Aimee Simmons Profile Page
Aimee Simmons

About Me

I live in WA, and I am "white and nerdy"...  (snicker giggles)

Whoever said you had to grow up never understood that it's age you can't out run, but you can be responsible and still have fun.

 Ya...  I don't want to have to update this every time I get a birthday, so just know that I am now over 40.  :D

User Status

15 years ago
4 years ago
13 years ago
Aimee Simmons


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  LC Rose
  Freya Ishtar
  My Eternal Anguish


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Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 89

Passions Embrace
Good Girl
In the End
Good Boy
LineArt: Kami of Darkness: Naraku
You look beautiful tonight
Say Your Mine
The White Cat
the little mermaid
Mine to Protect
LineArt: This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You
You Bug Me
The Bridial Creed, Scorpion pose ~ Chp 10
Oh My! 18+
quarrel  (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • quarrel (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
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Name Entry

Created On: 03/03/2012 21:32:47

Well, I wasn't going for perfect, lord knows, I was just going for writing anything, lol! I've had the dreadful writer's block for over two months and it's been driving me crazy!


sugar0o who lurks

Created On: 09/21/2011 19:02:44

Chapter 3 - "Reflections - Contemplative/Tragedy/Drama" Thanks! yeah i wrote it fast. so i always get a bit punchy when i sleepy write, and have been told before that some things that make sense to me don't really work out well writing wise when i'm like that.
Chapter 5 - "So Fluffy! - Humor/Light Romance/Drabble" Mokomoko is Kagome's Fluffy, You would have had to have either seen the movie, Despicable me, or watched the youtube clip that was linked to get the references to this joke. As for the mating, well it's fanfiction and kagome's pretty much claiming mokomoko, which in this case is part of Sess as her own. So Sess trumps inuyasha.
Chapter 11 - "Trick or Treat, a pre-Halloween Drabble - Humor/Romance/Family" Yus! Bunnies! >:3 thanks for the reviews!


Created On: 08/14/2011 15:13:41

Glad you enjoyed it - I wasn't actually too pleased with it, but my lemon writing skills are not that great at any time. I much prefer writing battle scenes, though I love to READ a good lemon.

Feedback from Aimee Simmons: I know what you mean. Writing the lemons is almost like inviting strangers in to watch you put on a peep show. I certainly know how you feel. I blush sometimes with what I am writing and letting others read it can be a little intimidating.
You are doing a great job.
I love your work.


Created On: 08/12/2011 08:52:15

And hopefully, it won't take as long for the next chapter to be up, too, lol, right? Glad you enjoyed it!



Created On: 08/11/2011 18:11:05

~giggles~ I'm glad you enjoyed That's my Boy... when that little idea hit my mind, I just had to type it up. I've never done a chibi Sess/Kags before, and I'm happy with how it turned out!



Created On: 07/19/2011 16:51:52

Thank you for reviewing It's a Dogs World! I'm glad my little drabbles are entertaining you, and hope they continue to do so!


Lilly Akame

Created On: 03/26/2011 05:52:27

Thanks for the review! About Dennee, well I haven't decided haha I've been reading some Bleach Fanfiction where his best friend is in love with him but never acts on it, but yeah I haven't decided yet haha

Lilly Akame

Created On: 03/04/2011 21:57:45

Thats ok that you don't have critique Thank you for the review!

Lilly Akame

Created On: 03/03/2011 21:09:06

Thank you for the review Yes, reality is a pain! Haha thank you XD

LC Rose

Created On: 10/18/2010 16:02:32

Thank you so very much for all your reviews for both Dirty Dog in Tokyo and for Illusions. I'm really glad you've enjoyed these pieces so very much and took the time out to tell me so. As for where I got most of these names, I plan to reveal my source at the end of the series.
Feedback from Aimee Simmons: guuuh.. (silly grin) I loves it.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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