Created On: 08/27/2015 09:33:54
Thank you for reviewing Faded Memories!  I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much and thank you for all your kind compliments! I'd have a lot more complaints about the story than it being too short, but that's mostly because it is that infamous "first fic" and was written so long ago; my personal feelings towards it are much like someone reading through the diary they kept when they were 14: a ton of cringing and "oh god what was I thinking!" xD But having people like you find it, read it and enjoy it makes it all worthwhile, so thank you! ^__^
Created On: 07/20/2015 10:12:52 Edited By Omyouji On: 07/20/2015 10:12:58
Thank you so much for your review on The Miko's Daiyoukai Raynell! Don't we all love the sexy sessho scenes  I've got some good ones in store that I can't wait to write and knowing others are excited for it too makes me even more excited!!  Feedback from Raynell: You're welcome. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Can't wait. ????