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Created On: 05/03/2014 19:42:17

Thanks for the review. Mwa haha- it is a trap!


Created On: 02/25/2014 08:36:05

Thank you for the Birthday wishes. P.S. I have to say this: The Princess Bride is one of my all time favorite movies and I was literally just watching it the other day.
Feedback from Midian: No problem and yes the Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever made.


Created On: 01/15/2014 12:40:22

I've never tried Wisniowka, but I now know to stay away from it! I don't really like cherry liqueur myself (or any liqueurs, they're all a bit too sweet), but clearly Kags thought that Sessh might - don't ask me why, I have NO idea! Thank you for reading and reviewing


Created On: 12/29/2013 17:16:40

Thank you so much for your review on "Worthless Human"! I will do my best to update regularly until I have done all the prompts!


Created On: 12/15/2013 11:01:40

*Le Gasp* Your profile pic is the amazing Dread Pirate Roberts!!! I LOVE THE PRINCESS BRIDE!!! Great taste- you have it! XD
Now that my fangirling moment is out of the way, thank you for leaving a review on 'Breakpoint'. I bet he watched a truckload of porn- but I guess it just wasn't to his taste, being humans and all that jazz. Plus, if he mentioned it to Kags, she'd have killed him
I hope that you are enjoying it.
Feedback from Midian: Indeed The Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever made. I have loved it sense I was a little kid. The book is even better.

Sounds like he did not search hard enough, I believe the internet holds something for everybody


Created On: 12/09/2013 16:29:47

Thank you for your review! I hope you like the rest of the story just as much!

Luna C.

Created On: 12/03/2013 09:05:48

Thank you for reviewing "Any Given Christmas"!


Created On: 11/08/2013 21:32:16

Hey there, thanks for the review. From experience I can totally say that you are right. I grew up in a predominantly female household with my dad being the only male. Trust me, there were days where I wondered how he still hadn't learned what I needed (chocolate and space).
I hope you keep enjoying the story!


Created On: 08/30/2013 06:27:48

Sorry this is a little late! But thank you for your review to my story! I hope you're still finding it interesting!


Created On: 07/10/2013 13:30:16

Dedication indeed. It takes me up to two hours to type up a single chapter sometimes. Thank you for stopping by to read and drop a review, it's a huge motivation. :3

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