Sesshomaru's Mate, Lady of the West Profile Page
Sesshomaru's Mate, Lady of the West

About Me

Hello Everyone this is a little about me.........................

Natural Hair color: Bright blonde additions to hair: new caramel and silverish/lavendery blode blended streaks

eye color: bright aquamarine blue that sometime shifts to sky blue depending upon the light

Likes: Reading, Horse back riding, Writing new stories not that I ever get around to posting themalt lol, Bike riding, swimming ect.

Dislikes: SPIDERS they just creep me out, and the idea of getting killed

Favorite books ( includes manga): Inuyasha ( duh ), Sailor Moon, Twighlight series, Septimus Heap series, Dragon Home, The Vikings Women, Th Dragons Lady, Harry Potter, The House of Night series by the cast duo, Mona Lisa Awakening it's not like it sounds at all this book takes a whole definition of the supernatural, The Ice mark Chronicles, La Corde oro, Skip Beat, Tokyo Mew mew, Kare First Love,  Vampire Knight ect. ( trust me I could go on for hours )

Favorite shows: Inuyasha,Sailor Moon, H2o just add water, Charmed, Thunderbirds, Naruto, Vampire Knight It hasen't aired  in the USA yet but if you go on You Tube you can watch it

Favorite Quotes:

I see your face when I am dreaming thats why I always wake up screaming

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you,

But the roses are wilted, The violets are dead, The sugar bowls empty, and so is your head

My fellings for you no words can tell, Except maybe "Go To Hell"

Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes,

That way when you criticize them your a mile away and you have their shoes

Kind, Inteligent, Loving, and Hot,

that describes everything your not

Got A problem woth me? Solve it. Think I'm trippin? Tye my shoes.Can't stand me? Sit down. Can't face me? Turn around!

I can make it on my own (with a little help from you).

Miracles happen all around us everyday we just call them Mothers

I 'm an angel... Just don't mind the horns holding the halo up or the tail beneath the wings.

If stupid was a disease I'd be laughing at your funeral.

A guy gets all the glory the more he can score, a girl does the same thing yet you call her a whore.

I ran into my ex the other day, hit reverse and hit him again

Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember it takes 42 muscles to frown at some one but only 4 to slap them

If I were trapped in a room with two tigers you and a gun with two bullets I'd shoot you twice!

I'm not as stupid as you look

Angels do Exist because we can't see them we call them our friends

I used to be normal until I met those idiots I call my best friends

Cookies are meant to be eaten

Growing old is mandatory...Growing up is optional

I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it

War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.

At my lemonade stand I'd give out the first cup for free and sell the second cup for 20.20, the second cup was the Antidote

The good Lord didn't create any thing without a purpose, but mosquitoes come pretty close

When life hands you Lemons Say "that's nice do you have any thing else?" 

For everyone who took their time to read this thank you to those who didn't I don't blame you


Type Yah Later


Sesshomarus Mate Lady of the West






User Status

17 years ago
2 years ago
8 years ago
Sesshomaru's Mate, Lady of the West


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  Desiree Nickels
  Alysia DeMaggio


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Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 15

r0o's Mine to Protect, Colored
Gone with the Wind: SK
r0o's Ballroom, colored
STP prologue pg. 4
Reaching (Colored)
Do you realize...?
My Autumn
Sesshomaru's Princess, chp 24 O My!
The perfect killer
Sess Kag KISS colored copy
sesshoumaru s eyes    by belafantasy


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