Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf Profile Page
Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf

About Me

Okies... to start I'd like to warn everyone that though I love the Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing I am not a die-hard 'this is what should have really been' fan. I felt it was really important to get that out there so that if anyone jumps from here to, say, my fanfiction dot net account (same name) no one is surprised to :gasp!: discover I write other pairings as well. Of course I will only be posting appropriate Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing stories here. :grins: I'm neither a fool nor insubordinate.

I suppose I could tell you how I fell into this pairing at all in the first place. :laughs: And fell is really the truth of it, for normally I'm a pretty 'as is or hinted at in cannon' sort of person. See... Sesshomaru is my all-time favorite character in 'Inuyasha' (though sometimes Shippou being such an adorable fox may vie for the spot, often closely followed by Kouga) and I was driving home from my friends' late one night just listing off traits I thought his 'ideal female' should have.

Imagine my surprise when my thoughts detoured and I realized Kagome could be that girl.

Not long after that my summer-long, torturous writer's block was broken with starting to write fanfictions. The one I started then was put on the back-burner for a while for my first (and so far only) songfic: 'I Don't Wanna Be In Love.' As of my joining the Dokuga Community it is my only Sesshomaru/Kagome work, which I am bringing over from it's first posting at fanfiction and second posting on media miner.

No... there is really no viable reason I've not joined this community sooner.

I do however have three other Sess/Kag stories in the works, though they are being worked on in bits and pieces here and there as muse and mood strike me. Unlike 'I Don't Wanna Be In Love,' which is a derivation for me in being an Alternate Universe/Reality piece, they will be true to canon. Well... as much as I can from memory anyway. :sheepish: I only own the movies and the English translation of the first volume of the manga to check at leisure for details.

Anyway... on the coming stories two are basically alternate endings from the manga (with some 'history' integrated within from the movies & series I particularly liked). One is pretty much all ages, other than Inuyasha's mouth, while the other will most definitely be for mature readers. I would like to try at altering the latter into a 'clean' version after it's finished at some point simply because there are a lot of things I really like about it I would love to share with more readers -however as there are actually conversations as well as plot interspersed within the lemon scenes I'm not entirely sure how to do so. At least not until it is completed. Honestly... I wouldn't doubt my asking for help on that matter once sharing so be on the lookout if you're interested. The third is another songfic, nearly as surprising me with its muse as my first. I'm still trying to place a timing for it... but regardless of when it occurs I'll be trying to keep it close to canon.

Thanks so much for stopping by! ^_^

... I succumbed to the world of clickable 'pets.' :faceplants: But how could I resist any longer? Someone made a Hisoka-sensei one!

User Status

14 years ago
6 months ago
13 years ago
Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf


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Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf has 1 stories

Modern, songfic. Sesshomaru & Kagome pairing with Miroku/Sango, Kouga/Ayame. No character 'bashing' per say. Retains youkai/miko powers etc. Oneshot, though possibility for later continuation.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 31 Aug 2010  -  Updated: 31 Aug 2010
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 5,695  -  Reads: 4,612

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 127

Eros x Psyche (SessKag)
Sess's Bun
Karisome 01 (ENG)
Breathe Slow
Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding
Only I shall
The Inu Wiggle
Labyrinth sk
Sketchavember - Lord Charming (re-upload)
MissKatt Twins Colored
His Folly
Nap Time - Inking
An assortment of drawbles: Smooth...
 Taiyoukai Biker
Remembering Chapter 4
Remembering Chapter 3
Passions Embrace
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 02/01/2012 01:15:42

Thank you for reviewing Dramatic! once again!

It's okay if you missed it, you weren't the only one who did. Ken's just too smooth and I guess I was too subtle in portraying it.

Basically what Ken did there was that he turned the tables on Satsuki. All he wanted was to be acknowledged by her, nothing more, nothing less. So when he finally was, he turned away, throwing Satsuki into a total confusion, to that the ends result was that it was her staring at him.

The Hatter Theory

Created On: 01/24/2012 08:49:49

Thank you for your review! And as for Sesshy figuring out before everything lbows up in his face...Erm, I honestly don't know. I'm currently in the middle of rewriting the whole second half of the story since my muses were displeased with it lol. But I'm pretty sure our stoic hero is going to be a dumdum. *shrugs* And as for who she called...Guess you'll find out next chapter.


Created On: 01/20/2012 16:09:31

Thank you for your review to Dramatic!! It made me smile! ^_^

I'm glad you like the imagery. I like the imagery of Ken whispering sexy little nothings to Satsuki's ear! xD

The Hatter Theory

Created On: 12/12/2011 15:22:12

Thank you for your review! I'm glad you enjoyed. There will be more jokes on Kouga and Inu Yasha in the future. *ahem* Because I love torturing them.


Created On: 11/27/2011 19:36:13

Hehe I'm glad you like him! I like him, too!

Sasori does have a purpose though. It's just coming across a little slow. You'll see once Kagome stops talking lol.


Created On: 11/21/2011 12:02:40
Edited By Aviel On: 11/21/2011 12:03:11

Lol yeah... Kagome's mind is a little scrambled. She is slow right now.

Hmm... I'd keep in mind your original concern about Tenseiga and the evil aura though.


Created On: 11/09/2011 16:34:51
Edited By Aviel On: 11/09/2011 16:40:01

Thanks so much for another review of Birds of a Feather!

Sometimes, I just don’t understand Sesshoumaru either. He wanted info. about the situation ASAP, but really had the attention span of a dog in the last chapter.

Oh, and may I ask how you chose the name "Trelweny"?


Created On: 11/05/2011 01:30:00

Oh, we might find out soon, about Totosai, lol. But not too soon...



Created On: 10/16/2011 14:53:26

Thanks for another review on Dramatic! ^_^

You're working on a SessMama costume?! I demand pics! xD
I plegded my friend years ago that if she ever got around to cosplaying Sesshoumaru, I'd pair up with her as Kagome so we could spread SessKagness around. xD

Can't you find any pics from the final act anime as for Sessmama's eye colour, though? :o


Created On: 09/30/2011 08:13:45

I can't remember if you asked why there is no Shippo. I don't really have that good reason why I've excluded him. But you might notice that there are bunch of other characters that are not part of the main cast either - such as Jaken, Kagome's family, Kanna, Ah-Un and Kirara. Of course for the last two as well as for Jaken and for Shippo they would be difficult to pull off without CGI.
The main reason why I've excluded these people, though, is that I want to keep the main cast to the minimum. With all the double names and such, it would only get more confusing if there would be more people in the bunch. And as for why Shippo especially is missing, is mainly because he's so little. I'd have to get another child actor to play Shippo's part, and that would probably have to be much younger than either Rin's or Kohaku's actors are, so Shippo would probably feel much out of place. Also I did not want to have too many children at the set, as the main focus of the story is on the adults.

Thanks for reviewing again

- Chie

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