Created On: 04/10/2011 11:40:40
As a matter of fact, the chapter I just put up, Confrontations, deals with Sesshoumaru's little visit he went on during Inuyasha's wedding. The next chapter, which I am working on now, is called Kagome's Heart, and it deals with her thoughts and feelings. And then, the following chapter, she will start to get a hint that maybe Sesshoumaru wants a little more from her than she thought...  YAY! So... I hope you enjoy these next chapters as well!
Created On: 04/09/2011 22:00:35
~points above her head to the icon~ As if the note below isn't enough of a hint that the icon above is a perfect example of r0o art! Anyway, I'm glad you are enjoying Windows on the West. As for him telling her... it's not so easy. He's going to slowly begin to treat her a little bit differently, a little more intimately, but its going to be a gentle courtship, rather than a wham bang thank you ma'am, you're mine and that's it caveman style.
(hope that made sense)
Amber  Feedback from Meara: Lol! Yeah the caveman thing doesn't really seem like Sess. Slow and steady wins the race definitely seems more his style. At least when it comes to Kagome. That certainly isn't the case when he's in battle. Also, I flippin' love that icon! The hair, the bod, the eyes, the mouth... the bod. Lol makes me drool a little every time 
sugar0o who lurks
Created On: 09/22/2010 21:21:44
Feedback from Meara: lol, I just love your artwork, and when I saw you put this up as an icon, i was all like "supa sweet!" So thank ya much ma'am for allowing me to use it as my icon. You rock!!! 