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Forum Posts
04/29/2012 07:53:09Re:Smokin' Fireman!General Discussion3570
04/29/2012 01:02:57Smokin' Fireman!General Discussion3570
07/26/2010 00:27:47Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
07/26/2010 00:23:41Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games336817
07/21/2010 16:18:27Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
07/21/2010 02:13:46Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
07/20/2010 10:49:06Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
07/20/2010 09:23:14Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
07/19/2010 03:15:10Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
06/20/2010 01:37:22Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
06/19/2010 12:01:25Re:Help!!! I need y'alls opinionRecommendations5485
06/19/2010 01:00:23Re:Help!!! I need y'alls opinionRecommendations5485
06/18/2010 17:00:02Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
06/16/2010 23:59:36Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
05/25/2010 11:05:07Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
05/08/2010 08:32:10Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
05/07/2010 00:30:56Re:Artificial InseminationSearching for a Fic...3180
05/07/2010 00:02:17Re:Anime Expo 2010? Anyone? Anyone?Off-Topic Discussion14212
05/05/2010 10:38:47Re:Association GameForum Games1902283
05/04/2010 23:30:07Re:Association GameForum Games1902283

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Tisha has 1 stories

First time writing short story based on a pic that saw posted here on Dokuga. Please enjoy! ^_^
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 24 Mar 2010  -  Updated: 24 Mar 2010
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 344  -  Reads: 4,849

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 8

The Moonlight WIP
Naomi's Do Not Die, Lined and Colored
Sesshomaru and Sakura
  • Sesshomaru and Sakura
  • Author: MGN
  • Category: Fanart
Sleeping Beauty -lines-
  • Sleeping Beauty -lines-
  • Author: Lily
  • Category: Fanart
A New Beginning
Mating Habits: Yasha? >:3
Snips, Snails, and Puppy-Dog Tails
Battle Design Kagome


Name Entry

Created On: 07/21/2010 20:34:55

LOL! I've had so many ppl leave ideas on how to deal with those dogs - but no one's brought up a super soaker before. Good one!



Created On: 05/16/2010 12:11:22

Thank you for the condolences and the review on Accidentally Funny. It's a difficult time, but I'm stumbling through as best as I can. Glad you enjoyed the chapter!



Created On: 04/11/2010 17:12:40

Umm what Sess gonna do with Kags wanting to escape him.. Well we'll see the answer in the next chapter. Wouldn't want to spoil it now, would we? ^^
I'm glad that you love the thrill, the shocks, the twist, and the turns in the plot. I've always tried to create plots that will satisfy the reviewers (you of course)! Thank you for loving the story.
Thanks for the review!


Created On: 03/25/2010 09:56:12

Thank you for reviewing Untouched Canvas, though that is actually all I have planned for this story so it is unlikely I will add more to it.

XxXM. WatersXxX

Created On: 02/18/2010 21:22:47

Thank you for reviewing Substitute!! I'm sorry it's soooo late, I haven't been on here that much.


Created On: 02/11/2010 23:59:53

Thanks for the Review!
Oh, and join the club, I had like two cold showers after posting the chapter, lmao.

Created On: 01/12/2010 14:05:25

Thanks for the review


Created On: 01/06/2010 04:47:14

Thanks for reviewing my one-shot, Petals of Reticence. Every little review brightens my day and is very much appreciated.


Created On: 01/05/2010 01:27:09

^^ Thank you for your encouraging review on US Tisha!
Feedback from Tisha: your welcome

Mistress Sianna

Created On: 01/04/2010 17:51:10

...well written, well done. It had reminded me of the seven fuedal tales.

Thanks for the review on Absolution's Pursuit! I just wanted to address the portion of your review quoted above. While part of the concept I am using is similar to that of Shiro-sama from the epic SFF, I did not base my story on that. It is actually a belief in Japan that persons who die in a state of extreme sadness or anger can come back as vengeful spirits. I simply tweaked this idea to suit my own purposes.

Glad you're enjoying the story and thanks for reviewing!
Feedback from Tisha: see you learn something new everyday.. I had no ideal about that portion of their culture. hmm, do you have the website where you received you information

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