Sarah C Profile Page
Sarah C

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15 years ago
27 days ago
4 years ago
Sarah C


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Total Posts81

Forum Posts
01/28/2024 19:28:41Re:looking for a fic with baby soul spheres?Searching for a Fic...1952
05/03/2021 02:59:35Re:Looking for fanficsSearching for a Fic...3044
04/19/2021 02:08:51Re:Trouble accessing DokugaGeneral Discussion5263
12/14/2020 21:39:18Re:Need help finding an old fanficSearching for a Fic...2664
12/06/2020 01:49:30Re:Hello, searching for older FicSearching for a Fic...2855
10/23/2020 01:03:18Re:Searching for Kagome heals demonsSearching for a Fic...3283
09/14/2020 16:36:34Re:Old kagsess storySearching for a Fic...3010
03/30/2020 10:34:05Re:Help finding a storySearching for a Fic...3043
03/02/2020 22:42:30Re:DemonLordLover's FanfictionsFanfiction Help5990
07/07/2019 01:33:52Re:Kagome lost in fogSearching for a Fic...3377
07/01/2019 02:07:09Kagome lost in fogSearching for a Fic...3377
03/12/2019 01:10:19Re:Very old storySearching for a Fic...4966
01/04/2018 09:57:19Re:Vague DetailsSearching for a Fic...3681
10/26/2017 12:05:01Re:Help please?Searching for a Fic...3749
09/05/2017 23:37:33Re:Search for ficSearching for a Fic...3299
06/22/2017 20:57:31Re:Help with a fic!!Searching for a Fic...3336
06/21/2017 12:34:53Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...2412
01/19/2017 22:48:14Re:Fic help kagome never wants to have sexSearching for a Fic...6070
12/05/2016 22:06:39Re:Looking for 2 ficsSearching for a Fic...3970
10/17/2016 00:03:41Re:Culinary Sess (take 2)Recommendations5544

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colored kitsune kagome
  • colored kitsune kagome
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 330

Sesshomaru - Human ver.
What're you looking at.
Sesshoumaru - Bakusaiga
[RfaOS] Protectors
the limelight
Akazukin no Bouken - ch1~page 2
Inktober 2016
Sesshoumaru Sketch
The Beast Within
Shikon Miko
Growth II-Daiyoukai Kagome and her Nekomata Kei
Peace and quiet
Smokin Hot Sesshomaru
Tale as Old as Time...
Save Your Soul (Greys)
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