Reader here, not a writer. I am absolutely mad for fanfic, it's my guilty pleasure. Though I will admit to dabbling in writing from time to time, but it's strictly for my eyes only. The thought of actually posting my work causes heart palpitations.
Strangest thing about me (and trust me, this is really weird), I absolutely love the Sesshoumaru/Kagome pairing, but have only ever seen half of one Inuyasha movie and only have a vague idea of the whole thing. I know! Where exactly does it come from? I honestly have no idea, I can't even begin to explain how I even stumbled on the pairing to begin with. It's definitely caused some head scratching from time to time. Must have something to do with how I instictively gravitate towards the 'bad boy', and let's be honest, it doesn't get much badder than Sesshoumaru. (This is me completely ignoring the obvious bad boy Naraku, cause seriously, ew.) |