Created On: 03/30/2018 03:03:38
Thanks for the review! If the tapes creeped you out, wait until we get to the videos. Things will only get worse from here. Next chapter will be posted in a few minutes. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading!
Created On: 12/04/2012 23:30:39
Thank you for reading and reviewing That's My Girl! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Created On: 08/26/2012 09:59:05
Thanks for your review on Closet Gamer  They will meet eventually, I just don't think they are ready yet. We will get to that point, though!
Created On: 07/23/2012 00:35:18
Thank you so much for your review on How To Kill! There is more hotness and humorous calamity ahead. Hope to see you next chapter! 
Created On: 07/07/2012 23:49:31
Oh, no worries. The super cool Sesshoumaru will be back at the end of the story - which isn't far from now, since this is just a little short story, but anyway... no worries. The awesomely cool Sesshoumaru will return, though he will shudder when anyone speaks of having anymore pups for the rest of his life, I guarantee you!
Created On: 07/05/2012 13:43:44
I thank you for following Windows on the West, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope to see you along with me on my next Sess/Kag!
Created On: 06/30/2012 20:16:54
Well, ya know, ancient jealous, possessive dog demon, and modern day beach scene with girls in skimpy suits, and guys out to mack the ladies... just don't go together. Not of course, unless you want to laugh your ass off. Which I did, which is why I wrote A (Disastrous) Day at the Beach. Glad you liked it!
Created On: 05/26/2012 18:17:49
Thanks so much for your review for "It Happened"! I tried very hard to make it hot, and I am sooo glad you enjoyed it!
Created On: 05/18/2012 17:55:34
Oh, well, you know... just look at Accidentally Funny and you know what my humor is like - totally irreverent and good for making arrogant daiyoukai turn green.  LOLZ! Anyway, glad you liked the first chapter, and just to give you something to think about, the second chapter is entitled An Introduction to Heaving.  Enjoy!
Created On: 05/17/2012 22:06:45
Really? My favorite part was making Sesshoumaru suffer through MOOD SWINGS! I mean, could you just see that? The visual had me folded over in pain from laughing so hard. I know it's torturing Sesshoumaru, but come on... Sesshoumaru the ice lord suffering from mood swings? That's just funny!