Taiyoukais Lady Profile Page
Taiyoukais Lady

About Me

Latest News: 8/30/10

I moved, again! Good news, life is going well and I have free time and writers block is gone. Bad news I have no beta, which is something that I kinda require to update my story. So I have to solve that before I post anything else.


About me....

OK so starting off I'm a legal adult, and I lead a very hectic life, so updates are very few and far between currently. Sorry to everyone who is waiting so patiently for them.

I work as a Vet. assistant and I have a 4 lbs. Yorkie. I am excitedly waiting for the day when I can get two dobermans.  I love animals and spend a great deal of time with them.  Books are another thing I love, Fantasy, old legends, anything really.

I like Video games and play quite a few of them.  However I am a social gamer and I have to be having fun with a friend to really enjoy myself. I love WOW, Burnout, Guitar hero, and the ever classic Mario.

I love Sesshoumaru and Kagome pairings, (of course) and I can vividly remember when I saw my very first eps. commenting to my friends that Kagome would be way better off with Inu yasha's brother.

Other animes are Full metal panic, Yugioh, Sailor moon, and many many more.

Things I don't like: umm...... rude people, back stabbers, flames. Thieves! People getting upset over a pairing. Honestly if you know you don't like the pairing why read the story and then complain about how much you hated it?

I have my stories posted on ass. and I am trying to get them on my profile on Ff.net but so far it has been a task and a half.

Otherwise I am pretty easy going and easy to get along with. More about me later as I think of things to add. For now on to the stories!

Updates: Coming soon to a Dokuga near you, the next chapter in Divine Retribution.

Reviews HELP! They are the inspiration upon which we writers thrive! Want more story? Easy Answer: REVIEW!

User Status

17 years ago
9 years ago
11 years ago
Taiyoukais Lady


New Note:

Story update pending. Everyone please be patient while it is in the process.

~Taiyoukai's Lady


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts27

Forum Posts
08/30/2010 20:08:24Beta needed, inquire within.Betas49327
04/30/2009 10:17:42I need of a beta........againBetas2421
01/23/2009 23:51:02Re:Movies!! Hazzah!!General Discussion17421
01/07/2009 12:00:38Re:Looking for a fic.....Searching for a Fic...3289
01/07/2009 02:12:49Looking for a fic.....Searching for a Fic...3289
01/02/2009 16:22:10Re:I know it's somewhere...Searching for a Fic...3596
01/02/2009 13:44:46Re:I know it's somewhere...Searching for a Fic...3596
01/02/2009 13:42:23Re:I know it's somewhere...Searching for a Fic...3596
12/24/2008 13:27:58Re:Anime Conventions....Off-Topic Discussion7633
12/24/2008 01:13:23Re:Courtesy Call by Tally MarkRecommendations4658
12/23/2008 21:31:23Re:Demon Dog MaskFanart3991
12/20/2008 23:36:51Re:Dokuga DictionaryOff-Topic Discussion47021
12/20/2008 00:49:18Re:Alternate Universe SettingSearching for a Fic...3494
12/20/2008 00:32:03Re:Trying to find . . .Fanart3540
12/20/2008 00:03:01Re:Where would you go?Off-Topic Discussion11965
12/19/2008 23:52:29Re:RudeOff-Topic Discussion8501
12/19/2008 23:41:41Re:Courtesy Call by Tally MarkRecommendations4658


This user has no current connections.


Taiyoukais Lady has 2 stories

It has taken him four years to realize just how real the saying is that you never really know what you have till it is gone. Now that he knows it, he is out to rectify the greatest mistake of his life, but is it too late?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 May 2008  -  Updated: 30 Aug 2010
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 39  -  Words: 24,218  -  Reads: 14,735
This happened to me just a few minutes ago and this was the first thing to pop into my head and finally break the long standing writers block I have had going on.
Rating:  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 30 Apr 2009  -  Updated: 30 Apr 2009
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,024  -  Reads: 4,174


Name Entry

Created On: 02/16/2010 15:19:00

I love your story "Divine Retribution". Are you going to write more? I hope so, you are an excellent author.
Feedback from Taiyoukais Lady: I am, I have a chapter ready, just need a beta for it. Also writers block is finally getting out of the way. So more chapters are sure to be here soon as well.

Created On: 12/22/2008 08:39:06

Thanks for your kind review of Toxic Waste! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that your boyfriend could find the humor in it as well! Guys are so much fun! Weird, but fun!

Created On: 09/04/2008 22:40:29



Created On: 08/14/2008 16:22:32

WOO HOO! First one to sign!!

I just wanted to say that I LOVE "Divine Retribution" and I hope to see some updates -- though if there aren't any, I'll still be satisfied with what you've written so far. Happy writing!

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