Created On: 07/12/2012 08:46:02
HaHaHa... Thanks for the review. I never thought about corporal punishment. He coulda made Takeshi pick out his own switch and everything.  Feedback from Tessitura: Considering Kagome is pack why not her? it would be humiliating for the son of a daiyokai to be corrected by a human and a miko to boot. Shippo would have flash backs on his own discipline. oh the horror. *sniker*
Created On: 07/12/2012 00:07:30
Thanks for reviewing While You Still Think You Know Everything. I agree, that would be another way of saying it... 
Created On: 07/02/2012 14:46:33
Thanks so much for your review for Birds of a Feather!
To be honest, I was becoming a little worried that my readers were losing interest because of the pacing  I suppose there was just a bunch of background info that I wanted to get out of the way before going into detail about them later.
I mean, I AM the author... I'm fully aware of how I'm developing the plot.
Anyway, I'm very sorry for ranting...but I'm really, really glad that you're enjoying the story so far. It means a lot to me 
Midnight Song
Created On: 05/29/2012 09:43:40
No worries, Sess is gonna kick some major ass before this is all over. ^_^ Thanks for reviewing!!
Midnight Song
Created On: 05/24/2012 09:38:48
Thanks for reviewing State of Healing. I'm starting the next chapter today or tomorrow, at some point so if I can get the free time, hopefully there will be another chapter up before the month is up. ^_^
Midnight Song
Created On: 05/16/2012 17:35:16
Haha, Toga is such a dork! I love writing him!! Thanks for reviewing!! ^//^
Created On: 05/16/2012 01:26:18
Thank You for the review! 
Yeah, Lord Toga and Kagome looked cute together. *giggles* 
Continue reading and reviewing! Thank Yooou! 
Created On: 05/16/2012 01:16:08
Thank you so much for your reviews of Sweet and Bag of Fun. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Torturing Sessh. is one of my favorite things to do. 
Created On: 05/14/2012 10:51:25 Edited By Maria Salvatore On: 05/14/2012 11:02:18
Hey! Thank You for reviewing my fanfic again.  i'm starting to think no one ever really care about my story 'coz I don't get a single review but you gave me a review.  You're such a great reviewer by the way. Thank you aqain and I hope you'll continue reviewing my fanfic. 
Created On: 05/12/2012 19:10:00
Hi Wudelfin,
Thank you for reading and reviewing my fanfic Fateful Meetings. Glad to have such a faithful reviewer! lol and your comments give me just the ego boost I need haha...
~ Jessica