Silence-Midnight Profile Page

About Me

Name: Steffi

Age: Birth year 1991

Sex: female

Country: Lower Saxony, Germany


This amazing Dokugasona was made by the lovely mythicamagic. Thank you so much my dear!!!







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So I attempt to write again but it will be a long time before i can post a story. But here are a few prewies of my one-shot collection i will start:


Her purrrfect Mates: Inuyasha has angered the false black witch and now he, his brother and Shinsin are changed into their animal forms. In order to break the curse Kagome travels with Sesshomaru and Shinsin to a demon sorceress who can help them. But can Kagome stay sane with two gorgerous male demons near her?

Healing the Pack: Kagome meets the Pack of Sesshomaru. Four prideful and strong Inus with a past terribler as the other. Can the young Miko help these Inus or is all help lost?

Alpha owned: Kagome loves Sesshomaru. On her eigthteen birthday she learns that he has found his mate. And it is not her. So she leaves Japan and comes back after ten years. And Sesshomaru has waited. Because now he can claim his little Runaway mate.

Taken by the Alpha: One minute Kagome Higurashi is wedding gifts shopping with her friend, the next minute she is being carried of by members of the Nishi no Inu pack. The Alpha wants her as his mate and what the Alpha wants, he gets. To stupid that another pack has also thrown an eye on Kagome. Who will she choose?

2094: Claimed: An earth shaking explosion, mass panic, Armageddon? No, only an worm hole had opened and now there are fierce warrios down on the earth, looking for their Eternal Mates. A super hot sexy alien race who can turn into huge dogs who will do everything to claim their Mates.

Jigoku kara jigoku no Akuma (Hell demon from Diyu): Kagomes was betrayed by Inuyasha and left to die in the wildness of feudal Japan. But she survives and is now the Jigoku no Akuma, the Hell demon. And she wants bloody revenge. And a mate at her side. MAybe Sesshomaru can help her?


Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer made me a banner for "Her purrrfect mates". It is below^^


Who am I?




Forum Statistics
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08/30/2019 09:33:46Re:The western lands inside a pearlSearching for a Fic...4183
03/13/2019 10:34:18Re:sesshoumaru has alot of sons?Searching for a Fic...3431
11/26/2018 09:11:43Re:Plot Hole QuestionsOff-Topic Discussion6000
09/06/2018 02:26:22Re:Searching for 2 Sess/Kag fanficsSearching for a Fic...6257
07/16/2018 14:44:03Re:Looking for 2 ficsSearching for a Fic...4470
07/12/2018 01:16:10Re:Looking for a sweet ficSearching for a Fic...3481
07/11/2018 01:26:05Re:RevolutionFanfiction4432
06/01/2018 08:46:37Re:A heartbreaking storySearching for a Fic...5729
03/16/2018 05:50:16Re:No ForgivenessRecommendations10319
02/07/2018 16:27:34Tempted to TouchGeneral Discussion4112
02/01/2018 08:33:35Re:AU Fic - Sess/Kag are neighborsSearching for a Fic...2950
02/01/2018 01:24:37Re:Finding a ficGeneral Discussion2810
01/31/2018 08:59:08Re:Help finding ficGeneral Discussion3056
01/25/2018 14:51:23Re:Searching for a fic.. again.. please help..Searching for a Fic...4120
09/29/2017 01:43:28Re:sess puppy or child curse ficSearching for a Fic...11114
07/25/2017 03:59:03Re:Looking for story yet again ^.^Searching for a Fic...2697
07/22/2017 14:11:45Re:Dept repaidSearching for a Fic...5072
07/13/2017 04:23:24Re:Searching for Sess/Kag ficsSearching for a Fic...3427
06/15/2017 10:04:30Re:can't remember name to this fanficSearching for a Fic...5015
03/01/2017 10:11:01Re:Boss/EmployeeRecommendations4560

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  Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer
  Moonlight Silk


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Centaur AU
sesshomaru bad
Sesshoumaru (with beard)
A Man in Love
Sesshomaru - Human ver.
Sesshomaru Short Hair
Sesshomaru Sexy Log Hair
Beauty and Tha Beast
Photo Booth
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Name Entry

Created On: 10/25/2014 23:20:34

I know. But it didn't remain sad for long, did it? Thanks for reading Tenseiga's Truth and reviewing!


Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 10/20/2014 09:02:01

Thank you for another review on "The Hime Tradition!" Yes, this chapter was a bit dark...but I am glad you were able to connect with the characters during this...dark time.
You understand Kagome very well~ but we shall see how things play out.
Thank you for understanding the update pace T^T
But I will try my best to get another chapter posted faster than before.


Created On: 10/19/2014 20:00:57

Illumination was a different type of thing for me, but I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. I really love the last line of the story - what Sesshoumaru said just came out so beautifully. I'm glad you liked it!



Created On: 10/19/2014 19:48:09

Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed this!



Created On: 10/16/2014 17:03:47

Oh, I had fun writing it except for that year-long period where I went through such terrible writer's block. That's why it took me so long to finish Nefarious. But I'm getting back in my groove, lol. So hopefully I can avoid another visit with the anti-plunny fairy for a loooong time, lol.

Glad you enjoyed it!


Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 10/16/2014 08:18:29

*0* he...hehe...hehehehehe
Indeed...what next?
*rubs hand together*
Hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Thank you for another review!


Created On: 10/12/2014 14:20:52

I honestly don't think there will be a sequel, not unless I get a sudden idea for the Trick'd universe that won't leave me alone. So far nothing has, though.



Created On: 10/12/2014 14:19:13

Ah, yes... A Winter Wish. The first time I was actually mean to Inuyasha and made him out to be a total jerk. I don't really see Inuyasha this way - I've been through a lot that was very much like Inuyasha's life was alluded to being in the manga, and so I sympathize with him and I know that how he acted was really just his fear talking. Anyway, glad you enjoyed this!



Created On: 10/12/2014 14:14:01

Okay, I'm really not stalking you, lol. Just responding to all the lovely reviews. On the topic of Bitterly Yours, I don't have a sequel planned. I don't tend to do sequels on things - once I'm done with something I pretty much leave it alone and move on to the next story.



Created On: 10/12/2014 14:12:09

And here I am back again, lol. As for Nefarious, the chapter I'm working on is the last chapter, so a lot has to happen. Lemon, for one thing. I hate writing them, but its somethin' I gotta do.


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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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