redpixie Profile Page

About Me

 Well, since I've been here for some time, I thought it'd be a good idea to (finally) write something on my profile.

I'm 19, and I live in France.

I've been obsessed with Inuyasha ( more like Sesshoumaru but whatever xD ) for.. quite some time ( 2 years I think...) and been reading fanfiction for... 2 years _( notice my veeeeeery long favorite stories list n_n ). Oh, and I'm a diehard Sess/Kag fan (no Inu/Kag for me *shudders*) (why? well, I just think it has been overused in the series, and because of that has lost its appeal to me)

Unfortunately, I haven't written any story (yet), but I have a couple of ideas, so maybe someday... when I have more time ( Yeah, I keep hoping it'll happen Tongueout ).

Favorite Books

huuum many xD, and from various authors - too lazy to list them...

Favorite Movies/Anime 

Inuyasha of course =) =) =)

Pirates of The Carribean (I heard there's going to be a 4th squee, but without Keira Knightley (who caaaaaares, as long as there's Johnny =D)

Forrest Gump

Some Like It Hot

and many many more, but won't list the for the same reasons as above

Random stuff I love/like

- Sesshoumaru (had to put him first hehe)

- My sister (briefly wondered if I should put her before or after pizza xD)

- Pizza

- Procrastinating (guess what I'm doing right now ??)

- Reading

- Jeans ( and clothes in general, and shopping xD)

- Hanging out with my friends *feels completely unoriginal* - who doesn't like hanging out with his friends ??

- Traveling =)

- Smileys SmileTongueout  It's simple : I use them ALL the time Cool

Random stuff I (really) don't like

- Studying

- Boredom

- Broccoli

User Status

17 years ago
7 years ago
16 years ago


This user has no current connections.


redpixie has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 50

Fade Out
Our Moment
Rin's little lady problem II
  • Rin's little lady problem II
  • Author: Kelpie
  • Category: Fanart
First Meeting - Fin
and with a kiss
Shaksepearean Quote
  • Shaksepearean Quote
  • Author: Shae
  • Category: Fanart
And the snow fell like rain
Mako's 'Ah! Kamisama! ' Colored
Fractured Fairytales 4 - Beauty and the Beast
  • Fractured Fairytales 4 - Beauty and the Beast
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
Night of Passion 1/3
  • Night of Passion 1/3
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshoumaru Sketch Dump
And the Grinch's Small Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day...
  • And the Grinch's Small Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day...
  • Author: Yoruzuki
  • Category: Fanart
Swimming Lessons
Fractured Fairytales 3 - The Princess and the Pea
  • Fractured Fairytales 3 - The Princess and the Pea
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
Expecting by D.S Anno
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Name Entry
R.M. Avalon

Created On: 12/16/2010 18:46:56

Thank you for your review on Splinter Fate! I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Created On: 04/16/2010 00:13:46

Thank you for the review on Blood Stained.
Nope, I had no intention of turning it into one of those stories. They have a very rocky road ahead of them, and it's going to take a long time before a relationship even cross their mind lol :3 Gosh, this is gonna to be longer than I planned lol.

opportunity cost

Created On: 04/10/2010 07:48:43

Hey,thanks a lot for the review..XD
Feedback from redpixie: You're welcome

Aimee Blue

Created On: 12/25/2009 14:52:38

Thanks for your review on Tis the Season to be Jolly Happy Holidays!


Created On: 10/07/2009 23:27:04

Yep! I'm studying to be a Cardiothoracic Surgeon! I speak a little bit of japanese. Not much, really. I plan on taking a language course in japanese. Also in latin because medical terminology is based off of latin root words. I'll definitely have to visit Kyoto then! Is there a particular city that you recommend in Japan?


Created On: 10/07/2009 13:08:31

OMG!! I've always wanted to go to Japan!! Scratch that. I AM going to Japan lolz!! No, but really, I plan to move and be a doctor over there (after I'm a doctor here in the U.S. for a few years). I've been looking for some places to live. I've heard that Kyoto is beautiful so we'll see. Oh and are you talking about the 'pencil through a bill' trick? I saw that! He's like a young Houdini lolz


Created On: 10/06/2009 07:52:11

Oh wow! 3 months?!! That's amazing! I'll definitely have to go there to see the Egyptian sites (I've always been fascinated by Egypt!) Here in Ohio, there's not much. You know how countries, and cities have landmarks? Well Ohio's signature trait would be it's skyline (at night). If you ever go to the U.S. you should visit Niagara Falls. When you're close to the falls, it'll feel like it's raining so just pack a raincoat! It's beautiful, though.


Created On: 10/05/2009 17:26:56

Yeah, I'm from Ohio in the U.S. Isn't the Mona Lisa painting there, in Paris? I'm kinda into art so have you been to any awe-worthy museums? The ones in Ohio just plain suck! I've tried french bread before with some kind of chocolate imported from France and it was really good but I'm sure the bread had preservatives in it. I'd like to actually try real bread from France!


Created On: 09/30/2009 15:48:46

So, you're from France? What's it like, there? I took some french classes but I know it's no comparison to actually being there! Anywho thanks for your reviews on my story! I appreciate it!

LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 09/09/2009 01:53:19

I'm SO glad you sunk to my level and enjoyed Dirty Dog! A long time ago, when Dokuga had first started, there was a big red ball forum in normal form and lemon form (basically, someone started a story and you added to it). Meat flaps was one of the terms used in the lemon form (by 4arrows) and I've been dying to use it in a story ever since I read that. All the others either came from the depths of my mind or the wonderfully dirty land of the internet.

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