nightmareofcat Profile Page

About Me

yes im a crazy, insane, lazy, fanfic reading, fanart lookin, target shootin mama. am actually twice as insane as u think i am, but ya know what? i like it and i bet others do to.

my name be chelsie but can call just about anything you want all for the low low price of 19.95 plus s&h, nah just kidding about the pricing ill actually answer to just about anything.

my son is my world, dont like it look at another profile, haha just kidding. he acts more dog like than my dog did and because if a choice nickname someone gave me once i call him my puppy cause he drools and chews on my shoes. why? i have no idea, especially after a long day at work me shoes be stanky.(and im sure you can guess what the nickname was) and yes i do act like a big lap dog in reality if u were wondering, stick my head out windows and bark at passing cars and even chase the mailman, ok really chase the mailman cause hes hot but thats beside the point.

if you feel the need to know more or just feel up to a completely pointless conversation, send a message and if im not procrastinating like usual ill get back to you.........sometime.

adios amigos

the nightmare will return

User Status

15 years ago
13 months ago
12 years ago


proud member of S.A.S.S confederation.

S.A.S.S Major nighty reporting for duty.


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Total Posts97

Forum Posts
02/25/2013 00:10:55Re:Can't Get into CHAT!Bug Reports/Feature Requests16035
02/22/2013 01:07:33Re:cant get into chatBug Reports/Feature Requests4119
02/21/2013 17:20:05cant get into chatBug Reports/Feature Requests4119
11/08/2012 01:40:46Re:A Surprise Personal Visit from the Opo himselfOff-Topic Discussion4042
10/04/2012 01:12:25anyone else having chat problem?Off-Topic Discussion2719
10/03/2012 22:40:12Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games239668
10/03/2012 13:45:41Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games239668
10/01/2012 03:52:54Re:Have to see Awesome!General Discussion4047
10/01/2012 03:38:18Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games239668
09/24/2012 17:05:49in need of a beta 18+ for possible goreBetas2347
09/23/2012 19:28:49Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games239668
09/19/2012 16:02:08GMDDN TONIGHT! MA ONLY 10pm 9.22.12Off-Topic Discussion4332
09/11/2012 21:41:53Re:The Movie GameForum Games100562
09/04/2012 03:40:43Re:The Movie GameForum Games100562
09/02/2012 01:49:08Re:Car issues: A WarningOff-Topic Discussion13332
09/01/2012 21:43:04Re:The Movie GameForum Games100562
09/01/2012 21:40:02Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games239668
09/01/2012 21:20:09Re:Car issues: A WarningOff-Topic Discussion13332
08/28/2012 21:09:30Re:The Movie GameForum Games100562
08/06/2012 01:45:59Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY Synyster Star!Off-Topic Discussion6747

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nightmareofcat has 0 stories


Name Entry
Duchess Of Darkness

Down in the valley where nobody knows...
Created On: 06/16/2012 00:59:37

*Tackles glomps squish smoosh nuzzle snuggle cuddle luffs on of doom*


Midnight Song

Created On: 06/11/2012 04:26:03

I only just realized it when I went back to muse over the last chapter, deciding what to write for the next chapter. So thanks, lol. And the actual chapter has been replaced.


Created On: 06/04/2012 22:11:41

Thank you for the review.
It was my first review and I was like


Created On: 05/18/2012 01:02:45

Thank you sooo much for your review, lovely! I'm glad that the nightmare keeps coming back! *luffson*

Midnight Song

Created On: 05/16/2012 17:27:23

I do have to ask though what you meant at the end of the review though when you said 'the nightmare will return,' if you don't mind answering.
Feedback from nightmareofcat: sorry it took so long to get back to ya about this but what "the nightmare will return" its just my signature but i dont do it anymore cause its too long to keep doin it

Midnight Song

Created On: 05/16/2012 17:26:29

Your review touched me; don't ever apologize for being personal. I'm glad I could evoke such emotions in you. That is the kind of thing any writer loves to hear. So, thank you for reviewing and for sharing your experience with me. ^_^


Created On: 05/11/2012 03:09:43

Is all hyped up on Moutain Dew
And I am writing smut just for you!
ANd though she may die
You will laugh til you cry
And I thank you for all your reviews!

Duchess Of Darkness

Down in the valley where nobody knows...
Created On: 05/11/2012 03:05:05

Ha ...You're it.
Feedback from nightmareofcat: no your it

Duchess Of Darkness

Down in the valley where nobody knows...
Created On: 05/10/2012 03:22:11

*TackleGlompSnuuggleCuddleSmooshNuzzleHuggleSmoosh of doom*
YOu have been loved to death by the infamous D.O.D
Feedback from nightmareofcat: your still it

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