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09/11/2013 23:36:46Re:Looking for model Kagome and photographer Sess ficSearching for a Fic...2776
09/09/2013 14:08:25Looking for model Kagome and photographer Sess ficSearching for a Fic...2776
06/01/2013 20:59:27Kagome's a scientist & Sesshoumaru's an experimentSearching for a Fic...1720


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Name Entry

Created On: 07/17/2014 14:51:43

OMG, thanks for noticing that misspelling. I can't believe I did that! I also can't believe no one else saw it. Talk about a duh moment. I type too fast for my own good sometimes.

Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to review!


Created On: 03/10/2014 22:45:02

Thank you for your review! I don't mind you giving me information if you know the subject. In fact, I welcome it I might actually have to ask you for advice by the end of the story! I hope you continue reading and enjoying "The Omiai."

Luna C.

Created On: 02/01/2014 22:27:04

Thank you for your review on First Snow! I hope you continue reading.

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 08/15/2013 22:20:14
Edited By Moonlight Silk On: 08/15/2013 22:22:21

I want to thank you for the review! But from the dawn of time all types of life forms have struggled for power, dominance and rule, that's why we had slavery and racism, and wealth and power were never shared equally. So I am trying to write a story along those lines. And then again people in general fear what they don't understand, or what they cannot perceive outside of their own prejudices. Thank you for the compliment and I am pleased that you are reading the story,

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