Saiya Profile Page

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  Bird That Flies At Dawn


Saiya has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 419

The dead are alive
Look at me
Happy Halloween
My sweet fantasies
sesshy - nothing but sheets on
Ichi-go Ichi-e by Novemberdoll
Sesskag - Cheeky
Last Panel To manga
Forehead kisses
Sesskag - embrace
Chibi Lovers
Western Lord and His Lady
Nuzzles and Kisses
  • Nuzzles and Kisses
  • Author: Avi
  • Category: Fanart
Life after loss
Sessho Speedpaint WIP
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Name Entry

Created On: 02/06/2017 14:36:36

Thank you for reviewing Miscellany's latest addition, I hope the one shot gave you as good a laugh as I got from writing it!


Created On: 01/07/2017 00:03:26


Thanks for your recent review on Kindred Spirits! I'm glad you're enjoying S/K's interactions! I personally think they talk too much haha. I hope you look forward to the future chapters!

Knight of Disorder

Created On: 04/28/2016 00:08:33

Thanks for the review on Pride of the Inu! I think that was the shortest review I've ever gotten, made me chuckle.


Created On: 04/17/2016 05:41:11

Thank you for your kind review, I'm glad you enjoyed The Shikon and the Miko!


Created On: 03/04/2016 18:03:55


Thanks so much for your review for Kindred Spirits! Yes, Kagome somehow managed to bring down a bigger animal, but she has her clumsiness to thank for that. Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, would argue that it took more skill to sniff out the rabbits and shove his arm almost 3 feet into the ground to drag out the poor bunnies by the ears. And did I mention that they had a huge maze-like den with multiple tunnels? He's also the one who chased the deer toward Kagome in the first place. The only thing she really had to do was shoot.

Lol but really... Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you look forward to the future chapters! Have a nice day!
Feedback from Saiya: Hehehe You gave me an Extra Story with your Comment so Awsome. I Love the what he was doing so Awsome.


Created On: 01/16/2016 14:07:37

Lol. Your review on Blood and Moons got me laughing. Thank you very much!


M-Angel 05

Created On: 12/30/2015 16:32:50

Well it leaves room for a possible sequel. Glad you enjoyed heat.

M-Angel 05

Created On: 12/17/2015 12:32:15

Thank-you for reviewing my story The Twelve Days of Christmas. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. The sequel won't be up until sometime early next year. The details/summary of that story are on my profile; if you're interested. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!!
Feedback from Saiya: The same for you and your family too!! :3


Created On: 11/20/2015 19:37:01

Thank you so much for the read and review. I appreciate your vote of confidence! I will have updates soon. I am not quite satisfied with it to post just yet, but soon. Thanks again!


Created On: 11/09/2015 09:56:55

Cavity-inducing is definitely one of my fluff-writing goals. ;D

Thank you for your kind reviews on Shikon and the Miko, I'm glad you're enjoying the story!

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