Thank you so much for your reviews on "A Dog in the House." Depending on where you live, you can actually find that Duct Tape at Target stores (that's where I've found it) or Target on line. It's actually by a company called DUCK TAPE. Go figure.
As for the slip and slide, I remember watching my cocker spaniel sliding all over our kitchen floor when her fur grew out of her paws... lots of laughs.
lol I'll do that too, where I don't remember reading something and review a couple times. *sigh* My mind is mush.
But thank you for reading!! Its nice to have the support!
You are one of the most faithful readers and reviewers I have so I want to thank you for that and your review on Wishes and Windmills . I'm glad you liked it because I was a little nervous stepping out of my comfort lemony zone -lol- but I'm happy I could give you a diversion from writing that paper. We all need those.
Thanks for being the first one to review Carnaval! lol Actually, I only recently watched Rio for the first time too, so it was inspiration! Though, in a completely adult way... XD
Thank you for reviewing 'Love is'! I don't know why but ever since I saw R0o's art I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Sesshomaru may not know it yet, but this is a battle that he will definitely not win.
Thanks for the review on Summer Madness!! I'm glad that you like it so far! And now that you mention it... the first fish I had were goldfish that started eating each other and then Chutes and Andladders committed suicide... Maybe it is just crazy old me