Phantomlogic Profile Page

About Me

So, I am 24 years old and have been reading Sess/Kag since I was much younger.  I have tried my hand at writing, but I am without the proper motivation to stick to a story...stupid plot bunnies always be stealin my attentions!  I am an artist, but I work in a 3D world, so drawing is right out.  When I do try to draw, I end up opening worm holes to alternate dimensions and other unfortunate locations...  I try to review any story that I read, reviews are food I understand...  Anyway, that is me!

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17 years ago
3 years ago
15 years ago


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Total number of favoured images: 4

His Folly
The Sweet Science Fanart
  • The Sweet Science Fanart
  • Author: Erin
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 08/13/2010 22:54:37

Thank you for reviewing Now or Never - I'm glad you enjoyed it!



Created On: 06/15/2010 14:57:16

thank you! it was a pleasure for me =) i've gotten a really warm welcome to dokuga from everyone

i was quite surprised that i havent seen more fanfic written in type of setting. the closest one i've ever read was "the King's Mistress." It was about Kagome and everyone else set up in a period similar to the Classical French Period with Marie Antionette and the ten-thousand "Louis"es =P the story was quite good =)

check back sometime around saturday. i should have a chapter up by then. please keep reading and reviewing =D

LC Rose

Created On: 06/10/2010 23:04:06

I love the way you think....because it's exactly like me! Have no fear. The miko goes pop!

XxXM. WatersXxX

Created On: 02/18/2010 21:18:43

Thank you for reviewing The Unknown Lady--and sorry I'm responding so late. I'm not on here often lol.


Created On: 01/07/2010 01:38:52

Thank you for reviewing Wisteria!

It's a huge mess right now for poor Sesshoumaru and Kagome, but things will get better. MissTeak promises, so please continue to support this story. I hope you enjoy it!

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