Your name "here" Profile Page
Your name "here"

About Me

Hello all,



I wouldn't say I'm new to Dokuga, cause i friggin love to read the stories here! They're really entertaining and i love to read them in my spare time. I finally getting around to doing something with my own profile so hopefully i try my first fanfic soon!

SESSXKAG are are probably my all time favorite pairing

Alittle bit about me...

lil oh... me? My name is Your name "here". What I like... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future..hmm... never really thought about for my hobbies... well I have a lot of hobbies.

Gotta Love Kakashi!

Favorite quotes

I'm telling you this because you don't get it, you think you get it, which isn't the same as actually getting it. Get it? -Naruto

"keh" -Inuyasha

"How troublesome" -Naruto

"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" -Albert Einstein

Things i like to do

Roundhouse my little brother and make him go whaa-bam! stare at my sister for a long period of time if she asks me how to spell something. Go HIII-YA to absolutly nothing, ponder about the things no else will and often say them..."is it really a good thing for a vaccum to 'suck'? "if the world was a stage where would the audiendance sit?"

put stickie notes everwhere

Oh yeah and even some normal stuff I love to draw every now and then, read...A LOT!!! Listen to music, I don't discriminate i listen to every thing. from JPOP to country, and everything in between.

User Status

15 years ago
6 years ago
10 years ago
Your name "here"


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Forum Statistics
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Your name "here" has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 17

Naomi's Do Not Die, Lined and Colored
r0o's Mine to Protect, Colored
You look beautiful tonight
People are dolls, tired from dancing...
  • People are dolls, tired from dancing...
  • Author: Yoruzuki
  • Category: Fanart
Am I beautiful now?
Fake Wedding
waking up in vegas
Smoke on the Water
Creature of Shadow, Dokugasona
Gone with the Wind: SK
My son
Separate Ways
Mokomoko Vs. Buyo!
Let's get ready to Fluffle!
Twinkle Merrily
Ao-dai, for Tenchi no Mai


This user currently doesn't have any posts.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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