Reviews for The Birth of a Venus by BeautifulTyger
KagomeFreak 28- Sun 06 Apr 2008
please update soon !!!!!!!
RadioActiveOrange- Mon 15 Oct 2007
You should write more of this, its interesting! I'm loving it so much. I'm sure everyone else is too, even if they don't write you a review. Well written, great voice, good characterizations. You're doing GREAT!
Music Junkie- Thu 09 Aug 2007
I loved the story so far. I all around love all types of art and even know a little somethin somethin myself, but alas music is more my forte. All in all I really hope you update soon; this is going in my favorite fanfic section
DarkMiko6Decortiquer- Sat 16 Dec 2006 did not write more. I agree with you on Botticelli's paitning. Being an admirer of Roman And greece tho I still like it.
youkai lady- Wed 13 Sep 2006
What's up w/u? Did u disappear or something? U just left us hangin're wainting 4 an update? Well, UPDATE ALREADY!
AnitaGrace- Sat 19 Aug 2006
I think this story is really good. Normally I'm not so fond of teacher/student relationship stories because they feel so creepy and awkward, but this one doesn't at all! Probably because it doesn't take place in high school and because Sess isn't her teaching teacher. I think you have a lot of skill as a writer and I can't wait to see how their relationship and this story developes.
Karen- Thu 22 Jun 2006
Great story so far, I like the student/teacher relationship stories.
youkailady- Tue 20 Jun 2006
What r u waiting 4?! Update already! You're fic is great! Don't keep us waiting so long, please!
hisakata- Wed 14 Jun 2006
shweeeeet. love the fic. kagome should work at a la bar.... :/ THIS IS A GOOD REVIEW IF YOUR WONDERING! lol. ^_^
xin- Sun 04 Jun 2006
xin- Sun 04 Jun 2006
AnimeMoon- Sat 03 Jun 2006
Yes! Someone who feels the same way I do about posing nude for art! ^_^. I really do like this story - I've enjoyed all the fanfics that had an art element to them, but I'm interested to see where this one goes. Thanks for a great read!
ayesha- Sat 03 Jun 2006
wow, this is really good so far. hope u update soon, i really wanna knoe how kagome's gonna act with kouga being in the class and how sess is gonna feel. keep it up!
eila- Sat 03 Jun 2006
I love this story.... The plotline is unique. The Characters well defined, although out of character... I don't mind at all. Update soon ja ne
bluemoon_175- Fri 02 Jun 2006
Your story is really good, hope you update soon. :)
Sessluver- Fri 02 Jun 2006
This is a reall good story! Keep it up! Just a question though, are you gonna let Miroku and Sango get found out? I mean, it would spice up the storyline more -it is already very nice by the way- but it'll be kinda sad and stuff. So yeah. Please answer my inquiries in your next chapter, I'd really appreciate that.
Kit- Fri 02 Jun 2006
blackrosewitch- Fri 02 Jun 2006
man i love this fic already i look forward to reading more of this fic over the summer so keep up the good work.
Scruffy Wolf- Fri 02 Jun 2006
Wow. I love it. I hope you can update soon, but I completely understand if you can't because work this good can take time to fine tune it.
Elisa- Fri 02 Jun 2006
I've never read a story with a plot such as this. It really caught my attention and I love it so far. Mostly because I loved my art history classes so much senior year in high school. Keep up the amazing job! ^_^
Sesshoumaru&Kagome4Ever- Fri 02 Jun 2006
The one thing I can say about this fic... is that it's amazing. It's so well written (Unlike a lot of the stories I see around fanfiction sites nowadays) and the plotline is most definitely an original. Though they are not as in character, they still portray most of their personality. It's wonderful. ^-^ Update soon, ne? I'll be looking forward to it.
clavira- Fri 02 Jun 2006
I like the way you describe, how Kagome deals with being naked. I mean, there are a lot of girls who run around in tops where their boobs are practically jumping out and jeans/skirts where you can see the print on their underwear (not to talk about the two to three pieces of dental floss they call a bikini), but still they are too modest to strip and model for an art class. It's not like they are doing porn or something and usually people who do art, are serious about it and wouldn't hit on the model (which I guess is, what Kouga's gonna do)
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, that I like your story and I really hope you update soon!
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, that I like your story and I really hope you update soon!
Alone- Fri 02 Jun 2006
I love it!!!
It's fresh and interesting. Looks very promising. I cannot wait to read more!!!!
It's fresh and interesting. Looks very promising. I cannot wait to read more!!!!
swtdrm01- Fri 02 Jun 2006
I love the story. I can't wait to read more of it.
BrokenSouledPoetess- Fri 02 Jun 2006
Another great chapter. I don't mind seeing Kouga as a rather bad guy...I mean, I love the wolf but he seems to slide into that role nicely. At least he didn't beat her or rape her or anything. Can't say I could see him doing either of those really.
Cochrann- Fri 02 Jun 2006
if you need any help with creating art history related discussion between sess and kags I'd be more than happy to lend a hand.
Cochrann- Fri 02 Jun 2006
This is such a cool story!! I actually have a degree in Art History and I love stories where kag's and sess are artsy people. I can't wait for the next update!!
arika- Fri 02 Jun 2006
(Don't mind spelling errors!)
I really like it so far its creative and it flows. This is a great idea puting him in this situation with her and all. I have to laugh at him though, he's gotta keep in controll ALL summer.
I really like it so far its creative and it flows. This is a great idea puting him in this situation with her and all. I have to laugh at him though, he's gotta keep in controll ALL summer.
BrokenSouledPoetess- Fri 02 Jun 2006
Oooh. I like this. Can't wait to see where you take it. Update soon please!
_Charlotte_Sometimes_- Fri 02 Jun 2006
This is very good keep up the good work and update soon.
hope_is_4ever- Fri 02 Jun 2006
I was wondering something. Are the views on art and modesty yours or what you believe Kagome would feel?
I could have sworn that Kagome was modest when it came to being naked in front of a guy. She certainly when dealing with Inuyasha.
I could have sworn that Kagome was modest when it came to being naked in front of a guy. She certainly when dealing with Inuyasha.
jestergirl- Fri 02 Jun 2006
i really like where you are going with this story. You also good at grammer, which make reading this story more enjoyable, please continue with it.
kookie-san- Fri 02 Jun 2006
awesome job! great first chapter! i hope you post the next chapter soon!