kalaadaephon Profile Page

About Me


I am a research student for international relations, but even the want for a thinking head-space does not allow me to escape the incessant fantasies I conjure up about this pairing.

I finally admitted to myself that I was obsessed about Sesshomaru.

So, here I am, to try to let it all out of my system.

I have never written fiction before, let alone of the fantasy genre. Let us hope I can coherently jot down the plan in my head.

Greetings to all members from my side of the world.

Kalaadaephon.{jcomments on}

User Status

12 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts64

Forum Posts
04/17/2015 23:52:50Re:just a questionAwards7206
04/17/2015 23:47:26Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games634826
04/17/2015 23:38:57Re:Sesshoumaru Gives AdviceForum Games94587
04/17/2015 23:29:33Re:A Story in Three WordsForum Games450184
10/22/2014 06:45:02Re:A Story in Three WordsForum Games450184
10/22/2014 06:40:50Re:Chain ReactionForum Games257023
10/22/2014 06:39:54Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games828556
10/22/2014 06:37:58Re:Association GameForum Games1901872
12/22/2013 00:33:29Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games397137
11/28/2013 14:12:42Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games397137
11/22/2013 03:01:29Re:Chain ReactionForum Games257023
11/22/2013 03:00:27Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games828556
11/22/2013 02:58:27Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games397137
11/18/2013 11:17:58Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games397137
11/12/2013 11:02:54Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games828556
11/12/2013 10:56:52Re:A Story in Three WordsForum Games450184
11/07/2013 14:17:37Re:A Story in Three WordsForum Games450184
11/07/2013 14:14:37Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games397137
11/07/2013 14:09:05Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games828556
11/07/2013 14:05:50Re:Chain ReactionForum Games257023

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  Yowane Haku
  Silphire Inu
  Moonlight Silk
  DN Silence


kalaadaephon has 1 stories

A slightly spoiled and a tempestuous modern vampire teen with an exaggerated sense of confidence and arrogance falls headlong across time into the midst of an all-out species war amongst humans, demons, vampires and all creatures that existed. A self-ennobled dog demon-lord with an unnecessary amount of pride and disgust towards all beings non-demon is determined to exterminate them all. Forget about love, between their obstinate personalities and the delicate nature of tolerance, the attempt for a universal peace may just tilt over into a full scale extinction of all species.(Gender Bender too)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Oct 2013  -  Updated: 04 Jun 2016
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 13  -  Reviews: 21  -  Words: 40,293  -  Reads: 12,859


Name Entry

Created On: 11/06/2013 10:53:28

I hope that the rest of 'An Education' captures your attention. Thank you for letting me know

DN Silence

Created On: 11/04/2013 23:15:21

Hi Kalaaaaa..., thanks for liking my stuff.
For the Kagome nude on Sesshoumaru one, I remember a pose from browsing the web from a long time ago, but I still couldn't find the source to reference it too. But yeah, I love dark neutral, yet playful (with some tint of color) like that, so I am familiar with the coloring in this kind of tone ...or so I think (Lol, I never go to art school)


Created On: 11/04/2013 14:18:37

I just woke up and turned on my laptop to check messages and what do I find? An awesome present! Thank you so much for your reviews ^^ That you even bothered to drop me a few lines means a lot to me. I'm glad you like my writing.

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 10/28/2013 08:52:01

Thanks for reviewing and I am pleased that you are enjoying my work. Sighs!I wish that you were reading then when I was writing those chapters because its a great idea. Anyhow that time has past, and I do hope that you enjoy the rest of it.


Created On: 10/26/2013 14:52:43

Thank you, I'm happy that you thought 'Bath Time!' was nice!

Selena Ravo

Crystal Tokyo
Created On: 10/24/2013 16:56:42

Welcome to Dokuga! I'm really interested in your story. Keep writing!
Feedback from kalaadaephon: I really hope I don't disappoint you. Thank you, please continue to read and I shall try my best.

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