Hairann- Sat 10 Nov 2007
Thank you for that I needed a good laugh. I try to keep away from these overused plots with my fics, though I do miss some lol, but it's sad how many writers will write the same plot and pretty much the same story.

I don't know how many times I stopped reading a story cause I knew what was going to happen scene to scene for the rest of the fic.

One thing you should have added was a summory at the top. Saying something like 'I suck at summories but read anyways'. That happens a lot as well and makes ya wonder if they can't even write a summory how good is the fic going to be?

Lol sorry seem to be in ranting mode, I'll go work on my fic hehe. Thanks again for the great laugh.


Music Junkie- Wed 26 Sep 2007
O my gosh dude that was so fu**in funny!! I was thinking of doing the same thing. Seriously with the Inuyasha couldn't get over kikyo for kagome but he can do it for some other added character, that was totally priceless.

Please do another one

Inu Youkai Gina- Thu 23 Aug 2007
Wow, internesting. you should write another one.

Tokyo Bells- Tue 10 Apr 2007
OMG, this was great! It is a condensed form of almost everyother stupid fanfic that people do nowadays.

Tokyo Bells- Tue 10 Apr 2007
OMG, this was great! It is a condensed form of almost everyother stupid fanfic that people do nowadays.

brea- Mon 02 Apr 2007
omfg! that was hilarious! i loved it! i cant wait for if u do make anuther one! if u do... anywho gots to go love er work! smiles brea

Sola- Sat 31 Mar 2007
LMAO. That was just precious.

Animefreak242- Mon 19 Mar 2007
*laughs hysterically* I'm not sure about the "spagetti" bit, but you have it all pretty much correct. I hate it when the authors label a scene change. As if we don't notice the time/character shifts. >

Though, admittedly, I have read a couple of 'Sesshomaru kidnaps Kagome to make her act as Rin's mother' stories, there was only one lemon and it was in one of the last chapters. *nods* So.. There! >_> ...Well, Igreat job. 'm looking forward to the next installment. Whenever that'll be. ^^; *gives you a cookie*

-- Shameless plug -- Oh, if you're looking for a good story that's only slightly cliche (but has a perfectly good reason/explination as to why), check out 'One Less Star'. It's by Crazydiamond (posted on, and her live journal). -- End Shameless Plug --

Ja mata~!

Tiegrsi- Wed 07 Mar 2007
*bows down to the all time most awesomest fanfic writer*

DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 18 Nov 2006
Wow. That pretty much sums up the corniness of some fanfics and yet why do we read them? Because they show our hidden desires?



If we look at the show or Manga Kagome is tall enough, has big enough boobs, slender waist and long legs. I think the reason she grows taller and has bigger boobs is because that is what we all want.

skyleopardess- Thu 16 Nov 2006
Bwahahahaha, that was great! I fell off my chair laughing! My stomach hurts too :D *wipes tears* What you wrote was *so* sorely needed! I can't say I'm a good fic writer and I probably did half the things you wrote about... but it's good to know that someone else feels the same!

judzea- Thu 09 Nov 2006
Hilarious: have captured the moments.
No offense to the writers but some of the plot lines are so similar that it's almost like reading the same stories over and over again with just a few minor changes. But then again, the stories may seem the same, the writer's imagination has a way of bringing it all together and this makes it entertaining and bearable to read. :)

crimsonnyte- Wed 11 Oct 2006


Random fanfic obsessed fan- Wed 11 Oct 2006
Wow, you make me smile. Well more than smile. But I'm hoping you catch my drift here... I think what makes this so funny is that I have read at least one fanfiction where at least one of those scenarios take place. Especially the "Kagome catches Inu and Kikyou, runs off to Sesshoumaru, becomes all-powerful and kicks the bad guys butt with no help" bit... :)

LuaHaunted- Wed 20 Sep 2006
"{light fades to show Kagome all demon like….which means her boobs are bigger, she’s taller, and likely has streaks in her hair}

KAGOME: Wow…I am the legendary/prophesized/forgotten/last-of-my-kind InuYoukai-miko-tenchi-kami! I was in danger so I was sent to my time, which isn’t my time! "
Hey!! This always happens! And she always has streaks in her hair, usually blue.... I wonder why..... I hate youkai Kagome....
Maybe it´s a trauma or something...
I laughed at this story...
Now I´m going to read your other one!
I hope you don´t have a youkai Kagome.... But I´ll read it, even if you do.... Just because I liked this story!

PS: Do I sound crazy to you?

Ray_hearts_fluffy- Fri 18 Aug 2006
LMFAO!!!!! OMG! I read this and my sis kept looking at me funny, because I was laughing at it so hard!!! Keep writing! (P.S. I love your story His Past, Her Present, Their Future; please update soon!!!)

silhouettedstarr- Mon 31 Jul 2006


Chaoswingdragon- Sun 30 Jul 2006
...*tries to hold it in but almost dies from laughter* That was great! It was exactly the right combionation to hit most of the stories posted by people with no imagination. geeze, my friends though I'd gone insane when they saw me rolling on the floor.

Aurora Potter- Sat 22 Jul 2006
Thank you for writing a funny story that makes absolutly no sense

Marquel- Sat 22 Jul 2006
I liked it, thought it was funny. Go Randomness. By the way I like your other story Her Present, His Past, Their Future.

sesshomarusgirl- Sat 22 Jul 2006
this was stupid but very funny at the same time

mcleigh- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Actually, it was quite funny. I recognized a number of those plot bunnies by name. They hound fanfiction writers mercilessly, it seems. Thanks for the laugh.

LeoLupinBlack- Fri 21 Jul 2006
OMG!!! This is the greatest thing i have ever read, im laughing and crying, and rolling on the floor.

Lady_Dark_Kitten- Fri 21 Jul 2006
That wasnt funny my ass, that was a gut buster. you my dear girl just made my whole day. just so you know i did the changes into a demon thing but instead of the super miko demon combo that is seen sooo often it almost kills her and chases away her miko powers. Clecha with a twist!

Tana- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Oh my god. This story is so funny. I read it while I was at work and I laughed so hard my boss asked me what was so funny. Thanks for the story. I needed it this morning!

Corinne- Fri 21 Jul 2006
Omg, how anyone that has read more than 2 Fan Fictions from this site could not find that story hilarious is obviously some sort of lobotomized sea creature. I loved this story along with your other story which I just finished reading up to the point of the last update and love it as well. Keep it up! 10 points for you!

Amber Myst- Thu 20 Jul 2006


lala- Thu 20 Jul 2006
I have to agree with the plot bunnies hoping around in alot of fics. The one Im most annoyed with is insta relationship sess/kag. suddenly kag has never wanted anyone but sess. he's the bestest person ever. No he didn't try to kill me. he wanted inuyasha. no he doesn't hate humans. hello im a miko. that brings me to insta powerfull kagome. She's so powerfull she could make sunshine come out her a###. She can heal his arm because what else would she do with her powers. she couldn't train because that takes too long.She just becomes too powerfull that the story doesn't make sense.
Those are my two big complaints
thanks for the laugh

gypsiewine- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Okay, I tried to send this before, but it probably didn't work, becuase the computer hates me. ANyway, holy fcuk (see, now it's not a swearword anymore), that was funny, I loved it. I'm a parody writer, so I love this kind of humour to bits! However, you forgot a couple of classics, and becuase you did this brilliantly, do not forget the:

1) AMAZING DEMON SPEED that sends Kagome into a flood of orgasims that make her shuder and drain Sesshoumaru of all energy! Oh, and then some massive fingering and oral for hours!

2) Calling Kikyo the clay pot, the frosty bitch, and then lots of Kikyo bashing!

3) Kagome going to her time becuase hell, it's all over and there's nothing to keep her in the past, causing Sesshoumaru to suffer for 500 years until he finds Kagome crying at the base of that damn mystical tree!

4) Kagome going back to InuYasha, causing both Sesshoumaru and Kagome mountains of heart-wrenching and emotional truma that cannot even be put into words!

5) Naraku being strangley attracted and obsessed with Kagome and/or Sesshoumaru!

6) Sesshoumaru's issues with his momma! "Oh, I am so frosty and misunderstood becuase my mother died when I was a young age and no one loves me so I don't need to be loved and my dad liked that human and my idiotic half-brother better than me! WAHHHHHHH!" (SUPER EMO MOMENT HERE!)

My goodness, so many bunnies! Oh lordy, this was very funny, I loved it, you nailed it (I never got the Shippo and Kagome "moma" thing, it doesn't exist people!), the Kikyo/InuYasha sex in the woods, the bad Japanese, the mystical Kagome powers, the bad grammar/spelling, the flowery scents, the Mary-Sues, ha! Oh man, another installment is needed, this was perfect and much enjoyed!

Good luck with the writing, and seriously, I'd do a giant parody with you anyday!

ger- Thu 20 Jul 2006
what was that?

gypsiewine- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Holy fcuk (see, technically it's not a swearword now!) My goodness, but it was fun and entertaining, really, it was. Oh, and so very true, all of it captured in less than 3000 words, brilliant! However, you missed a couple of wee things...

You forgot that Sesshoumaru would use his amazing demon powers and youkai speed to hammer Kagome into a flood of orgasims, and then crazy awsome oral sex and fingering for hours on end would insue soon after becuase they just can't keep away from each other, and Sesshoumaru needs a mate or he will die! Oh, and lest we forget the momma issues! I, Sesshoumaru, am misunderstood becuase my mommy died when I was a pup and my dad liked InuYasha and his mom better! (semi-emo moment). Oh, and Kagome going back to InuYasha (cause it's the "right" thing to do) causing her and Sesshoumaru heart-wrenching and emotionally truamatizing anguish of an intensity that cannot be rendered in words known to women! (or men, or whatever) ;}

Oh, but yes, those random mary-sues, the super-powers of Kagome, Shippo and the momma thing, the bad Japanese, the Inu/Kikyo ("the clay pot") sex in the woods, the plot bunnies, all of it, very true and fun and thanks for a bit of silliness that did make me chuckle, and I thank you very much for it!

Good luck with the writer's block, it's a battle, and make another installment on this, cause it's just spiffy!


Sada- Thu 20 Jul 2006
I'm going to review case I'm putting off homework.


There, now, the high school fic I droned about last time? I actually did it. *shakes head* Pathetic, huh? But, look, no crushing of spirits!

Anonymous- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Its Kirara, it just sounds like Kilala b/c of translation and stuff, and the anime just figured that it meant Kilala, instead of Kirara.

kagsbigfan- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Whatt the Fuck was that? It was fun to read

Kaho-kun- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Bahahahahahahahahahahaha! It's soo true *wipes away tear of funniness*

kitsuneonna- Thu 20 Jul 2006
Thank you for writing this! It pointed out almost ev erything that annoys me about Sessh/Kag! One thing though... WHY IS SESSHOUMARU ALWAYS LIVING IN SOMETHING LIKE A EUROPEAN CASTLE IN THESE FICS EH? Neuschwanstein? NEIN! Hehe.

Oh, and Sesshoumaru's 'inner demon'?? WTF, he's SO out of the closet with that one!

?- Thu 20 Jul 2006
ok this story is a "little" strange but nice

CelticMist- Thu 20 Jul 2006
You know this crude parodic approach of the Sess/Kag fanfic clishees is so realistically extensive is bordering on tragic-comic-irony.
OMFG you havern't left a damn thing out.
Conclusion: I laughed my brains out!

Schöne Grüße

SaikonoYume- Thu 20 Jul 2006
You broke my lungs. Seriously, I think I popped one open while laughing. That was probably the most amusing thing I've ever read in my entire life (short of Swift's essay about eating babies, because telling the British parliament to eat Irish kids is just hard to beat).

"I mean, filthy human scum!" I'm pretty sure that's where I died.

BPspl89- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Awesome is all I've got to say...I've been waiting for somebody to criticize these cliche Sees/Kags pairings.

McSpiff_The_Chikin- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Rofl, I think know where you got the 'spegetti' thing from! I remember it was on an Inuyasha Parody that was called 'Djbouti Power', or however you spell it. :] But anyway, this was a pretty funny story! Keep up the humor! -giggles-

Dyquem- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Sada's right. You, or she has to do a plot bunny attack which starts something like this. . . "Yash leaped over the door of his fire red Porsche convertible (named Tessaiga) and cranked the sound system up as he sped off to Shikon High."

Dyquem- Wed 19 Jul 2006
"It wasn't funny but it served it purpose." Are you kidding? I giggled. I laughed. I howled! and that was all by the second paragraph. I'm glad you didn't forget the pro forma "miko/angel/inuyokai from another time" bit. It is the funniest thing I've read in ages, professional or fan written.

jeni- Wed 19 Jul 2006
I LOVED THIS. i laughed my ass off soo many times. i was very surprised that you nearly hit ALL of the cliches. i also happen to read a lot of these. ^^; i REALLY liked the one when sesshomaru is naming all of the flowers/scents. that one made me laugh really hard... haha... anyways. i hope you do some more humor/parody fics like this, cause it was really really really really really really good. ^^

Krystal- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Wow, it's wicked tragic on how true that story was. I was like, dying by the time I finished reading it. [applauds for amusement] I think this is the only funny fiction that was actually supposed to be one.

Haha, ciao!

Aurora- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Madness personified, though I tend to agree with you. Most ships have the stupid crazy cliches that make you want to hit someone (most likely the author) and toss them into a bin of vicious rabid piranhas. But I digress, it was very funny-not well written, but I suspect that was your intent.
Bunnies just aren't cute in the fanfic world.

addy- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Love how you do the scene changes… And the overly lemon populated storyline, in which nothing makes sense, but hey, what’s that remind me of?!?!?! Like, only almost every other fanfic I have ever read! But, you didn’t do the bad grammar and incorrect words, and horrible spelling stuff… But hey, still freaking rox my freaking sox! Not funny, my arse. And I am the Flying Nun! Nice work, though!

swasdiva- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Wasn't funny?


The entire thing read like an American Speed Racer translation!!!! I think I peed my pants!!! There has never been a better done parody, because you are absolutely irreverent!!!

J'ADORE!!!! I think I'm going to print this out and keep it by my bed for when I, too am emo depressed and am in severe need to shoot soft drink out of my nose.

Bless you for writing this much needed amalgamation of all things S/K fanfic clichés!!!!!! YAY!!!

RavenSilverKat- Wed 19 Jul 2006
That was one of the funniest fanfictions I've ever read I even prefer to NOT read humorous KagomexSesshoumaru fanfics! Kudos [M&M] and chocolate-chocolate chip cookies for you! *shows EF with yummy goodies* I can't wait for the next cahpter!

Nunya- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Whaaa!!! This is the bestest ever!!! I almost killed myself laughing. You should do you of the cliche stories where Sesshomaru is a business man. Too many of those around.

Sada- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Oh. My. God.

[insert hysterical laughter here] The single line of Narakus', "KUKUKUKU!" had me laughing so friggen hard. I totally want to do a highschool fic now and make fun of all the cliches. I didn't just snigger, I chortled. Someday, you and I are going to do a Round Robin my friend. (Wherein we will mock all of those unoriginal and shake the very foundation of fanfictions!)

Brittney- Wed 19 Jul 2006
Not funny? Like hell it wasn't funny! I was doubled over laughing by the end of it! That is so true too! Niice you should make this into a series of like infortunate story makers things. Or whatever.

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