17 Mar 2008
wonderful new chapter
sleepy_tuna_fish- Mon 17 Mar 2008
it was beautiful! So very nicely done. I had just about lost all hope for them! I sincerely thought at least Kagome was going to die!
Aha... a bit unbelievable in how she came back to her normal self (hair grown and everything), but oddly enough, it works with the story.
Ah... ;_; I want them to be happy...
Moar please!
Aha... a bit unbelievable in how she came back to her normal self (hair grown and everything), but oddly enough, it works with the story.
Ah... ;_; I want them to be happy...
Moar please!
Fate104- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Wow.. this one really hit me. The entire chapter was pulling and teetering and crazy, but when he walks away at the end.. ugh *really sad.* Wonderful writing.
Jean- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Kagome did the right thing. She saved Sesshoumaru's life so he could defeat the terrible evil. Otherwise, everyone would have died and Naraku would have won. She finally did what he had been demanding she do and he is upset. Why couldn't they start over?
lunaticneko- Mon 17 Mar 2008
aw...I'm happy and all about his sight beign back. BUt....;_: Vuess I'll have to wait and see.
Kirara- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Hello, great chapter. Can't wait until you add more to this story. Please hurry and add more.
iloveprettysilverhair- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Wow...just wow. It was an amazing chapter, you once again succeeded in keeping me at the edge of my seat ^_^
amadoni- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Gosh, that was like tragically realistic in the end with Sesshoumaru and Kagome. I'll eagerly wait for your next update, 'cause I'm practically dying to know what will happen next.
Jessica- Sun 16 Mar 2008
Yes, I would like to strangle you for leaving that chapter like that!! It definitely makes me look forward to what's coming!
Heather- Wed 12 Mar 2008
This has been a real pleasure to read. I have always adored this couple and your story has just renewed that love for them^_^ It took me a couple days to get caught up on the story and now I have to sit patiently and wait for the next exciting chapter to be written. It will be well worth the wait. Hm, I wonder if the witch will have anything to do with healing Sesshoumaru's eyes? You are a wonderful author/writer and explain/bring things to life so well! Keep up the great work. Don't keep us waiting to long lol
trihn- Sun 09 Mar 2008
this is a wonderful fic. i can't wait for the next chapter
lauren- Fri 07 Mar 2008
this storyy is sooooo good :]
lol seriously i've been like waitingg
hope you update soon
lol seriously i've been like waitingg
hope you update soon
julia- Sat 01 Mar 2008
ok, so, when i first heard of your story, and saw it in numerous lists of awards and recommendations and etc, I thought, hm, what is so great about it everyone likes it so much? there's 25 ch already and it seems like such a bother to read a fanfic that long. its probably not that great.
oooor so i thought. i have stayed up all night and finished it in two days. now i must ask you to pleeeeeeeeeeease update as soon as possible, and please don't let sesshoumaru stay blind. i really hope you let him heal and get his sight back! may be the witch can help him. it's just too sad when i think about how sesshoumaru won't be able to see kagome's lovely face anymore. boohoo!
oooor so i thought. i have stayed up all night and finished it in two days. now i must ask you to pleeeeeeeeeeease update as soon as possible, and please don't let sesshoumaru stay blind. i really hope you let him heal and get his sight back! may be the witch can help him. it's just too sad when i think about how sesshoumaru won't be able to see kagome's lovely face anymore. boohoo!
jen- Sat 01 Mar 2008
By far one of the best Kagome/Sesshomaru fanfics I have read in a very long time. I loved how logical the time situation was explained also.
Keep up the good work! ^.^
Keep up the good work! ^.^
Kagome-Chan- Thu 28 Feb 2008
OMG I LOVE Jane Eyre!!!! I Was Thinking That That Chapter Sounded a Lot Like That Book Even B4 U Said It At the End, Cuz of the Blindness and the Title, and Then the Last Thing Sesshomaru Says About Needing Her 2 B His Eyes!! SO GR8! Please Update As Soon As U Can!!!!
Starwindess- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Nooo! Sessy can't be blind!! I hope that he get's his eye sight back!! I mean come on, he's already lost an arm. Poor guy, he's got it so rough!
Inusbabe- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Whoa! Chapter 25 was tense and action packed! Loved it.
Well I hope that his eye sight returns but I hope Kagome can act as his eyes for a while first.
The snake was funny a blind three legged dog huh? Showed him huh? Dogs are dangerous when hurt.
Well I hope that his eye sight returns but I hope Kagome can act as his eyes for a while first.
The snake was funny a blind three legged dog huh? Showed him huh? Dogs are dangerous when hurt.
imoshen- Wed 27 Feb 2008
I think I have read long enough your story without any review, but now I can't wait any longer. : )
I love your fanfic. I think it's very sweet how innocent you describe the realtionship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. What I like most is the fact that your story really has a plot - most Sess/Kag pairings don't have that.
Keep your good work up. I'm gonna enjoy your new chapter now. : )
Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker.
I think I have read long enough your story without any review, but now I can't wait any longer. : )
I love your fanfic. I think it's very sweet how innocent you describe the realtionship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. What I like most is the fact that your story really has a plot - most Sess/Kag pairings don't have that.
Keep your good work up. I'm gonna enjoy your new chapter now. : )
Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker.
Kula- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Thank you so much for updating, I love your story.
winggoddess916- Tue 19 Feb 2008
I thought it was a good chapter. I'm glad Sesshomaru and Kagome are back together. It just seems right. It's so cute how Sesshomaru denies his love, but then again, he shows it by not killing Kagome. Which was really good for her in the long run.
jojo- Fri 15 Feb 2008
This is the best story ever.......Anyway I have a question.
If kagome couldnt remember Sesshomaru and couldnt even see him how could he talk to her by the well???
If kagome couldnt remember Sesshomaru and couldnt even see him how could he talk to her by the well???
heidi- Wed 13 Feb 2008
wow this is realy realy amazing plse keep it going i looooooooooooooooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!
tessahime- Sun 10 Feb 2008
YOU CAN'T STOP THERE!!!! UPDATE!!!!! Omg, I almost started to cry when I saw where you ended it so far! I mean that's just not cool! But the story is amazing, and I can't wait for the conclusion. I'll have you know that I am going to fail my classes because of this story!!! But it's worth it ;P
lex1621- Sun 10 Feb 2008
! I can't believe you stopped there! How cruel and unjust! I just wanted you to know that I really enjoy this story and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Silver_Dog_Demon- Sun 10 Feb 2008
I for one liked your chapter that you had posted. I am waiting for more. Please hurry and add more.
Thanks for a great story that you are writing.
Thanks for a great story that you are writing.
dimitri- Sat 09 Feb 2008
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
burgundyburning- Sat 09 Feb 2008
Excellent! More fluffy action! I can't wait for the next installment. Good luck on your finals!
sakurachan_1- Fri 08 Feb 2008
ohh my i have been waiting for
the update of ur new
this story is getting better
and better
with each chapter....
hopefully u
don't make us wait
that long again ...
je je je
ur fan
the update of ur new
this story is getting better
and better
with each chapter....
hopefully u
don't make us wait
that long again ...
je je je
ur fan
lunaticneko- Fri 08 Feb 2008
XD ~!!!! I'm soo happy ...they are kinda together. ^____^ I finally just caught up, now that was a few hours of reading. O_O
Kula- Fri 08 Feb 2008
Thank you for the update, this such a wonderful story.
HypnoticKiss- Thu 07 Feb 2008
When I accidentally found this website I ended up on the page of this story, so I decided to read it. I've been following along since there were only 18 chapters. Anyways I love your story and can't wait 'til the next chapter!
Sicilia- Thu 07 Feb 2008
yes!!!!!!!!!!!! finally another chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!1 great!!!!!!!!!!!! it is wonderful
Starwindess- Thu 07 Feb 2008
YAY!! He didn't kill her, suprise! I'm glad that he seems to be softening a bit! Silly Sessy!! Anywho, thanks for the update! Love the chap and the story! just wish it wasn't so long a wait. le sigh, update soon, please! thanks again keep it up!!
Kagome-Chan- Thu 07 Feb 2008
Aw!!!! Horrah!! He Won't Kill Her....Yet. I Wonder If This Means He's Given In and Is Taking Her As His Mate....? Hopefully....Anyway, Please Update As Soon As U Can!
Kagome-Chan C:
Kagome-Chan C:
reina- Thu 07 Feb 2008
yay!!! sesshomaru finally came to his senses!!!! aaahhh, this was so cute! and not at all OOC, i love it!!
good luck with finals :]
good luck with finals :]
LordSesshomaruLover16- Wed 06 Feb 2008
love the new chapter brillant like always looking forward to the next chapter please update soon dying to find out whats going to happen next much luv LordSesshiomaruLover16
Lady Sianna- Wed 06 Feb 2008
Yay!!! You finally updated!. I really enjoyed this chapter. You have mentioned that you are buisy, but I hope that you will try to get the next updates out soon.
Great story!
Great story!
ren- Wed 06 Feb 2008
Hell yeah! They're finally getting somewhere. Naraku is finally making a move adn that bastard as clever as ever. Thank you for updating. I hope ur finals went well. I look forward to reading ur next chapter. Please update soon.
snowbird- Wed 06 Feb 2008
I thought the chapter was pretty good. This brings them much closer to finishing the mating ritual. I glad she stood strong and did not give up on him. And she did not let him give up on himself. Also I WAS RIGHT about her powers.
Lilthe- Wed 06 Feb 2008
Holy shnikies. I have got to say that this is probably the best story (that's true to the characters personalities!) that I've ever read. You have me coming back for more, and always rereading this marvelous tale. You RosieB, are my hero. I happily await any and all updates from you, no matter the story. Peace!
Fury- Wed 06 Feb 2008
I found this fic about a month ago, and I have to tell you, in the ten or so years I've been reading fanfics, this has got to be one of the best!!! I may not be able to write, but I know a good read when I find it!! Keep up the great work!!!
Sommerstars8o8- Wed 06 Feb 2008
Nice chapter , am happy that they slowly gaining there trust again and there love for each other , because deep inside Sess still love Kagome but he is one stubon puppy .
I cant wait for the next chapter btw i have add this as my favorite ^_^
I cant wait for the next chapter btw i have add this as my favorite ^_^
iloveprettysilverhair- Wed 06 Feb 2008
I thought it was wonderful! I love this story and I can't wait to see what you come up with next! Keep up the great work and good luck on your finals!
Demonlordlover- Sat 02 Feb 2008
This story has been nominated to the Dokuga Awards 1st Quarter! The Dokuga Awards is a yahoo group that honors Sesshoumaru and Kagome fanworks (fanfiction and fanart.) Voting is currently underway and will end on Feb. 10.
amanda- Tue 29 Jan 2008
updattteeee soonnn! i miss reading this ):
starwindess- Sun 20 Jan 2008
omg! i love this story sooo much i just wish that you could update it more! i understand you can't, but still, i'm like dying to read the next chapter. i have a feeling its going to be a doozy! keep up the good work!!!
LordSesshomaruLover16- Wed 16 Jan 2008
love the story its so wonderful but i think you should update more often ive been fallowing this story for sometime but didn't feel the need to comment but ive thought it to be amazing from the beginning so keep up the awesome work looking forward to finding out what happens next though i would perfer sesshomaru to be more like his youngerself towards kagome but its your story i know it will have a great ending keep up the awesome job and UPDATE
later your #1 fan LordSesshomaruLover16
later your #1 fan LordSesshomaruLover16
Kagome-Chan- Tue 15 Jan 2008
Oh My Gosh!!!! Kouga's Back!! I'm So0o0 Glad She's Going 2 Explain Everything 2 Him Now! Then Maybe They Can Still B Friends w.o All the Gushy Wolf Love Thrown Around In There!!!! The Funny Thing Is....I Don't Mind Gushy Taiyoukai Love....Hm, Wonder Why? (Laugh) Ok, PLEASE Update As Soon As U Can!! I Can't WAIT!
See You Soon!!!!
Kagome-Chan C:
See You Soon!!!!
Kagome-Chan C:
malitiadixie- Mon 14 Jan 2008
I'm so glad you were able to post more chapters. I love this story. Sesshoumaru is such a...butthead!!! How could he treat her like that. He didn't even remember her until then so it's not like he miss her exactally. And Shippo is right, three centuries is nothing when you compare it to thousands and thousands of years. It's like 3 months. Shippo is a lot smarter than he lets on I think. I hope you wack some sense into him. I'm so into this story. Can't you tell!
Kirara- Thu 10 Jan 2008
Hello. Great chapter. Please write and post more soon.
amanda- Wed 09 Jan 2008
niki- Tue 08 Jan 2008
i love this story, u need to update soon please!
CyndiV.- Mon 07 Jan 2008
I looove this story!
I was gone for a few days camping and when I came back and saw all the chapters you posted up, that simply made my day ;)
About how many chapters are left?
I was gone for a few days camping and when I came back and saw all the chapters you posted up, that simply made my day ;)
About how many chapters are left?
winggoddess916- Mon 07 Jan 2008
Ahhh! I want Sesshomaru to take Kagome back!
Alexis- Sun 06 Jan 2008
Ooh, geez I just got done reading all that.
This is amazing by the way, I cannot wait until the next update.
Thanks so much :33
This is amazing by the way, I cannot wait until the next update.
Thanks so much :33
iloveprettysilverhair- Sun 06 Jan 2008
Loved this chapter! Hell, I've loved everything about this story so far! Keep up the great work; I can't wait for the next update ^_^
diamond- Fri 04 Jan 2008
oh god plesase continue the story!
Simaron- Fri 28 Dec 2007
I have really enjoyed reading this fic, it is really good. your characters develop over time, not in like five minutes, like some that i've read. The parting of ways chapter made me a little sad, and that episode of Doctor Who was sad, too, glad i'm not the only fan of Doctor Who.
InsanityWolf- Sat 22 Dec 2007
arg what an evil cliff hanger *shakesfist*
malitiadixie- Wed 19 Dec 2007
This is such a wonderful story. I can't believe I haven't read it until now. I hope you update soon but I understand it there is a delay. The holiday season is upon us. I wanted to ask a few questions. I was wondering if Akemi and Kirara are the same, that they just changed her name. And also, I was wondering if we were going to see the witch again. Thank you for your awesome story!
Clow Angel- Tue 18 Dec 2007
That was amazing. =) She said his name! She said it! *sniff* I can practically taste and smell the fanfic coming to a close... =( Kinda sad about that actually.
eternally_yours- Mon 03 Dec 2007
to leave us right there.
oh well
im eagerly anticipating the next chapter
hope its soon cuz im really enjoying your story
to leave us right there.
oh well
im eagerly anticipating the next chapter
hope its soon cuz im really enjoying your story
Violetcarson- Sun 02 Dec 2007
*whimpering* Not fair!! Why is it taking so long?!?!?! I was hoping for Sesshy to remember her in this chapter, not for her to forget too!! DANGIT!!!!! I really hope you update really, REALLY soon!!!! And I'm really, REALLY hoping for a reunion!!!!!!!!!
lauren- Sun 02 Dec 2007
OOOOO!! she said his name!! OMG cant wait to see what happens next!! hurry up and update please!! :)
Nanami Hikari- Sun 02 Dec 2007
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE STORIES EVER!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter to come out! I've been checking my computer every day since your last update. This story has evolved into one of those I will never forget. Your plot line is very original and your writing style is awesome! Please update again soon!
Nanami Hikari
Nanami Hikari
daniela gonzalez- Sun 02 Dec 2007
hello like your fic hurry plz waith the next
Anne- Thu 29 Nov 2007
winggoddess916- Thu 29 Nov 2007
Oooh I can't wait! I know what's going to happen next.
studdedmisfit- Wed 28 Nov 2007
AHHHHH must know what happens AHHHHH!!!
okay calming down i love your story its is amazing frustrating at time but still a wonderful story please update soon
okay calming down i love your story its is amazing frustrating at time but still a wonderful story please update soon
Kagome-Chan- Wed 28 Nov 2007
Woa!! I Was REALLY Surprised That Kagome Couldn't Even SEE Him! I Wonder Y Sesshomaru Can C Her Tho....That's Weird. I'm SO Exited 4 the Next Chapter!!!! PLEASE Update As Soon As U Can!!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
Starwindess- Tue 27 Nov 2007
aww man, what a cliffhanger!! i am so excited to read what happens next!!
Silver_Dog_Demon- Tue 27 Nov 2007
All I can say is WOW. I can't wait until the next chapter is posted so I can read more.
Amber- Tue 27 Nov 2007
Whoa! You cant leave us hanging like that! I had stayed up till like 4:30 on a school night to just get up to there, Then to be to excited to go to bed!!! Cliffhangers should be illegal! But yeah. AWESOME Story Keep up the work!!!
v1cky84- Tue 27 Nov 2007
NOOOOOOOO......dammit...why did you have to stop there? WHY?WHY?WHY?
It was such a great chapter. Please please please update soon. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
It was such a great chapter. Please please please update soon. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
sillya- Tue 27 Nov 2007
ha nem folytatod halál fia leszel (vagyis a lánya de midegy)
swasdiva- Tue 27 Nov 2007
As noted above, it is not possible for me to leave a coherent review at this time, because I'm much too overcome with how FREAKING FABULOUS this chapter was.
Aw screw that, it was FREAKING FABULOUS!!! I took your advice and read each and every word, and ya know what? You were right. Every sentence was important. I gleaned so much insight into not only what happened after Kagome went back through the well, but also the main reason why Sesshoumaru's been walking around with a stick up his ass this entire time. It really feels like he has a stick up his ass!!!! That has *definitely* gotta hurt. The way you had him handle the pain explains every action he's taken since the beginning of the canon story in a very satisfying way. Many people make poor choices in the midst of pain, and I imagine it hurt so much physically that he desired to deal similar pain to others, just to distribute some of the hurt. Does that mean he really hates Inuyasha as much as he's always insisted? And I can't help but wonder if his anger over his father taking a human mate is some repressed part of him that's jealous. Of course, he wouldn't classify his anger as such, and really I'm just babbling about ideas that have no basis in your amazing fic, which has enough grand ideas of its own. This is kinda dorky, well I guess not, but with your explanation of his pain, it fits even more with the AMV muchuuninari did on Youtube (which is also utterly amazing...seriously, I'm unable to use any word other than amazing to describe this story and its visuals). Not to mention, I adored your King Arthur shout out. The Once and Future *Taiyoukai* indeed. All in all, this chapter was a necessity, the complete antithesis of boring, and appeased any and all questions or niggling plot-holes I was agonizing over. Brilliant, brilliant, amazing, fabulous work!
As noted above, it is not possible for me to leave a coherent review at this time, because I'm much too overcome with how FREAKING FABULOUS this chapter was.
Aw screw that, it was FREAKING FABULOUS!!! I took your advice and read each and every word, and ya know what? You were right. Every sentence was important. I gleaned so much insight into not only what happened after Kagome went back through the well, but also the main reason why Sesshoumaru's been walking around with a stick up his ass this entire time. It really feels like he has a stick up his ass!!!! That has *definitely* gotta hurt. The way you had him handle the pain explains every action he's taken since the beginning of the canon story in a very satisfying way. Many people make poor choices in the midst of pain, and I imagine it hurt so much physically that he desired to deal similar pain to others, just to distribute some of the hurt. Does that mean he really hates Inuyasha as much as he's always insisted? And I can't help but wonder if his anger over his father taking a human mate is some repressed part of him that's jealous. Of course, he wouldn't classify his anger as such, and really I'm just babbling about ideas that have no basis in your amazing fic, which has enough grand ideas of its own. This is kinda dorky, well I guess not, but with your explanation of his pain, it fits even more with the AMV muchuuninari did on Youtube (which is also utterly amazing...seriously, I'm unable to use any word other than amazing to describe this story and its visuals). Not to mention, I adored your King Arthur shout out. The Once and Future *Taiyoukai* indeed. All in all, this chapter was a necessity, the complete antithesis of boring, and appeased any and all questions or niggling plot-holes I was agonizing over. Brilliant, brilliant, amazing, fabulous work!
dsm1980- Mon 26 Nov 2007
Kagome's block is due to the fact that she kissed Sesshoumaru after he'd drunk the potion, isn't it? Whatever the case may be, hurry up with the next chapter, please!
Sommerstars8o8- Mon 26 Nov 2007
NOOO Why did you stop right there !!!
anyway i have been following this story for a very long time , I hope they both get there memory back i cant wait for the new chapter .
anyway i have been following this story for a very long time , I hope they both get there memory back i cant wait for the new chapter .
Bookend Dragon- Mon 26 Nov 2007
Geargh! *flails arms* What a terrible place to stop! Bad cliffhanger, BAD!
Though, now that the name has been said, I eagerly await the thunderbolt of memories that's bound to strike.
I'm severely impressed with the story. The flow, the writing... and your character backgrounds are so alive and vivid that it's a sheer joy just to read.
Greatly looking forward to the next chapter.
Though, now that the name has been said, I eagerly await the thunderbolt of memories that's bound to strike.
I'm severely impressed with the story. The flow, the writing... and your character backgrounds are so alive and vivid that it's a sheer joy just to read.
Greatly looking forward to the next chapter.
Mysticangeldust- Mon 26 Nov 2007
Quite an interesting twist in plot. "All she has to do is say his name, and he will remember" eh? Yeah, didn't think you'd make it that simple. I only hope that now she has said his name, recovering her memory will be as simple. Good work! Hope to see more soon!
itachiiyoubastard- Mon 26 Nov 2007
*is trying hard not to kill herself from the anticipation*
Leilani- Fri 23 Nov 2007
Uh! Don't end like that! I'm gonna cry. :sniff: This story is soooooo good. Update pretty please with cherries on top?
Maru-KunKun- Fri 23 Nov 2007
UPDATE !!!! she has to find him !! he has toforgive him !!! UPDATE!!!!
Annachie- Sun 18 Nov 2007
She doesn't know! Arghhh!! Here I can't wait until she sees Sesshy & somehow gets him to listen (a job in and of itself), but you imply that she can't remember! Oh, way to throw a wrench in the works. I love it! Let's see, we should give a well-rounded review, so, I have to say that there are some grammatical problems here and there that can interrupt the flow of the reading. Otherwise, great job; you have a wonderful imagination. Please update soon!
winggoddess916- Sat 17 Nov 2007
Good chapter! I can't wait to read how Sesshomaru will act toward Kagome in the past/but present time for them. Time is so confusing!
fifi- Sat 17 Nov 2007
Omg!!!!! I can't wait to see when sesshomaru comes
Megan- Fri 16 Nov 2007
Oh my goodness. So I just spent the last three days reading this story and I'm so so so so so so sad that I caught up with you! I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful, creative and entertaining your story is! Oh goodness I really hope you update it really soon because I can't possibly wait another minute to read the next chapter! You have to admit, reading so much and coming to this point as the last available chapter IS kind of cruel. Well because there was all the awesome fluff and the sadness and then poof no more when I want more oh so much. So more more more please? I just want to read the encounter next Kagome has with Sesshoumaru! Then you can leave me hanging, but not before that. :(
Leira and Frooky- Wed 14 Nov 2007
please don't tell me that she really forgot! if she really did forget i'm writing this off as a story to torture readers with! and i want to say even if that is the case i love it anyways ^.^ oh and it does make me happy that you don't reply to ever review you get b/c this way i know i'm getting all Ch. and that makes me very happy!
poor sesshy has know idea that he has tried to kill the love of his life on more then one occasion. any how love and can't wait to see kag's and sesshy's get back together or at lest have a not so smooth encounter next ch. please make it next ch i don't think i'll be able to handle it if they don't see each-other next ch.
much love from
Leira and her fuzzy side-kick Frooky ^.~
poor sesshy has know idea that he has tried to kill the love of his life on more then one occasion. any how love and can't wait to see kag's and sesshy's get back together or at lest have a not so smooth encounter next ch. please make it next ch i don't think i'll be able to handle it if they don't see each-other next ch.
much love from
Leira and her fuzzy side-kick Frooky ^.~
Kagome-Chan- Wed 14 Nov 2007
I Was THIS Close 2 Crying At the End There! (I Know U Can't C My Fingers Right Now But They R Quite Close 2gether 2 Show How Close It Was Haha) PLEASE Update Soon!!!! I Can't WAIT Until They C Each Other Again!!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
Anne- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Can't WAIT for the next one!
Love ya ~~ 3
Can't WAIT for the next one!
Love ya ~~ 3
faerie007- Mon 12 Nov 2007
ahhh... finally. This update has seriously made my day!!! Thanks so much for a fabulous story... I truly think it's one of the best SessKag fics ever written!!! and I read a lot! Update soon!!!!^_^
P.S. Did you get the title from the idea of E.B. White's The Once and Future King? or was I just hallucinating?
P.S. Did you get the title from the idea of E.B. White's The Once and Future King? or was I just hallucinating?
Amanda- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Ah! This is so amazing! Gheez! I just wish you would have taken the chapter further. Oh well, please update soon! I check for updates almost everyday for this story :)
snowbird- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Oh well. I guess I'll just have to accept her short hair. Bah humbug! I thought it absolutely hilarious about Midoriko and her fear of flying. And then I wanted to cry at the painful separating of Sess and Kag. Now I can hardly wait for them to meet again. Do you plan for her to give him his arm back? She has the power. Plus she owes it to him. Now I'll do nothing but pace back and forth until the next update.
farfana- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Has she forgoten as well? its not fair, when will she meet sessh again?
youkaihime- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Nice chapter.....I can't wait until Sessshoumaru and Kagome meet again in the feudal era.....Please put up the next chapter soon ^_^
Insanity- Mon 12 Nov 2007
The majority of authors think it's fun to leave cliff-hangers to their loyal readers; I personally want to assassinate the wretch responsible for ever creating a cliff-hanger in the first place.
IvyStone- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Oh, my dear RosieB... You made me cry. And it wasn't when Sess and Kags were saying goodbye, it was when time and the past was swirling around her, broken and fractured like her soul and the Shikon no Tama. And Sesshomaru's memory. I couldn't breathe as I read those last few paragraphs before she jumped and then again when Sesshomaru was walking away and yet again when Sango and the others were asking her what had happened... Everything is simply so broken and shattered on the floor. I simply can't wait until you fuse it all back together. I can tell it is going to be absolutely beautiful and memorable. And tearful. Definately tearful.
Take care and peace.
Take care and peace.
sakurachan_1- Mon 12 Nov 2007
its very interesting how you ended the chapter... i like cliffys... but update soon!!!....¬_¬... jajaja
so now she doesnt remember or just forgot entierly what happen?? is she going back to base one then???(with sess.) .... oh well...
i have to wait and find out... but dont make me wait to long ... plz..
keep up the good writing
so now she doesnt remember or just forgot entierly what happen?? is she going back to base one then???(with sess.) .... oh well...
i have to wait and find out... but dont make me wait to long ... plz..
keep up the good writing
Suicide- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I'm so so so excited for the next chapter! When are they gonna meet?! omg omg omg.
swasdiva- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Oh sweet crap on a cracker!! Does this mean Kagome doesn't remember either?!?!?!
I have no idea how you're getting our favorite pair out of this mess, but I can't wait to find out. Good gravy, this story is so enthralling!
I have no idea how you're getting our favorite pair out of this mess, but I can't wait to find out. Good gravy, this story is so enthralling!
Giannix- Mon 12 Nov 2007
kagome returned to inuyasha's time!! when is sesshoumaru going to appear? will he remember kagome?
Fishiepower- Mon 12 Nov 2007
omggg when's the next chapter!!! i cant wait!!! >.
darklove- Mon 12 Nov 2007
verry good hope to read more
iloveprettysilverhair- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I love this story; you are doing a fantastic job, keep it up!
Jean- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Sesshoumaru and Kagome seem so devoted to each other, it is beautiful. Now they are apart and he has lost his memory for, what, 300 years. Will his father inform him that he has an intended who is human and her name is Kagome? If so, perhaps that is why he is so angry when she shows up supporting Inuyasha. Except he won't remember until she says his name upon her return and she returns after the sword, so there goes that theory.
Catherine- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Wow! What a great chapter! I've been reading this story for a while now, and when you said that you really loved reviews, I decided I just had to write one.
That was beautiful and heartbreaking. Sesshoumaru finally told Kagome that he wants her as his mate, and she had to leave and he had to forget ever meeting her. Ohhh.... my heart hurts. And then the whole time, I was consoling myself with the thought that they could be together in Feudal Japan... but has Kagome forgotten somehow too? Please, no!!!!!!!! And what a cliffie! Please update soon:)!!!!!!
That was beautiful and heartbreaking. Sesshoumaru finally told Kagome that he wants her as his mate, and she had to leave and he had to forget ever meeting her. Ohhh.... my heart hurts. And then the whole time, I was consoling myself with the thought that they could be together in Feudal Japan... but has Kagome forgotten somehow too? Please, no!!!!!!!! And what a cliffie! Please update soon:)!!!!!!
Violetcarson- Mon 12 Nov 2007
OMG!!!!!!! *hyperventilating* ALMOST...THERE!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter. I mean, seriously, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! Gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That amv, was awesome. It was amazinng, the way the clips fit themselves with your stupendous work. I almost started crying, and I sent it and a link to this story to a few people.
This chapter was really good. I loved the emotional conflict going on between everyone. And that little parting of theirs was so sweet! Poor Sesshy though, what's his Dad going to think? What's he going to think? Hurry and get out the next chapter, no one can wait.
That amv, was awesome. It was amazinng, the way the clips fit themselves with your stupendous work. I almost started crying, and I sent it and a link to this story to a few people.
This chapter was really good. I loved the emotional conflict going on between everyone. And that little parting of theirs was so sweet! Poor Sesshy though, what's his Dad going to think? What's he going to think? Hurry and get out the next chapter, no one can wait.
midnight_flurry- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I shed a tear after reading this chapter. Its so sad. What did Kagome mean when she said I don't know? did she loose her memories too? If that's the case then that witch is evil! How the hell would they get their relationship back?! I did notice that there were a few words that were missing in this chapter. Words that would make the sentence make sense if they were there. Please, PLEASE update soon.
Grisselle- Mon 12 Nov 2007
AWESOME as hope that Kagome meets up with Sesshoumaru again.
Philosophia.- Mon 12 Nov 2007
I should have known by the name of the title that this was going to be a hard one. I love Doctor Who too.
I must admit, I'm a bit choked up right now. The last scene between Sesshoumaru and Kagome was beautiful and much to quick for me. I'm such an impatient thing and I want them to be together right this minute!
I have to say that I love your Sesshoumaru. I'm curious about how he'll turn out in the present. Will he be exactly like his younger self or will he remain the same but with his memories intact? I guess I'll have to wait.
I must admit, I'm a bit choked up right now. The last scene between Sesshoumaru and Kagome was beautiful and much to quick for me. I'm such an impatient thing and I want them to be together right this minute!
I have to say that I love your Sesshoumaru. I'm curious about how he'll turn out in the present. Will he be exactly like his younger self or will he remain the same but with his memories intact? I guess I'll have to wait.
Amadoni- Mon 12 Nov 2007
Wow, so it's all coming into play. I'm amazing at how you've put this fic together so far. I really hope that you update soon, 'cause I want to see how the next Sess/Kag meeting goes.
Suicide- Mon 29 Oct 2007
I definitely just read the entire fic just now. I'm amazed. It's so WOW. I just can't express my awe in words. I love it all; the fluff, the battles, the barely hint of angst that wasn't really angst. The think I really like about this fic is how Midoriko isn't portrayed as some superpowered warrior lady that can slay whatever that stands her way. I like this Midoriko because she's vulnerable and fun and human. The plot was excellently set up and I'm seriously freaking out about how the future Sesshoumaru's going to react to Kagome when she gets back. I wanna know! I wanna know! I wanna know!!!
ALE- Mon 22 Oct 2007
wwwwwwhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy did you stop it was getting really good too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
sakurachan_1- Mon 22 Oct 2007
ohh...i have been waiting days for this chapter... i loved it... it was worth the wait... n_n ... keep up the good ideas... and writing .... dont forget to update soon!!!
bye bye
ps. may the muses inspire you !!!
bye bye
ps. may the muses inspire you !!!
Black child- Sun 21 Oct 2007
nnnnnooooooooooo i hate you T__T
(crying) plllleeasee update soon.
(crying) plllleeasee update soon.
Kagome-Chan- Sun 21 Oct 2007
IEEEE!!!! AMG I am TOTALLY FLIPPING OUT!! That Was An AMAZING Chapter! PLEASE Update Soon!!!!
Kagome-Chan ♪
Kagome-Chan ♪
Violetcarson- Sun 21 Oct 2007
Awwww FLUFF!!!!!! Good fluff!!!! But, seriously, I can't wait to see the future Sesshy's reaction. It will be quite ... entertaining? Hopefuly, romantic? Hey, I can dream. I just hope that they start admitting the obvious soon!!!!!!!
luzopi- Sat 20 Oct 2007
Ohhh, this is such a nice fic! The romance between Kagome and Sesshoumaru is so believable and the plot is interesting. The time traveling was a good insight, too. I'll be watching your profile eagerly for an update on this story! =D
Amanda- Sat 20 Oct 2007
OMG! UPDATE SOON! This story makes me so happy :)
v1cky84- Sat 20 Oct 2007
Thank you so much for finally updating. I can't wait to read the next one.
swasdiva- Sat 20 Oct 2007
I finally signed up legitimately on ASS (wow...what a great acronym...never actually noticed that before) and TOAFT was one of my first picks for favorite fic. TOAFT...that's a great acronym too, but I digress.
Yet another amazing chapter, Rosie. I actually commend you on your handling of Sess and Kags right now, meaning their confession but restraint in acting upon their emerging feelings. It's true to character and establishes their honor in both their responsibilities and their devotion towards each other. It's representative of a love made of deeper substance than juvenile lust, that they, in a way, sacrifice their feelings, even as they admit them, in the face of duty. All in all, it's very touching and extremely well done.
My only snit is with the breakdown of Time and Fate, even though you've explained it and I understand your reasoning. I only say it because, techinically, if Kagome was messing up Time and Fate, wouldn't that just create an alternate future, and thus an alternate dimension? I have a hard time wrapping my brain around how that would be possible, considering she's already experienced the "future", thus it has already worked itself out and fallen in sync (ah, but you could argue that her spell did just it...) I guess I wonder too, though, does Midoriko forget? And if so, is her motivation to fight all those youkai in the cave just her faithful nature, even without the memory of Kagome's influence? And if Kagome never came to the past, would Midoriko have made such a selfless choice? Ack! Temporal conundrums!!! I guess I just don't see how the current Sengoku could exist without Kagome's influence in Midoriko's time, as if Kagome *had* to be there instead of messing things up. URG!! I know, I know, I'm thinking about this *way* too much, and honestly it's your fic, and I love it the way you've written it. Time travel stories always make me think too hard and ruin the point of the story. Blah. I apologize for the rant!
I'm just painfully excited to see the S/K reunion as much as I'm dreading their goodbyes. I know you're wring every last drop of emotion available from both scenes. I really do love this story, even as I'm mapping out the logistics, and I can't wait to read more!
Yet another amazing chapter, Rosie. I actually commend you on your handling of Sess and Kags right now, meaning their confession but restraint in acting upon their emerging feelings. It's true to character and establishes their honor in both their responsibilities and their devotion towards each other. It's representative of a love made of deeper substance than juvenile lust, that they, in a way, sacrifice their feelings, even as they admit them, in the face of duty. All in all, it's very touching and extremely well done.
My only snit is with the breakdown of Time and Fate, even though you've explained it and I understand your reasoning. I only say it because, techinically, if Kagome was messing up Time and Fate, wouldn't that just create an alternate future, and thus an alternate dimension? I have a hard time wrapping my brain around how that would be possible, considering she's already experienced the "future", thus it has already worked itself out and fallen in sync (ah, but you could argue that her spell did just it...) I guess I wonder too, though, does Midoriko forget? And if so, is her motivation to fight all those youkai in the cave just her faithful nature, even without the memory of Kagome's influence? And if Kagome never came to the past, would Midoriko have made such a selfless choice? Ack! Temporal conundrums!!! I guess I just don't see how the current Sengoku could exist without Kagome's influence in Midoriko's time, as if Kagome *had* to be there instead of messing things up. URG!! I know, I know, I'm thinking about this *way* too much, and honestly it's your fic, and I love it the way you've written it. Time travel stories always make me think too hard and ruin the point of the story. Blah. I apologize for the rant!
I'm just painfully excited to see the S/K reunion as much as I'm dreading their goodbyes. I know you're wring every last drop of emotion available from both scenes. I really do love this story, even as I'm mapping out the logistics, and I can't wait to read more!
Maru-KunKun- Fri 19 Oct 2007
ahhhhh !!!! -runs around like dead chicken-
UPDATE !!!!!!!!
UPDATE !!!!!!!!
Akasha- Tue 16 Oct 2007
Thank you for updating. There story was even better than I hoped for
snowbird- Sun 14 Oct 2007
Please update. I love this story. I am now anxious for them to meet in InuYasha's time to see his reactions when she brings back his memories. I hope he does not hate her. Also, GIVE HER BACK HER HAIR!!!!! Since the witch didn't, let it grow back as she goes through the well. UPDATE please. And don't forget the hair!
winggoddess916- Mon 08 Oct 2007
Good chapter. I can't wait to hear how Kagome is going to make Sesshomaru drink the vile.
rina- Sat 06 Oct 2007
awsome!cant wait for the next chappie!
Amanda- Mon 01 Oct 2007
Update soon :(
I really miss reading this story.
I really miss reading this story.
Ale- Sun 30 Sep 2007
Libertine- Sat 29 Sep 2007
Well there I was just an oblivious reader. Only expecting a great story, but I got much more then that. I got a physics lesson that could beat out my professor, a burnt out 80 year old hippie. I say that is an amazing accomplishment, so kudos, and I look forward to the next chapter. I expect nothing less then excellence!
Anne- Wed 26 Sep 2007
The_Mad_Dragon- Wed 26 Sep 2007
Ooh. Finally managed to chew my way through the story. Most impressive, and creates a good deal of questions about Kagome's "going back and forth in time"-gig. With this latest chapter, I must also say that you have managed to wrap up quite a lot of those questions beautifully, even though Sesshoumaru would need to drink the liquid before the troubles will be solved.
I'm greatly looking forward to the next chapter.
I'm greatly looking forward to the next chapter.
Amanda- Tue 25 Sep 2007
I can't wait to see what happens :)
I can't wait to see what happens :)
Lolajinx- Tue 25 Sep 2007
i love this fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!! i`ve been reading it none stop since around a quater after 8 in the am and now its
3:01 pm! from chap. 7 please keep writing i really am anxious of what is going to happen next!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!
3:01 pm! from chap. 7 please keep writing i really am anxious of what is going to happen next!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!
sakurachan_1- Tue 25 Sep 2007
the fic is getting better and better with every new chapter that u put up... i dont know about the other readers but i do understand what ur trying to say about the time travels... it makes sence ... besides ... its ur fic. u can do what ever u want with it... keep up the good work...
bye bye n_~
bye bye n_~
midnight_flurry- Mon 24 Sep 2007
This was a great chapter! I loved it. Somewhat confusing but thats the way w/ time and fate. I was so sad when they talked aboutwhat they had to do to repair time. The lady reminded me of Galadriel from Lord of the Rings. lol. I can't wait till the next chapter!!! Please update soon.
Faye- Mon 24 Sep 2007
Thank you so much for updating. I've been anxiously awainting this chapter. I was so sad for Kagome when I read the part about making Sesshoumaru forget, but so very happy when I learned he would remeber. I think that was an excellant way of explaining why he didn't recognize her in the future. Although I'm sure Inuyasha won't like it one bit LOL. Please update this fantastic fiction soon!
Healing_Garden- Sun 23 Sep 2007
OMG I LOVE THIS FIC!!! i hope when kagome goes back to the future, sessho remebers her...plz u can't do that to me if he doesn't!!
fifi- Sun 23 Sep 2007
oh wow for a moment i forgot about your story i even forgot about what happend before this latest chapter, but ur great writting abillity and your plot has me on edgde for the next one so please hurry ( hee hee i have no punctuation, ah well hope u can understand my review lols) ^_^
Violetcarson- Sun 23 Sep 2007
*sniff* This is going to be sad, I can tell. Ah well, it means we're getting closer (hopefully) to some confessions on the part of our dynamic duo. Yay!! Lets just hope that Sesshy doesn't immdeiately gut Kagome upon regaining his memories. Ah well, loved the chappie, and Hoshiko, she was cool. Hope you update soon!!!!!
snowbird- Sun 23 Sep 2007
I love every minute of reading this story. I feel so sorry for Sess and hope the future Sess is not too angry with Kag and understands why she had to do it. Also, why could the witch not have restored her hair? I want her hair back.
Miko53- Sun 23 Sep 2007
Great Job.
Great Job.
Baire- Sun 23 Sep 2007
Ahh! New chapter3333
Please update sooon!!!!!!!!!
Please update sooon!!!!!!!!!
Midnight_Dreamer- Sun 23 Sep 2007
it was amazing, i am unsure but i beleive that sesshomaru will feel betrayed, run off, kik and inu will be caught by kagome and kik will attack without warning even tho kag has given her blessing, sess arrives after dreaming about kagome crying, saying she loves him, then the kik, inu and her geting shot part, and he runs to save her,' just an idea*shrugs* anyway keep dreaming, oh and where did you get this idea btw its great.
Leira and Frooky- Mon 10 Sep 2007
i'm so happy that you didn't draw the battle out. i'm all for action but i really ready to see some relationship develop and if Kag can go back if she does go back to were Inu was if Sesshy remembers her and so on and so forth
anyways love the ch and can't wait or more! KUDOS TO YOU!
anyways love the ch and can't wait or more! KUDOS TO YOU!
aisutsuki- Sat 08 Sep 2007
Awesome storyline. Absolutely loved the battle. (: Keep it up! I'll be waiting!
Samantha_Shelby- Fri 07 Sep 2007
Cool! I can't wait for the next chapter!
elvira- Thu 06 Sep 2007
this is awesome!!...more chapters please!!
Sesshoumara-hime- Wed 05 Sep 2007
I like it, really like it.
sakurachan_1- Tue 04 Sep 2007
ohhh how i love this fic....
every time i read it the story gets
more and more interesting ....
hope you'll update soon ...
bye bye
every time i read it the story gets
more and more interesting ....
hope you'll update soon ...
bye bye
Inusbabe- Tue 04 Sep 2007
That last chapter can explain why Sesshoumaru can "catch" Kagome's arrow without harm.
lilmoe31- Tue 04 Sep 2007
That was a great chapter. I don't mind the smaller battle scenes myself, sometimes they are just to long and drawn out. Any-who, awesome chapter, your awesome can't wait for the next chapter.
umetraehi- Mon 03 Sep 2007
AHHH i love this story everything about it is amazing plus you watch firefly which makes you amazing so keep up the good work
karla- Mon 03 Sep 2007
awesome! i loved the battle scene how it was! it's not too long, and it's not too short! so it's perfect lol! well, that was a depressing orb nameless left for them to see! i hope sesshy doesn't die, i hope he is just cracked and not broken lol.. get the super-glue!!! lmao! well.. as i can tell now, I need to go to bed... so please update soon! keep up the great work!
Lady Nya- Mon 03 Sep 2007
I loved this chapter! The battle scene was amazing even though it was short. I really liked how you started the chapter in Midoriko's point of view. It was very helpful in understanding her motives and guilt. Can't wait for the next update.
swasdiva- Mon 03 Sep 2007
Sweet LORD!!!! I don't know if my heart could've handled a cliffhanger during that was glorious! You did an amazing job of Midoriko redeeming herself, which is laudible because I had no idea how you were going to make it plausible without compromising the story. What was interesting, and more than a little agonizing, was the future glimpses each one saw as Nameless died. We know what Sesshoumaru saw comes to pass, as does what Midoriko saw...does that mean the same thing happens to Kagome? You don't know how hard my heart is beating right now!!!!! Other than that, the little girl being apprentice to the witch is a nice touch, and I wonder if she has any influence on Sesshoumaru when it comes to Rin. Granted, there's a lot to influence him in regards to Rin, but I'm just throwing that in the atmosphere. ^_^
All in all, I'm spellbound my this story, and it is, without a doubt, my favorite current fic on this site. Amazing work!!!!
All in all, I'm spellbound my this story, and it is, without a doubt, my favorite current fic on this site. Amazing work!!!!
Bobbie- Sat 01 Sep 2007
hey i really like this i hope you can up date soon. I would like to know what going to happen. thank you so much for this it is really good .
LiquidFire18- Thu 30 Aug 2007
this story is amazing. I love it. Update when you can.
elvira- Fri 24 Aug 2007
this is an awesome story!!!..more chapters please!!
*~*Faithful Vampire*~*- Tue 21 Aug 2007
Gahh! I absolutely love this story! Your plot is absolutely superb!! This is certainly very interesting and unusual.... I like it! =D
Bah. I feel bad for Kagome though. It'd be nice for her to see her friends again... But poor Sesshoumaru!
My guess is that she'll get back to just 500 years back, reunite with her friends, BUT! Dear Mr. Sesshoumaru will have his memories of Kagome. Therefore leading him to still have feelings for her. Even 300 years later. That'd suck. Waiting that long. It's just a guess.
Well good luck on everything that is going on in your life! =D I've absolutely enjoyed reading these past few chapters and I'm unbelievably excited to see the next one appear. Ja ne!
Bah. I feel bad for Kagome though. It'd be nice for her to see her friends again... But poor Sesshoumaru!
My guess is that she'll get back to just 500 years back, reunite with her friends, BUT! Dear Mr. Sesshoumaru will have his memories of Kagome. Therefore leading him to still have feelings for her. Even 300 years later. That'd suck. Waiting that long. It's just a guess.
Well good luck on everything that is going on in your life! =D I've absolutely enjoyed reading these past few chapters and I'm unbelievably excited to see the next one appear. Ja ne!
Alyana- Sun 19 Aug 2007
Confused, but I can see it's the start of something.
Haha, I did scream in frustration. Great way to introduce the bad guy though!
Haha, I did scream in frustration. Great way to introduce the bad guy though!
karla- Sun 19 Aug 2007
awwe! no no kisses?!?! lol, well... i wonder why akemi followed midoriko? ...sigh men and their silly ideas to try and protect us! he should have told her akemi followed midoriko,,, or at least let her have found the tracks on her own? eh i dunno... maybe not? lol.. well anyways, please update soon.. and what is it with midoriko and that time demon? why is she helping him? anyways.. please update soon!!!!!
Lady Kamiko- Sat 18 Aug 2007
I love this story, update asap!
I am just...
So upset about Akemi. I mean, wow, I just, wow. I want her back, seriously, I mean, now.
I love this story, update asap!
I am just...
So upset about Akemi. I mean, wow, I just, wow. I want her back, seriously, I mean, now.
Spam- Sat 18 Aug 2007
Can't wait for the next chapter! Awesome work!
Lady Nya- Sat 18 Aug 2007
They're finally admitting their feelings! I still have hope that Midoriko will come to her senses. Great chapter.
swasdiva- Sat 18 Aug 2007
I haven't had a chance to visit this site in weeks, and when I finally was able to this afternoon, all I hoped for was an update to this fic somewhere within the first three pages of updates. Lo and behold, yours was the very first fic listed. Perfect, almost creepy timing!!! Good Lord on high, I adore this story. I'm not going to be able to deal with myself when it's over. You've got such an amazing way with words and action, and your characterizations are true to canon. It's fabulousness all the way around.
kiukirilya- Thu 02 Aug 2007
I totally love your portrayal of Sesshoumaru and the relationship between him and Kagome! ^^
And the plot is leaving me breathless!
I can't wait for next chapter! Midoriko betrayed them! I wonder why she is obbeying this time demon...
And the plot is leaving me breathless!
I can't wait for next chapter! Midoriko betrayed them! I wonder why she is obbeying this time demon...
Leafeknight7- Tue 31 Jul 2007
Wow...Midoriko is betraying them? I never saw that coming. Please update again soon. ^_^Ja ne!
winggoddess916- Thu 26 Jul 2007
I see a good chapter coming up. Not that this one or the others weren't! Believe me, I've been waiting for the next one and the next after that. I'm dying to know what the reason is for Midoriko to agree to kill Kagome. I hope it's a good one!
Kirara Grey- Wed 25 Jul 2007
Great chapter. Can't wait until the next one.
karla- Wed 25 Jul 2007
:-D awesome! well, what can i say? hmm keep up the good work! and please update soon! i absolutely love this story!!
Eternity of tears- Wed 25 Jul 2007
hmm..i really wnjoyed this chapter.
i tohught midoriko was awkward but i didn't quite think that.
well, awesome chapter and i can't wait till you update.
i tohught midoriko was awkward but i didn't quite think that.
well, awesome chapter and i can't wait till you update.
Anne- Tue 24 Jul 2007
YAY FOR UPDATES!! I eagerly await the chapters to come! This is a very VERY excellent and original plot! I find that many SessKags stories tend to not have solid plots, but rely on the romance and characters...You, however, do not. Congrats :3
magnificentchaos- Tue 24 Jul 2007
om ma gosh you need ot update soon it was great and gahhhh lol just update soon yep yeppers
Arsenic- Tue 24 Jul 2007
It may have been short, but it was still a good chapter, and I can't wait till the next one!
Samantha_Shelby- Tue 24 Jul 2007
That was a really cool chapter. Update soon!
swasdiva- Tue 24 Jul 2007
It' 2 AM and I'm way too tired to write anything creative, but let my deliriousness stand as a testament to how addictive this story is. It's still my favorite epic fic on this site, and when I see an update, I jump around in my computer chair until my roommates think I'm crazy. I can't believe it's gonna end in around 7 many things have happened to need to tie up! Oh well, with how amazing it is so far, I trust the finale will blow me away. I love, love, love and adore this story.
aimee- Mon 23 Jul 2007
This is a fantastic story! Very well written! Grammar is very good.
Alyana- Mon 23 Jul 2007
You updated!
Update soon, this was wonderful!
You updated!
Update soon, this was wonderful!
itachiiyoubastard- Mon 23 Jul 2007
EXCELLENT as always! Mighty glad that you didn't wait to update so long and seriously ticked about Midoriko being Kagome's would-be-assassin, but ecstatic with the Sesshoumaru/Kagome moments.
Leafeknight7- Tue 17 Jul 2007
Uhhu...a mysterious little girl who might not be a child in all ethics. Well, Im I loved the chapter though. Update again soon. ^_^Ja ne!
I Agree- Fri 13 Jul 2007
Once I was on the last chapter you have up at this point... I believe I clicked the spot where the 'Next Chapter' button is SUPPOSED to be for a good two minutes before I realized that no... there really is no button there. *Sigh*
BUT I LOVE IT! Your portrayal of a younger Sesshou-Maru is absolutely genius, and their whole 'I think love you but I really shouldn't and it's driving me banana's' thing is absolutely perfect for them!
Keep writing! You are fantastic and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! And write soon please or I'll be tearing out my hair by the roots... and that's painful...
Please Regard Me Kindly,
BUT I LOVE IT! Your portrayal of a younger Sesshou-Maru is absolutely genius, and their whole 'I think love you but I really shouldn't and it's driving me banana's' thing is absolutely perfect for them!
Keep writing! You are fantastic and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! And write soon please or I'll be tearing out my hair by the roots... and that's painful...
Please Regard Me Kindly,
Kirara- Wed 11 Jul 2007
Hello, I just read this chapter and it was good. I am looking forward to reading more.
Sicilia- Sun 08 Jul 2007
Yeah!!!!!!!!1 you finally updated... finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :)
karla- Sat 07 Jul 2007
yes!! an update!! I love you so much!! I love this story! it's awesome and I am so happy to see the next instsallment! keep up the good work!!!!!
Chiyori- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Im so glad you finally updated your story. I love this one.
ElegantPaws- Sat 07 Jul 2007
You have no idea RosieB how pleased I am to see this story FINALLY resurface as it is truly one of my favourites. An excellent chapter. You have a way with words. You have been missed.
WiccanMethuselah- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Oooh, you updated!! YAY! I can see why this chapter may have given you some problems, but I think that you have struggled through them QUITE well. Despite your continuing displeasure with it, I'm glad you posted it!
I think the problems, however, are not so large as you, the writer, might suppose. Really, most of us in this fandom are not so picky as to how things progress. You very neatly and succinctly explained the oni's appearance and 'disappearances,' nicely worked in more of Sesshy's feelings about Kags, as well as touching on the underlying reasons for the villagers emotional problems with demons. Very nicely done, I think!
Thank you for another wonderful chapter in this most delightful tale... I am eagerly awaiting more!
I think the problems, however, are not so large as you, the writer, might suppose. Really, most of us in this fandom are not so picky as to how things progress. You very neatly and succinctly explained the oni's appearance and 'disappearances,' nicely worked in more of Sesshy's feelings about Kags, as well as touching on the underlying reasons for the villagers emotional problems with demons. Very nicely done, I think!
Thank you for another wonderful chapter in this most delightful tale... I am eagerly awaiting more!
magnificentchaos- Sat 07 Jul 2007
SON OF A BITCH THIS IS AMAZING I am like totally in love iwth it please send me an email when you update
I mean I couldn't stop reading ahhhh thank you so much for blessing us with your work I am just so floored...mmm mmm good lol
I mean I couldn't stop reading ahhhh thank you so much for blessing us with your work I am just so floored...mmm mmm good lol
niki- Sat 07 Jul 2007
wow, u MUST update soon!! great chap, too long of a wait though.
Lady Nya- Sat 07 Jul 2007
I liked it. Thank you for updating!
Anne- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Yay for updates!! ^o^
I like your whole concept of time being in certain places; it makes the plot very original!
I like your whole concept of time being in certain places; it makes the plot very original!
snowbird- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Personally I don't care what Miroku eats. He's not your usual monk anyway. He seems to be a law unto his own self and a dedicated skirt chaser. Thank you so very much for the update. I like your young version of Sess. I don't know your future plans for them, but wouldn't it be delicious if she became pregnant by a young Sess right before going back to a future Sess? I'm sure I'll love whatever you have in store for her since you're such a wonderful storyteller.
clover_babe- Sat 07 Jul 2007
i am truely amazed by this story. i started reading it and i couldn't stop until i read all of the chapters that you provided.
it is currently 2:15 am in Texas. and i wouldn't give up those hours and minutes of reading ur masterpiece.
you have got urself a new fanatic.
i am truely amazed by this story. i started reading it and i couldn't stop until i read all of the chapters that you provided.
it is currently 2:15 am in Texas. and i wouldn't give up those hours and minutes of reading ur masterpiece.
you have got urself a new fanatic.
tealeavesgreen- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Hey, I just started reading the first chapter. While I'm not far enough in to make any real judgement as to plot/characterization/plausibility/what have you, I did notice one little problem that I thought I'd bring up.
You note that Inuyasha got fish because Miroku complained about "having rabbit." Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but you're implying that Miroku ATE rabbit? Rabbit that was killed in order to feed him?
Now, Miroku isn't the most pious monk ever, but he isn't THAT bad. Buddhist monks don't eat meat, as a general rule, because of the killing involved. Depending on who you ask, some say its alright for the monk to eat meat of a non-forbidden animal as long as the animal was not killed for the purpose of feeding the monk (read: natural causes).
Perhaps I'm simply misreading, and you meant to say that Miroku had complained about not being able to eat much recently. But if you could clarify that, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you!
You note that Inuyasha got fish because Miroku complained about "having rabbit." Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but you're implying that Miroku ATE rabbit? Rabbit that was killed in order to feed him?
Now, Miroku isn't the most pious monk ever, but he isn't THAT bad. Buddhist monks don't eat meat, as a general rule, because of the killing involved. Depending on who you ask, some say its alright for the monk to eat meat of a non-forbidden animal as long as the animal was not killed for the purpose of feeding the monk (read: natural causes).
Perhaps I'm simply misreading, and you meant to say that Miroku had complained about not being able to eat much recently. But if you could clarify that, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you!
kate- Fri 06 Jul 2007
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one! Keep up the incredible work!!
aimee- Thu 05 Jul 2007
Very well written.I don't beg for updates often....but please update soon!
snowbird- Sun 01 Jul 2007
I just couldn't resist it. I read the story again. I so wish you would add more chapters, even finish it. I so dislike reading something without an end. Especially a story as good as this one.
slave2maru- Thu 28 Jun 2007
i'm really enjoying your fic =)
hope u update soon
hope u update soon
Anne- Thu 28 Jun 2007
I'm LOVING it ^O^
Update when you can~~ 3
Update when you can~~ 3
snowbird- Sat 23 Jun 2007
This story haunts me. I check it every day for an update. I'm dying of thirst & only more can quench my parched throat. Your last update I think was 5/3. Please take pity on your addicted fans & put us out of our misery.
snowbird- Mon 04 Jun 2007
You have a true talent for writing. You make the characters seem so real.
Keep it coming!
Keep it coming!
kate- Fri 01 Jun 2007
Great story! Love it, and I really can't wait to see what's next!
Phoenixsong- Wed 30 May 2007
I am entirely addicted to your work! Please update soon, I'm absolutely enthralled.
Tempest- Sun 20 May 2007
I love your fanfic, it's great. Could you please e-mail me whenever you update your story? I have a suggestion about your story. What if Kagome accidentally gets pulled forward in time leaving Sesshou behind and that is what makes him a cold being. However, she could show up in Inu's time and have a great accion scene in that time when Sesshou realizes that Kagome is the woman he thought he'd lost. I think I would enjoy the look on Inu's face when he saw that Kagome and Sesshoumaru were in love. If you ever need a beta I would be happy to beta anything for you. Thank you for your story I really enjoyed it.
Erochan- Mon 14 May 2007
Oh! That sleepy scene was so cute! I was gone for the weekend and there were TWO new chapters! Not one, but TWO! That made me grin, more to read, but more to mourn when I have to wait longer, lol. I know exams are so close, I have one more school week left before final exams, and then no more school! Exams are such a drag! I hope you do good on yours!!!! Good luck elle :D
Kirara Grey- Wed 09 May 2007
I just read your new chapter and I can actually sit and picture the scene that you are writing and that I think is how great writers should write their stories and with you, you can do so.
Please email me and let me know when you have added more chapters.
Please email me and let me know when you have added more chapters.
Risa- Tue 08 May 2007
I love their conversations and their budding romance. I've read all chapters in several hours.Yes, I rated every time. This is so romantic and adventurous! Well done! I'm loving it!
Mika Chan- Sun 06 May 2007
Very Nice, can wait for More. I will keep reading.I like it very mush and Have Let my mom read the First chapter and She likes it so far. ^_^
sakurachan_1- Sat 05 May 2007
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this fic is soooooooo goooooooood......hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
nIcOlE- Sat 05 May 2007
oh, kagome's getting in my nerves one of this days but hey that's part of her attitude that fluffy likes well anyway, i like you're story really unique.i hope you'll update really soon i could just imagine the next chapters well first of all, the'll take care of the well and witch thing along with there mysterious enemy then kag would be to inu's time and oh,oh sessh and kag would meet again in inu' time and they'll start perhaps another journey together to bind there hearts again cause there last meeting turn out to be bad. when kag went away this caused his heart to be like you know, stone cold then be like the sessh in the original future but take note that it's not because of a certain hanyou. lemme explain ok, after those affairs with kag, he no longer hate hanyouz heck he'd even give as much hanyou pup to kag as much as she like so the reason for him to be cold is kag's leaving. does'nt it sounds great??
purp1ebabe- Sat 05 May 2007
i really like this story i don't kagome to ever leave this sessh ahhh i wanna read the next chappy this story is so sweet
ElegantPaws- Fri 04 May 2007
Thoroughly wonderful and warm update. They are cemented in friendship and love and it is wonderful to read the dialogue and the quiet moments shared. Just beautiful and this is also my favourite "sleeping" scene. Such warmth...just incredibly charming. I am waitng with baited breath to see what happens when she returns to her space and time. What will have changed and how will it affect her existing "slam me against a tree and threaten death" relationship with our current Lord of the Western Lands. Well done thus far.
lunaticneko- Fri 04 May 2007
:_: That was so cute. and aw...poor koga.
ElegantPaws- Fri 04 May 2007
I can truly say I love this story, if for nothing else the proper character development and points of view. It is just wonderful. The growing affection is a joy to watch...hell with grown but unrealized in its own way. Terrific job! Just terrific! Oh and adore the title.
karla- Fri 04 May 2007
ah! adorable!! how sweet, he was basically professing himself to her! that was just sweet! kagome is a lucky chicklett! haha, please update soon! i absolutely love this story! you have a mailing list for when you update or anything? if you do my email is
DarkAngel495- Thu 03 May 2007
*CaN You FeeL THe LoVe TonIghT*
Aw,, HoW sWeeT, MakEs Me BluSh,
i LoVe iT sO mUcH, CaRe To
UpdaTe SoOn?
*CaN You FeeL THe LoVe TonIghT*
Aw,, HoW sWeeT, MakEs Me BluSh,
i LoVe iT sO mUcH, CaRe To
UpdaTe SoOn?
Leilani- Thu 03 May 2007
I thought this chapter would never come! I have been waiting for ages! Okay, that chapter was sooo cute. I was like 'aww' and 'alllll' I love it!
v1cky84- Thu 03 May 2007
Awww...another great chapter. Please update again soon. I love reading this fanfic. Congrats for winning the single spark annual awards!!!
ElegantPaws- Tue 01 May 2007
Congratulations! For placing in the top set! Well deserved!
inyoudreams16- Mon 30 Apr 2007
i really love this story and hope you update soon!!!!! ^^
Aki-kawa- Sun 29 Apr 2007
A very interesting story. Though there are parts I want to strangle both Sesshoumaru and Kagome for being so dense. Your story gives Sesshoumaru's younger self juistice. I had always wondered what he would be like younger.
Yours Truly
Yours Truly
sakurachan_1- Fri 27 Apr 2007
oh how i love your fic... it is so good, funny and all... hope you update soon ...
leira and frooky- Wed 25 Apr 2007
love it!!!! man this is one of the very best story's i've come a cross i love it!!!! oooooh hey i want Kag to take Sesshy on the carry me so i can sleep deal! i want to see, well read it! ^__^
anways love and
Leira ^.~
anways love and
Leira ^.~
Leilani- Mon 23 Apr 2007
I completely loved this chapter! IT was soo cute and adorable.
winggoddess916- Mon 23 Apr 2007
It would be cute to have Kagome go out with Koga's uncle. But, I rather see her with Sesshomaru, it's more fun this way. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Arsenic- Sun 22 Apr 2007
Great chapter! Hope you get to update again soon!
Ren- Sun 22 Apr 2007
Yeah! I likethe way the story is progressing. Its like real life. You don't just rush in to relationships especially one w/ someone who's not from your timeline. Good luck on finals. I'm closing in on mine as well. I look forward to the next chpaters.
Mlmonty- Sun 22 Apr 2007
You're ch was fine glad you posted it. Good luck in school.
karla- Sun 22 Apr 2007
loved it! damn skipp that dog should appologize for what he said to her! *sticks nose in the air, silently denying any liking for the male race* heh.. feminist at heart i suppose as always. lol, well i am still wondering where all that smoke is coming from! and hmm why does sesshoumaru attack he rin the future if they are all so lovey-dovey now? does he blame her and himself for his father's death? hmm i dunno... but i do know that you should update soon!! lol... and i agree with khinei, i thihk they are still in love, but are too hesitant to do anything about it because of their fears for reprecussions... ah but hmm, maybe they will get off their fannies and scrog before they go insane from sexual deprivation and tension! lol.
xineweber- Sun 22 Apr 2007
the build up in the story is amazing, can't wait for the rest.
DarkAngel495- Sat 21 Apr 2007
GoD i LoVe iT!!! uPdaTeS SooN!!!
GoD i LoVe iT!!! uPdaTeS SooN!!!
LynLin- Sat 21 Apr 2007
Waah. That was a cute chapter. I liked how you phrased the way Kagome replied to Kouga's questions. Very true and very mysterious. I liked it a lot. haha It's like, foreshadowing. Anyway, keep up the great work!!
v1cky84- Sat 21 Apr 2007
It was another great chapter. I think it is great that you are able to keep Sesshoumaru in character. I understand how hard it must be for writers to have him still within his own character while falling in love with Kagome. I can't wait to read the next one.
ElegantPaws- Sat 21 Apr 2007
Excellent! A truce. Finally, her family realizes on their end something is wrong. LOL! God bless Grandpa and his oh so effective sutras.
Selene AKA Katherine- Sat 21 Apr 2007
Man I love this story so much. And I think that they are in love but your not totally rushing into totally gooy-goo-gaga-ness.
Update soon
Update soon
Sicilia- Sat 21 Apr 2007
this is great but please update sooner
Alyana- Sat 21 Apr 2007
I adore this fic.
And I think they are in love but you're not rushing it, which is totally awesome.
Can't wait for the next update.
And I think they are in love but you're not rushing it, which is totally awesome.
Can't wait for the next update.
itachiiyoubastard- Sat 21 Apr 2007
*ten thumbs up*
faerie007- Thu 19 Apr 2007
Ahhhh!!! Your story is amazing!!!! I absolutely love the interaction between them, and how true love takes time and there are some bumps on the way. I just hope that you won't make Kagome too timid, as awkward conversations tend to make her in other stories. She still wear pants in the relationship...figuratively^_^ Your story is absolutely amazing, and I hope you will update soon!!
nickel- Mon 16 Apr 2007
Oh, I do love this story. I was so happy to find a new chapter today! Just in case I didn't mention this in my previous reviews; The context in which Sesshoumaru is portrayed - a young lord still learning to walk in the footsteps of his predecessor with less experience, less inhibitions, is lovely. The intrigue that surrounds our favorite couple is well woven. The characters are structured beautifully. Kagome being a large hand in shaping him into the 'future' taiyoukai makes this story all the tastier.
karla- Sun 15 Apr 2007
0.o interesting! please update soon! i am liking this fic a lot :-D
Alyana- Tue 10 Apr 2007
*moans* I'm going to get a headache if I keep slapping my head. You know why I'm slapping my head? YOU KEEP ON LEAVING US WITH CLIFFIES!!!!! WHY?!!!!! O CRUEL AUTHORESS!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I'm sure any of your reviewers out there would agree with me. We're all anxiously waiting for another wonderful update!
Hey, I'm sure any of your reviewers out there would agree with me. We're all anxiously waiting for another wonderful update!
chibilee- Sat 07 Apr 2007
so happy to see that you updated! i've missed reading up on the fic. i still enjoy the story and hopefully things will be better between our couple. looking forward to the next update which i hope won't be too long!
Airy- Fri 06 Apr 2007
I loved the chapter. Update soon.
shioriimaru- Fri 06 Apr 2007
Great chapter!
Can't wait for your next update.
Can't wait for your next update.
Leilani- Thu 05 Apr 2007
This was sooo good! I love it very much! As you know already, your a very talented writer.
Leira^.~- Thu 05 Apr 2007
i'm so happy that Sesshy isn't dead. i thought he might be for a bit there. any how, this was a nice ch we got action, some careing, and a hint of fun fluff. what more can a girl ask for. ^__^ so
KUDOS! to you and i can't wait for more!
love it!
Leira ^.~
KUDOS! to you and i can't wait for more!
love it!
Leira ^.~
ElegantPaws- Thu 05 Apr 2007
Brava! Humour, freindship, love, kindness, and closeness...and yes, Kag's seems to have gotten poor Sesshy in quite the mess and truly the best soap opera for illness. Good luck with your finals. You are doing a spectacular job,
ElegantPaws- Wed 04 Apr 2007
You write fabulous dialogue. Totally natural, intelligent and heartfelt. Just beautiful. Love Toga more...meddling Big Doggy Daddy lol. Duty is all sometimes...
ElegantPaws- Wed 04 Apr 2007
lol you are witty and I am lovin Lord Toga he tells the lizard messenger to clear off lolol...this is MARVELOUS...why wont sesshy get a clue. Silly puppy.
Sicilia- Wed 04 Apr 2007
please update sooner, I really like this story
ElegantPaws- Wed 04 Apr 2007
I love it! You write the most amazing dialogues between Young Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Just wonderful, I sit, I read, I smile and yes, I love the flirtation and most of all the friendship growing. Rather nice indeed.
izzy- Wed 04 Apr 2007
ooo!!!! nice, i hope u update soon, (as in, less than a month from now!!) i cant wait to see what happens next. when are they going to meet back up with midoriko??
royalbk- Wed 04 Apr 2007
*smiles* And the plot thickens some more...Sesshoumaru and Kagome are drawn together and I can't wait to see future chapters for another bunch of subtle romance.
I just love this couple. Now about those jewel shards...*is glued to the screen* Maybe you would consider writing something after those finals (if you're not too exhausted) so we can see what happens to those? The Shikon is incomplete anyway so there is no danger of making it whole when it doesn't even exist in this era. So what happens next? ^.O
I just love this couple. Now about those jewel shards...*is glued to the screen* Maybe you would consider writing something after those finals (if you're not too exhausted) so we can see what happens to those? The Shikon is incomplete anyway so there is no danger of making it whole when it doesn't even exist in this era. So what happens next? ^.O
itachiiyoubastard- Wed 04 Apr 2007
Yes, please do! Excellent writing skills as always! Update soon. ^_^
SemiPrecious- Wed 04 Apr 2007
awww... so waffy! poor kouga, though... i'm interested to see (well, hear,) about how inu and the others are going. update soon, please!
AnimeFanime18- Wed 04 Apr 2007
*squeals* And now Kagome and Sesshomaru have more time to spend with each other! They can go look for shards! ...Together! :D Update, please!
Aurora Potter- Wed 04 Apr 2007
swasdiva- Tue 03 Apr 2007
That's it. This is my current favorite fanfic on this site. The action is fluid, the emotions palpable, and I love the direction you're leading our characters. I love everything about this story, so keep up the fab stuff.
Ann- Tue 03 Apr 2007
hey i love this story but how many chapter dol es ths story has
niki- Tue 03 Apr 2007
pleaasee update!!
niki- Tue 03 Apr 2007
i've said this before, you are a wonderful writer, but u seriously need to work on updating sooner, once every few months sucks for ur fans!!! (when are they going to meet up with midoriko again?, what happened with her?)
Kirara Grey- Wed 14 Mar 2007
Great chapter. Please write more.
kitoriwitch613- Tue 13 Mar 2007
Aww, the suspense is killing me! I'm on pins and needles when I read this story. I can't wait for more. I'm still wondering how Kagome will get back to the future and how everything will be. Great story! Keep 'em coming!
sicilia- Tue 13 Mar 2007
update sooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Leilani- Mon 12 Mar 2007
OOoooooo It's getting so exciting! I love It! Thank you soooooo much!
Eternity of Tears- Sun 11 Mar 2007
awesome! Please update soon~!
kouga's true lover- Sat 10 Mar 2007
aww please update soon.
shioriimaru- Fri 09 Mar 2007
There will be much more Sesshy in the next chapter right?
I imagine it about so...
Sesshy discussing with Kagome, Sesshy ignoring Kagome, stubborn Sesshy...
Sesshy hugging Kagome and as an explosive end, yep, Sesshy kissing Kagome (very, very wild kiss of course) hahah
Hope you update soon!
There will be much more Sesshy in the next chapter right?
I imagine it about so...
Sesshy discussing with Kagome, Sesshy ignoring Kagome, stubborn Sesshy...
Sesshy hugging Kagome and as an explosive end, yep, Sesshy kissing Kagome (very, very wild kiss of course) hahah
Hope you update soon!
sola- Fri 09 Mar 2007
Great to see an update! Don't worry about the briefs....they will get easier with practice....Although it IS like having your nails pulled out with plyers (you should have seen the lengths I went to, JUST TO STAY AWAKE!) Great story, please update
Aurora Potter- Thu 08 Mar 2007
that was sad........
I almost cried at the end.....
I almost cried at the end.....
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Thu 08 Mar 2007
Ah...poor Toga. I wonder if Kagome will take care of Koga now as an adopted son, while they hide in the caves?
Or will they go on an advaneture to hunt the terror down? Update as soon as inspiration and time strikes.
Or will they go on an advaneture to hunt the terror down? Update as soon as inspiration and time strikes.
v1cky84- Thu 08 Mar 2007
Oohhh...thank you so much for updating. I can't wait to read what's gonna happen next. I feel bad for Koga...his parents died :( PLease update soon.
sesshyluver17- Thu 08 Mar 2007
oh wow! this story is completely amazing!!! I love everything about it! YOU MUST MUST! update soon! I just love the detail, the emotions, the thoughts and feelings... just amazing! PLZ UPDATE SOON!
Samantha_Shelby- Thu 08 Mar 2007
I am so glad that you updated! I was really happy to see that the story had been updated. That is so sad about Koga's parents. I always wondered what happend to them in the anime, but it never said. This is the first story that I have read that mentions it. Update soon!
Faye- Thu 08 Mar 2007
I just wanted to thank you for updating this TERRIFFIC stroy!
niki- Thu 08 Mar 2007
update soon
itachiiyoubastard- Thu 08 Mar 2007
*faints again*
*excitedly faints*
*faints again*
*excitedly faints*
chicke- Thu 08 Mar 2007
great story!!!!! update soon!
hana- Fri 23 Feb 2007
its so sad that kagome and sessho both refused one another. I hope that this is resolved, because even if this is angst/drama those two deserve some happiness. even if for only a short time.
love this sooo much, please update soon. ^_^
love this sooo much, please update soon. ^_^
Samantha_Shelby- Mon 12 Feb 2007
This is a really unique story. Needless to say I love it! Anyway, I understand why Kagome had to turn the proposal down, but darn it, it's really frustrating! I hope to see your update soon!
chibilee- Mon 12 Feb 2007
wow...i'm luving this fic! really like the flow of the story. i like how midoriko was made more human in terms of her outlook on demons. in other fics she's seen as this holy all knowing figure. in this fic she's more vulnerable in way. anywayz, hope u update soon!
Sicilia- Thu 08 Feb 2007
update soon
Leilani- Thu 08 Feb 2007
Oooo I cant wait for the up coming chapter! I'm so excited!
Kirara Grey- Tue 06 Feb 2007
I have read your chapter 9 and I really like it and can't wait until you get more chapters up so I may read them.
Please let me know when you are going to add more.
From Kirara Grey aka Silver_Dog_Demon
Please let me know when you are going to add more.
From Kirara Grey aka Silver_Dog_Demon
arzuu- Tue 06 Feb 2007
holy crap....haha i actually teared up...*_*....yaaay!! what a beaautiful update. hoping for more to come very soon. you're really an awesome fanfic writer....=]
write. update. NOW!!
write. update. NOW!!
Jen- Tue 06 Feb 2007
I love your writing! I've read your "Broken" fics on and loved them. I'm so glad that I'm now reading this one. Please update soon.
Cindy- Mon 05 Feb 2007
Oh my! I adore this story, and the title is genius! The Once and Future King...=]
I have to admit, I NEVER ever review, but I did, and I think I'm going to be a faithful reviewer now..I'm absolutely hooked onto the series, even though it is bizarre, with Sesshoumaru young and all, but it's so incredible! Also, your story almost made me literally cry in some's just the way you put things in perspective, and the way you write that has made me a true fan of yours. Thank you for writing the story! Also, if you have an email list, will you put me on it? I am desperate to know how to are going to end the story! I'll be your #1 fan! Oh my! I adore this story, and the title is genius! The Once and Future King...=]
I have to admit, I NEVER ever review, but I did, and I think I'm going to be a faithful reviewer now..I'm absolutely hooked onto the series, even though it is bizarre, with Sesshoumaru young and all, but it's so incredible! Also, your story almost made me literally cry in some's just the way you put things in perspective, and the way you write that has made me a true fan of yours. Thank you for writing the story! Also, if you have an email list, will you put me on it? I am desperate to know how to are going to end the story! I'll be your #1 fan! So, until then, may your pens never run out of ink, your pencils out of lead, and your computer out of electricity.
-Your most ardent fan, Blackdragon.
I have to admit, I NEVER ever review, but I did, and I think I'm going to be a faithful reviewer now..I'm absolutely hooked onto the series, even though it is bizarre, with Sesshoumaru young and all, but it's so incredible! Also, your story almost made me literally cry in some's just the way you put things in perspective, and the way you write that has made me a true fan of yours. Thank you for writing the story! Also, if you have an email list, will you put me on it? I am desperate to know how to are going to end the story! I'll be your #1 fan! Oh my! I adore this story, and the title is genius! The Once and Future King...=]
I have to admit, I NEVER ever review, but I did, and I think I'm going to be a faithful reviewer now..I'm absolutely hooked onto the series, even though it is bizarre, with Sesshoumaru young and all, but it's so incredible! Also, your story almost made me literally cry in some's just the way you put things in perspective, and the way you write that has made me a true fan of yours. Thank you for writing the story! Also, if you have an email list, will you put me on it? I am desperate to know how to are going to end the story! I'll be your #1 fan! So, until then, may your pens never run out of ink, your pencils out of lead, and your computer out of electricity.
-Your most ardent fan, Blackdragon.
nostalgic-maiden- Mon 05 Feb 2007
yay! you updated =) i hope you did well on your exams =) i love this chapter, please update soon! =D
Mazza- Mon 05 Feb 2007
This is fantastic. One of the best I have read so far. I really love how you make Sesshoumaru the way he is. Looking forward to your next update.
izzy- Mon 05 Feb 2007
very nice, i loved it. get the next chapter up soon please!
Faye- Mon 05 Feb 2007
*sniffs* They really do love each other! It's so sweet and so sad at the same time!!! Thanks for updating and I hope you do so again soon. I wonder who the dinner guest is...hmm...*ponders*
jenna- Mon 05 Feb 2007
you need to update soon i really want to read the rest.
Katie- Mon 05 Feb 2007
But when she gets back to Inuyasha's time they mate right? RIGHT??????????
fluffykags- Mon 05 Feb 2007
Ahhh...I just couldn't bother to log in. But still, your story was great and I LOVED this chapter! It's surprising and not like the usual romance novels. It's a good portrayal of Kagome's strong ideas of responsibility and Sesshoumaru's stubborness,
itachiiyoubastard- Mon 05 Feb 2007
I wonder who the guests are..?
Can't wait for you to update!
I wonder who the guests are..?
Can't wait for you to update!
lunaticneko- Mon 05 Feb 2007
aw... ;_; I'm not sure who to feel worse for. ^_^ I can't wait tosee what happens! ^.^
Tana-san- Mon 05 Feb 2007
Hmm, well the niceities couldn't have lasted could they? Then we would miss the drama that has to come. I really feel sorry for Sesshoumaru here. He is a realist and very logical. He WOULD put his kingdom and power over loving Kagome, it makes sense to me. First, he saw firsthand what happened when his mother left her rulership and the battle that ensued because of it. He knew of his father's fascination of human females that only complicated the people's views of their ruler, seeing him as weak. Sesshoumaru wants to be a strong, powerful ruler and to extend his territories beyond what his father has. To do so means he can't allow anyone to see him as weak. It's a political and logical move to put your people before your own needs, to keep them respectful and loyal. Human and Youkai relationships are scorned,so it would not be beneficial to mate Kagome. I believe he loves her enough to want to keep her safe and that wouldn't be the case if they mated. I don't really think he hates hanyou either, but being full youkai he would want his children to be strong enough to protect themselves and with the predudice that there is a child would have alot against him. I think he's just looking at the situation in a very realistic and logical point of view. Loving and mating a human would be nothing short of disasterous to him. What a horrible position to be put in. His jealousy of Kagome being with his father was pricless. Guess we didn't know how many umm,"fangirls" Daddy Dearest really had!! He's going to feel quite betrayed if she goes "home" and doesn't say goodbye. Maybe even thinking his father had something to do with it? That would make sense why he was so angry at her when he met her in the Fuedal Era. All of a sudden she's here and with his half brother no less. His father must have caused quite a stir when he took up with InuYasha's mother and that's why Sesshoumaru hates InuYasha. That and his father left the sword for InuYasha when he tought it rightfully belonged to him. He did become heir to the throne and thus all was rightfully his. So...what a betrayal for him to see Kagome with his brother, ok, half brother. Anyway, sorry I've been so long winded, but it's all really coming together like this in my mind. Am I too far off base? I'm really into this story and I can't help getting overly involved sometimes. Hope your schooling goes well for you. You're going into a very difficult and time consuming job, but truly an honorable and prestigous one. God bless you with you endeavors.
Eternity of Tears- Mon 05 Feb 2007
wow.I don't even know what to say, i am at a loss of words. This fiction is absolutely incredible!
I would love to keep reading this, so if it isn't a burden or anything, could you please email me when you update?
once again, fantastic job! ^_^
I would love to keep reading this, so if it isn't a burden or anything, could you please email me when you update?
once again, fantastic job! ^_^
ren- Mon 05 Feb 2007
thanks for another great chapter! its good that kagome's thinking of reality. she has a quest to finish and sesshoumaru has to wait another few hundred yrs to kill naraku. i hope to read more soon!
swtdrm01- Sun 04 Feb 2007
I loved the chapter. It only makes things more exciting and interesting.
Aurora Potter- Sun 04 Feb 2007
I like that......Giving up happyness for the sake of duty thats sad......
Please write more
Please write more
Leafeknight7- Sun 04 Feb 2007
My gosh did it ever...I wonder things will go down now...Sesshoumaru and Kagome both are Update again soon. ^_^Ja ne!
Sumire- Sun 04 Feb 2007
...This chapter was like a prelude to Toga's death--his rejection of Ryuu.'s daugther... this is a sort of dramatic irony (and the best kind, too), isn't it? The kind that I hate--I just want to tell them all to stop being foolish, be careful, to warn them (read: Toga and Sesshou.) about the future, just as Kagome did...!!!! (i know this review makes no sense but at the moment, my brain is jumbled D:)
I can't wait to see what happens next, and hopefully it won't be too depressing ):
I can't wait to see what happens next, and hopefully it won't be too depressing ):
sakurachan_1- Thu 25 Jan 2007
i really like this fic. is one of my favorites. mmm... just wondering... what is happening to the sesshoumaru in the future ... and what would sesshoumaru in the past do mmm... this story is so intriguing
dark anbu- Wed 24 Jan 2007
man I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! and a delirious sesshomaru IS funny!^^ plez continue!!dont make me beg!!
black moon inu- Mon 22 Jan 2007
I absalutly sp? love this story. Please post soon. if you can give me a heads up please.
DH7- Sun 21 Jan 2007
Wow... I haven't done this in a long time but I actually teared up for the pull of my heartstrings in response to that last story... I really hope the fluff with last... To Poo! with holding up appearance of strenght I want my KagSess fluffyness ^_^
LynLin- Fri 19 Jan 2007
oh wow I totally love this story! I hope you update soon! And would mind emailing me when you do? I'd really appreciate it!! Keep up the great work!!!
Gothic Lust- Fri 19 Jan 2007
omg.. i love it. UPDATE SOON.. please notify me if you do!!!
--Gothic Lust
--Gothic Lust
shioriimaru- Thu 18 Jan 2007
No need to critisise yourself, I was more than happy with this chapter :-)
Acutally I think it turned out great. Sesshoumaru giving everything to save Kagome, Kagome saved and finally Sesshoumaru having her in his arms - kawaii.
(But stupid, proud Sesshoumaru, why he just couldn't tell his father that he loves her... terrible, ignorant demons;-)
Finally I can only say, I'm still basking in the memories of your feverish Sesshoumaru.
I love you for writing this story!
Acutally I think it turned out great. Sesshoumaru giving everything to save Kagome, Kagome saved and finally Sesshoumaru having her in his arms - kawaii.
(But stupid, proud Sesshoumaru, why he just couldn't tell his father that he loves her... terrible, ignorant demons;-)
Finally I can only say, I'm still basking in the memories of your feverish Sesshoumaru.
I love you for writing this story!
Raye:SesshyFan- Tue 16 Jan 2007
Ah, so much fun to make feverish Sesshoumaru. Heheheh. See that you used Toga too, which I did as well since using InuTaisho is used too much and not very fun |D (ramble ramble) Anyways, great job :D Left us with a cliffy ;; Heheh. Can't wait till the next-as always.
Rinseternalsoul- Tue 16 Jan 2007
You know, I thought I loved the older Sesshomaru very much, but I do believe the young cozy Sesshomaru has far far surpassed the older calculating one on my Hot-O-Meter. It makes me wonder why he turns on her. I'll be reading to find out. Great job!
Kerry- Tue 16 Jan 2007
I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next. The interactions between Kagome and Sesshomaru are very interesting. And I can't wait to find out what is going on with the well.
nickel- Mon 15 Jan 2007
Ooh, I like this!!
Faye- Mon 15 Jan 2007
Aw! That's so sweet! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!!! Please update soon!
Sealdorie- Mon 15 Jan 2007
I do not often leave reviews, but this is by far one of the most lovely Sess/Kag stories I've ever read. Please continue, and update as often as possible. I'll be bookmarking this and checking on it often.
Sicilia- Mon 15 Jan 2007
this was a good chapter. please update soon I really will like to see what happens next.
SilverWaters- Mon 15 Jan 2007
I just have to say that I am so glad that I decided to start reading this story. Of course, I didn't get to bed till 3:30 because of it, but it was worth it. I was surprised by how much I liked the fic. I had seen it a bunch of times, but never stopped to read it. I guess the idea of Kagome meeting a past Sesshou kept me from reading because the idea could be done very well, or very poorly. Your story is wonderful, though. I love all the different characters that you are incorporating and that it is not a simple "Kag meets Sess, they fall in love, Sess waits for her." Yeah for the angst! Keep up the great work and I will be waiting for the next chapter! ^_^
chevonne- Mon 15 Jan 2007
did you redo this story i thought that there where 20 chapters or something like that
itachiiyoubastard- Mon 15 Jan 2007
I have absolutely no idea why you aren't happy with this chapter. Then again, I'm fine with anything as long as chapters are being added to excellent stories.
Update.. As soon as you are able.
I have absolutely no idea why you aren't happy with this chapter. Then again, I'm fine with anything as long as chapters are being added to excellent stories.
Update.. As soon as you are able.
Reis- Mon 15 Jan 2007
kiii! This is so good! It's exciting to me. Only I wish I had found it in like... the future when it's complete. I hate reading incomplete fics. I always forget stuff that's going on. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Much love to you darling.
Much love to you darling.
~dreams~- Mon 15 Jan 2007
I love this story but i would love it more if u update soon^^ hehe
gina- Mon 15 Jan 2007
the most amazing fic i've read in a very long time!!!!!=) i can't wait for more!!! what a gift!!!! =)
luyi- Mon 15 Jan 2007
this is my fav story ever! please update i beg of you!
swasdiva- Sun 14 Jan 2007
NoT ComPLeTely HApPy wiTH ThiS FrEAkinG AMAZING CHAPTER??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Strike that, the last two amazing chapters...GAH!!! This story is just....AH!!! I love love LOVE it. Obviously, this review is nowhere near as eloquent as your writing, nor as heartpounding, nor as urgently beautiful, but by Jove, I mean every nonsensical utterance!!! Fabulous, aMAZing work!! Update whenever! With quality like this, I'm hooked 4 life.
Strike that, the last two amazing chapters...GAH!!! This story is just....AH!!! I love love LOVE it. Obviously, this review is nowhere near as eloquent as your writing, nor as heartpounding, nor as urgently beautiful, but by Jove, I mean every nonsensical utterance!!! Fabulous, aMAZing work!! Update whenever! With quality like this, I'm hooked 4 life.
Beckie- Sun 14 Jan 2007
I love this chapter.
Leilani- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Oh man, please tell me that wasn't the last chapter! Aww... I want more! More!
fluffy-kins- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Aww!! A sick demon confessing him affection! How (AHH!!) Sweet!! I think i might have to go to the dentist after this chapter!! update soon!!!
Leira and Frooky- Sun 14 Jan 2007
ooooooooh.... he is sooooooo.... cute!!!! i love it! that last little part made me feel all worm and coze inside. and that's hard to do when it's really cold. any ways this was a really good ch! and i love that last line! i almost want to cry b/c i know your not going to let it cuntenu on from there in this manner but would it be so bad if at the very lest something happens where Sesshy doesn't have to put up with the whole engagement thing. anyways loved it and i can't wait for more .
KUDOS! to you!
Leira ^.~
KUDOS! to you!
Leira ^.~
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Please update as soon as possible, although I understand that inspiration does not strike always, when it does do write. I shall eagerly await the continuation.
will the future be changed, or just the past?
[like his dad will die in the sam ebetrayal]
will the future be changed, or just the past?
[like his dad will die in the sam ebetrayal]
blue_angel36(not signed in)- Sun 14 Jan 2007
...omfg.....i wanna cry now....>. i LOVE this story!!!! *addicted* but i actually screamed in frustration when i realized there were no more chapters *giggles nervously* yeah...i'm pathetic...and the fluff totally made my currently screwed up existance a little better *grins* so yeah...awesome writing!!!
sry for the random btw lol i've had a tad too much caffine while trying to update my own stories.
sry for the random btw lol i've had a tad too much caffine while trying to update my own stories.
nekoyoukai84- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Thank you sooooo much for updating!!!!! That was a great chapter. I love this story so much!!! Please update soon!!!
Critic_At_Work- Sun 14 Jan 2007
This may be one of the first times that I haven't criticized anyone for writing a horrible story. I love it! You simply must post another chapter!
Chaos-and-Serenity- Sun 14 Jan 2007
I'm so glad to see an update from you! I was just thinking about this story last night! You weave a tale in such a captivating manner, really. Anyway, I just adore your portrayal of his father. I'd imagine he'd be rather joyful as well, and a tad neglectful (a lotta neglectful as far as my story's concerned!). :) I thought the fluff was adorable and I think the fever excuse is a good one. After all, authors are allowed to take liberties with the characters as long as it's believable. And it was most convincing, especially since he's also consigning himself to a loveless marriage contract.
I'm loving this fic so far and I'm just dying to see what you do with it! Until next time...
I'm loving this fic so far and I'm just dying to see what you do with it! Until next time...
swtdrm01- Sun 14 Jan 2007
I loved it. Please don't keep us from a new chapter for too long and please, please, do not mate Sesshoumaru with someone else. I know, I know, I'm getting ahead of myself. This is after all a Sess/Kag story. Still, I can't bear the thought. *pouts* Please update soon.
nostalgic-maiden- Sun 14 Jan 2007
wow, great chapter! i loveeeeeddddd it, it was so cute =) please update soon!
Jenna- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Yay!! You updated finally!! This chapter was really good. Keep up the great work and update again really soon.
sweetkijo- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Ahh the scent of is such a vial thing. This chapter was very good and that is no surprise. You write well and the story I love. Keep up the great work! Take care!
dsm1980- Sun 14 Jan 2007
Ooooh... Have I told you how much I love this story? That was such a cute chapter (and I've been waiting for it for so long to boot). I smell anxst up ahead though ;) Hope your muse will grace you with some inspiration sooner this time, ne. Gambatte!
Eastern Princess- Sun 31 Dec 2006
I'm soooooo glad you updated!!!!!
But when are you going to continue? This a very good story and you've made me fall in love with another side of Sesshomaru. You should be very proud of yourself. I hope you update soon & as a reward you get a cookie. *gives you a GIANT chocolate chip cookie* I hope you like this 'cause I have tons more.
Please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv ya!!
But when are you going to continue? This a very good story and you've made me fall in love with another side of Sesshomaru. You should be very proud of yourself. I hope you update soon & as a reward you get a cookie. *gives you a GIANT chocolate chip cookie* I hope you like this 'cause I have tons more.
Please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv ya!!
Sessi-Kun- Fri 22 Dec 2006
oooh! its getting so good. i dont know if i cant wait for another chap. so creative. totally new twist on kag/ses. its great!!
shioriimaru- Tue 19 Dec 2006
*sob* wipes tears away...
what a great ending for this chapter.
Sesshoumaru is giving all to save Kagome.
I liked the fight scene with the dragon, that was very thrilling, I almost thought that at the end of the fight another demon would come to take Kagome away.
Do I've a wish free for Christmas?
So I wish me one very very long chapter from you (optional 2 medium long ones ;-) I know I'm not spoiled haha.)
Continue your great work.
what a great ending for this chapter.
Sesshoumaru is giving all to save Kagome.
I liked the fight scene with the dragon, that was very thrilling, I almost thought that at the end of the fight another demon would come to take Kagome away.
Do I've a wish free for Christmas?
So I wish me one very very long chapter from you (optional 2 medium long ones ;-) I know I'm not spoiled haha.)
Continue your great work.
Frookyand Leira- Thu 14 Dec 2006
YEAH FOR CH! man, why did you ahve to stop there!?! i want to cry! in fact i am a bit on the tery eyed side of things. anyways this was a good ch, sad but good! and you are going to have the next ch up soon i hope! ^__^ yes, yes! oooooh sesshy i want to take you home and never give you back! ok i'm done mostly ^.^ oooh oh oh do you have a mailing list for when you up date? if so i would love you for ever and ever if you would pu me on it. my e-mail is
i love this story and i LOVE YOU! and in case you don't get the next ch out before Christmas MARRY Christmas! and a happy new year! oh onemore little thing *holds up pocky for author* (wish i could really give it to you but it's the thought that counts right.) lots of love and agean Marry Christmas! ;3
Leira ^.~
i love this story and i LOVE YOU! and in case you don't get the next ch out before Christmas MARRY Christmas! and a happy new year! oh onemore little thing *holds up pocky for author* (wish i could really give it to you but it's the thought that counts right.) lots of love and agean Marry Christmas! ;3
Leira ^.~
Sesshomarei- Wed 13 Dec 2006
AHH such a cliff hanger.. *grumbles* I read your prologe chp 1 and put off for as long as i could to continue reading the rest.. but i couldn't wait any longer... now i'm anxious to know what happens next! please please please update soon! *begs*
Kirara- Wed 13 Dec 2006
I don't know if I left a review or not before but I just read this chapter for the second time and I really can feel the pain and saddness that Sesshoumaru is going through as I re-read this chapter.
Please update again soon with more chapters.
Please update again soon with more chapters.
Faye- Tue 12 Dec 2006
O.O oh me, oh my! Will he bring her back? *watches anxiously to see what happens* oh please be kind to this poor mortal heart of mine and update soon! I must know what happens!!!
Vaneles- Tue 12 Dec 2006
This was an amazign chapter and I hope to read the next chapter soon. It's actually kinda sad when you think about it. Well until teh next chapter... Ja ne
Jenna- Tue 12 Dec 2006
I can't wait to see if Kagome is saved...but she has to be!! Ahh...cliff hanger!!
Silver Dragon (just not logged it at the moment)- Mon 11 Dec 2006
This is an awesome fic and I enjoyed it very much! I can't wait to read the next chapter. The story is rich with descriptions and emotions that it just grabs your attention and makes you sit there and read. I was up 'til 2:00 A.M. reading this, I just couldn't stop but then I conked out and didn't get to send a review, so I'm sending one ^-^ But this is REALLY good! =D
The Black Crow- Mon 11 Dec 2006
Very good Chapter!! ^_^
It showed more about Sesshoumaru and some interesting bits of his life =D
I can't wait to see what'll happen next, now that they reached the palace, and more that anything, Inu no Taisho xD
Hope see you soon
Ja Ne
It showed more about Sesshoumaru and some interesting bits of his life =D
I can't wait to see what'll happen next, now that they reached the palace, and more that anything, Inu no Taisho xD
Hope see you soon
Ja Ne
AnimeFanime18- Mon 11 Dec 2006
You do not know how desperately I waited for you to update this story! I'm getting that same feeling now that the chapter's over...! Update soon, y'hear?
Airy- Mon 11 Dec 2006
Always a great read. Update the next one soon. I can't wait to see if Sessh is going to admit he loves her, and when Toran shows up.
Kirara Grey- Mon 11 Dec 2006
I just read your chapter that you just posted and liked it. Talking about leaving people on the edge of their seats. PLEASE PLEASSSSEEE add more chapters and longer chapters.
sweetkijo- Sun 10 Dec 2006
Wow. I think this is going to end up being a long review. lol. I wanted to tell you how much I love your story. For one, although there have been multiple stories where Kagome goes to a diff time through the well, your story is so different. It is written perfectly. You can feel the emotion pouring off of each character. Everyone has this interesting backround and it is never boring. Even when it is a filler you have managed to captivate my heart in your story telling. I am extremely impressed. So bravo to you. I am now a fan of your works. Thank you so much for writing this. I cant wait to read more. Take care.
Ankoku-sama- Sun 10 Dec 2006
So if I woke up and saw InuTaishou's lovely face I'd totally be like OMFG! *glomps him*
But .. I'm not Kagome .. so I can't .. *tears* haha. Update soon I love it!
But .. I'm not Kagome .. so I can't .. *tears* haha. Update soon I love it!
Shadow's Angel- Sun 10 Dec 2006
oh plz o plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! update really soon
Raye:SesshyFan- Sun 10 Dec 2006
Ohhh evil cliffy > I have to say though oo Isn't Tenseiga made before Izayoi came since he made that sword and Tetsusaiga because of his feelings for her.
But, meh, it's okay, your story. Anyone can change it. Just wanted to say it :3
You did a great job and I can not wait (seriously, I can't, almost freaked out when I saw yours right after I updated mine) till the next chapter comes out.
But, meh, it's okay, your story. Anyone can change it. Just wanted to say it :3
You did a great job and I can not wait (seriously, I can't, almost freaked out when I saw yours right after I updated mine) till the next chapter comes out.
Inusbabe- Sun 10 Dec 2006
I can see Sessho with tears trying to fall looking up at his father saying save her
nekoyoukai84- Sun 10 Dec 2006
Yea! Great chapter, I love this story Please keep up the good work and update soon !
Sicilia- Sun 10 Dec 2006
It was a great chapter I was sobing a bit, please update soon, I really want to read the next chapters
Kirara Grey- Sat 02 Dec 2006
Please write more soon. I loved this chapter. I am very much looking forward to you posting more.
lunaticneko- Sat 02 Dec 2006
^___^ I love your fic...but poor Kagome....STill love it though! ^.^ can't wait to see what happens.
Rose-Chan- Sat 02 Dec 2006
....GO FARMING TOOLS!!!!! ^_____^ this chappy was pretty also reading this really early in the morning so thats why it sounds like im on crack...anyway....your story is pretty good so far!!! : D kikyo is still a bitch tho'....and the black smoke is confuzzling..... O_o
serenitymoon099- Wed 29 Nov 2006
omg! i love it and cant wait for more!
Rose-Chan- Wed 29 Nov 2006
...NOTHER REVIEW!!!! OMG sesshy would be so hot with a braid.... ehm yeah....tiz pretty interesting!!! good storyline so far. long chapters. : D
Rose-Chan- Wed 29 Nov 2006
...kikyo is a bitch. O_o well, that was a pretty inclusive prologue!!! sounds interesting. good writing style. : D
Alianne- Wed 29 Nov 2006
I love this chapter! I think I forgot to breathe when I was reading it....
Katie- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Plz update soon it would be very muchly apreciated a i really like your story. Its awsome was better than any of the stories if written *Crosses arms of chest and pout*
nostalgic-maiden- Wed 29 Nov 2006
i LOVED this chapter! so good! and plzplz update soon=D
Indigotwilight- Wed 29 Nov 2006
how can u leave me like this?!?!?! this is it though keep it up!
Inusbabe- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Ahhhh but there is the return trip to look forward....
nemesis- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Don't worry! The chapter is great. I can't wait to see what happens next.
The Black Crow- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Yay!!!!!!! [happy dancing all aroud theroom ^_^]
I absolutely loved this chapter!!!!!!!!!! ;D
The village reminded me of "Children of the Corn", which is great!!!! and a little creepy... o.O
I almost died of a heart attack when Kagome was exploring and she met with the children and the people there ... O.O
Anyways... so now we're seeing more of what Sesshoumau really feels about Kags... ^_^ Because, if I remember correctly [*giggles*] he didn't denied Midoriko's statement ;P
And wtih his state while seeing Kagome dying... that was AWESOME!!! :D
I can't wait to see what'll happen next, during the "run" to the castle of the west; and when we finally see Inu no Taisho ^.^
BTW; are we going to see how is the inu-gang managing without Kags?? o.O
Hope see you soon
Be$h!7º$h..! 2 U(^.^)
Ja Ne
I absolutely loved this chapter!!!!!!!!!! ;D
The village reminded me of "Children of the Corn", which is great!!!! and a little creepy... o.O
I almost died of a heart attack when Kagome was exploring and she met with the children and the people there ... O.O
Anyways... so now we're seeing more of what Sesshoumau really feels about Kags... ^_^ Because, if I remember correctly [*giggles*] he didn't denied Midoriko's statement ;P
And wtih his state while seeing Kagome dying... that was AWESOME!!! :D
I can't wait to see what'll happen next, during the "run" to the castle of the west; and when we finally see Inu no Taisho ^.^
BTW; are we going to see how is the inu-gang managing without Kags?? o.O
Hope see you soon
Be$h!7º$h..! 2 U(^.^)
Ja Ne
shioriimaru- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Oh my, I love this chapter, it's just impossible to not like your story.
swasdiva- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Um...freaking loved the last chapter is more like it!!! This story...holy cripes...definitely one of my top 5 on this site. It's simply amazing: your pacing, character development, plot development, steady but engaging description...I could go on and on. I'm always fangasming for more of this fic!!!
CenterSessh- Wed 29 Nov 2006
Sooo good. SOOO GOOD.
Sicilia- Tue 28 Nov 2006
hey it is great, you have to make them longer, they are two good to end!!
Shadow's Angel- Tue 28 Nov 2006
i love it it's awesome plz update soon
shioriimaru- Thu 23 Nov 2006
Aw your story is a dream, you are writing it in a wonderful way. I just read it all and I swear I wasn't bored for one single second. I had to laugh so much about the bantering between the two. You are so good at writing that.
I wish so much that you will update soon again (please please please).
P.S. Your chapters are pretty long... and that's soooo great. You deserve 100 bonus points and a big plate with cookies for that.
I love it :-)
I wish so much that you will update soon again (please please please).
P.S. Your chapters are pretty long... and that's soooo great. You deserve 100 bonus points and a big plate with cookies for that.
I love it :-)
kuma- Tue 21 Nov 2006
awesome update soon
Sessi-Kun- Tue 21 Nov 2006
just read the new chapter. your story flows so well. it will be interesting to see how this works out. what will Sesshoumaru do, who will he become, etc...? LOVE IT
Kittie1124- Mon 20 Nov 2006
Wonderful story!!! I reallly like it, and I'm glad you started updating it again. Please update soon!
Ireth Arnatuile- Mon 20 Nov 2006
Awesome chapter, as always ;)
My only question now is.. when are we going to see what Inuyasha and the others are up to?
My only question now is.. when are we going to see what Inuyasha and the others are up to?
Kirara Grey- Mon 20 Nov 2006
Hello again. I just read the two chapters that you posted and what I have read it was really good and I like it. The story is flowing really well. I look forward for your next chapters. Please keep up with the great work on this story.
Sicilia- Mon 20 Nov 2006
great story, when is the next chapter out?
AnimeFanime18- Mon 20 Nov 2006
You seriously have to update. This story is getting so good, and you just have to finish! And if you finish, you have to make a sequel! It's going to be a sort of Trilogy or something! It can never end! Anyways, that's my review. =D
Ankoku-sama- Mon 20 Nov 2006
Oh you definitely have to update soon. I love it =]
AccidentalGoddess- Sun 19 Nov 2006
OOOOO!! That was geat! I hadn't read any of this fic before, so I did all 5 chaps in one sitting. I couldn't stop! I love your writting and you have an excellent voice. Your interactions and characterizations are wonderful as well. Not often that you get to have Midoriko in such a role in a fic too. Really looking forward to more. I'm going to have to hunt on to see if this is there so i can put an alert on it!
The Black Crow- Sun 19 Nov 2006
So very much nice to see you back!!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this chapter!!!
Sooooo... Kags is really printing her prescense with Sesshouaru ^-^ That just too cute! xD
I can't wait to see the fluffines begin ;D Though I'm very curious as to what caused Sesshoumaru's change; for him to become from what we're seeing now, as to what he'll be when Kags "first met him" o.O [Wonders if it has to do with the fact that she will leave him after all what the'd passed...]
Anyways; I can't wait to see anothr fantastic chapter ^.^
Hope see you soon
Ja Ne
I absolutely loved this chapter!!!
Sooooo... Kags is really printing her prescense with Sesshouaru ^-^ That just too cute! xD
I can't wait to see the fluffines begin ;D Though I'm very curious as to what caused Sesshoumaru's change; for him to become from what we're seeing now, as to what he'll be when Kags "first met him" o.O [Wonders if it has to do with the fact that she will leave him after all what the'd passed...]
Anyways; I can't wait to see anothr fantastic chapter ^.^
Hope see you soon
Ja Ne
Jay FicLover- Sun 19 Nov 2006
Well, it makes sense that him being a lot younger in ths story he would be worried about loosing control like Inuyasha does.
I think Kagome told Sesshoumaru somewhere before that the jewel's magic doesn't affect humans. I think she meant normal humans (unlike priests and mikos) can't sense the jewel's presence. But the jewel's magic can cretianly affect humans as much as demons, remember Kohaku and the Band of Seven, for example, and also the human arm with a shard that tried to possess Sesshoumaru when he used them to be able to wield Tetsusaiga.
By the way they can't sense it, my guess is the intruder is either human or a demon with an aura concealing item, much like Naraku's fuyoheki stone that he used to hide the infant's aura. Foolish Kagome, she should have learned her lesson by now.
I'm really enjoying this story. Hope you update soon!
I think Kagome told Sesshoumaru somewhere before that the jewel's magic doesn't affect humans. I think she meant normal humans (unlike priests and mikos) can't sense the jewel's presence. But the jewel's magic can cretianly affect humans as much as demons, remember Kohaku and the Band of Seven, for example, and also the human arm with a shard that tried to possess Sesshoumaru when he used them to be able to wield Tetsusaiga.
By the way they can't sense it, my guess is the intruder is either human or a demon with an aura concealing item, much like Naraku's fuyoheki stone that he used to hide the infant's aura. Foolish Kagome, she should have learned her lesson by now.
I'm really enjoying this story. Hope you update soon!
swtdrm01- Sun 19 Nov 2006
That was great. I hope to see another great chapter very soon.
janjan- Sun 19 Nov 2006
one word, AWSOME!!!
not much to say except that you should really continue and keep up with the cute bits! their so sweet!! you really do those bits well
not much to say except that you should really continue and keep up with the cute bits! their so sweet!! you really do those bits well
Sessi-Kun- Tue 07 Nov 2006
love this fic!!! please please update soon!!!!!
dana jean- Mon 06 Nov 2006
i can imagine how that would pan out.
"oh, by the way, this power? it would be your crystallized soul from 300 years into the future."
hmm. how would you reply to that?
well i had a reason for reviewing, and this is it-
this is really good. i really want to see what happens- like when kagome has to tell him where she is from- so please keep writing!
don't you hate it when authors make up a story halfway...
...and then just leave it?
i do.
"oh, by the way, this power? it would be your crystallized soul from 300 years into the future."
hmm. how would you reply to that?
well i had a reason for reviewing, and this is it-
this is really good. i really want to see what happens- like when kagome has to tell him where she is from- so please keep writing!
don't you hate it when authors make up a story halfway...
...and then just leave it?
i do.
Aurora Potter- Mon 06 Nov 2006
aww that was sweet........
Cochrann- Mon 06 Nov 2006
I really like this story! I thourouly enjoied the banter between sesshoumaru and kagome in the last chapter...something new and different from the standard s/k plot. looking forward to reading more!
Faye- Mon 06 Nov 2006
O.O Oh no not the end of the page! NO!!!!!!!! *teary eyes* It's was getting really good too!! It's so unfair! This is such a good story and you just leave us hanging! The cruelty of it all! Please please please update this soon!! I need to know what happens next!
Mrs.x3Mustang- Mon 06 Nov 2006
aww! so cuute! X3 of all the fanfics i have read, a sweet, young sesshoumaru in the past (farther) is always refreshing =D. please continue the good work!
Raye:SesshyFan- Mon 06 Nov 2006
I loved the....cheesy talk as you put it between Sesshoumaru and Kagome xD I loved the part of this chapter.
Keep up the great work :D
Keep up the great work :D
serenitymoon- Mon 06 Nov 2006
love it and cant wait to read more! plz update asap:)
sakurachan_1- Tue 24 Oct 2006
ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could you just leave like that the chapter you are so mean ¬_¬....v_v is this the deamon lord curse or what?? update soon!!!!!!! =P
Silk_Worm- Wed 18 Oct 2006
great chapter! update as soon as you can.. a different time period but sesshomaru still acts like himself! *chuckle*
Kayla- Mon 16 Oct 2006
OoOoOoOoOoh... Things are getting interesting!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!! Is Kagome ever going to meet Sesshomaru's father?
kagsess_fated- Sat 14 Oct 2006
But so would flames, wouldn't they? Ha ha, just kidding. This is really good. Please update.
Lunaticneko- Sat 14 Oct 2006
;_; poor Kagome. lol It hardto think of Sesshoumaru afriad of her. ^-^ Can't wait to see the next chapter.
Dyquem- Sat 14 Oct 2006
I really am enjoying this. It is well written and a little different from the norm.
luna- Thu 12 Oct 2006
since modoriko is in this fic still alive or what not does that mean kirara will be there too?
ming- Thu 12 Oct 2006
love it. love it. love it. more please!
crazyaboutfanfics- Wed 11 Oct 2006
i LOVE your fanfic. i'm so sad after i'm done with each chapter and i always hope that there's another chapter. you write really well and hope to read another chapter soon. i love the plot because it isnt a cliche like the others. thanks for the great entertainment :)
fyretyger- Wed 11 Oct 2006
OMG! This is getting good. I wasn't expecting you to drop Midoriko in this story. Ooooh! I can hardly wait to see what happens next. This is perhaps one of the best Sess/Kag time traveling stories I have ever read and that's alot.
Keep up the good work!!
I'll beng watching for your next update.
ja ne
Keep up the good work!!
I'll beng watching for your next update.
ja ne
saiyukifans- Wed 11 Oct 2006
yay! more plz. ^-^
kat- Wed 11 Oct 2006
okay this story is getting really fun... update soon please? I can't wait to see what happens next.
dsm1980- Wed 11 Oct 2006
I've been keeping tabs on your stories since Thousandfurs, and I have to admit I love them. I like the way you write "filling" chapters that are absolutely worth the wait. Still, you always leave me begging for more (and if I weren't such a lazy-ass, I'd probably whine about it every single time). Gambatte, ne!
zackire- Wed 11 Oct 2006
at first i didnt wanna read the fic.. however, my curiousity had gotten a hold of me and well.. once i start.. the story seems to fold me in and sweep me away.
good fic!! and update me on ur updated fic
good fic!! and update me on ur updated fic
jasmine- Wed 11 Oct 2006
like the plot of kagome lost further in the past and the fact that she just doesn't go tell sesshoumaru she is from the future. Like any with half a brain would go tell every demon she meet that she can probably tell them their future unlike another stories that follow a similar plot
Kirara Grey- Tue 10 Oct 2006
Hello again. I liked this chapter. Please add a few chapters at a time.
Keep up the great work. When are you going to add more chapters. Please email me. Thanks again. And Great again great chapter.
Keep up the great work. When are you going to add more chapters. Please email me. Thanks again. And Great again great chapter.
Raye:SesshyFan- Tue 10 Oct 2006
Holy shit O_O pardon my french XD Love the twist when Midoriko appears! Perfect >
I cannot wait till the next chapter oo You're doing a wonderful job :D
I cannot wait till the next chapter oo You're doing a wonderful job :D
Marulover- Tue 10 Oct 2006
I continue to enjoy your story, it's fresh and exciting and I can't wait to see what happens! Please update soon!! Your story is so good!
Michelle- Tue 10 Oct 2006
*Nice* cliffy. Very nice.
It's a rainy day here, I appreciate the bit of sunshine this chapter brought!
It's a rainy day here, I appreciate the bit of sunshine this chapter brought!
Kirara Grey- Wed 04 Oct 2006
Hello. I am writing to you so I can send you a review.
I like the two chapters that you have posted so far. Please post more chapters. Could you let me know when you are planning on adding more chapters. Also is Kagome going to meet Sesshoumaru's father? PLease email me and let me know. Thanks again for posting this story. It is really great story. Keep up the great work and please don't stop writing this story until it is finished.
My email address is
I like the two chapters that you have posted so far. Please post more chapters. Could you let me know when you are planning on adding more chapters. Also is Kagome going to meet Sesshoumaru's father? PLease email me and let me know. Thanks again for posting this story. It is really great story. Keep up the great work and please don't stop writing this story until it is finished.
My email address is
sakurachan_1- Mon 02 Oct 2006
i loved the second chapter its really good.... mmm... wonder what would happen next...would she be able to go back to her own time??... update soon n_n
Lunaticneko- Fri 29 Sep 2006
^_^ to brighten your day I read this at 3 am. I love it and can't wait to see what happens.
GinaBristow- Thu 28 Sep 2006
I am in love with this story. I just hope that you transfer your other S/K stories here so that others of this pairings persuasion may readily find them.
Maggie- Wed 27 Sep 2006
Very interesting 1st 2 chapters. Can't wait to see how this one turns out. :-)
Teirlana Draco- Wed 27 Sep 2006
I love it so far. I am going to check out some of your other stories. I eagerly await the next chapter of this one.
arienishi- Wed 27 Sep 2006
i love the story. i can't get enouph of the ones where kagome goes back intime to meat younger sesshoumarus. your story is very well written and i can't wait for the next chapter!
Eila- Tue 26 Sep 2006
>. YOU UPADATED!!!! YAY >. i ish very happy lol... update whenever you can ^^
Michelle- Tue 26 Sep 2006
I'm glad reviews brighten your day. I'm in college as well, and reading fanfiction is a good way to escape the craziness for a little while.
I really enjoy this story thus far, and I'm glad to made a point to mention the differences in young Sesshoumaru and feudal Sesshoumaru. Your whole approach to the well malfuntion and character realization is original and fun to read.
I really enjoy this story thus far, and I'm glad to made a point to mention the differences in young Sesshoumaru and feudal Sesshoumaru. Your whole approach to the well malfuntion and character realization is original and fun to read.
Raye:SesshyFan- Tue 26 Sep 2006
Yay! You updated :D
Ooooo, it's getting good :3 Loved the part where she found out what year she was in XDD
Can't wait till the next update > this is wonderfully done :3
Ooooo, it's getting good :3 Loved the part where she found out what year she was in XDD
Can't wait till the next update > this is wonderfully done :3
localsamurai- Tue 26 Sep 2006
Update soon.
Jean- Tue 26 Sep 2006
Interesting beginning. Kikyo is a bitch, but we all knew that. I like the explanation about Sesshoumaru's parents no longer being mates. That sounds logical. I hope you continue the story.
lorienfaerie- Mon 25 Sep 2006
great start, this sounds like it will be really good. I hope you update again soon!
coquettish-zala- Mon 25 Sep 2006
hey...great job on the story! it's getting more and more interesting with each word! kinda nice to see sesshoumaru talking more often too!! :D
tre- Thu 21 Sep 2006
I really do like this story. It's a original start and I hope the rest of the fic will be too =)
Beckie- Fri 15 Sep 2006
Kikyo is evil! Great story I can't wait for an update!
Jay FicLover- Fri 15 Sep 2006
Very nice beginning. The thing Kikyo did with the well isn't something that happens ever in fics. I give you a ten in originality! Please continue soon!
Silk_Worm- Fri 15 Sep 2006
I'm impressed. I really like your fic. It's an interesting story-line and I hope you keep up with your updating....some authors just leave off and don't update for a while...leaving you hanging....I'm surprised that a soul-stealer was being friendly to Kagome. Poor girl, she always gets shunted to the side, doesn't she?
please update soon-
I'm impressed. I really like your fic. It's an interesting story-line and I hope you keep up with your updating....some authors just leave off and don't update for a while...leaving you hanging....I'm surprised that a soul-stealer was being friendly to Kagome. Poor girl, she always gets shunted to the side, doesn't she?
please update soon-
raven- Fri 15 Sep 2006
i like it! update soon!
eila- Fri 15 Sep 2006
I love the prolouge >. its unique and kikyo isnt reaally a bit-icth(dont mind me im just like singing this review o.o;;)aww man i lost my beat xD anyway I reallly love this story its one of those really good kagome goes to past more and meets a younger sesshy kun like the one by Yabou >. update soon.
kc- Fri 15 Sep 2006
i love the idea! Very original and could prove quite interesting for the couple to be...when will you be updating? *hint hint*
ShadowChick- Thu 14 Sep 2006
awesome this is gonna be good i can just tell
Raye:SesshyFan- Thu 14 Sep 2006
O_O wow! I love it :D Great job with protraying Sesshoumaru =^^= You write wonderfully and I can't wait to see what happens next ^^
Cassie- Thu 14 Sep 2006
I really like your story and I can't wait for more!!
Ireth Arnatuile (too lazy to log in)- Thu 14 Sep 2006
Awesome start to a new fanfic! I've been reading your other fanfics, and I'm sure that this one will be just as great, if not better. I'm both a Sess/Kag and an Inu/Kag fan, so I don' t mind really what the next pairing is. Glad to see that you're also posting here!
Update soon =)
Update soon =)