T.H.o.a.W.M. Profile Page

About Me

I am a person. Maybe?

User Status

14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago


I doodle too much, anything that I get my hands on ends up getting decorated by doodles. Unfortunately, I have yet to actually be able to draw the wonderful pictures that are in my head, and it doesn't help that my doodles are better than my serious drawings anyway.

I'm finding that I communicate better with people that's not a face-to-face conversation, and prefer the dead as company. Mhm. I plan to be an Undertaker—Medical Examiner, Coroner, Mortitican, whatever other name you're able to come up with for the profession—but my strong fold seems to be mathematics. I'm really starting to detest dial-up, but there's a cap off, so the household is unable to get DSL, despite the fact that my mom has connections with the Verizon company.

My world revolves around music, doodles, anime, and the stories that I escape into (that I wirte). I like food. Let's not forget that I'm a major gamer and cheat code whore (to put it nicely). Unfortunately, all the mods that I put on my TES IV Oblivion game makes it crash to the desktop before it even has a time to load properly.

I really need to get working on my stories...


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Total Posts6

Forum Posts
05/02/2011 09:41:34Re:Kittens everywhere~!!!Off-Topic Discussion89598
05/01/2011 14:54:57Re:I write to...Off-Topic Discussion198518
05/01/2011 14:02:33Re:The Shikon Jewel GameForum Games265939
04/30/2011 17:35:50Re:Unforgettable Linens In FanfictionGeneral Discussion204064
04/30/2011 14:08:37Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games360738
04/30/2011 13:06:09Re:How old are you, Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion147990


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