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Name Entry
LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 02/15/2009 15:38:19

I just reply to comments the same way you did with mine. Haven't found a better way, but not all comments demand--or should I say need-- a reply, either. And just in case, I keepin' my whip on hand!!

LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 02/12/2009 11:49:43

If you ever get a chance to spank a Fluffy, you better let me come and partake, too!!! LC would kill to spank that butt....

LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 01/10/2009 09:46:07

Thanks for your review of His Disease. That one's my baby, the very first fanfic I ever wrote. I had just started reading Sess/Kag and was not as...obsessed?...with the idea of them together as I am now. It was my response to fics of Sesshoumaru tripping in love all over Kagome. Of course, now I write those type of fics.... *things that make you go hum*

Created On: 01/07/2009 11:22:12

Thank-you so much for your kind review of Tale of a Daiyoukai! Nobody and I had a lot of fun writing it...

LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 12/30/2008 18:00:59

Oh yeah! You've come here!! Now it will be easier for me to follow your work!!

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