TKE Profile Page

About Me

Hiya! My name’s Trish and I’m a 44 yr old mother of 4 who spends my quiet time reading Inuyasha Fanfics. Drawing is my second hobby, check out to see some of my art.

User Status

14 years ago
2 years ago
6 years ago


Forum Statistics
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  Stella Mira
  Bird That Flies At Dawn


TKE has 0 stories


Total number of images: 18

Eldest Son
Second Chance
  • Second Chance
  • Category: Others
Sesshomaru contemplating color
  • Sesshomaru contemplating color
  • Category: Fanart
It's him
Our first pup
  • Our first pup
  • Category: Fanart
  • "May I" color
  • Category: Fanart
Dream of me
  • Dream of me
  • Category: Fanart
May I
Eternal Sleep
  • Eternal Sleep
  • Category: Others
Sesshomaru contemplating....
  • Sesshomaru contemplating....
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 321

Lord of West and His Lady
Sharing Mate
Kitchen Kisses
My Only Daiyoukai
Here with me
SessKag Warriors
Kiss please
Sexy Sesshomaru
Will You Join Me Then?
Sesshkag:Cold Times
A Demonlord & Miko
The Hime Tradition sketch
This Bitter Earth...
  • This Bitter Earth...
  • Author: Aoki
  • Category: Fanart
[SessKag] Stationery
[SessKag] Happiness Is
None-Guilty Pleasure
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Name Entry
Stella Mira

Created On: 02/07/2015 14:01:39

Hey, Trish!
It's been a while, girl. How be you? How are the hubby, spawns, and pets? I hope all's well on your side of the ocean.


Created On: 08/23/2014 09:50:38

Thank you for taking the time to read and review "Old Enemy, New Friend." I'm glad you liked it!
Feedback from TKE: Your welcome!!

Stella Mira

Created On: 06/03/2014 10:25:45

Thank you for staying with me all the way from start to finish, Trish! Glad you enjoyed this story with all its twists and turns. *luffs on you*
Feedback from TKE: So very welcome!! I love your stories!

Stella Mira

Created On: 05/25/2014 19:00:15

Hiya, Trish! How be you, love? How goes life, hubby, spawns, and...pets?
Thank you for always being such a darling with your reviews. They make my day! :3 *glomps you*
Feedback from TKE: Very welcome on the reviews, everyone is great and I'm enjoying the stories! *HUGS*


Created On: 05/01/2014 01:46:34

Thanks for your review! It was such a ridiculous write... I'm still shaking my head at myself.
Feedback from TKE: It's hilarious, made my night!

Stella Mira

Created On: 12/12/2013 17:38:19

Hey, Trish! How be you, love? *glompsquoshes you*
How are your hubby and the kids? I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Eat lots of chocolate, drink lots of booze, and go wild on Christmas!!
Thank you for always being such a sweet darling and bringing a smile to my face! *cuddlepets you*
Feedback from TKE: LOL....Thanksgiving was really good and we got a newfoundland puppy so its been exciting around here. Yep I'm looking forward to Christmas now. Glad I bring a smile to your face, that comment just made my day!


Created On: 09/12/2013 23:10:26

Thank you for reviewing Under the Light of the Moon and I'm very pleased to know that you enjoyed it.
Feedback from TKE: your very welcome!

Stella Mira

Created On: 08/30/2013 01:42:36

Hiya, Trish! How are you? How be your hubby and spawns? XD
Manly Kagome is a blast, yes? Poor girl is letting her lower half do the thinking for her.
Feedback from TKE: Heya, everyone here is great other than roasting every time we step I love the new Kagome....lmao!! Hope everythings great on your end!


Created On: 08/14/2013 14:32:18

You know what... it just occurred to me - I was in southern Indiana about a month ago - it's too bad we couldn't meet up and have a Sesshoumaru fest, lol! I only live about three hours from the border of Indiana and Kentucky. Maybe next summer we could get together and make everyone scream with our incessant Sesshoumaru watching - I'll bring my Inuyasha dvds since I have all the seasons and we can fast forward to just the parts with him in them.

Feedback from TKE: LMAO!!! Omg that would be a blast! I just bought the Final Act in english a few weeks ago and haven't even watched it I live about 45 min. north of Louisville in Seymour, not too far from Kentucky.


Created On: 08/14/2013 14:28:18

Yes... we certainly do, lol. Very tangled webs. And there will be a lot of webs in Nefarious - or should I say twists on canon and lots of tangles?

Feedback from TKE: lol...and all the better!!

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